Cycle Help


Registered User
Jun 21, 2007
Is this a good idea or not...?

I wanted to run 12 weeks of Test Prop and EQ and then bring in Tren at week 6 to finish it out.

My plan is to use the first 8 weeks to add mass and strength and then the last 4 weeks bring in cardio, work on strength and losing fat while keeping what I gained in the first eight weeks.

Would that be a waste? ...Or since i'm using the right stuff for what I want to do I figured it wouldn't be a waste. I want to gain size but keep my body fat low... Test Prop, EQ, and Tren are good for both bulking and cutting... why not utilize both in one cycle?!

Any comments?!?!


Feb 24, 2007
Ryder13 said:
Is this a good idea or not...?

I wanted to run 12 weeks of Test Prop and EQ and then bring in Tren at week 6 to finish it out.

My plan is to use the first 8 weeks to add mass and strength and then the last 4 weeks bring in cardio, work on strength and losing fat while keeping what I gained in the first eight weeks.

Would that be a waste? ...Or since i'm using the right stuff for what I want to do I figured it wouldn't be a waste. I want to gain size but keep my body fat low... Test Prop, EQ, and Tren are good for both bulking and cutting... why not utilize both in one cycle?!

Any comments?!?!
Well, I don't know anything of your trainning/cycle history so it's difficult to advise...Give me those and maybe I/we can better advise you.


Registered User
Jun 21, 2007
This will be my first cycle of gear...

I have done quite a few 1-AD cycles in the past (5 to be exact). I have done this with 1-AD in that I tried getting bigger while doing cardio and losing fat at the same time with good results. 4 weeks is a lot different than 12 weeks and the supplements are quite different as well...

Usually when I was on 1-AD, my training was as follows

Mon/Thurs - Chest + Arms
Tues/Fri - Back + Shoulders
Wed/Sat - Legs

I would alternate that with this schedule depending on how long i've been with each schedule. (for example I would do the routine above for a cycle and my post cycle, then I would switch to the one below for awhile and then during my next cycle, then go back to that other one after)

Monday - Chest
Tuesday - Back
Wednesday - Arms
Thursday - Shoulders
Friday - Legs

Can that help you with my first question? I appreciate it, thank you in advance...


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
Ryder13 said:
Is this a good idea or not...?

I wanted to run 12 weeks of Test Prop and EQ and then bring in Tren at week 6 to finish it out.

My plan is to use the first 8 weeks to add mass and strength and then the last 4 weeks bring in cardio, work on strength and losing fat while keeping what I gained in the first eight weeks.

Would that be a waste? ...Or since i'm using the right stuff for what I want to do I figured it wouldn't be a waste. I want to gain size but keep my body fat low... Test Prop, EQ, and Tren are good for both bulking and cutting... why not utilize both in one cycle?!

Any comments?!?!
Way too much for a first cycle!!!! You are not ready for this many compounds yet!!! Stick with something basic, to see how your body reacts before being just another one of those rookies that goes out and buys all of this different gear without knowing how their body is going to react to it??! THEN post up on the boards trying to put a cycle together saying well I already got this stuff??! THEN not listen to the advise, going ahead with the cycle anyways??! Finally wondering why it didn't work out the way you thought it would??! A perfect first cycle:
wk1-10 Test Enan 500mg/wk
pct starting on wk13
If you would like you could kick start it with wk1-4 Dbol 30mg/ed........


Registered User
Apr 15, 2007
kawasaki1 said:
Way too much for a first cycle!!!! You are not ready for this many compounds yet!!! Stick with something basic, to see how your body reacts before being just another one of those rookies that goes out and buys all of this different gear without knowing how their body is going to react to it??! THEN post up on the boards trying to put a cycle together saying well I already got this stuff??! THEN not listen to the advise, going ahead with the cycle anyways??! Finally wondering why it didn't work out the way you thought it would??! A perfect first cycle:
wk1-10 Test Enan 500mg/wk
pct starting on wk13
If you would like you could kick start it with wk1-4 Dbol 30mg/ed........


Tren in your first REAL cycle?

Are you joking?:confused:



Your body is not ready to get the full benefits from trenbolone NOW.

You can get them in a LATER cycle when your body will have a strong base (mass, strengh, experience with sides, ect).

It's simply TOO STRONG for you now.

If you use trenbolone in your first cycle what will be your second?

Anadrol and halo with test at 1 gr per week?

