30 solid pounds in 6 months


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been meaning to start this all week but will go into that in my second post. It's a big target but there is no point setting myself an easy one. I have been off everything (no trt) for 3 months and now it's time to go for it. My plan is a 6 month progressive cycle adding in various items throughout.

Tomorrow I will begin a syntherol cycle in my calves and will provide before and progress pics. My main goal is getting my calves to 19 inches and I know I can do that. I will include details of everything to do with the injections and training. Incidentally I will be starting every training session with calves using a different exercise each day.

Hormones will start at 400mg test, 400mg npp and 400mg primo e and will move up over time. Everything I use is from Genotec. Although I won't be going crazy with my aas doses as I don't think it is needed and I will be using other aids a long the way. I have ordered MK-677 and LGD-4033 (10mg and 4.5mg) and will add that in during the new year at 1 then 2 caps per day. I will also be utilizing synthetine and slin (humalog) in the new year too. Everything will be added in stages and rotated. I would also like to try a very high dose of LGD-4033 later in my cycle too.

Nutrition is everything and I always eat well but I will be keeping things fairly simple. I don't believe in force feeding plus I want to keep my waist in check and the weight I gain to be quality and not just quantity. However when aiming to gain such weight I will be following a planned diet and not just eating when hungry but I simply won't be forcing things. I know my metabolism will increase over time so it won't be any issue getting in the calories for me. I will start at 5-6 meals per day and increase when/if needed.

Most meals will be beef/turkey/chicken and rice with vegetables. I will go over details in later posts and why I do everything. I normally eat a variety of foods but for the next few months things will be quite basic for me. To begin with 2 meals will be beef with rice and peppers/onions/mushrooms. 1 meal will be chicken with similar vegetables. 2 meals will be synthepure fruit smoothies. My smoothies are loaded with nutrients and an example of one is:

1.5 scoops of synthepure
1 apple
1 kiwi
Mixture of blueberries, raspberries, cherries and blackberries
1/2 avocado
Acai Powder

Other ingredients I like to add are tropical fruits (pineapple, mango etc), cacao powder, kale, oats, almond milk, banana, walnuts, cashews etc.

For breakfast I usually have 6 free range eggs, greens and perhaps oats or rice cakes. Occasionally I may have 4 whole eggs and add in some meat.

Training will HIT style to begin with. Most sessions will last about 1 hour and will only include a few all out sets going for max weight at 6-10 reps depending upon the body part. Nothing is set in stone though and I will play about with things. But I hope to progress in strength over the months in all areas. I have a few poundage goals such as 4 plate a side chest press and 6 plate a side hammer strength rows. My lower back is pretty much ruined for life so I do my best to work around it. That means no back movements were my chest is not supported so no deadlifts or barbell rows. Although I will be trying to barbell squat again but not risking huge weights as I know I will just end up injured. My new gym (new year) has a hack squat so I can abuse myself on that. I will be lifting some big weight in all areas though. I know my training will be the best it can be for my limitations so that's not a concern for me.

Tomorrow I will post starting calf pics and provide regular updated pics. I will start at 0.5ml syntherol in 4 spots in each calf but quickly move up to 1ml in 4 spots. I will inject daily moving up to 2ml in 4 spots in each calf. Over time I will change over to eod injects at approx 2ml in 4 spots in each calf.

I will have to weigh myself soon and hopefully in 6 months time I am 30 pounds heavier and just as lean... hopefully leaner :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
The reason I am starting this now is due to an upper back injury. When I was off everything I still tried to lift heavy to maintain muscle mass. However my body was simply not recovering from hard training and everything started hurting so I had to modify my training a little. Although just before I planned to start this log I injured my upper back (middle trap). I started training again with some pain but it was getting better. I had trained all body parts since and been fine. I trained shoulders with hack squats the other day and woke up the next day feeling great. I decided to have a break that day to help recover. Anyway the next day I woke up and could barely move my head. I was in bad pain when I tried to look down or lift my arms over my head.

I have been a bit impatient and gone against the advice I would give to someone else. I started taking some geno dbol with some test a few days ago after 3 months of nothing. The rebound effect has been ridiculous so I wanted to take full advanatge of it. I trained chest before and actually lifted fairly heavy and feel great now. I will avoid training shoulders and certain back movements for another week to prevent future issues. I also plan to see a physio 2moro too.

Below are 2 starting pics (no pump) I had taken yesterday. Please note I have been off everything for 3 months and in that time relaxed my diet at times so not looking my best. But the changes over the last few days have been ridiculous so I hope to continue the way I am going. I am 6ft 2 and will find out my current weight soon.



I will post calf and legs pics up soon. By the end of this I want to be 30 pounds heavier and leaner and I think I can do it with everything I have planned :)


Mar 27, 2014
I think you can do the 30lbs easy with all you have learned and have accomplished over the years.
Have you ever figured out how much weight you fluctuate in 1 year. Mine this year must be 50 to 60lbs. This year alone.


