Dare to Defh


Oracle's my Mod
Aug 16, 2004
Toxic Dump
Ive been on the ANASCI message boards for a little over a year now and I have to say I have learned a great deal from the site and specific members like Pincrusher, Tee, Oracle (may he rest in peace), Dragonrider and even sometimes Kell).

Anyway, I’m about to complete my third cycle and I wanted to share some of my thoughts/experiences/learnings with the rest of you. Now, I am no expert and do not claim to be — there are many more intelligent and experienced individuals on this site — what appears below is my opinion and my opinion only:


There is a lot of good advice on cycles and experiences of users. I learned a lot about tren here and love it — it has done wonders for my physique. (and I would never do a non-test cycle).
Many moderators and others are very good at telling the underaged and obese to seek alternative means before turning to gear — cheers.
There is a really great sense of community and humor on this board — I love it.
The profiles of the different agents/steroids is invaluable.


There is entirely too much emphasis placed on “how much weight I have gained while on cycle” by many newbies. This is utter crap because many of the kick-starters (drol, dbol, even test) enable many to put on water weight quickly and give the appearance of strength that will soon be gone post-cycle. Gains should be evaluated by strength increases over time or growth in muscles in the absence of body fat % increase. I really believe that WEIGHT GAIN WHILE ON CYCLE really should NOT be a goal.
2. There is no consensus on post cycle therapy. HCG and Clomid and Nolva? Just Nolva? Just Clomid? This confusion is sad and alarming at the same time.
3. A lot of advice I see favors eating, eating, eating while on cycle. “EAT CLEAN”. What the f does that mean? High protein of course, but how much? Low carbs? Low sugar no doubt. However eating, eating, eating will get you fat, fat, fat especially if you are over 30 years old or have a slow metabolism.
4. Gear is only one component of the equation which also includes rest, exercise, and diet. Not enough attention are devoted to the last three. For instance, how important is restful sleep to strength and mass gains? Isnt that just as important as how you well one can complete their 1RM flat bench?
5. There is not enough discussion on body fat and cardio/body fat burning while on cycle. I gained a ton of weight (much of it bad) while on cycle and should’ve brought cardio on-board a long time ago. I know goals are different among many individuals but I don’t care if I can bench press 575 lbs if I have to carry a spare tire around. (yes I ate clean and a ton of protein and yes I drank too much alcohol during that cycle :)

I still personally have a lot to learn and enjoy reading and posting on ANASCI. In the end, everyone is different with unique physiques, metabolisms, and goals. Please don’t take this post as a rant or flame — just some observations and food for thought.


Sep 19, 2004
It sounds like you are blaming those who say, "eat, eat eat" for you getting fat. If you have done 3 cycles you should know how your body reacts to gear and food and cardio. Some people need some sort of cardio throughout their cycle. Me personally, I f like a rabbit, do physical labor and chase around a 4 year od when I'm not doing that. That's plenty of cardio for me. I don't have much more exp. than you but I can tell you that when I didn't eat like a horse and one cycle I had minimal gains. But like you said, it depends on the individual. I know of only one guy who can eat 5000cals, 300g's of protein and gain complete lean muscle with no fat. As hard as it is to gain muscle, it seems twice as hard to lose fat. Good Luck


Oracle's my Mod
Aug 16, 2004
Toxic Dump
Does this guy just lift with no cardio and add lean mass? I find it so damn hard to shed the body fat -- I do believe it is more difficult than adding muscle in many ways. My point is that I can't be the only one with this issue and you dont seem to see it discussed as much on the boards....