Stick with the basic newbie cycle, it will provide you nice gains you can retain in major part if you do it properly.


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
Hey ryder, kawasaki has given good advice there. You do not need to run that much as a first timer! Esp Tren. very harsh compound and some people have a hard time with it. You may not even need the d-bol. if your diet and training are on the money you will grow like a weed. All I did first time was sust250(a long time ago). Gave me incredible gains for 10 weeks. Keep it simple


Registered User
Jul 28, 2007
I am on Tren and its no joke. No way anyone should use tren on their first cycle.

Also prop needs to be injected ED or EOD. How can you tell you can handle injectings ED, EOD.

Bump K1 stick with test at 500MG per week.
You will be very happy in the long run.
More IS NOT better!


Registered User
Jun 21, 2007
Sounds good to me, thanks for all the posts...

As for the injecting ED or EOD question... If you're asking if needles bother me, they don't. If not then I don't know what you mean, I don't mind doing it either if that's what you're asking.

One more question though, if I ran 10 weeks of Test... Would it be a good idea then to take some Nolva during my cycle or should I just put all that stuff off until the end? Run the 10 weeks of nothing by Test and then start PCT after I'm finished with that, or take Nolva along with Test during the cycle?
Again, I appreciate all the feedback... Glad I could be stupid and get corrected nicely and before I did anything, than to get bitched at through a discussion board. Thanks to all!
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Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
PCT at the end is a yes. Nothing says you have to take nolva with your cycle. it is more of a If you need to take. I am sure some will differ on this. But nolva is more for if you start to deveolope some symptoms of gyno. If you don't get the symptoms then you may not need it. Always a good idea to have on hand when you start your cycle. Just in case! You don't want to find out that you need some and can't get it!


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
Ryder13 said:
Sounds good to me, thanks for all the posts...

As for the injecting ED or EOD question... If you're asking if needles bother me, they don't. If not then I don't know what you mean, I don't mind doing it either if that's what you're asking. It's not the point of whether or not it bothers you, it's that ED/EOD injections start to wear on you after a while!! Not knowing what to expect with injecting can really take a toll on you when starting off injecting ED/EOD, which can end up hurting or even stopping your cycle!!!

One more question though, if I ran 10 weeks of Test... Would it be a good idea then to take some Nolva during my cycle or should I just put all that stuff off until the end? Run the 10 weeks of nothing by Test and then start PCT after I'm finished with that, or take Nolva along with Test during the cycle? I would only take the Nolva during cycle if you are seeing signs of gyno or excessive water retention.

Again, I appreciate all the feedback... Glad I could be stupid and get corrected nicely and before I did anything, than to get bitched at through a discussion board. Thanks to all!
Answers in red........


Registered User
Jun 21, 2007
Thank you for being so helpful...

Just Test for now sounds good...

Thanks again...


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
Ok, first off since the Tren has been talked out, I won't bother with talking about it.

Second, I don't understand why you want to run Prop and EQ together for the same length of time??? I assume because of the water-retention thing and that old profiles have recommended both as 'cutting cycles'. EQ to me is not a good cutter anyway, but does add a nice anabolic effect among other things. Run your test around 500mg/week and you shouldn't notice much water-retention and depending on your bodyfat levels, might not notice any. If you are going to run the very long-estered Equipoise then I would try my best to match the ester with my other aas to match up dosing schedules and accumilation and taper off of the aas. I would stick with Test Enanthate as it would be much closer and you could still do a weekly or bi-weekly shot schedule with-out ups and downs in blood levels. I would also run the Test a little longer so that it is the last exogenous steroid to leave your body - 1-3 weeks is fine.

If you really want to run Prop, then maybe reconsider the Equipoise and think about Masteron or Nandrolone Phenyl-Propionate instead and then everything will be shot acting and you can quit whenever you want or run for as long as you want. I'd plan on 8 weeks myself.


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
Ryder13 said:
Would I be able to run Prop by itself for the duration of my cycle?
Yes you could, but the eod inj's are gonna be a pain in the ass among other parts. Try this. Start the test e at 300mg/wk. Run test prop at 100mg/eod for three weeks. Then drop the prop and bump test e to 500mg/wk. The prop will start acting faster and give the test e a chance to get working. Just a suggestion! For the record, the only reason you get water retention on any form of test is due to diet and sodium. I can take what ever form of test i choose and I do not get bloated. if bloating continues get some blood work done and have liver values checked. OR look into some digestive enzymes to help with all the food intake.