Aug 28, 2005
I think you can do the 30lbs easy with all you have learned and have accomplished over the years.
Have you ever figured out how much weight you fluctuate in 1 year. Mine this year must be 50 to 60lbs. This year alone.

Me too. You already have a great physique and a vast amount of knowledge of what it takes too get you where you need to be.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I weighed myself on the gym scale the other day at just under 98kg and thought that can't be right. It's one of those old ones you have to counter balance the weight. So yesterday I bought scale from a local shop and paid out $40 just so I can weigh myself for this log. Turns out the old one was correct as I am 215 pounds. I am surprised I am that low... all the dnp and coming off etc really did shrink me :D I thought I would have been about 225. As a result we can forget about 30 pounds my new goal is 40 pounds in 6 months. I want to be 255 pounds by the end of this and lean :)

I also bought a tape measure and can't believe my calves have shrunk. I measured them with the tape measure and also wrapped string around my calf and measured that and both came out at 42cm's which is 16.5 inches. My calves don't look smaller than the past but I guess they are. All the dieting, dnp and coming off must have had a big effect. So there you go 16.5 inches :eek: I am starting syntherol right now so I expect them to be 18 inches by the New Year.

Pre workout yesterday I had...

1.5 scoops of Synthepure Whey Isolate
Exotic Fruits (Pineapple, Mango, Melon, Kiwi etc)
1 Kiwi
1/2 Avocado
Doucette Salad
Purple Sprouting Broccoli
1 tablespoon of oats
1 tablespoon of raw cacao powder
2 tablespoons of acai, banana, strawberry, chia and almond powder



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I think you can do the 30lbs easy with all you have learned and have accomplished over the years.
Have you ever figured out how much weight you fluctuate in 1 year. Mine this year must be 50 to 60lbs. This year alone.

Firstly thank you everyone for the posts and support.

Squatster you are spot on. Although I haven't really fluctuated much in weight over the last few years apart from in recent months due to dieting, dnp and coming off everything. As the above post states I weigh much less than I first thought so my new target is 40 lean pounds.

It's definitely a big goal though as I am not just aiming to put on 30-40 pounds in weight but I actually want to look as lean or even leaner at the end of everything. I am sure I could put on the same weight in 6 weeks if I just high dosed mk-677 and dbol and ate lots but I want my gains to be quality so I definitely have a task ahead of me but I am confident :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I received part of my order so started my aas last night :) I will start at 0.5ml sust and 1ml npp eod for now. So that will be 175mg and 100mg eod meaning 612.5mg sust and 350mg npp per week. When I get primo I will add that in at 1ml eod so 350mg per week. I will then add in MK-677 and LGD-4033 at 10mg and 4.5mg at the start of Jan and hopefully move that up to 1 cap am/pm so 20mg and 9mg per day. I am sure slin will be added at some point in Jan too.

Then I will look at things in Feb and probably start increasing the aas dose next... maybe up the npp and primo to 1.25ml eod. Everything will be done progressively and in stages rotating each element at different times. My max doses of aas are probably going to be 100mg ed of test, npp and primo. I also have some orals to play with and I plan to try 20-30mg LGD-4033 later in the cycle.

I have no source for lr3 now but I would like to add that in during the later stages. Honestly good lr3 at a high dose could put on a few pounds of muscle and lose 1% bf in 1 month. Then there is the syntherol which I will be experimenting with in cycles through my entire run :)



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
At the moment I don't have anyone to take pics so these will do for now. 6ft 2 and I guess you have to start from somewhere :eek:





AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I also have some mdrol and androstebol to help at some point in the next 6 months. I don't know how good this brand is but it gets good reviews but that means nothing. Let's just hope they are actually good.

There has been a change in plan and let's get this interesting so I will start mdrol today at 10mg pre workout. My initial plan was to add them in when I have plateued but gonna use mdrol as a kickstart now. The androstebol will be used some time Feb or later when I have plateaued in strength. I have adrol as well but will be leaving that for the foreseeable future. I don't want to take too many orals but sure they will be needed to help me reach my new goal of 40 lean pounds in 6 months :)



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
30-40 lean pounds in 6 months is not easy. Even newbies on their first cycle don't often get those kinds of results. But, your plan looks solid and you know your body better than anyone else, so hopefully you can get there. Good luck brother.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My daily oral dosing is now 10mg mdrol and 20mg dbol and I will be dosing them pre workout the days I train. I dosed them earlier before training legs. I also used 1 scoop of HYDE pre workout too. I kept my training session to about 55 mins and pushed it hard. My workout consisted of...

