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Registered User
Jul 27, 2017
Is there ways to access Lantus here in the u.s without a script?

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Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
Well I will throw my han sure thnightg again and and I'm willing to give this a shot for say a 12/16 week run if guys can advise me with diet etc. I will of course be using AAS and GH alongside. Still currently on a cruise for another 3 weeks or so then il be ready to go. All my blood work came back and everything is good to go from that aspect!

I also have easy access to insulin - Novorapid and Lantus ( UK guy here ) so that isn't an issue.

I wanna see this diet as well.I especially wanna see what your supposed to consume at night. Some fat and I'm guessing 160 grams carbs if sleeping 8 hours amd its 2 iu an hour. What carbs?

And just start right at 30iu?


Donating Member
Mar 28, 2015
My wife has been a type 1 since she was 6. Ive got boxes and boxes of lantus as her she dosent even come close to using her allotted amount. The new hype insulin is Toujeo, a legitimate 24 basal insulin. Lantus does have small peaks, but if you have a functioning pancreas and any food in you, youre fine.

She uses a dexcom which is basically a monitor that sends signals to our phones of her active blood glucose. Crazy expensive, but pretty damn awesome. It shows a line graph of her bg and if she is peaking, needs more insulin, or is good to go. Jason Poston trains at my gym and hes a type 1 so he shoots the shit with my girl about diabetes and informed us about it. Would definitely recommend it if any family members have diabetes.

There is absolutely no way you're going hypo on 24IU lantus if you eat like average joe working a 9-5 let alone a bodybuilder.

Ive shot lantus for 2 weeks/3x a week and my BG baseline stayed the same. 1g SR metform at bed. Local buddy of mine works with Aceto who had him doing lantus 5x a week, none of off days. Pretty close to what CG prescribed.

This guy tore his pec, recovered in 3 months and won his pro card in the same year. Quick google search and you can see who I'm talking about.

I'm about to go into a growth phase, maybe ill give this a go for 2 weeks. I think the idea for 250 dnp eod during your "off phase" would be beneficial.

**Took too long to edit my post. Delete above if you wish mods**


New member
Jul 27, 2017
Lantus works but it's not a miracle. I'd say if you don't get much out of Humalog or Humulin R, it's unlikely you're getting much out of Lantus either. I know someone who trained at Oxygen and the program did very little for him. At contest time there was very little new muscle - so it doesn't work amazingly for all.

Personally, and a few guys I've adviced, have cycled Lantus with Humalog. Humalog at 20-40iu around workout (sometimes 2 workouts per day) plus about 50iu Lantus in the morning and the main effect is being very pumped and watery (water in the muscle - the quick weight gain can only be water). One friend who is a high level competitor did pharma hGH (genotropin and norditropin) at 10iu a day plus the insulin protocol I mentioned in the off-season, and while his weight shot up to a new high by 20lbs, at contest time it was apparent he hadn't really gained much new lean tissue. He did Lantus only here and there during prep, due to having to go really low calorie, but always Humalog before workouts. One problem with the new weight in the off-season was that the new weight hindered his training, couldn't squat or deadlift or do anything involving the lower back effectively due to being so pumped. So the question is, is it worth it if you can't train well due to crippling pumps? I myself am just a gym rat without much muscle due mostly to genetics, so my personal experience isn't worth much, but I enjoyed the extra water weight from Lantus, got stronger at least.

Hypoglycemia was no problem at all with the addition of Lantus.

If you look at a guy like Brandon Curry, he was larger after prepping at Oxygen but he was far from sliced at contest time.


Registered User
Jul 27, 2017
If there are ways, I haven't found it yet lol.

Curious about peoples results using it though.

I am as well. I would also love to try the stuff my self. Going into a grow phase now

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Sep 17, 2003
It's not my thread or my advice but I would never recommend this to anyone.

I think it's risky, unnecessary and could hurt someone.

Anasci has a lot of beginners. I myself have been in this game many years and would never consider this, i sure wouldnt advise it to others.

Agreed 100%

A couple of points I would like to make about this thread:

1) Concreteguy is absolutely right. Lantus is a "game changer" and will build mass extremely quickly. Far from a bombshell announcement though. I have asked Big A to chime in when he has time because he and many others over the years (Big A, Mike, Skip, Dad, IR) have spoken openly and honestly about it.

