Another short cycle thread


Registered User
Feb 9, 2014
I am really looking into trying short cycles around 6 weeks long. Some guys say its perfectly fine to use long esters like test cyp and deca or tren enth etc. What I was thinking was to front load everything and increase my normal dose by almost double for the 6 weeks and then cruise for a period of time and then just switch out compounds and run another 6 week blast. Does this sound legit or do you think this is only for short esters?


Dec 20, 2013
I have heard of people and know people successfully running Long Esters in a 6 week period, but the dosages are generally very high and they are usually very advanced. The average person , from what I have learned, usually should steer away from this kind of thing and settle more for short esters in a feasible quantity.

I guess the first thing to ask is what your goals are of the cycle, and what you plan to get out of it? If you're trying to get the kind of gains an IFBB Bodybuilder is seeking in a 6 week cycle, then you're probably looking at running quite a few grams.

I think I posted a while back about this, but a particular buddy of mine that got his IFBB Bodybuilder pro card comes to mind. He was literally tapering down from almost 3,000grams of Deca down to the 2K marker , and this was alongside very high test, 300 anadrol/250 anadrol/200 anadrol a day as the weeks tapered down,etc.

We're talking 2K/week of orals alone on Week1....but his cycles were indeed very short, that's how he has to do it though.

If you're a mere mortal and not looking to be an ifbb bodybuilder, I can only speculate that if you cut these kind of doses in 1/2, the results would be pleasing enough,but in that case, you may as well just run the darn short esters because you'll pretty much be injecting the same oil anyways?

For example, a decent short cycle would be a Test Base of 1K+ (you can find 400ml concentration and even 500ml from a few sources...that's only 2-2.5CC right there), and then add 1000 NPP a week alongside orals(100 anadrol a day,50 dbol or something like that) for 6 weeks if you are really stuck on 6 weeks. If you are a tren user, then the oil volume goes down even less because 1K tren would be ridiculous(not saying that 1K NPP isn't already pretty high...but you get my point).

10 CC + 2.5CC = 12.5 CC ; you could just do 4 jabs on Mon-Wed-Fri-Sat...
3.1CC in each jab and have site rotation of big muscles that hold that much without problem ( Left Ventral Glute/Right Ventral Glute/Left Dorsal Glute/Right Dorsal Glute/Left Quadricep/Right Quadricep/Left Chest/Right Chest....that's 8 sites right there so you can hit a site every 2 weeks).

PS, I know it is a factor, and I do understand it....but I really hope you're not basing your cycles just on how often you have to insert a needle in yourself; most people would say "this isn't the right hobby or sport for you" if that's the case. The cost thing, I can understand more, but tbh if you have a good source, all these compounds nowadays are extremely cheap..... It's only GH/Insulin/Pharmacy Primo/Anavar and Primo(kind of) and other stuff like that which really cost quite a bit. Test is DIRT cheap. NPP is DIRT cheap (I seen sources for $17-18 for 1000mg vial...100% legit sources). Tren is pretty freaking cheap considering how little you need for pronounced results.

Just some things to think about......
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Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
I have heard of people and know people successfully running Long Esters in a 6 week period, but the dosages are generally very high and they are usually very advanced. The average person , from what I have learned, usually should steer away from this kind of thing and settle more for short esters in a feasible quantity.

I guess the first thing to ask is what your goals are of the cycle, and what you plan to get out of it? If you're trying to get the kind of gains an IFBB Bodybuilder is seeking in a 6 week cycle, then you're probably looking at running quite a few grams.

I think I posted a while back about this, but a particular buddy of mine that got his IFBB Bodybuilder pro card comes to mind. He was literally tapering down from almost 3,000grams of Deca down to the 2K marker , and this was alongside very high test, 300 anadrol/250 anadrol/200 anadrol a day as the weeks tapered down,etc.

We're talking 2K/week of orals alone on Week1....but his cycles were indeed very short, that's how he has to do it though.

If you're a mere mortal and not looking to be an ifbb bodybuilder, I can only speculate that if you cut these kind of doses in 1/2, the results would be pleasing enough,but in that case, you may as well just run the darn short esters because you'll pretty much be injecting the same oil anyways?