Leg Extension... warm up knees.
Hoz Leg Press Calf Raises... 4 warm up sets and 1 working set of about 15 reps.
Standing Smith Machine One Legged Calf Raises... 1 working set of about 15 reps for each leg.
Smith Machine Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 3 sets of about 15 reps each not going too heavy due to lower back.
Seated Leg Curl Machine... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set of 9 reps.
Hip Abductor... 3 warm up sets and 2 working sets of 16 and 11 reps (10 deep breaths between sets).
Leg Press... 4 warm up sets and 1 working set. I started on the lighter sets with 10 normal reps then 1 super slow rep repeated twice. As I moved up weight I went down to 7 and 1 then 5 and 1 for the working set. On the working set I done 5 reps with 1 slow repeated twice with 8 plates a side. The gym was very cold so I also performed some bodyweight squats between sets.
Leg Extension... 1 working set of 3 x 7 reps going up in weight every 7 reps then finishing with max weight for as many reps as I could get (4 and some partials).
Back and Leg Stretches

I was going to have a rest day today but as my physio is booked in for tomorrow I decided to train tonight. Tomorrow will be all about rest and recovery.

So far I have had 4 meals today and will have my last pre bed. I just had the most amazing steak with organic brown rice, mushrooms and some BBQ sauce.

It's time for my syntherol shots. I am going to do 4 x 0.5ml injs in each calf. That will be one in the top right/left and 1 in the middle right/left for each calf. I will be using 2ml syringes with 26G 1 inch pins and be injecting the same amount daily for the next few days before upping the volume per shot.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I just done another set of syntherol calf injections. I haven't had any issues so far and every inject has been easy for me. Today I done 0.6ml in 4 areas in each calf so I have upped from 0.5ml. My calves feel really good and fuller after this very short time.I am sure I will experience some minor issues when I start using more volume but so far they have been easy.

Well I have had 1 issue... deep tissue massage. Nothing bad but my appointment was yesterday and he started with my legs. I almost shed a tear :D I had just trained legs hard the night before so even just touching my legs hurt nevermind what he done. I have some issues all over my body but nothing too bad. The tightness in my chest went away the other day after it being bad for over a week. He picked up on that and there were trigger points on both sides. I will do another training roation excluding shoulders just to be careful. So today I will be training calves, chest and I might throw in some bi-ceps and/or abs.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My vascularity has really come out over the last few days and that's without any tadalafil usage. My sex drive is also a night and day difference after 1 week. It's good to be back on gear :D

As mentioned my diet will be very basic in many ways. I just made 3 of the same meal to give an example of what I will be eating every day. I like to use Swiss chicken as for the most part it is much higher quality then French. The cheapest chicken in shops over here seems to come from Hungary. I can always taste the difference and see the difference in water content when cooking between the various types.

I love peppers and onions so they will be used a lot. I have a habit of eating very fast so I am purposely slowing down and chewing my food properly to aid in the digestive process. I also cut up my chicken to help matters too.

Everything was cooked together and takes very little time. Nothing fancy just basic good food with lots of flavour. Today I done Swiss chicken breast, organic whole grain rice, green and yellow peppers, onions, tomatoes (variety) and mushrooms. For flavour I used a little roasted sesame oil, paprika, chilli flakes, pepper and aromat (iodised salt). Everything was cooked in extra virgin coconut oil.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My calves starting feeling tighter a few hours after my syntherol injections. Not an uncomfortable feeling but very noticeable. I just trained chest, calves and abs. I planned to start with calves but decided to do them after chest tonight. My workout consisted of...

Warm up with db's
Standing and seated Cable Back Rows... about 4 light sets of each to warm up my back. I use a similar width grip to chest presses as I feel it's a great warm up before chest.
Smith Flat Presses... 5 warm up sets and 1 working set. I managed to get 8 deep and controlled reps with 3 plates a side so I was fairly pleased with that.
Incline Bench Barbell Chest Press... 2 warm up sets and 1 working set of about 15 reps. These were lighter but I was doing over 5 sec negative reps and really focusing on form.
Floor DB Flyes... done them on the floor to help protect my shoulders. 3 warm up sets and 1 working set with 40kg db's for 11 reps.
Chest Dips... 1 warm up set and 1 working set with 20kg db for 14 reps then 8 reps with bodyweight.
Horizontal Leg Press Calf Presses... 4 warm up sets and 2 working sets of 15 and 9 reps with about 5 partials on the last set.
Decline Bench Sit Ups... 2 warm up sets and 2 working sets using a 10kg db then dropping to bodyweight. For the last set I done about 3 mini sets with the 10kg plate then dropped to bodyweight for another 3 or so mini sets (literally failing on 3-1 reps).
Back Stretches.

I am feeling good and now just concentrating on consuming lots of good food. I will probably have a day off 2moro then train legs the day after.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I will occasionally post random bits of info I find interesting during the next few months. Recently I have had upper back issues which lead to some neck pain. Here is a video I found that is very simple and quick but it literally reduced pain straightaway for me. I figured anyone else with upper back or neck pain may benefit from this simple stretch...

Tight Painful Traps Gone in Seconds / Quick Upper Back & Neck Pain Relief - Dr Mandell - YouTube