2nd cycle questions


New member
Aug 1, 2007
First cycle was - 250 mgs test e twice a week for 10 weeks
30 mgs body research dbol 4 weeks/ with liver protectant
25 mgs aramosin daily
standard clomid/ Nolva PCT

I gained about 20 lbs and kept about 8-9 lbs after PCT. No negative sides
except possible swollen prostate. After 12 weeks off, My next cycle looks like this

250 mgs test E Iranian twice a week for 12 weeks
150 mgs stealth deca twice a week for 10 weeks
25 mgs Proviron daily
25 mgs Aramosin eod
40 mgs Dbol split twice daily for 4 weeks
livercure protectant
500 mgs saw palmetto daily for entire cycle
clomid/nolva PCT weeks 15-17

Does this look like a good cycle for 2nd time around? If not please let me know what you would add or delete from cycle. I am 43 year old been working out about 1 year. looking to increase size and Strength. First cycle
I got good strength gains just not much size


Registered User
Apr 15, 2007
bhunter99d said:
First cycle was - 250 mgs test e twice a week for 10 weeks
30 mgs body research dbol 4 weeks/ with liver protectant
25 mgs aramosin daily
standard clomid/ Nolva PCT

I gained about 20 lbs and kept about 8-9 lbs after PCT. No negative sides
except possible swollen prostate. After 12 weeks off, My next cycle looks like this

250 mgs test E Iranian twice a week for 12 weeks
150 mgs stealth deca twice a week for 10 weeks
25 mgs Proviron daily
25 mgs Aramosin eod
40 mgs Dbol split twice daily for 4 weeks
livercure protectant
500 mgs saw palmetto daily for entire cycle
clomid/nolva PCT weeks 15-17

Does this look like a good cycle for 2nd time around? If not please let me know what you would add or delete from cycle. I am 43 year old been working out about 1 year. looking to increase size and Strength. First cycle
I got good strength gains just not much size

Looks overall good.

I only change this:

Increase deca to 400 per week and proviron to 50.

I will also add cabergoline at 0,5 mg E4D from start trough the end of the cycle.

HCG 500 IU E5D will be a nice addition too to prevent testis shrinkage.


Registered User
Jul 28, 2007

I will never run another cycle without HCG. I have learned.:D

I also run saw palmetto but at 540MG two times a day.


Registered User
Jan 25, 2006
Definately raise deca to 400mgs/week. Proviron will work for some at 25mgs/day but I do find 50 mgs better for me. Since you have 500 mgs of test a week, I think that the 25 mgs will do just fine for you. I know many people run hcg like sam has posted but I find running HCG every 4th week during your cycle at 500 iu M,W,F works just as good.


New member
Aug 1, 2007
Thanks for the info guys. A couple questions on your advice. Is running HCG a
option or will I be ok with just clomid? First cycle went ok with out, some shrinkage but back to normal now. If you think I need it how do you administer the shots? What size pin,where to inject Etc. Looking into getting some dostinex as well for possible gyno related to Deca. Not many people carry it though. Once again thanks for the tips.


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
sammarbella said:
Looks overall good.

I only change this:

Increase deca to 400 per week and proviron to 50.

I will also add cabergoline at 0,5 mg E4D from start trough the end of the cycle.

HCG 500 IU E5D will be a nice addition too to prevent testis shrinkage.
This is what I was going to say.

Only I like to take Hcg twice a week at around 400iu myself, and therefore since it's what I like and find best for me, it's what I recommend. Let's say you shoot your AAS on Mon and Thu - take your HCG on Tue and Fri.


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
bhunter99d said:
Thanks for the info guys. A couple questions on your advice. Is running HCG a
option or will I be ok with just clomid? First cycle went ok with out, some shrinkage but back to normal now. If you think I need it how do you administer the shots? What size pin,where to inject Etc. Looking into getting some dostinex as well for possible gyno related to Deca. Not many people carry it though. Once again thanks for the tips.
I personally do not think that Clomid would work, but others say it does, so...maybe, hopefully someone that actually does it will have something to say.

As far as the HCG, you can live and get by just fine without it, but I wouls strongly recommend it; I would always use it with AAS like Deca, Dbol and Tren. I would say to use a 29g or 30g pin and inject into the shoulder area myself. My protocol is:
-You have your vial of Hcg and Sterile water
-Pop the tops of both vials
-take a syringe and needle and pull in 2ml of air, inject the air into the water vial and withdraw 2ml of water
-inject the 2ml of water into the HCG and withdraw 2ml of air
.1ml of solution is now 500iu of hcg. This can be a little tricky to measure so personally I add 5 times the water; for example: 5ml of water would be .1ml=100iu/.5ml=500iu - get it?
More chance of hitting veins in the belly I find, which is the common spot - I like to shoot the shoulders.
Studies actually show that IM causes a faster response and peak, while SQ causes a slower peak. I don't know if the water would be absorbed faster either way, but the chemical itself appears to absorb faster in the muscle. I usually do it SQ; but sometimes for simplicity I do IM if its a more often dosing schedule like ED or EOD - Once or Twice a week I always do SQ.

I personally usually do not use Dostinex, but it is a good addition to avoid potential Prolactic sides, which I believe are overrated. But then again I usually add Cytomel to most cycles at a low dose and the cytomel prevents Prolactin from getting too high if it were to. Dostinex made me tired the first time I used it and did not enjoy it, now I do fine with it and it helps with sex.
As long as you control estrogen anyway, then Progesteronic and Prolactic sides are mediated anyway - I think you run into problems when one is trying to "maximize" their gains my allowing estrogen to get a little too high.
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Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
bhunter99d said:
First cycle was - 250 mgs test e twice a week for 10 weeks
30 mgs body research dbol 4 weeks/ with liver protectant
25 mgs aramosin daily
standard clomid/ Nolva PCT

I gained about 20 lbs and kept about 8-9 lbs after PCT. No negative sides
except possible swollen prostate. After 12 weeks off, My next cycle looks like this

250 mgs test E Iranian twice a week for 12 weeks
150 mgs stealth deca twice a week for 10 weeks
25 mgs Proviron daily
25 mgs Aramosin eod
40 mgs Dbol split twice daily for 4 weeks
livercure protectant
500 mgs saw palmetto daily for entire cycle
clomid/nolva PCT weeks 15-17

Does this look like a good cycle for 2nd time around? If not please let me know what you would add or delete from cycle. I am 43 year old been working out about 1 year. looking to increase size and Strength. First cycle
I got good strength gains just not much size
Agreed, bump the Deca to 400mg/wk and run with it, looks good!! Keep us posted on your results.......