Bostin Loyd explain what he had to go through to win the overall Contra Costa show


May 31, 2013
OK, yeah, it is great that he was honest and can say that and is willing to take the backlash, but he is foolish and putting a dark spot on the face of bodybuilding.

We all know what it takes to be a successfull bodybuilding, meticiulous nutrition, rigorous training, dedication to a lifestyle the allows for recovery and growth and drug usage. We may not agree on the importance of those things, but they are all true. He takes his video and presents himself like he knows all there is to know about bodybuilding, all he knows is what he did. He is not some kind of saint for "bringing light" to the underworld of drug use in bodybuilding and he is putting up false impressions of what bodybuilding is. He makes it seem as if what he is doing is standard and necsessary and does not even discuss the health implications of what he is doing. There are so many aspects to bodybuilding and for him to present it as such that a physique is dependent solely on the drugs used is dangerous.

If you are impressed with what he says, I feel sorry for you. Go ahead, applaud his honestly, but all he is talking about is what drugs he uses and his expereince does not offer him the ability to exhibit any type of postive insight or reflection.

Now that he went public about all of this, good luck to him in the future. Employers? Endorsements? We shall see where this goes.

everyone has a different opinion. what you just said it`s TRUE and you`re right. but IMO i respect him for being so honest, many other bodybuilders do the same things he did or even worst, and then they tells you bullshits like "i had to eat more to put on those 20 puonds".


Oct 27, 2012
everyone has a different opinion. what you just said it`s TRUE and you`re right. but IMO i respect him for being so honest, many other bodybuilders do the same things he did or even worst, and then they tells you bullshits like "i had to eat more to put on those 20 puonds".

To portray the sport the way he did makes all of bodybuilding look bad. All he talks about is the drugs and drugs and drugs.... He does not offer his reflection of provide insight into the rationale for his decisions.

We all know the truth, no one needs to say it. What so you are going to put him on pedestal because he went on youtube and said what he did? No, he is not lying, but he is a fool and has no sense of the repercussions this will have for him and what it will do to the sport. Do you think he even contemplated how others outside of the bodybuilding worl might percieve his video and then extrapolate that onto the entire bodybuilding community?

Respect what you want.... Those with a higher level of maturity and understanding of the implications that this has would think otherwise. You have to look at the big picture, and he most certainly did not. He is only thinking about himself, and he obviously did not think much because he should have realize what this will do to his future.


May 31, 2013
To portray the sport the way he did makes all of bodybuilding look bad. All he talks about is the drugs and drugs and drugs.... He does not offer his reflection of provide insight into the rationale for his decisions.

We all know the truth, no one needs to say it. What so you are going to put him on pedestal because he went on youtube and said what he did? No, he is not lying, but he is a fool and has no sense of the repercussions this will have for him and what it will do to the sport. Do you think he even contemplated how others outside of the bodybuilding worl might percieve his video and then extrapolate that onto the entire bodybuilding community?

Respect what you want.... Those with a higher level of maturity and understanding of the implications that this has would think otherwise. You have to look at the big picture, and he most certainly did not. He is only thinking about himself, and he obviously did not think much because he should have realize what this will do to his future.

you made me think and yeah... you are right.. with his videos he`s ruining the image of the sport because when people outsde our bb world look at the video, they`ll have a very bad consideration of what bodybuilding is.


Oct 27, 2012
And this is why Anasci is so much better than other boards out there. This same thread is all over the place and people are making personal attacks on one another rather than actually thinking about what this video is.

Of course we are all going to have different opinions, but it is the manner in which we present them that makes so much difference.


Registered User
Feb 10, 2013
You guys that keep saying good luck with employers think he is going for a job at walmart? No. He's going to make his money thru training people online. I'm sure his client base will sky rocket as well.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
I missed the bus on this dude. Since youtube's taken the video off, anyone know somewhat of the kind of drug regimen/dosages he recommended? Out of curiousity I've never seen it, but from everyone's reaction, it must have been a doozy!


Feb 2, 2013
To portray the sport the way he did makes all of bodybuilding look bad. All he talks about is the drugs and drugs and drugs.... He does not offer his reflection of provide insight into the rationale for his decisions.

We all know the truth, no one needs to say it. What so you are going to put him on pedestal because he went on youtube and said what he did? No, he is not lying, but he is a fool and has no sense of the repercussions this will have for him and what it will do to the sport. Do you think he even contemplated how others outside of the bodybuilding worl might percieve his video and then extrapolate that onto the entire bodybuilding community?

Respect what you want.... Those with a higher level of maturity and understanding of the implications that this has would think otherwise. You have to look at the big picture, and he most certainly did not. He is only thinking about himself, and he obviously did not think much because he should have realize what this will do to his future.

I agree with all of your previous statements AA, however maybe the NPC and IFBB could use a little light shed on them along with the mega supp companies that profit off the ignorance of others. I am not saying that this is the right way to start a revolution but what is the right way?

Who is not sick and tired of the bloated guts and soft synthol delts of todays pro's. That trickles right down to the local shows where size is so often rewarded over the "Zane" like physique. I am knee deep with local bbers and I dislike telling them the truth of what it often takes to win a class these days. Yeah, yeah I know there are exceptions, but the Olympia sets the precedent.

Not to mention I have to have discussions with my boy and his friends on how BSN does not make the pro's huge.

BBing has gotten a pass too long and good use a black eye. I am sorry of the collateral damage of good folks who do not overload on Rx.



May 31, 2013
I missed the bus on this dude. Since youtube's taken the video off, anyone know somewhat of the kind of drug regimen/dosages he recommended? Out of curiousity I've never seen it, but from everyone's reaction, it must have been a doozy!

i still remember a little bit.. he said that he used like 3/4 grams of gear between test decs and eq.. synthol in most bodyparts, then close to the contest he dropped deca, eq and added tren primo wins proviron and even masteron if im not wrong.. plus gh at 6 iu with no slin close to the contest.. then 4 weeks out he added halo... that`s what i remember.. maybe someone else still remember better than me..

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
i still remember a little bit.. he said that he used like 3/4 grams of gear between test decs and eq.. synthol in most bodyparts, then close to the contest he dropped deca, eq and added tren primo wins proviron and even masteron if im not wrong.. plus gh at 6 iu with no slin close to the contest.. then 4 weeks out he added halo... that`s what i remember.. maybe someone else still remember better than me..
I'm just gonna do it old school. Take your phone number in mg of dbol a day. ;)
Thanks MoFo!


Sep 17, 2003
With his thought process and child-like mentality it was only a matter of time before something like this happened to him:


  • 1470137_747452491947640_135071928_n.jpg
    63.5 KB · Views: 65


Sep 17, 2003
holy shit... i saw that but i`m not sure what happened... injection went wrong? or too much synthol?

It would not be due to any amount of Syntherol injected, it does not work like that.

Abscess from an injection that he refused to get taken care of would be my guess. If he chooses not to get it taken care of it is only a matter of time before he looses that arm.

Unless he is just playing to all of his facebook followers and its road rash or something like that? Wanting them to think he was able to survive such an infection without the supervision of a doctor.