For example, a decent short cycle would be a Test Base of 1K+ (you can find 400ml concentration and even 500ml from a few sources...that's only 2-2.5CC right there), and then add 1000 NPP a week alongside orals(100 anadrol a day,50 dbol or something like that) for 6 weeks if you are really stuck on 6 weeks. If you are a tren user, then the oil volume goes down even less because 1K tren would be ridiculous(not saying that 1K NPP isn't already pretty high...but you get my point).

10 CC + 2.5CC = 12.5 CC ; you could just do 4 jabs on Mon-Wed-Fri-Sat...
3.1CC in each jab and have site rotation of big muscles that hold that much without problem ( Left Ventral Glute/Right Ventral Glute/Left Dorsal Glute/Right Dorsal Glute/Left Quadricep/Right Quadricep/Left Chest/Right Chest....that's 8 sites right there so you can hit a site every 2 weeks).

PS, I know it is a factor, and I do understand it....but I really hope you're not basing your cycles just on how often you have to insert a needle in yourself; most people would say "this isn't the right hobby or sport for you" if that's the case. The cost thing, I can understand more, but tbh if you have a good source, all these compounds nowadays are extremely cheap..... It's only GH/Insulin/Pharmacy Primo/Anavar and Primo(kind of) and other stuff like that which really cost quite a bit. Test is DIRT cheap. NPP is DIRT cheap (I seen sources for $17-18 for 1000mg vial...100% legit sources). Tren is pretty freaking cheap considering how little you need for pronounced results.

Just some things to think about......

LOL at the 3,000 grams...I know you meant milligrams. Otherwise your friend would be using 3,000,000 milligrams of Deca!

Derek, I'm a bit confused. You seem to be saying that a short cycle needs to consist of extremely high dosages. I would say fairly high dosages would be necessary but not to the extent that you listed regarding your friend. One interesting thing I've thought about for a 6 week course would be short and long acting esters on week 1, long acting esters for weeks 2 & 3, and then short acting esters for weeks 4,5, & 6. Time off for X amount of weeks. Peptides and GH could possibly be used during and time off of AAS.


Dec 20, 2013
lmao 3,000grams of deca. yes , my bad, I meant to write milligrams....

nah, if you look in my post, you'll see that I am saying for the typical mortal who isn't an ifbb bodybuilder pro, they don't need to run the obscene amounts he did, and even 1/2 would suffice (example: week1-1500deca/150 anadrol,week2-1200 deca/125 anadrol,week 3-900 deca/100 anadrol,week4-6: 600+ deca/50-75 anadrol.....etc)

but yeah I feel like if somebody's going to run long esters, they definetly can't just run Week1-6 600 deca or whatever, it's going to have to be bumped up quite a bit...

like I said, this depends on their goals, lol. I mean some guy trying to become a physique model doesn't need to do this kind of stuff.

I still think it would be better just to extend it to 8 weeks or so, and just do the basic 1Kish test base / 600 npp / 50dbol or 100drol a day or whatever for the average person trying to put on good strength/size. This doesn't apply for the monsters that need 2-3k test, 200 npp a day and 150-200 anadrol in even an 8 week cycle.


Registered User
Feb 9, 2014
Basically I was thinking of running around 1,000mg of test as base and then either dbol/Anadrol/Winstrol as my orals and run them between 50mg-100mg and then just rotate deca/tren/EQ everytime I did a 6 week blast and run them around 750-1,000 mg/week. Maybe taking 2-4 weeks off between blast.


Dec 20, 2013
It doesn't sound like too bad of an idea, the test and orals look good though some might argue 1k test for 6weeks if it's a long ester ain't gonna be too promising, but definetly still "good gains"(this can be a relative term depending on the individual).

I still don't think you'll see much from even 1K EQ for 6 weeks unless you frontload it very hard the first 1-2 weeks which will be lots of oil. IMO EQ at least 8 weeks assuming you use high dose. If it's not high dose, then up to 16.

Get opinions from others, I'm still too biased that with the doses you're looking at, you may as well just run NPP or Tren A.
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Dec 20, 2013
So you think I would be better off running this for maybe 8 weeks at a time and then switching compounds?

I mean, once again, don't just go off my opinion obviously...people will all give different input. Keep in mind, I'm not willing to give you a "ceiling" of how high your doses should go...that's up to you. Rather, I'll just write the "minimum" if you're going for some really nice gains. Same goes for "time off", I'll just write 4 weeks, but if you want to go higher then that's your call.