i recently posted up a thread about the very same things you talked about. to much emphasis is placed on what gear to use and not enough on the eating aspect. we must as a board start to lean towards working with people especially newbies in planning a good diet for them to follow. it takes alot more than just telling someone to eat,eat,eat.
cardio is not stressed to be done during cycles but it should be put in place if you are gaining unwanted fat. this is something i tend to recommend when talking about cycles with people.
timing of meals is also very important but cheating is the worst killer of good cycles. unfortunately when you talk about doing alot of drinking that is probably the worse thing you can do during a cycle because it is all bad carbs you are taking in and typically at all the worng times.
one of the keys to not gaining fat is to not eat carbs within 3-4 hours of bedtime. when you drink this is typically when you are doing the drinking, right before you go to bed, so your body has nothing it can do to burn off the carbs from the alcohol other than to store it while you sleep.
next next cyclke try abstanining from alcohol and stick with the no carbs within 3-4 hours of bedtime and you should see a big difference in your cycle gains.


Registered User
Sep 9, 2005
Up North
Bizarro said:
Ive been on the ANASCI message boards for a little over a year now and I have to say I have learned a great deal from the site and specific members like Pincrusher, Tee, Oracle (may he rest in peace), Dragonrider and even sometimes Kell).

Anyway, I’m about to complete my third cycle and I wanted to share some of my thoughts/experiences/learnings with the rest of you. Now, I am no expert and do not claim to be — there are many more intelligent and experienced individuals on this site — what appears below is my opinion and my opinion only:


There is a lot of good advice on cycles and experiences of users. I learned a lot about tren here and love it — it has done wonders for my physique. (and I would never do a non-test cycle).
Many moderators and others are very good at telling the underaged and obese to seek alternative means before turning to gear — cheers.
There is a really great sense of community and humor on this board — I love it.
The profiles of the different agents/steroids is invaluable.


There is entirely too much emphasis placed on “how much weight I have gained while on cycle” by many newbies. This is utter crap because many of the kick-starters (drol, dbol, even test) enable many to put on water weight quickly and give the appearance of strength that will soon be gone post-cycle. Gains should be evaluated by strength increases over time or growth in muscles in the absence of body fat % increase. I really believe that WEIGHT GAIN WHILE ON CYCLE really should NOT be a goal.
2. There is no consensus on post cycle therapy. HCG and Clomid and Nolva? Just Nolva? Just Clomid? This confusion is sad and alarming at the same time.
3. A lot of advice I see favors eating, eating, eating while on cycle. “EAT CLEAN”. What the f does that mean? High protein of course, but how much? Low carbs? Low sugar no doubt. However eating, eating, eating will get you fat, fat, fat especially if you are over 30 years old or have a slow metabolism.
4. Gear is only one component of the equation which also includes rest, exercise, and diet. Not enough attention are devoted to the last three. For instance, how important is restful sleep to strength and mass gains? Isnt that just as important as how you well one can complete their 1RM flat bench?
5. There is not enough discussion on body fat and cardio/body fat burning while on cycle. I gained a ton of weight (much of it bad) while on cycle and should’ve brought cardio on-board a long time ago. I know goals are different among many individuals but I don’t care if I can bench press 575 lbs if I have to carry a spare tire around. (yes I ate clean and a ton of protein and yes I drank too much alcohol during that cycle :)

I still personally have a lot to learn and enjoy reading and posting on ANASCI. In the end, everyone is different with unique physiques, metabolisms, and goals. Please don’t take this post as a rant or flame — just some observations and food for thought.

Hey Bizarro. Wow, I've only been on the board this year as well, but share many of your observations. Agreed, overall the board is extrememly helpful. However, I also share your beliefs that too little emphasis is put on things like cardio, sleep, true lean mass / strength gains, and general fitness. I also think that eat, eat, eat to put on mass without associated fitness or even necessarily strength gain may not be very healthy. Other health issues also have to be addressed......I know I've been yapping about it in a few posts now, but keeping cholesterol controlled must not be overlooked by AAS users.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2005
Matter of experience/perspective.

Bizarro said:
Ive been on the ANASCI message boards for a little over a year now and I have to say I have learned a great deal from the site and specific members like Pincrusher, Tee, Oracle (may he rest in peace), Dragonrider and even sometimes Kell).