2) Tenny's list of onsets and spike timings is a value piece of information! It should be a reference point for any insulin discussion regardless of which brand you are referring to. I am actually shocked that after all these years it has never been posted on the boards for a reference guideline. The post has been copied into it's own thread and made a sticky in this forum.

3) AnaSCI Disclaimer: Concreteguy is not a licensed professional in any area of bodybuilding that I am aware. Why we are all free to post our opinions and experiences, giving and receiving advise falls solely on the shoulders of the individual using the drugs and AnaSCI, it's Staff, it's Owner or the website as a whole accepts no responsibility or liability for anyone that chooses to follow this protocol or any other through post or private message! Remember everyone, this is not as simple as taking AAS or HGH, Insulin has been known to kill!

4) I would definitely like to hear CG's experience with the protocol. Showing before and after pictures from when he was using the protocol. As I have mentioned above this has been spoken about for years from the guys with many years of insulin experience. And many of us have read their experiences but never have tried the protocol ourselves. Would like to see the starting to finishing pics
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Marky boy

Donating Member
May 13, 2014
I wanna see this diet as well.I especially wanna see what your supposed to consume at night. Some fat and I'm guessing 160 grams carbs if sleeping 8 hours amd its 2 iu an hour. What carbs?

And just start right at 30iu?

I would post a log buddy and mention everything being used and diet


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
Agreed 100%

A couple of points I would like to make about this thread:

1) Concreteguy is absolutely right. Lantus is a "game changer" and will build mass extremely quickly. Far from a bombshell announcement though. I have asked Big A to chime in when he has time because he and many others over the years (Big A, Mike, Skip, Dad, IR) have spoken openly and honestly about it.

2) Tenny's list of onsets and spike timings is a value piece of information! It should be a reference point for any insulin discussion regardless of which brand you are referring to. I am actually shocked that after all these years it has never been posted on the boards for a reference guideline. The post has been copied into it's own thread and made a sticky in this forum.

3) AnaSCI Disclaimer: Concreteguy is not a licensed professional in any area of bodybuilding that I am aware. Why we are all free to post our opinions and experiences, giving and receiving advise falls solely on the shoulders of the individual using the drugs and AnaSCI, it's Staff, it's Owner or the website as a whole accepts no responsibility or liability for anyone that chooses to follow this protocol or any other through post or private message! Remember everyone, this is not as simple as taking AAS or HGH, Insulin has been known to kill!

4) I would definitely like to hear CG's experience with the protocol. Showing before and after pictures from when he was using the protocol. As I have mentioned above this has been spoken about for years from the guys with many years of insulin experience. And many of us have read their experiences but never have tried the protocol ourselves. Would like to see the starting to finishing pics


YES PLEASE.....100% agree


Registered User
May 15, 2017
I've seen first hand the effects of this lantus protocol on a natural athlete (natural as in never touched anabolics in his life, talk about jumping in the deep end)

He did it 3 x per week for 3 weeks (can't remember the dosage, somewhere along the lines of 30-50iu) and the results were nothing short of phenomenal, almost changes by the day after the first week.

I've never seen someone gain so much fullness and strength in such a short period of time, whilst still staying lean. I can only imagine the effect it would have one someone who's enhanced adding this into the mix.

was your guy extremely lean when he started the lantus?


Registered User
May 15, 2017
Is there ways to access Lantus here in the u.s without a script?

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maybe try ordering from a uk or European source? someone mentioned earlier in this thread, it's not difficult to get in the UK?

Mini Truck

NPC Judge
Nov 19, 2011
Earth, for now
At the end of the day, from an outsider looking in, and being a type 1 diabetic for 50+ years, why is all this being argued from a 50+ year old man who weighs 200 on a good day???????????????

If CG was 250 or better, ripped to the bone, I'd give his opinion some merit. It would be like me claiming to be an electrical engineer just because I can hang a ceiling fan.

He cannot use himself as an example of his strongly based opinions
on this matter. I honestly believe he thinks he knows more than he actually does. And this isn't an attack against CG.

Carry on......................................


Agreed 100%

A couple of points I would like to make about this thread:

1) Concreteguy is absolutely right. Lantus is a "game changer" and will build mass extremely quickly. Far from a bombshell announcement though. I have asked Big A to chime in when he has time because he and many others over the years (Big A, Mike, Skip, Dad, IR) have spoken openly and honestly about it.

