Bulking Cycle


New member
Nov 2, 2008
I was thinking about doing a bulking cycle i was thinking about taking deca but im not sure what all i should stack with it but im also a wrestler and i dont want to add too much useless weight


Aug 28, 2005
I was thinking about doing a bulking cycle i was thinking about taking deca but im not sure what all i should stack with it but im also a wrestler and i dont want to add too much useless weight

if your not wanting to gain a bunch of weight are you sure you want to do a bulking cycle?


New member
Nov 2, 2008
i dont mind gaining weight i just want lean muscle, my diets already pretty good so im not worried about that


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
First of all please provide your stats (age, height, weight, bf, training/cycle history etc).

And your exact goals. I gather you want to bulk up alittle but mainly with lean muscle, increase strength and not have your aerobic capacity negatively affected.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
First of all please provide your stats (age, height, weight, bf, training/cycle history etc).

And your exact goals. I gather you want to bulk up alittle but mainly with lean muscle, increase strength and not have your aerobic capacity negatively affected.

Damn, those avatars of yours!


Back on topic, STATS please...agreed 100%.


New member
Nov 2, 2008
I am 5`11 175 my by was like 7% i think last time i checked and i did try out alinshop dbol but nothing like a real cycle. I already spend my life in a gym i try to go atleast two times a day once to workout and later on at night to get some cardio in when i dont work or have practice.


Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
FOOD FOOD FOOD !!! It sounds like you need more calorie intake if your at the gym that much. How old are you? I pose the question to understand were your metabolism is at. If you look in the diet section I know there are some good bulking diets in there. I know you said in an above post that your diet was good but what is a typical day of eating for you. What foods how much and ? Please don't tell me a little of this some of that. Give me ounces grams etc.


New member
Nov 2, 2008
i just turned 23 in august, im guessing i probly eat maybe 4,000 calories a day if not less but i wont go out to eat i usually cook my own food but i dont have time to eat more than like 3 times a day although i usually try to bring something with me during practice and stuff like that


Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
Ok look you have to eat more ,gear is great but without the right diet to meet the goals you have in mind its useless. Now with that said, I would suggest because you say you can't eat enough in a day supplement with shakes bars what ever you have to do. you should be eating seven meals a day. First thing in the morning 10:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 4:00pm 6:00pm 8:00pm before bed . It should look something like that aranged depending on your schedule.Now a meal can be a can of tuna and a banna a bowl of oatmeal and a peanutbutter sandwich half pound of turkey breast(cold cuts). Stuff like cold cuts that can be eaten on the go are great ways of getting in those meals when your pressed for time. The more meals will help you keep your BF down while giving the protien carb and fat sources to build lean muscle. But like I said you can do as much gear as you want but without the fuel(food) you won't make the gains you should and won't maintain them and be running the risks of side effects without the true benifits of it.I don't intend this to be condisending I am only stating so basic info. Again check out some bulk diets on the site get your food in take straight then worrie about the other stuff. Good luck man.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Mac is right.

By the way I can guarantee your not having 4000 calories per day. And in 3 meals... I don't think so. And your grossly overtraining. There is no right answer and everyone is different. But I can guarantee you would grow more is you lowered your days to 4 per week and not 7. Keep your workouts short and intense. Your muscles grow in recovery so training everyday is not helping matters.

Cardio is very important and it is good you are healthy. But if you want to get bigger you must cut the cardio. I would have 3 short (20 mins max)sessions per week to keep you healthy but help you put on size. When I am bulking I have next to no cardio because my metobolic rate is higher than anyones. I was always very tall and slim but toned. But by following the above approaches I got up to 210 pounds and will be higher soon (210 is not alot for most but I don't want to be huge).

Eating 7/8 smaller meals per day is great and I advise it for anyone. But for bulking I would say 6 meals is best. Simply because eating many smaller meals per day will speed your metobolic rate up (ideal for cutting). But you don't want that when bulking. So I would have 5/6 meals per day. Have your breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime snack. And in between fit in 2 weightgainer shakes. 90% of shakes are crap and full of shit but if you want I can PM you with a good one that will help you put on the weight.

Even when bulking I think you should always try and eat fairly clean. Make sure you have lots of protein and complex carbs in your diet. With essential fats too. All 3 are vital. The only time you should have simple carbs are post workout (such as powerade/gatorade). Don't have to be exact with your ratio but something like 50/30/20 (carbs,pro,fat) works out well. So lots of meat and fish, brown rice, oatmeal, potaties, milk, nuts, avocado etc etc.

Like I said there are 1001 ways but just follow what me and mac said and you should be fine. Many people think they are having lots of calories and protein etc but it's very common they aren't having the amount they think. Or they are not sustaining it. It's not just about calories but the things you eat. If you are doing all we say then you simply need more.

In a weightgainer look out for high levels of carbs and protein. But not sugar (that will be listed in carbs). It has to be good carbs... most weightgainers are full of sugar that turns into fat easily. Also look for little or no satuated fat. I guarantee if you do the following you will achieve your goals
- 4 solid meals per day with your weightgainer shakes in between
- 3/4 weight sessions per week that are intense and spread out
- Very little or even no cardio whilst bulking

I would have wrote it out better but in a rush now. Hope it helps
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