Coming off after 5 years. Have a few questions.


Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
First question is this, I took 5000 IU of HCG over the course of eight days a few weeks back and after about a week my balls started hurting like someone kicked me in the nuts. They have grown back and I believe they are starting to function but I do get intermittent testicle pain now. I guess the obvious conclusion to that problem would be that my nuts haven't been working for 5 years so it's going to be a little painful to get them going again?

I took roughly between 4 and 600 milligrams weekly for about 5 years of testosterone, I mixed a few things in a couple times a year but for the most part I was just on a high trt dose which usually floated around 400 milligrams a week. Going to take some time off in an effort to lose some weight, lose some m
ass, and get a little bit healthier. As I am a very big boy. I have accomplished all my heavy lifting goals and then content to do a lightweight bodybuilders routine for a while. Any advice for me and coming off after this long.? I have not taken any anti estrogen pills yet but I did do a full blood panel last week and my estrogen was perfectly normal. It has been 3 weeks since my last shot.

All advice welcome.

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Registered User
Feb 16, 2015
How was yor bloodwork all those years while on all the time?

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Cleaning out and letting your body return to homeostasis is always a good thing. Even if blood work is good, I believe there is always some sort of damage being done, even if only slight.

Focus on getting lean and losing bodyfat. That helps to take stress off of the body, as a whole. All things being equal, leaner is better. It will help improve cholesterol levels, take stress off of the joints, and make everyday living easier. The less excess weight our body has to work to move around, the better we function and feel.

Do some strict dieting, add in some extra cardio, and start to track your overall volume on your lifts. You can still make good progress in your lifts, even being off. It'll just come a little slower and a little more hard fought. If you don't do it already, do some reading on Daily Undulating Periodization. It's a great way to train that lets you make gains, increase reps and total volume, and still gives you the opportunity to satisfy your desire to lift heavy. You'll just lift heavy a little less often.

Good luck Chewy. Let us know how it goes.


Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
Cleaning out and letting your body return to homeostasis is always a good thing. Even if blood work is good, I believe there is always some sort of damage being done, even if only slight.

Focus on getting lean and losing bodyfat. That helps to take stress off of the body, as a whole. All things being equal, leaner is better. It will help improve cholesterol levels, take stress off of the joints, and make everyday living easier. The less excess weight our body has to work to move around, the better we function and feel.

Do some strict dieting, add in some extra cardio, and start to track your overall volume on your lifts. You can still make good progress in your lifts, even being off. It'll just come a little slower and a little more hard fought. If you don't do it already, do some reading on Daily Undulating Periodization. It's a great way to train that lets you make gains, increase reps and total volume, and still gives you the opportunity to satisfy your desire to lift heavy. You'll just lift heavy a little less often.

Good luck Chewy. Let us know how it goes.
Yes sir. I will bro.

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Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
Cleaning out and letting your body return to homeostasis is always a good thing. Even if blood work is good, I believe there is always some sort of damage being done, even if only slight.

Focus on getting lean and losing bodyfat. That helps to take stress off of the body, as a whole. All things being equal, leaner is better. It will help improve cholesterol levels, take stress off of the joints, and make everyday living easier. The less excess weight our body has to work to move around, the better we function and feel.

Do some strict dieting, add in some extra cardio, and start to track your overall volume on your lifts. You can still make good progress in your lifts, even being off. It'll just come a little slower and a little more hard fought. If you don't do it already, do some reading on Daily Undulating Periodization. It's a great way to train that lets you make gains, increase reps and total volume, and still gives you the opportunity to satisfy your desire to lift heavy. You'll just lift heavy a little less often.

Good luck Chewy. Let us know how it goes.
Right nut feels swollen. Bad pain for the last week off and on. Should I do more hcg. Also taking 50mg clomid daily??

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I honestly don't know. I've never had a problem with pain when coming off, and I've never used HCG. You're not injecting it into your testicle, are you?


Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
I honestly don't know. I've never had a problem with pain when coming off, and I've never used HCG. You're not injecting it into your testicle, are you?
No. Lol just did a lot in 2weeks...

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Gotta be careful with HCG. Too much can actually burn out the Leydig cells in the testes and shut you down permanently.


Mar 27, 2014
Is the nut huge or is it just a little bigger then the other?
I got an epididamitic-(can't spell it)
The nut swells ip like a golf ball
They just give you an antibiotic and it goes away quick
Keep us posted
You should do a log on how this all goes
It would help a lot of people out


Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
I started a log on a different post. I will update it weekly for 6 months. Ball pain gone. I had some amoxcicillin and will take for 2 weeks. Lol

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Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
Is the nut huge or is it just a little bigger then the other?
I got an epididamitic-(can't spell it)
The nut swells ip like a golf ball
They just give you an antibiotic and it goes away quick
Keep us posted
You should do a log on how this all goes
It would help a lot of people out
Log started bro

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