If you want to run 3 separate cycles that are 8 weeks, then I would do this:

Cycle #1
1K+ Test Base
600+ NPP
50+ Dbol
Note: This can also be run with Low test/Higher NPP if you like and are very sensitive to 19nor sides when test is high.
***OFF 4 WEEKS***
Get blood tests before to make sure everything is OK.

Cycle #2
[WEEK 1-8]
1K+ Test Base
525 + Tren A
75+ Anadrol
Note: This can also be run with Low test/Higher Tren if you like and are very sensitive to 19nor sides when test is high.
***OFF 4 WEEKS***
Get blood tests before to make sure everything is OK.

Cycle #3
[WEEK 1-8]
1K+ Test Base
900 EQ (Frontload 2100 on first 2 weeks or something like that)
50+ of an oral that is your choice I guess
***OFF 4 WEEKS***
Get blood tests before to make sure everything is OK.

I'm sure you already know...but please please please make sure you're getting the blood tests,monitoring blood pressure,using AI's,etc.... take your health seriously and prioritize that as #1. Donate blood too, especially on the EQ. Take it seriously....don't let hematocrit mess you up. You can even donate bi-monthly.
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Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
in the woods
I would say of yur lookin for alil bump in performance or if your lookin for slow steady gains, use short esters with 4 week on 4 week off cycles with moderate doses. If you like using long esters then you might as well go for at least ten week cycles, skip the eq unless you plan on going 12 weeks or better....


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
For those that have been around for a while, you'll remember the high dose, short duration cycles that the late Paul Borresen advocated. 15 to 30 day cycles @ 1,000mg daily. No, I'm not advocating this myself!


Dec 20, 2013
Somebody I know tried it, and on the first week of using Deca at just 500 a day, he fell severely ill. In fact, he was extremely sick even 2-3 weeks afterwards. He went to the doctors because he literally felt like he was dying...it was like having a terrible terrible pneumonia/infection.

Everything they gave him did nothing..every single medicine/anti-inflammatory/corticosteroid/etc... he never did that 500mg/day thing again lol!!!

how do you guys avoid that? any of u had serum sickness?


Registered User
May 19, 2014
Hawai'i 808 no ka oi
Ya 1.4 grams of tren a week had me feeling like shit.
Luckily it was ace.
Unfortunately ive always been the "find out just how much your body can handle" guy, but really, the better idea is find out HOW LITTLE your body needs.
Fuck, idk, im in a long as fuck cycle and gonna go back to short ones.
back like 7 years ago i was all about the short ones.
I did 4-6 weeks on and off for 6-8. Awesome gains off sometimes even better than on.
If you havent tried halo, try halo. Damn, that's the best shit for short cycles.


Registered User
Feb 9, 2014
I mean, once again, don't just go off my opinion obviously...people will all give different input. Keep in mind, I'm not willing to give you a "ceiling" of how high your doses should go...that's up to you. Rather, I'll just write the "minimum" if you're going for some really nice gains. Same goes for "time off", I'll just write 4 weeks, but if you want to go higher then that's your call.

If you want to run 3 separate cycles that are 8 weeks, then I would do this:

Cycle #1
1K+ Test Base
600+ NPP
50+ Dbol
Note: This can also be run with Low test/Higher NPP if you like and are very sensitive to 19nor sides when test is high.
***OFF 4 WEEKS***
Get blood tests before to make sure everything is OK.

Cycle #2
[WEEK 1-8]
1K+ Test Base
525 + Tren A
75+ Anadrol
Note: This can also be run with Low test/Higher Tren if you like and are very sensitive to 19nor sides when test is high.
***OFF 4 WEEKS***
Get blood tests before to make sure everything is OK.

Cycle #3
[WEEK 1-8]
1K+ Test Base
900 EQ (Frontload 2100 on first 2 weeks or something like that)
50+ of an oral that is your choice I guess
***OFF 4 WEEKS***
Get blood tests before to make sure everything is OK.

I'm sure you already know...but please please please make sure you're getting the blood tests,monitoring blood pressure,using AI's,etc.... take your health seriously and prioritize that as #1. Donate blood too, especially on the EQ. Take it seriously....don't let hematocrit mess you up. You can even donate bi-monthly.

Thanks for the info really appreciate the help. Deffinatley something I'm going to look into.