My Gift to ALL AnaSCI Members!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Wasn't it you that said a big guy you know takes 6ius of slin with most meals?

Yes. He is a top tier bodybuilder but it shocked me the lack of knowledge he had. I said have you ever tried higher doses such as 15-20iu. He seemed to think you would go into a coma (death) off that and it couldn't be run properly. I explained to him if you have enough carbs to offset the slin you shouldn't have an issue and definitely wouldn't die. He was obviously just getting his protocols from a coach and not really thinking for himself. Quite baffling as he would use 6-8iu before every meal. It's fairly common and can be highly effective way of doing things. Even 3iu before every meal could be fantastic for most people. I must add though I personally don't like using more than about 8iu humalog max so would rather shoot it more times at smaller doses than 1-2 big doses.

This lantus thing makes sense to me in many ways. I know it's like comparing oranges to pasta and they work on completely different mechanisms. But it makes sense similarly to the way deca is more anabolic compared to npp. The same sort of way as cjc-dac is more "anabolic" than cjc no dac and so on.

The thing is though insulin is insulin it's just the pattern in which it is released. Meaning have these guys commenting stating they are going to try this full on ever used other slins throughout the day? I ask because I think 2 of the main guys haven't. As killerstack pointed out if you don't gain much from humalog or humulin-r etc don't think this will suddenly transform you. Although I do see big merit in it and well it's obvious take lots of aas, hgh and slin and eat through the day and you will grow. But the same could be said for 6iu humalog 6 times per day or 2 large doses of humulin-r.

We sometimes talk like there are these magical secrets but it's all just common sense. It's just a matter of putting the work in and being consistent. I have no desire to but I know I could bulk myself up to 280 pounds over the long term using large doses of any insulin with the usual stuff. It definitely doesn't need to be lantus bit again it would make a fun experiment :D


Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
this is posted everywhere. Wtf?


This protocol was developed through countless hours of research and months of self- experimentation. It allowed me to greatly surpass all previous attempts in acquiring new lean muscle with gear alone. Without the addition of HGH and Insulin I was unable to achieve a sculpted lean physique above 210lbs at 6-8% body fat. What your going to read is 99% accurate as to what I do to allow me in keeping my current level of conditioning of 247lbs 6-8% body fat. Keep in mind that I have not peaked on the amount of lean mass thus accumulated. This is still a very well tailored individually suited plan that I fully continue to manipulate to my advantage. I’m by no means tapped out. Every time I have increased my HGH, insulin and carbohydrate amounts I have managed to develop more size or mass. The difficulty now is not increasing the HGH or insulin, but increasing the consumption of complex VS simple carbohydrates to compensate for the increase in HGH and insulin. This is a lean bulk with minimal fat intake. Keep this in mind when you read the nutritional aspects of this protocol.

Prior to HGH and Insulin use


Age: 50Morning weight: 206 LBSBody fat: 6%Highest body weight achieved maintaining 6% body fat: 209 LBHeaviest body weight achieved prior to HGH and Insulin: 230 LBS at 12%+ body fatAfter HGH and Insulin Use

May 2012

Highest morning weight: 247 LBSBody fat: 6-8%Net gain in lean body weight: 41 LBSDrugsHGH –*12-18*units per dayInsulin –*60-100*units per dayCytomel – 12.5-25mcg per dayEphedrine – 25-50mg twice per dayCaffeine – 200-400mg twice per dayAspirin –*375mg per dayHydrochlorothiazide*HTCZ – (if holding water from excess sodium) 25-50mgTestosterone Enanthate – 500-1000mg per weekTrenbolone Acetate –*175-250mg*per dayPrimobolan Enanthate –*125mg*per dayEquipoise –*1000mg*per weekMasteron –*250mg-750mg per week

Before you read on you must understand that I’m continuously hungry. No matter the dose of insulin, I never have time to go hypo. I’m always eating. I can’t get enough. Some days I can’t remember when I had a glass of water. I consume so much liquid with the pineapple and egg whites I’m never thirsty. I have been eating this way for months and months low fat, high carbs, medium protein.

