My Gift to ALL AnaSCI Members!


Registered User
Dec 24, 2016
Lantus is not a true 24 hr insulin. Closer to 16-18 hours. It's suggested to divide your daily dose into 2 shots 12 hours apart. There are no pronounced peaks with lantus so there is no need to eat around the injections like you would with humalog or humulin r.


Aug 11, 2004
Would you change your diet when on or off insulin? Question aimed at anyone with experience*

I cannot take metformin due to some stomach issues. And would use DNP low dose for a couple weeks between runs.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Lantus is not a true 24 hr insulin. Closer to 16-18 hours. It's suggested to divide your daily dose into 2 shots 12 hours apart. There are no pronounced peaks with lantus so there is no need to eat around the injections like you would with humalog or humulin r.

This statement is correct. I'm just trying to keep it simple. By taking a morning shot it makes evening sleep that much safer for the guys that want to push the envelope a little more. I strongly recommend only 1 morning shot and never splitting the does and doing 1 every 12 hours. Were not doing this to stabilize a diabetic condition. But if that's what you want to do please get back to us with how it worked out. :)


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
list of drugs...

that again is no secret....

how about a 36 hour slin...???

how about mix 2 or more slins....????

possibilities are ENDLESS......

Commonly Used Human and Human Analog Insulin Products
Regular (Humulin R, Novolin R): Onset, 0.5 - 1 hours. Peak, 2.5 - 5 hours. Duration, 8-12 hours. Give 30-60 minutes prior to meal.
Semilente (Iletin): Onset, 1-1.5 hours. Peak, 5 - 10 hours. Duration, 12 - 16 hours.
Lispro (Humalog): Onset, 0.25 hours. Peak, 0.5-1.5 hours. Duration, 6 - 8 hours. Give 15 minutes prior to or immediately after meal.
Aspart (NovoLog): Onset, 0.25 hours. Peak, 1 - 3 hours. Duration, 3-5 hours. Give 5-10 minutes prior to meal.
NPH (Humulin N, Novolin N): Onset, 1 - 1.5 hours. Peak, 4 - 12 hours. Duration, 24 hours.
Lente (Humulin L, Novolin L): Onset, 1 - 2.5 hours. Peak, 7 - 15 hours. Duration, 22 - 24 hours.
Glargine (Lantus): Onset, 1.1 hours. Peak, 5 hours. Duration, 24 hours. Give dose once a day at bedtime. Should not be mixed with any other insulin or given IV. Average starting dose is 10 units/day.
PZI (Protamine Zinc Iletin I): Onset, 4-8 hours. Peak, 14-24 hours. Duration, 36 hours.
Ultralente (Humulin U, Ultralente): Onset, 4-8 hours. Peak, 10-30 hours. Duration, >36 hours



Jan 5, 2013
^^^^^totally agree with tenny

But no one ever said this is a healthy sport at the top of the field, I agree with CG that you can put on an enormous amount of size with this protocol along with some serious pharma gh and pounding EAAS and glutamine with a good diet. Not going to dispute that. But with great rewards comes great risk. Just be safe everyone and I highly suggest buying a blood glucose monitor if you are going to try this.

Happy growing

BANG....So, b-boy. You're saying that Pharma HGH is essential? You cannot get this type of result from Generic HGH? I'm not disputing, just asking your opinion!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Apr 20, 2007
Commonly Used Human and Human Analog Insulin Products
Regular (Humulin R, Novolin R): Onset, 0.5 - 1 hours. Peak, 2.5 - 5 hours. Duration, 8-12 hours. Give 30-60 minutes prior to meal.
Semilente (Iletin): Onset, 1-1.5 hours. Peak, 5 - 10 hours. Duration, 12 - 16 hours.
Lispro (Humalog): Onset, 0.25 hours. Peak, 0.5-1.5 hours. Duration, 6 - 8 hours. Give 15 minutes prior to or immediately after meal.
Aspart (NovoLog): Onset, 0.25 hours. Peak, 1 - 3 hours. Duration, 3-5 hours. Give 5-10 minutes prior to meal.
NPH (Humulin N, Novolin N): Onset, 1 - 1.5 hours. Peak, 4 - 12 hours. Duration, 24 hours.
Lente (Humulin L, Novolin L): Onset, 1 - 2.5 hours. Peak, 7 - 15 hours. Duration, 22 - 24 hours.
Glargine (Lantus): Onset, 1.1 hours. Peak, 5 hours. Duration, 24 hours. Give dose once a day at bedtime. Should not be mixed with any other insulin or given IV. Average starting dose is 10 units/day.
PZI (Protamine Zinc Iletin I): Onset, 4-8 hours. Peak, 14-24 hours. Duration, 36 hours.
Ultralente (Humulin U, Ultralente): Onset, 4-8 hours. Peak, 10-30 hours. Duration, >36 hours


i read almost everything in the search engine on here and PM when researching insulin before trying it and never came across this on either board. thats a good breakdown to have and know when starting out with any of these! most of us that i have seen only ever go by what someone else on the boards has said over the years to take, when and with what.


