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  1. T

    Anyone brew there own Clen? how u like to do it?

    been considering this, but seems looking for a raw clen source is like looking for a needle in a hay stack, no source seems to stock it or it simply bunk so looking into if this is really worth the time investigating and getting into to save some cash any here still brew there own clen? how do...
  2. T

    Test E ended up Being Test P, tried to save it, suggestion for improvement??

    want peoples opinions on whether they think my homebrew is going to cork short story: so i got some Test E powder, usual source, did my usual once a year bake off to set me up for awhile anyways, put 125grams test E in beaker with 2% BA, 10%bb, and oil (i jus add oil straight away for Test e...
  3. T

    Aromasin homebrew recipe?

    really struggling to find one, so far best thing i can find is itll hold in 191 proof alcohol at 25mg/ml anyone know a better recipe? or one thatll hold a higher concentration?
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    LIquid oral dbol crystalised, what should i do?

    okay so first time making oral liquid dianabol i made 6, 50ml vials procedure added 1.5grams dbol powder to every 30ml of 95% proof alcohol added green cordial to mixture for flavouring/dilution shook it and let it mix 4 vials are perfect, look like typical green cordial, no crystalisation...
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    Aromasin, effective for higher axiomatising cycles?

    Aromasin, effective for higher aromatising cycles? wondering, if a A.I like aromasin would be effective for cycle consisting of 1-1.5grams of testosterone? ive always used letrozole as my A.I, but found some cheap aromasin and was wondering if in the future i decided to use it would it cator...
  6. T

    Overheated Testosterone e batch, still good?

    so made a batch of test e 250mg/ml, mixed solvents 4%BA, 10%BB, and grapeseed anyways put it in the oven to heat, completely misunderstood the temp readings and put it in there for 20mins on 170 C, so 330 degrees farenheit opened the oven and the batch was smoking the batch has turned a...