I imagine that I can actually feel the calories burning off of my body at an accelerated rate, even at rest. That’s the power of 15 units of HGH and 100 units of insulin. Plus the relationship these drugs have with my combined AAS use. Some days I push into the 6,000 calorie zone. I do not try to precision time my HGH use. Insulin, yes of course. When it’s time for more HGH*I just do it. Insulin timing is very important. HGH, I just try to keep it circulating.

Keeping my physique at this level or going beyond is not easy. I must have a constant structure of pinning, eating and training. Any major deviation in the chain, especially with HGH and insulin, and 3-10 pounds can be lost in a matter of days.


Lean protein and carbohydrates came from white fish,*tuna, white rice, chicken breast, turkey breast, pineapple, liquid egg whites, pineapple juice and*Greek yogurt.

Meal 1:
3 units of HGH, 15*units of Insulin, 12 ounces of*cooked white rice placed in a large bowl, one 20 ounce can of Del Monte pineapple chunks drained (16 ounces of pineapple) placed
in bowl on top of rice. After eating rice and pineapple I drink one 16 ounce carton of liquid egg whites.*All this takes 20 minutes. Back to bed.

Meal 2:
3*units of HGH, 15 units of Insulin, 25mcg T3, 25mg*Ephedrine, 200mg Caffeine, 375mg Aspirin, same as Meal 1.

Meal 3:
Workout – 10 units of Insulin, 50mg Ephedrine, 400mg Caffeine, 375mg Aspirin. Intra-workout drink. 32 ounces of pineapple juice and 16 ounces of liquid egg whites blended
lightly and poured over ice. I slowly sip this over a period of 1-1.5 hrs. If I’m drinking it too fast I add fountain water to extend time.

Meal 4:
3 units of HGH, 15 units of Insulin, 12 ounces of cooked white rice, one 20 ounce can of Del Monte Pineapple chunks. 6 ounces of seared tuna in skillet with 1 table spoon of Macadamia nut oil or coconut oil.

Meal 5:
3*units of HGH, 20 units of Insulin, 14 ounces of white rice, one 20 ounce can of Del Monte Pineapple chunks. 1 Greek yogurt serving.

Meal 6:
3 units of HGH, 15 units of Insulin, 12 ounces of white rice, one 20 ounce can of Del Monte Pineapple chunks.

Meal 7:
10*units of Insulin, 8 ounces of white rice, one can of Del Monte pineapple chunks, 16 ounces of egg whites.

Daily totals:
Calories: 5,400
HGH: 15*units
Insulin: 100*units
Protein: 340 grams
Carbs: 1,000 grams


If you follow the above ratios adjust your insulin accordingly. I followed the 10 grams per iu rule. I have tried adding fat to my lean bulk as a way to increase calories. Coconut oil, Macadamia nut oil, Almond butter, Lean steak. I found this would curb my appetite. Not so with carbohydrates. In my current state of drug usage, my body is a carbohydrate burning machine. I honestly cannot see any carbohydrates being stored as fat.

I have approached this with the right mindset, focus and dedication that others outside my circle could never understand. Eating and drugging like this is second nature to me at this point. Very soon I’m going to up the HGH to 18-21 units ED and Insulin 120 units ED. I fully intend to break the 250 LB barrier while maintaining superb conditioning. I’m half a century old and I could have come on here and said I was 28-30 and you would not of even thought to question it. My BP is fine.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
ye its clustor dextrin . Glico's patended product. comes from Japan. whats toxic about it ? what did u see and where ?

He is was just googling it and random things were coming up. Nothing is toxic about HBCD's.


New member
Jul 3, 2017
He is was just googling it and random things were coming up. Nothing is toxic about HBCD's.
course mate I was like oh here we go now so we all have been poisoned by the Japanese that will make a fucking headline in the supp industry lol

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Registered User
Dec 24, 2016
Lantus is a slow release insulin. So slow that it does not compare to humalog or humulin r in regards to going hypo.

20 iu of lantus would be released over the course of 16-18 hours. That does NOT mean that you have 20 iu of insulin circulating in your system every hour for that duration. CG made that point in his original post. The chance of going hypo is extremely low for the most part. It is more stable with little to almost no pronounced peaks. Lantus does not even close to peaking like faster acting insulin.