2) Tenny's list of onsets and spike timings is a value piece of information! It should be a reference point for any insulin discussion regardless of which brand you are referring to. I am actually shocked that after all these years it has never been posted on the boards for a reference guideline. The post has been copied into it's own thread and made a sticky in this forum.

3) AnaSCI Disclaimer: Concreteguy is not a licensed professional in any area of bodybuilding that I am aware. Why we are all free to post our opinions and experiences, giving and receiving advise falls solely on the shoulders of the individual using the drugs and AnaSCI, it's Staff, it's Owner or the website as a whole accepts no responsibility or liability for anyone that chooses to follow this protocol or any other through post or private message! Remember everyone, this is not as simple as taking AAS or HGH, Insulin has been known to kill!

4) I would definitely like to hear CG's experience with the protocol. Showing before and after pictures from when he was using the protocol. As I have mentioned above this has been spoken about for years from the guys with many years of insulin experience. And many of us have read their experiences but never have tried the protocol ourselves. Would like to see the starting to finishing pics


Registered User
May 15, 2017
also, it's neither here nor there, but adonis89 (used to post on PM who was pretty smart with this stuff and had a biochem/medical background) spoke quite fondly of lantus and said he used it to put on a lot of lean tissue


New member
Jul 3, 2017
ok so I showed CG's post (1st post in this thread) to Jordan and Jordan text me back saying....

" He is wrong buddy . I am friends with SO many pros. Not a single one uses long insulin".

Jordan is a very successful coach and have taken the British bbing scene by a storm and he himself is Mini Markus Rhul. so not a arm chair general. He knows how to put on size on him and others. He is doing Sasan's this off-season and many other top guys. Jordan also have extensive exp working with Milos and many other elite coaches in the past as well while he was coming up the ranks.

Milos got him to 300 pounds at
*5 ft 6 n.

Man is fucking clued in with the game, a very smart guy. Dont believe me ??? Ask Dr Scott Stevenson... Homonucleous who is a member.
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Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
"The pump" was mentioned. And that it affected his work outs (the squats)
This is why i use slin post work out. Pumps are great but I don't use slin for pumps.


Registered User
May 15, 2017
ok so I showed CG's post (1st post in this thread) to Jordan and Jordan text me back saying....

" He is wrong buddy . I am friends with SO many pros. Not a single one uses long insulin".

Jordan is a very successful coach and have taken the British bbing scene by a storm and he himself is Mini Markus Rhul. so not a arm chair general. He knows how to put on size on him and others. He is doing Sasan's this off-season and many other top guys. Jordan also have extensive exp working with Milos and many other elite coaches in the past as well while he was coming up the ranks.

Milos got him to 300 pounds at
*5 ft 6 n.

Man is fucking clued in with the game, a very smart guy. Dont believe me ??? Ask Dr Scott Stevenson... Homonucleous who is a member.

I hear you dev, and yes, Jordan is definitely "mini" marcus ruhl, lol, but just because Jordan and milos don't use lantus (or use it in this fashion), doesn't mean that a large number of successful bodybuilders somewhere else on the planet don't. there are many ways to skin a cat as you know


Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
I'll ask my Persian friends who study medicine here. They used to always talk about Kuwait builders


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
I hear you dev, and yes, Jordan is definitely "mini" marcus ruhl, lol, but just because Jordan and milos don't use lantus (or use it in this fashion), doesn't mean that a large number of successful bodybuilders somewhere else on the planet don't. there are many ways to skin a cat as you know

I agree...

my opinion is.....insulin is insulin....

just like test is test....some people prefer and like certain esters.

you think when sust first hit the scene, 4 esters in one, its constant
anabolic state that people were claiming "GAME CHANGER".....
was it...?? not really...

I heard of Lantus 3 years ago working with a certain gentlemen...
he said the peaks were too unpredictable and couldn't use it...
peaked on him once and turned into a bad situation....
was he taking too much, not using it correctly...??who knows...
but that was the end of it.....just like short ester compounds...
short duration slin is more manageable....and more importantly

at the end of the day no one is disputing insulin doesn't work....
its just another tool to put on muscle.....