Concreteguy: Slin Diet


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
OK. So that we don't have the drama, I'm going to recommend a very tame version of an "Eat when your hungry" Boosted with slin program. I would start by contacting Tenny and ask him for his diet plan. This will cost a few bucks (deservingly so) because that's what he does for a living. This will work with any diet so don't be concerned about it being a "slin" diet.
-I would take that complete diet plan and brake down the carbs in each meal.
- If for some reason any of these meals don't have at least 100 carbs per meal they wont be sufficient to use them effectively. If your in the school of thought that you should just pin enough to cover the carbs any way, go right ahead.<----But I think your spitting in the ocean playing games like that.
- I would assume that it takes 10 carbohydrate to cover each and ever iu of Humalog you inject.
-I would inject 10iu of Humalog just before eating any of these meals.
- I would also make sure your hungry a minimum of four times a day.
-If your hungry inside the 1 hour window before bed time. I would eat a full pack of oat meal cookies after your meal and before bed.
- while your doing this I would recommend carrying a quart of OJ with you. You would only drink this if you start to feel strange in any way.

Understanding insulin and "can it kill you"? The answer is yes.
But so can falling over on a butter knife. there is no way 10 iu can or would kill you after consuming a meal with carbs to cover the iu's pinned. It's a wild stretch entertaining 10iu of Humalog killing you on an absolutely empty stumic as well. Sure you would go for a hell of a hypo ride but it's not going to kill you or put you in a comma. Get that silly shit out of your head. lol It just isn't going to happen.
-Will it make me diabetic? NO Jumping in and out of use will not make you diabetic.
_can it play hell on your insulin sensitivity? Yes, the answer is taking metformin 1000mgs a day and a few other things that are saples in insulin receptor promotion.
How would I know if I was going hypoglycemic?
Everyone gets hit a little different. But I would look for,
-tingling of the upper lip or tongue
-A sudden burst of hunger accompanied by extreme thirst
-Suddenly getting cold and completely loosing your pump
-a strange feeling you can't put your finger on
-Getting a narrow field of vision that's often in black and white.
-If this happens and your driving? Stop the car and drink the OJ. DO NOT start up again until your symptoms have passed.
-Getting any of these symptoms or anything else that just not the norm signals you it's time to immediately drink your quart of OJ.
There are many more but from my experience it is these players that normally pop up when it happens. This is why you have your QUART of OJ on you. OJ is your "get out of jail free card".

I recommend before anyone gets started using slin they do this.

In the comfort of your home with a friend, on an empty stomach, pin 5iu Humalog. Watch the clock and about twenty minutes in you will feel a twang of "something isn't right with me" as you sit there you will start to experience the onset of going hypo. What do you do???? Drink your full quart of OJ and relax. It will take up to five minutes for the OJ to reverse your symptoms but it will and you will be fine. While your waiting for the OJ to neutralize your symptoms tell your friend exactly what your feeling and have them write it down. Most guys I know in the game always get the same symptoms in the same order. So write them down and this will have to be carried in the back of your mind always. After you do this and see how the OJ works you will understand how important it is. You may never need it witch is a good thing. But it's a good thing to have it if you do. But if your carful about your carbs vse your iu's it just will never happen. But the truth is everyone I know that's in the game and uses it has gone hypo and that's all it was. A blip on the radar.

Lets just start with this and I'll answer any questions you may have.

One more thing. I don't do this for a living. I'm a member here and trying to help out the guys that want to know. That's it. If ANYONE has a better way to do it or wants to inject into this with constructive thought please do.

Side note: doing less than these amounts will yield next to zero gains and would be questionable if it's even worth doing. as it is this is a small amount but it will bring positive responses building muscle.



Mar 27, 2014
Silly queation- are there people that should never do insulin?
Should we be watching our sugars?
I love candy- I eat candy getting ready for shows? Me bad- i know

Marky boy

Donating Member
May 13, 2014
CG, Do you only use slin with meals? Do you not do pre or post workout slin with intra shake etc?


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
CG, Do you only use slin with meals? Do you not do pre or post workout slin with intra shake etc?

Theres times I will drink a large glass of OJ and mix 20 grams of glutamine with it and then pin inslin. Glutamine is known for it's ability to off set insulin. Glutamine is also IMO one of the most valuable amino's for muscle building.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Silly queation- are there people that should never do insulin?
Should we be watching our sugars?
I love candy- I eat candy getting ready for shows? Me bad- i know

Squatser, I' don't even play a Doctor here at Anasci much less give out advice of this kind. :)


Registered User
Jul 9, 2017
CG that's a great break down for people like me who want to learn about growing with slin.I got this sent to my coach and nutritionist and they agree with what you have posted.So I guess soon I'll be taking my first plunge with growing with insulin.Really appreciate what you give to this Board.


Donating Member
Jun 16, 2015
Any advice for those that can't get Log and have to use R?

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

I've used R quite a bit and just switched to log. I'm loving the log to be honest.

Gonna have to use more R and it'll cover a couple meals instead of just one. I'd be a little more careful as the window it's active is larger, but if you follow his advice and have some sugars on you you'll be fine. I was using 20 units R at meals 1 and 3, and now I'm using 10 units log (meals 1-6) and I'm having better effects. Maybe I could've used more R? Just play around a bit, find your limit and back off a bit. That's what I'd do but CG is more knowledgeable than I, that was just my experience.


Registered User
Jul 3, 2017
So you recommend slin with every single meal of the day? and how long would you typically run a cycle of slin like this?


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
heres the diet plan..

8oz chicken
1 cup g beans.
small red potato

8oz cod
1 cup green bean

9 whole eggs pre train 10iu slin
1 pound fresh pineapple

2 scoops powder post train
2 scoops carb powder
2TBs PB or evoo

8oz lean red meat post train
1 cup green beans
small red potato

if I'm still hungry..

8oz cod.
1 cup green bean
rice krispy treat

no secret...no magic...no bullshit



Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
Theres times I will drink a large glass of OJ and mix 20 grams of glutamine with it and then pin inslin. Glutamine is known for it's ability to off set insulin. Glutamine is also IMO one of the most valuable amino's for muscle building.

glutamine is absolute GARBAGE....and HUGE
waste of money

what study can back up your statement..???



New member
Jul 1, 2017
glutamine is absolute GARBAGE....and HUGE
waste of money

what study can back up your statement..???



"Moreover, glutamine has been shown not only to stimulate net muscle glycogen storage but also to stimulate gluconeogenesis in normal humans. Finally, in humans with type II diabetes, conversion of glutamine to glucose is increased (more so than that of alanine)."

The benefit of glutamine when using slin is likely that it is the amino acid that can be turned into glucose the easiest (through gluconeogenesis... literally "creation of new glucose"). This could help reduce the risk of going hypo and might also decrease the amount of carbs needed when using slin.


New member
Jul 1, 2017

"Because the stimulatory effects of glutamine on gluconeogenesis occurred in the absence of changes in plasma insulin and glucagon levels, these results provide evidence that, in humans, glutamine may act both as a substrate and as a regulator of gluconeogenesis as well as a modulator of its own metabolism."


"These findings are nevertheless compatible with a role of glutamine as a significant precursor of glucose in fasting humans."


New member
Jul 1, 2017
I do not think that glutamine is effective at increasing muscle mass under normal circumstances (and even less during a caloric surplus and when ample amount of protein is consumed). But it could play a role when using insulin to reduce the risks via an increase in blood glucose through gluconeogenesis if needed.