Now 20 iu humalog or humulin r is a different story. That same 20 iu would be released in a shorter time frame so the chances of going hypo is much greater.
Because such a large amount of insulin is present in that time frame it does cause natural production to shut down which is like taking the safety off.

I understand that because lantus is still a little known subject a lot of opinions are based off what we know of faster acting insulin. Hopefully this thread will bring lantus to light.

Another point I would like to make is that there has been talk of people knowing pros and gurus saying lantus is not used and some say that it is used. The only people that would know would be people paying for the knowledge. That why there is always hearsay about pro cycles and protocols.

Hopefully this thread stays civil and we can put all the pieces together and dispel myths and verify truths


Registered User
Dec 24, 2016
I will offer this. I have experimented with lantus. I have been up as high as 50 iu a day and never once went hypo even on only 100 grams of carbs spread out over a day.

Now I have gone hypo on 15 iu humulin r even on high carb days and carbs times around the shot.

I use pharma and generic gh throughout the day. Usually 3-4 pharma with 3-4 generics a day. When using lantus, the cts and numb hands gets very intense and unbearable. I wish I could do Bloodwork to verify igf levels but I live in a state that does not allow me to do so without a doctor script.


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
makes you wonder what the STRENGTH of Lantus is
compared to R or Log.....

its obviously not the same mg for mg....

or seems that way....

10iu of R with a duration of 12 hours is not the same as
20iu of lantus with a duration of 18 to 24 hours..

so how much more would you need to use....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
makes you wonder what the STRENGTH of Lantus is
compared to R or Log.....

its obviously not the same mg for mg....

or seems that way....

10iu of R with a duration of 12 hours is not the same as
20iu of lantus with a duration of 18 to 24 hours..

so how much more would you need to use....

Well it's the same strength it's obviously just it's release. There are no spikes so the chances of going hypo are lowered. Although it does make me wonder as I have never used it. Say you inject 100iu and go about your day and don't have many carbs I would assume hypo would come about much slower. It would be an interesting experiment and it's simply one thing you need to try to fully know.

Anyone who has used fast and regular slins knows they feel completely different due to the release patterns. Even the likes of humulin-r is much more forgiving than humalog. I used to conduct experiments when I first used both products and play about with timing and not eat carbs at times so I could feel every stage of hypo so I knew what to watch out for. Humalog can literally hit you from nowhere and that bad period doesn't pass for at least 5 mins even if you take in 200g sugar in a few mins. Humalin-r is much different due to it's release. I know guys who use slin extensively and most of them say humalog is the most effective. I guess the big spikes and fast release are very useful for most in regards to timing and not everyone can have insulin active for 12 hours +. I don't think any is better as everyone has different goals and schedules.

Due to the very nature of Lantus guys are using larger doses than they usually would so that could explain improved results. Plus it's common sense to me if it's active through the day the chances of growth are optimized. I don't really hear about BB's using small doses of lantus. It's always 50, 100, 150iu etc. I would think 20 iu would be a safe starting point and just move up from there. I guess a max dose depends upon many factors but according to the claims we are looking at approx 100iu for most people who are really going to go for it. I am sure 50iu would be more than enough for most though.


Registered User
Apr 3, 2013
I will offer this. I have experimented with lantus. I have been up as high as 50 iu a day and never once went hypo even on only 100 grams of carbs spread out over a day.

Now I have gone hypo on 15 iu humulin r even on high carb days and carbs times around the shot.

I use pharma and generic gh throughout the day. Usually 3-4 pharma with 3-4 generics a day. When using lantus, the cts and numb hands gets very intense and unbearable. I wish I could do Bloodwork to verify igf levels but I live in a state that does not allow me to do so without a doctor script.

Thats the thing about lantus, it doesnt make you go hypo. I've went up to 30iu a day and ate zero carbs....my reasoning was that I was eating so much protein that gluconeogenesis would turn some of that into glucose and the lantus would then shuttle that glucose into muscle cells.

I got the idea from a Boston Loyd video and he got it from Palumbo's old girl Collette or whatever.