Anyway, I’m about to complete my third cycle and I wanted to share some of my thoughts/experiences/learnings with the rest of you. Now, I am no expert and do not claim to be — there are many more intelligent and experienced individuals on this site — what appears below is my opinion and my opinion only:


There is a lot of good advice on cycles and experiences of users. I learned a lot about tren here and love it — it has done wonders for my physique. (and I would never do a non-test cycle).
Many moderators and others are very good at telling the underaged and obese to seek alternative means before turning to gear — cheers.
There is a really great sense of community and humor on this board — I love it.
The profiles of the different agents/steroids is invaluable.


There is entirely too much emphasis placed on “how much weight I have gained while on cycle” by many newbies. This is utter crap because many of the kick-starters (drol, dbol, even test) enable many to put on water weight quickly and give the appearance of strength that will soon be gone post-cycle. Gains should be evaluated by strength increases over time or growth in muscles in the absence of body fat % increase. I really believe that WEIGHT GAIN WHILE ON CYCLE really should NOT be a goal.
2. There is no consensus on post cycle therapy. HCG and Clomid and Nolva? Just Nolva? Just Clomid? This confusion is sad and alarming at the same time.
3. A lot of advice I see favors eating, eating, eating while on cycle. “EAT CLEAN”. What the f does that mean? High protein of course, but how much? Low carbs? Low sugar no doubt. However eating, eating, eating will get you fat, fat, fat especially if you are over 30 years old or have a slow metabolism.
4. Gear is only one component of the equation which also includes rest, exercise, and diet. Not enough attention are devoted to the last three. For instance, how important is restful sleep to strength and mass gains? Isnt that just as important as how you well one can complete their 1RM flat bench?
5. There is not enough discussion on body fat and cardio/body fat burning while on cycle. I gained a ton of weight (much of it bad) while on cycle and should’ve brought cardio on-board a long time ago. I know goals are different among many individuals but I don’t care if I can bench press 575 lbs if I have to carry a spare tire around. (yes I ate clean and a ton of protein and yes I drank too much alcohol during that cycle :)

I still personally have a lot to learn and enjoy reading and posting on ANASCI. In the end, everyone is different with unique physiques, metabolisms, and goals. Please don’t take this post as a rant or flame — just some observations and food for thought.

I myself am no expert either and i'm constantly learning something new here, muchless medical/athletic science saying this is good for you and then 5 years later its bad for you. What i do know is i'm near 35 and have worked out on and off since i was 12 years old. I know this body and i know what lifts/routines/caloric intake is necessary to make gains.
The Good: Bizarro, i couldn't agree more, i've learned all that i know about aas mostly from here and i still have lots to learn. The advice and goodwill here is really a beautiful thing, people looking out for each other and sharing info freely. The funny thing is i'm a buddhist and i have participated in some buddhist forums and the rudeness and ill will i've experienced there at times was really unsettling considering what a buddhist is, basicly altruistic. I see more consistent, genuine kindness and goodwill here then i ever saw there. I love you folks and i read here daily, but don't post much.

