Acne hasn't cleared up since started using aas. Hormonal?


Registered User
Feb 9, 2013
I'm still new to the aas world. I am trying my best to learn as much as possible and to go the right route for what I'm going for. So far on my 2nd cycle 5th week(test prop 100 eod, mast 150 eod, and just finished dbol 75ed 4 weeks) and my body is responding well and my muscles are looking and feeling great! I believe my diet and training is on point, but I'm having a hard time understanding and keeping the acne under control. I've had it pretty bad in highschool and tried everything the derm suggested until I finally did 6 months of accutane(which was a horrible experience, and keeping that as a last resort) but it cleared up my acne completely for 10 years until I started using aas. I've tried all great suggestions from the board with adequate time(3-4 weeks) each for the last 8 months, something different every month, but with no visible results. I tried all topicals suggested, and came down to conclusion that it has got to be hormonal due to test increase. I have spent more money on acne products than aas haha damn.

I've come across a post about acne and aas and most have suggested trying anit-E to keep estro in check. Should I try that route? Can you fellas give me some more info on the estro subject or provide links to some info? Thanks for the help.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Yes accutane can be hard on liver or something i just cant remember ..i thought accutane in usa was taken off safe to prescribe list but maybe im wrong ..have to web search..
AAS you have been using esp dbol and prop are high in androge
When u were young teen did u have lots a acne? Then we get into hereditary conditions if so..
A sponsor here has an acne soap that has good reviews ..have you tried a salictic acid soap for your issue..Novaldex or Aromasin can help with estro related estro.. im sure people will chime in..Tanning helps...
Is it on your back, chest , or just everywhere?. I cant believe a dermatolgist wouldnt do a blood test for high estro or even serum test..All id say if u did do a blood test is ure on some pro hormone. You can do online blood test and remain annonymous
If you wana pay 60$. Ib.


Registered User
Feb 9, 2013
yeah I took it 10 years ago and it was really hard on my liver and I was an athlete and felt like I was 80 years old. I guess dermatology was different back then. They put me on topicals first and retin-a took forever but worked for a year then came back. Put me on tetracycline and other antibiotics and that didnt work. So they finally put me on accutane. But I think you're right that they took it off the safe list. I figured that dbol would cause acne too since its high in androgens. I thought prop wouldn't do much since its equal 100/100?

So does it seem like high androgens is the main reason why I'm getting acne and I should try to keep my estro in check? Add anti-e and see how that works? thanks again


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Ohh good ..thot u had accutane recently.. id do an anti e...You are.correct dbol does that most of the time and i just saw ure 27 so ure a top candidate for acne with high androgen compounds. Try tren and really break out ..12.5 mg aromasin a day bet would work well.
Have u tried vitamin b-5 ? It has a certain name and it helped a friend at 600mg twice day..It works with addrenal gland and hormone production i believe. Web search b5 ..


Registered User
Mar 8, 2013
Boston MA
First off this is your second cycle and you using 700mg of test and 1050mg of mast week. Who told to use that much gear already. Second you're only now asking about an AI. That should have been locked up before you started. Oh I forgot the d-Bol which is notorious for acne. No research before cycle and you get fucked up results like this.
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Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
I'm one of those guys that never get any acne no matter what the compound
and regardless of amount. The one time might get 1 or two zits would be
post cycle and being a lazy fuck and letting getting a bit high estro.
Androgens never cause it for me. Best to try and have your plan laid out and ready . You are on the right track with getting estro in check.
The mast would easily keep the prop estro in check for me but not all people are the same. Probably best in your case not to use the nolva though as it has some estrogenic activity itself. Just thinking you must be really prone to estro sides.Get it in check .You don't want to be a walking talking hunk of ham and cheese loaf ... Good luck, T....


Feb 7, 2013
Do a search for my screen name and "fish antibiotics" there is a thread that goes into detail about this subject with a lot of good info.

I'll see if I can't dig it up myself


Registered User
Feb 9, 2013
Thanks for the help guys. I am taking test prob 300 a week and mast 450 a week. Taking it every other day and was taking dbol Everyday for 4 weeks. I do believe I did have everything planned out, I am just now coming to the conclusion that I may be having acne due to my possible sensitivity of high androgens.

But I'm going to go ahead and get some aromasin and slightly increase mast to 600 a week. See how that all works. Going to read that link when I get off work. Thanks for the help again.


Registered User
Feb 9, 2013
Btw I did try b5 for 3 weeks at 1k and worked my way up to 10k a day. That was recommended and didn't notice much results. Got tired of taking too much pills lol.


Registered User
Mar 8, 2013
Boston MA
Thanks for the help guys. I am taking test prob 300 a week and mast 450 a week. Taking it every other day and was taking dbol Everyday for 4 weeks. I do believe I did have everything planned out, I am just now coming to the conclusion that I may be having acne due to my possible sensitivity of high androgens.

But I'm going to go ahead and get some aromasin and slightly increase mast to 600 a week. See how that all works. Going to read that link when I get off work. Thanks for the help again.

Why don't you have an AI already. I hope you learned a lesson. It's gonna some time for the acne to clear anyway.


Registered User
Feb 9, 2013
Why don't you have an AI already. I hope you learned a lesson. It's gonna some time for the acne to clear anyway.

I got clomid for I thought it was an AI but I've been reading that it either blocks estro and then read in some posts that estro is still high while on any cycle and clomid won't be as effective. So I decided not to use it until I got a more exact answer for it. And plus I've read that many users use mast above 400 a week to keep estro in check for it has AI properties, so I went with that. haha lesson learned! but I'm trying to learn as much as I can bro
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Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
.lol..sometimes it takes a few screwups in life to learn so we can be easy on him this time..
Hell enigmatic is one big screwup.. he screws up so many chicks minds with dik love they get false hope...yet to see his recent ball and chain..the pics tapered off ..


Registered User
Feb 9, 2013
Do a search for my screen name and "fish antibiotics" there is a thread that goes into detail about this subject with a lot of good info.

I'll see if I can't dig it up myself

A good read. I did try most of these while in high school before finally doing accutane. I do remember taking Doxycycline along with retin-a for the face and acne on face cleared up, but only while on it. I'd like to still get some regardless. Where did you order yours from? Thanks
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Jul 27, 2007
Pennsylvania, USA
How often do you wash your face? Have you tried benzoyl peroxide gel? What about a dermatologist? My son and I have a compounded acne cream with clindamycin. Works like a champ.

Some acne with that stack is almost inevitable. I wouldn't necessarily consider changing doses of the drugs you're taking or adding something to the stack until you're doing all the extra things that someone using AAS just have to put up with (extra washing, facial scrubs, acne meds, etc.)

Good luck! Some good info in this thread!


Registered User
May 20, 2013
How often do you wash your face? Have you tried benzoyl peroxide gel? What about a dermatologist? My son and I have a compounded acne cream with clindamycin. Works like a champ.

Some acne with that stack is almost inevitable. I wouldn't necessarily consider changing doses of the drugs you're taking or adding something to the stack until you're doing all the extra things that someone using AAS just have to put up with (extra washing, facial scrubs, acne meds, etc.)

Good luck! Some good info in this thread!

Yep, keep your face consistently clean.