So when I saw CG say to be carefull with going keto on lantus I knew he had never used it because it doesn't work that way....im not even sure if you can get hypo with lantus.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
CG, are you even reading this anymore? Come on gramps, get with show....lol.


Registered User
Dec 24, 2016
Well it's the same strength it's obviously just it's release. There are no spikes so the chances of going hypo are lowered. Although it does make me wonder as I have never used it. Say you inject 100iu and go about your day and don't have many carbs I would assume hypo would come about much slower. It would be an interesting experiment and it's simply one thing you need to try to fully know.

Anyone who has used fast and regular slins knows they feel completely different due to the release patterns. Even the likes of humulin-r is much more forgiving than humalog. I used to conduct experiments when I first used both products and play about with timing and not eat carbs at times so I could feel every stage of hypo so I knew what to watch out for. Humalog can literally hit you from nowhere and that bad period doesn't pass for at least 5 mins even if you take in 200g sugar in a few mins. Humalin-r is much different due to it's release. I know guys who use slin extensively and most of them say humalog is the most effective. I guess the big spikes and fast release are very useful for most in regards to timing and not everyone can have insulin active for 12 hours +. I don't think any is better as everyone has different goals and schedules.

Due to the very nature of Lantus guys are using larger doses than they usually would so that could explain improved results. Plus it's common sense to me if it's active through the day the chances of growth are optimized. I don't really hear about BB's using small doses of lantus. It's always 50, 100, 150iu etc. I would think 20 iu would be a safe starting point and just move up from there. I guess a max dose depends upon many factors but according to the claims we are looking at approx 100iu for most people who are really going to go for it. I am sure 50iu would be more than enough for most though.

There are some good points made here.

Lantus does not shuttle nutrients as fast as humulin or humalog.

The release of lantus helps to optimize growth because it sustains a longer window for shuttling nutrients but because its so slow it does not do it as fast as you would like when you take in a meal. The slow release does help to sustain a higher level of igf in the body. Probably explains why my cts and numb hands from GH is so much worse.

From what I gather, lantus is the only insulin (long or short acting) that actually sustains igf levels that reaches more overall skeletal muscle or something to that effect. I might be off with the terminology but it is to the effect of it having the most positive impact on igf levels in a way that we would want.

Optimally, one would still use fast acting insulin on top of lantus around meal times that are critical in regards to the quick uptake of nutrients. Ex. Post workout. THIS IS NOT ADVISE I AM ADVOCATING. This just happens to be information I came across searching the net and following every little crumb of information I could find. Reading through countless inquiries people wanting to know about lantus like we are. I do plan to try this in the future. AGAIN, I AM NOT GIVING THIS AS ADVICE TO ANYONE

I am not a pro nor do I compete. I have no aspirations like that. I am just a curious person by nature and like to experiment. Being this way is reckless in certain regards but I research a lot and start slow. I try to be as educated on the matter so I am not walking into it eyes wide shut. People that want to lecture me on the value of life and how this is a terrible way to live, please keep your comments to yourself. We are all adults here and I can accept my fate from this type of behavior.

I hope that everyone reading my posts are trying to do their own research and verifying the things I say. If I am wrong, please correct me.

One thing that does need to stop is the comparison of lantus to shorter acting insulins in regards to going hypo.

Let's keep this civil and keep this thread moving in the right direction.


Registered User
Dec 24, 2016
Thats the thing about lantus, it doesnt make you go hypo. I've went up to 30iu a day and ate zero carbs....my reasoning was that I was eating so much protein that gluconeogenesis would turn some of that into glucose and the lantus would then shuttle that glucose into muscle cells.

I got the idea from a Boston Loyd video and he got it from Palumbo's old girl Collette or whatever.

So when I saw CG say to be carefull with going keto on lantus I knew he had never used it because it doesn't work that way....im not even sure if you can get hypo with lantus.

As I built up my dosage, I did try going 12-16 hrs fasted at different dosages. Even at 50 iu a day, I was fine.

My diet still included normal amounts of healthy fats when I was eating. I did not lower the intake at all and did not notice an impact on unwanted gains. I even ate steak and beef in moderation with the same results. I didn't eat the most fatty cuts. I also stayed away from fast food so I can't comment on that in regards to unwanted gains.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
There are some good points made here.