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
i read almost everything in the search engine on here and PM when researching insulin before trying it and never came across this on either board. thats a good breakdown to have and know when starting out with any of these! most of us that i have seen only ever go by what someone else on the boards has said over the years to take, when and with what.

this is straight from Medscape...

I would have given the link, but you would need to register
and sign in...(which I have, and read their news line daily)

so I just cut and pasted this...



Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
list of drugs...

that again is no secret....

how about a 36 hour slin...???

how about mix 2 or more slins....????

possibilities are ENDLESS......

Commonly Used Human and Human Analog Insulin Products
Regular (Humulin R, Novolin R): Onset, 0.5 - 1 hours. Peak, 2.5 - 5 hours. Duration, 8-12 hours. Give 30-60 minutes prior to meal.
Semilente (Iletin): Onset, 1-1.5 hours. Peak, 5 - 10 hours. Duration, 12 - 16 hours.
Lispro (Humalog): Onset, 0.25 hours. Peak, 0.5-1.5 hours. Duration, 6 - 8 hours. Give 15 minutes prior to or immediately after meal.
Aspart (NovoLog): Onset, 0.25 hours. Peak, 1 - 3 hours. Duration, 3-5 hours. Give 5-10 minutes prior to meal.
NPH (Humulin N, Novolin N): Onset, 1 - 1.5 hours. Peak, 4 - 12 hours. Duration, 24 hours.
Lente (Humulin L, Novolin L): Onset, 1 - 2.5 hours. Peak, 7 - 15 hours. Duration, 22 - 24 hours.
Glargine (Lantus): Onset, 1.1 hours. Peak, 5 hours. Duration, 24 hours. Give dose once a day at bedtime. Should not be mixed with any other insulin or given IV. Average starting dose is 10 units/day.
PZI (Protamine Zinc Iletin I): Onset, 4-8 hours. Peak, 14-24 hours. Duration, 36 hours.
Ultralente (Humulin U, Ultralente): Onset, 4-8 hours. Peak, 10-30 hours. Duration, >36 hours


Mixing different types of insulin to achieve something is witch craft at best. It's also unpredictable and dangerous to say the least. PLEASE NOONE EVER TRY DOING THIS! If you can't get Lantus your not playing this game guys. Everyone, take a moment to read the peak times of the stuff listed above.? That's why it's soo important to use a basil insulin with NO peaks. No peaks = no excitement. The peaks listed above could kill you.
The beauty of low dose Lantus is you take going hypo out of the game.

This thread is about the optimum use of Lantus basil insulin for BBing. This thread is to *out* how the HUGE are getting huge and how the common gym guy can use it to rock his own world.
Last edited:


Aug 11, 2004
Saw studies where it was equally as effective as met in similar dosing patterns. Is that how you use it? Similar doses as met? Every meal? Once a day?
I would take it with my largest carbohydrate meals. (Glucose disposal agent)


Aug 11, 2004
BANG....So, b-boy. You're saying that Pharma HGH is essential? You cannot get this type of result from Generic HGH? I'm not disputing, just asking your opinion!
With generics you are shooting in the dark with what your getting. pharma your a sniper sure shot.

Every pro I have talked (top guys) tell me to leave that Chinese trash alone and use pharma. My wife just won't let me throw that much cash into my HOBBY!


New member
Sep 25, 2016
I've seen first hand the effects of this lantus protocol on a natural athlete (natural as in never touched anabolics in his life, talk about jumping in the deep end)

He did it 3 x per week for 3 weeks (can't remember the dosage, somewhere along the lines of 30-50iu) and the results were nothing short of phenomenal, almost changes by the day after the first week.

I've never seen someone gain so much fullness and strength in such a short period of time, whilst still staying lean. I can only imagine the effect it would have one someone who's enhanced adding this into the mix.


Registered User
May 1, 2015
So there is really almost no chance of going into shock from this? Provided you eat a normal, healthy, amount of carbs?


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
So there is really almost no chance of going into shock from this? Provided you eat a normal, healthy, amount of carbs?

It's not my thread or my advice but I would never recommend this to anyone.
I think it's risky, unnecessary and could hurt someone.

Anasci has a lot of beginners. I myself have been in this game many years and would never consider this, i sure wouldnt advise it to others.

Marky boy

Donating Member
May 13, 2014
Well I will throw my hat in the ring again and be willing to give this a shot for say a 12/16 week run if guys can advise me with diet etc. I will of course be using AAS and GH alongside. Still currently on a cruise for another 3 weeks or so then il be ready to go. All my blood work came back and everything is good to go from that aspect!

I also have easy access to insulin - Novorapid and Lantus ( UK guy here ) so that isn't an issue.