Bad Shot - Infection


Mar 27, 2014
I would have told them a nail was sticking out or playing dots at the bar or drunk pin the tail on the ass hole
What kind of juice was it - water base or oil? You know what kind of oil?


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
IMO, when I prep for inj. I thouroughly clean the site with alc. swabs. prior to that make sure its free from hair, you can go one more step with the iodine as well. When I pin T-500's it really gives me a serious knot sometimes, currrently no redness or heat. Im done playing with anything over 400. After inj. of High mg. gear use a vibrator and hot towels to disperse material into muscle. lastley, prepping skin for injection is paramount! last excuse I used was stung by bee/bug that flew in my shorts. Luckily the pin was in the thigh.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
After inj. of High mg. gear use a vibrator and hot towels to disperse material into muscle.

How does sticking a vibrator up your ass help disperse the oil? I don't really feel like trying it, but I'll take your word for it. :D


Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
It doesn't matter what you tell them. They have to treat you regardless of your story, or lack there of. Tell them it's an infected injection site. It shouldn't take any more explanation than that. Frankly, based on your physique, they're going to figure it out regardless of what you do or don't tell them.

If you don't want to, don't tell them shit. Just say my butt hurts. A decent doctor can figure it out and treat it appropriately no matter what you tell them.

i agree. i allays tell them and they can figure it out anyway. just be honest so they can treat you the right way. im prone to them at least once a yr no matter how clean i am. my sister is a nurse and tell me horror stories of what she has seen from gear. ppl having half their ass removed. anyway there is a stronger antibiotic oral they can give, i usually keep a supply for emergency. u will be able to tell when u need a dr. circle the pink infected area with a sharpie. if it grows by the next day and alot of pain then u need to get iv antibiotics and probably lanced. if the dr wants to keep you for a few days to watch it just tell him u cant bc u have work and will take oral at home and that if it gets any worse u promise to come straight back to be admitted. they cant hold u if u dont want to stay. they wont call cops and in a day u will feel soo much better. as soon as they cut u it will feel great. sucks and scars but its part of the game for me. also be very clean when wiping down equipt at the gym. u can spread it or could of caught something from the gym. that what i was told by numerous drs. they said i had mercer and had to go on some pills and cream that i had to put up my nose. if u were clean when administering /filling syringe and its legit gear then that could be you also. just my 2dents and my exp, every1 is diff tho


Registered User
Jan 29, 2013
i hate to say this but ive had 2 serious situations where i had an infection in my left glute. Put it off and each day it got worse and worse until i couldnt bend over to tie my own shoes. Went to hospital. They did and ultrasound and put me in surgery 12 hrs latter. So much bacteria deep in muscle had to do surgery fast before it went septic. They had to go back in another 2 times to clean it again and again. Whole was so big they had to just fill the hole with gaws pads and i had a nurse come to my house every day for a month to change it. Talk about embarassed. Well here come the best part. little less than 2 years later i did the same fucking thing to opposite ass cheek and go to hospital and same exact things i just said had to be done to that side. So now i have to almost identical massive scars on my ass cheeks that looked like i was stabbed or cut open. Lesson learned. Dont trust other peoples homemade gear and do your homework.

101st Ranger

Registered User
Aug 29, 2013
i hate to say this but ive had 2 serious situations where i had an infection in my left glute. Put it off and each day it got worse and worse until i couldnt bend over to tie my own shoes. Went to hospital. They did and ultrasound and put me in surgery 12 hrs latter. So much bacteria deep in muscle had to do surgery fast before it went septic. They had to go back in another 2 times to clean it again and again. Whole was so big they had to just fill the hole with gaws pads and i had a nurse come to my house every day for a month to change it. Talk about embarassed. Well here come the best part. little less than 2 years later i did the same fucking thing to opposite ass cheek and go to hospital and same exact things i just said had to be done to that side. So now i have to almost identical massive scars on my ass cheeks that looked like i was stabbed or cut open. Lesson learned. Dont trust other peoples homemade gear and do your homework.
That's some crazy bad luck. I caught it on time. I'm on two antibiotics now and feeling great. Soreness has disappeared as has swelling.

Truth be told, it was a solid source. Sometimes flukes just happen. So, about another week and a half and then an epic cycle awaits me. It will be logged it the members log section.

Thanks for sharing brother. Stay safe.