Lantus does not shuttle nutrients as fast as humulin or humalog.

The release of lantus helps to optimize growth because it sustains a longer window for shuttling nutrients but because its so slow it does not do it as fast as you would like when you take in a meal. The slow release does help to sustain a higher level of igf in the body. Probably explains why my cts and numb hands from GH is so much worse.

From what I gather, lantus is the only insulin (long or short acting) that actually sustains igf levels that reaches more overall skeletal muscle or something to that effect. I might be off with the terminology but it is to the effect of it having the most positive impact on igf levels in a way that we would want.

Optimally, one would still use fast acting insulin on top of lantus around meal times that are critical in regards to the quick uptake of nutrients. Ex. Post workout. THIS IS NOT ADVISE I AM ADVOCATING. This just happens to be information I came across searching the net and following every little crumb of information I could find. Reading through countless inquiries people wanting to know about lantus like we are. I do plan to try this in the future. AGAIN, I AM NOT GIVING THIS AS ADVICE TO ANYONE

I am not a pro nor do I compete. I have no aspirations like that. I am just a curious person by nature and like to experiment. Being this way is reckless in certain regards but I research a lot and start slow. I try to be as educated on the matter so I am not walking into it eyes wide shut. People that want to lecture me on the value of life and how this is a terrible way to live, please keep your comments to yourself. We are all adults here and I can accept my fate from this type of behavior.

I hope that everyone reading my posts are trying to do their own research and verifying the things I say. If I am wrong, please correct me.

One thing that does need to stop is the comparison of lantus to shorter acting insulins in regards to going hypo.

Let's keep this civil and keep this thread moving in the right direction.

Nice information. As I mentioned earlier I think it's long release only optimizes possible growth. Quite often active lifes of drugs can alter results and side effects. That's why I gave comparisons of things like deca and npp. I will have to research to find out the different mechanisms it does that by. Greater IGF-1 conversion sounds realistic but I will have to look into that to find out the details.

It makes sense about the shuttling of nutrients as there are no insulin spikes. As you allude to most of the people I hear about using lantus also use shorter acting slins around training and perhaps before many meals too. Even 5iu humalog pre and post workout could suffice for most in that regard but most obviously do more than that.

Personally I would give lantus ago as I like to experiment and I haven't used it due to availability. I wouldn't go crazy though and keep things fairly modest to begin with. I will look at adding it in a few months and see how I find it.


Registered User
Dec 24, 2016
Elvia, one thing I did was take my fasted (8 hrs) bg levels every morning. I am normally in the 85-90 range.
I would start the lantus at 15 iu a day and keep taking readings under the same conditions every morning. I kept adding until my bg levels got down to the 75-80 range. I worked my way up to 50 iu and my bg readings stayed in that range. This was done over 4 weeks time.
I was also looking for something else from these readings. How soon my morning bg levels would begin to rise after being on that dose for most of week 4. That would indicate my insulin sensitivity going down. At the end of week 4, it was still in range. I did shut it down at that point because I read that 4 weeks is when it's advisable to come off. But based off my bg readings, 4 weeks might have been premature. I think I could have ran it longer without any ill effects. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THIS APPLIES TO EVERYONE. YOU MUST TEST YOUR OWN FASTED BG LEVELS EVERY MORNING TO GAUGE YOUR OWN USAGE. DO NOT USE MY OWN READINGS TO GAUGE YOURSELVES. DO NOT BE A CHEAP ASS AND SKIMP ON BUYING A BG METER.
I also think I could have upped the dosage more but even at 50 iu I was making good gains and I was pumped 24/7 so I didn't feel the need to go higher. Even when waking up fasted 8 hrs I was not flat like I normally would be not being on lantus.



Registered User
Dec 24, 2016
great posts by IGG, unfortunately many here will never be able try it due to availability.

I don't mind sharing where I got my lantus. It is NOT an actual source per say. I just don't want to post it in case it's in poor taste or violates forums rules. Hopefully a mod sees this and tells me otherwise and I will post. Again, this is not an actual source but more of a place to find it