The not so good:
1. I think weight gain and strength gain go hand in hand for the most part. At least they do for me. I also tend to stay pretty ripped. For me i lift heavy, i eat heavy, i gain bodyweight and i lift heavier the next week. For me it is the goal.
2. I agree that there is a lot of conflicting info/opinions on pct and it leaves me confused as well. I think this is a matter of what works for some may not work for others. For some maybe all they need is a course of colomid for pct. While another has found that it didn't work for them and they needed another compound. That is how i see this pct thing.
3. Eat eat eat is the only way i can put on the lbs. I think that a person needs to know there own body and apply this info relative to there bodies needs. This comes down to experience and a persons willingness to research the topic outside of anasci. With all that is involved in this lifestyle its impossible to cover it all under one roof.
4. i couldn't agree more. Without the proper foods/diet and sleep all the lifting in the world will yield little and if the proper lifting routines and sticking to them are not employed, all the gear in the world will yield little. I believe, a person should not be here if they haven't the experience/understanding of what it takes to develop a muscular physique. There are many newbs who come here thinking that a cycle of test and a d-bol frontload along with a little lifting is all they need. These are the sort who have not spent much time under a rack and put their time in, developing a good base. The food/sleep/and lifting should be dialed in first.
5. I lift for mass and strength, i have to keep my belly full all day in order to make any gains in bodyweight. With my metabolism its all lean weight gain. It is a lot of work doing all that eating so for me cardio means burnt cals, which means more eating, #uck that. Plus, i'm a bricklayer so during spring,summer,fall i'm getting plenty of cardio laying 12" 70 lb concrete block, or 400 brick in a day. I wish i could put on 10 lbs of fat. I think cardio scares guys/gals while they are trying to make quality gains in strength and body mass, its a lot of work eating right and burning those cals. needlessly doesn't appeal to some or me.
6. I agree with the different physiques, metabolisms, and goals. I'm just putting this out here from my perspective and those with race horse metabolisms.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2005
Bizarro said:
Does this guy just lift with no cardio and add lean mass? I find it so damn hard to shed the body fat -- I do believe it is more difficult than adding muscle in many ways. My point is that I can't be the only one with this issue and you dont seem to see it discussed as much on the boards....

I lift with no cardio and i added near 30 lbs of lean mass. For myself i have to constantly be full bellied. It sounds like for you, your probably hungry much of the time. The funny thing is i think shedding the bodyfat must be easier. For me it would be nice to miss a meal. It is really uncomfortable being full all the time. Just the other side of the coin. Clint


Registered User
Nov 12, 2005
Bizarro said:
Ive been on the ANASCI message boards for a little over a year now and I have to say I have learned a great deal from the site and specific members like Pincrusher, Tee, Oracle (may he rest in peace), Dragonrider and even sometimes Kell).

A very good post, and I think one that reflects the thoughts of alot of us. I'm quite a bit older than most I see at the gym. My interest, because of my age, is to have as little body fat as possible. I like having a physique that is muscular of course, and my wife (20 years younger than me) appreciates it. A friend of mine who has been a serious bodybuilder for many years once told me that when you walk out of that gym nobody who sees you can tell how much weight you can lift, what they can see is how good you look. So, for me, looking my best is most important. Yep, a bit of a narcist I suppose. I am careful about what I eat, but I know what and how much works for me to achieve "my" goals. I may not have that race horse metabolism anymore, but when I get to the finish line I'm gonna look good!!....lol. Peace. ;)


Registered User
Mar 26, 2005
NeverBigEnuff said:
A very good post, and I think one that reflects the thoughts of alot of us. I'm quite a bit older than most I see at the gym. My interest, because of my age, is to have as little body fat as possible. I like having a physique that is muscular of course, and my wife (20 years younger than me) appreciates it. A friend of mine who has been a serious bodybuilder for many years once told me that when you walk out of that gym nobody who sees you can tell how much weight you can lift, what they can see is how good you look. So, for me, looking my best is most important. Yep, a bit of a narcist I suppose. I am careful about what I eat, but I know what and how much works for me to achieve "my" goals. I may not have that race horse metabolism anymore, but when I get to the finish line I'm gonna look good!!....lol. Peace. ;)

I'm waiting for this race horse metabolism to slow just a bit, i've heard this should happen in the years to come, fingers crossed. Clint


Oracle's my Mod
Aug 16, 2004
Toxic Dump
The new argument I have with my lifting buddies is whether its possible for me to get abs to show by July. I would say I am about 12% bf but Im not sure. Ive now been consistently running 40 mins 4X/week on the treadmill for a month. we will see.....is this genetic or can anyone get abs to show with enough diet, ex and dedication?