Deca dreams: How to get rid of them?


Dec 20, 2013
For everybody that experiences deca or tren dreams, what do you do to get rid of them?

My friend is on near 1gram of NPP a week and everyday he gets horrible horrible vivid dreams.100% of the time they are nightmares and he feels like he is stuck in the dream. It is honestly debilitating and really affecting the sleep schedule too...5-6 hours of sleep pretty much everyday too. Also, it's not the AI because he only uses 1/2 a tab of exemestane once a week - so please no suggestions that it's something besides the NPP.

His blood pressure is good(under 120/80), he's on NO other gear[only 100 TRT a week], and never has had this experience with ANY other compound he's used(test,anadrol,anavar,etc).

It is definetly 100% for sure the NPP. It is getting worse as the weeks progress on the cycle.

Any advice?!


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
For everybody that experiences deca or tren dreams, what do you do to get rid of them?

My friend is on near 1gram of NPP a week and everyday he gets horrible horrible vivid dreams.100% of the time they are nightmares and he feels like he is stuck in the dream. It is honestly debilitating and really affecting the sleep schedule too...5-6 hours of sleep pretty much everyday too. Also, it's not the AI because he only uses 1/2 a tab of exemestane once a week - so please no suggestions that it's something besides the NPP.

His blood pressure is good(under 120/80), he's on NO other gear[only 100 TRT a week], and never has had this experience with ANY other compound he's used(test,anadrol,anavar,etc).

It is definetly 100% for sure the NPP. It is getting worse as the weeks progress on the cycle.

Any advice?!

It's hard to ask for people's advice and then tell them it can't be anything other than NPP and not to make any other suggestions. If that's how it has to be, then the answer is lower the dose or stop it all together. Honestly, I've never heard of Nandrolone having this effect on anyone. If you want to be a little more open minded, then my question would be, is he taking anything to help him sleep? Whenever I use something that really knocks me out, I get nightmares. Also, is he experiencing any stressful situations?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
Never heard of npp doing that and I just came off a run with 1.5 grams a week of it. Wish I could offer something better bro.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
therapy for the unresolved mental issues causing the nightmares...or some type of sedative like valium to take away the stress from the juice...


Aug 28, 2005
For everybody that experiences deca or tren dreams, what do you do to get rid of them?

My friend is on near 1gram of NPP a week and everyday he gets horrible horrible vivid dreams.100% of the time they are nightmares and he feels like he is stuck in the dream. It is honestly debilitating and really affecting the sleep schedule too...5-6 hours of sleep pretty much everyday too. Also, it's not the AI because he only uses 1/2 a tab of exemestane once a week - so please no suggestions that it's something besides the NPP.

His blood pressure is good(under 120/80), he's on NO other gear[only 100 TRT a week], and never has had this experience with ANY other compound he's used(test,anadrol,anavar,etc).

It is definetly 100% for sure the NPP. It is getting worse as the weeks progress on the cycle.

Any advice?!

Maybe 1gram per week is a little excessive for him?
Perhaps run a lower dosage.


New member
Jun 9, 2014
my buddy has the same problem with tren, but hes also on ssri's among other things for post dramatic disorter. your buddy ever over seas?
Last edited:


Dec 20, 2013
Hey guys,
My friend has run several cycles and never had this issue. He's not on any medications, doesn't take anything for sleeping, hasn't added any new supplements or vitamins, has no lifestyle changes and has never had any kind of psychological problems or disorder.

Also as the weeks passed and npp accumulated, the nightmares became worse and worse and frequent to the point they were every single day.
He knows it the npp because in 20+ years he has never experienced this, and here's the kicker :
He stopped the npp for 1 week and all nightmares went away 100 percent. Few days later he pinned, he got them that night.

It is the npp, that's why I wrote that in the op. Not looking for suggestion that its something else, it clearly is the npp.

I relayed for him to try lowering to 600 and then even 450 if that doesn't work. Thanks for all the input, more is appreciated.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Well, since you've clearly diagnosed him and determined that there couldn't possibly be any other cause, the solution is simple. He obviously can't handle that dose and needs to either quit using NPP or go to a lower dose that he can tolerate.

But, like everyone else in this thread, I suspect there is something else going on that your buddy isn't telling you about.


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
Hey guys,
My friend has run several cycles and never had this issue. He's not on any medications, doesn't take anything for sleeping, hasn't added any new supplements or vitamins, has no lifestyle changes and has never had any kind of psychological problems or disorder.

Also as the weeks passed and npp accumulated, the nightmares became worse and worse and frequent to the point they were every single day.
He knows it the npp because in 20+ years he has never experienced this, and here's the kicker :
He stopped the npp for 1 week and all nightmares went away 100 percent. Few days later he pinned, he got them that night.

It is the npp, that's why I wrote that in the op. Not looking for suggestion that its something else, it clearly is the npp.

I relayed for him to try lowering to 600 and then even 450 if that doesn't work. Thanks for all the input, more is appreciated.

It's strange that he hasn't had this effect until now. Since there's nothing else going on physically and / or mentally, he needs to cut way back or stop all together. Did this NPP come from a different source?


Dec 20, 2013
He has never used NPP in the past - it's his first time. The source is definetly good, I know because tons of people I know use it. It is some freaking strong npp. 10pounds in literally 2 weeks just taking the npp alone is not common, along with sweating a lot, getting these kind of dreams, etc. My other buddies are hit or miss on getting these same exact side effects, butn this particular guy just simply can not handle the 5-6 hours of sleep and constant night terrors. The others really don't care, I guess they're used to it because they have run tren several times lol.

Trust me, there's nothing else he's not telling..... it's just the npp is affecting him this way. I found many other testimonies on google as well as my IRL friend circle that also get bad dreams on deca/npp...

Like I said, I told him to try just 600 this week and see if that helps. If not, then 450....If not then 300, if not....then I don't see the point at all lol.


New member
Jun 9, 2014
ive heard of tons of people experiencing very vivid dreams from all kinds of things like certain meds or quit smoking stuff. when i tried quitting smoking i used the patch and every single night i had vivid dreams, most good some bad few wet. ive heard this happening to lots of people but not constant nightmares, the npp probably is causing the dreams but the nightmares are caused by something else, maybe hes doing it to himself by worrying about it or worrying about something else. but i think it comes down too what hes thinking about or feeling everyday. the fact hes going to sleep thinking hes gonna have a nightmare is more then enough to make him have nightmares
the mind is a powerful thing. hes gotta figure out a way to maybe think positive when going to sleep. i try and think about banging milly cirus, sometimes it works


Dec 20, 2013
what are you talking about? I hope youre not talking to me because I never said that...he's not on anything at all! lol


Registered User
Dec 7, 2012
I use to have terrible night terrors. Then I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. Now that I sleep with my cpap machine every night those have gone away and I'm taking 1400mg npp a week


Registered User
Oct 6, 2013
I use to have terrible night terrors. Then I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. Now that I sleep with my cpap machine every night those have gone away and I'm taking 1400mg npp a week

Thats awesome! I was just going to add that. I ran tren before my cpap and I had the worst dream any parent could have.... woke up balling. The vivid dreams did continue however once I got the cpap dreams have all but stopped or are not something I am remembering anymore. I would have your friend have a sleep study done. They can even tell when you are having dreams while doing the testing