Does EQ Really Suck?


Donating Member
Dec 18, 2019
Hey guys. So, I'm starting my a bulk cycle consisting of 16 weeks 800mg EQ and 750Mg Test E. Of course I'll be using adex, 500mg HCG x2 a week (TRT prescribed), and liver supports. The more research I've been doing, the more I've read that EQ is a waste and I should go with Deca. This would be my 5th cycle. I've done Tren, Mast, and Deca during previous cycle. Deca, unfortuntely got deca dick and want to avoid that again. What are your experiences with EQ? Thanks.


AnaSCI Major Sponsor
Jul 3, 2013
EQ is an excellent compound for lean, quality muscle gains. But, like d2r said, it’s gonna be a slow burn. If you need instant gratification, EQ isn’t the compound for you.

You could always throw in a little Dbol, or some other oral, at the beginning.


Registered User
Jan 24, 2018
Cycle looks good. I like it, some people have high blood pressure problems with it or anxiety. It can also increase appetite.


Registered User
Jul 30, 2020
DFW, Texas
Its phenomenal for me. Get bold prop or a short acting if you can for the first 4-5 weeks if not just run a 16-20 weeker, and youll love it. Im higher BF right now and have veins around my outer elbow when I flex my bicep by my side, and thats with some Deca bloat bc Im running both together for the first time.

And I bartend and we have had covid make me work 6 days a week so lately Ive been 12-14 hour shifts and havent lifted, and Im still stronger not eating enough and Im not losing anything.

I had my cycle all planned out but my job needs me, so Im there for them. Theyve paid my bills off and on for 4 years and havce always been good to me.

They have fed me so I dont bite the hand, and I help even if it compromises a good cycle for a couple weeks. Hell I could go to 175-200mg Test E or C and keep gaining if I wanted. But my elbow flair ups have kept me on the deca.

Doctor prescribed diuretic I have stopped taking and I have it but I dont feel I need it. I got some bad medicine and had a reaction. So unless I get swollen ankles again Im done with hydrochlorothiazide.

Took me from 244-45 down to 208 in a month and I was training. I felt strength loss while getting on a cycle, and now Im grabbing 100 lb DBs and rowing for reps easily training 1-2 days a week. Not bad bc I could go heavier but my right elbow 100 is my rep work max until I get fully hydrated again

Back to the topic, EQ is one of my favorite compounds ever. Makes me hungry, greater endurance during cardio.

Just keep an eye on hematocrit and high RBC count bc thick blood isnt good, so dont do a gram of it. 400 is ok... 500-600 is the spot. 20 weeker would be good at that dose. 16 would be good too. Just get EQ 300mg/ml and youre g2g

The vascularity is great, but I prefer the hunger for any food bc it makes it easier to eat the same diet foods bc youre just starving.


Registered User
Jul 30, 2020
DFW, Texas
Cycle looks good. I like it, some people have high blood pressure problems with it or anxiety. It can also increase appetite.

Bro your avi is great... 98%? 100% accurate.

No fake natties on forums (mostly)
We say it bc we arent ashamed or selling BS that doesnt do a damn thing on our instagram


Registered User
Feb 26, 2017
My only experience with eq was a large bottle of laurabolin 50 mg/ml 20 years ago...I did 100 mgs twice a week with some test...I didn't notice much of anything...


Registered User
Dec 28, 2007
EQ is one of my favorites. But I am sure I would get great results off any cycle that had 1.5 of AS. Dose was always a driving factor for me.


Registered User
Feb 26, 2017
Adequan is not an anabolic of any sort. It is used to deal with arthritis.

Another brain fart...I had equipoise from pfizer I think from a Mexican vet shop...50 mg/ml...the adequan was for animal arthritis..this was many years ago...at 61 my memory is slipping...I got the laurabolin at the same shop...


Registered User
Feb 26, 2017
I also remember buying primoteston depot by schering and sustanon pre loads from a RX in matamoros back in 1989...they both cost $5 apiece for an amp or preload...


Registered User
Jul 30, 2020
DFW, Texas
I had a brain fart...I meant to say adequan,..I got it from a vet shop...

That reminds me of good ole Reforvit-B... That was underrated dianabol imo. One of the better dianabols from Mexico.

We have come a long way from the old 50mg/ml 50ml vials of EQ.

I will keep my 300mg/ml and sometimes go 250mg/ml. I try to not even mess with 200mg/ml EQ anymore. It doesnt come close to crashing at 300. Now 500mg/ml I see on lists now? Id imagine pain might be a factor but who knows... EQ has never been a painful compound, but it reminds me of Denkall T-400 and the softball sized lump it left a young Beefcake way back in the day.

Those newer to the game.... aka in their early 20s, we have it really good now. All these cut mixes. Lab testing is easy to come by. Competition and an open market pretty much phased out all the shit Mexican AAS companies that were hit or miss.

But at one time I was a QV (Real QV, not the UGL athat followed their demise) advocate bc I always had great results with their products. I think the prop or one of their tests had a dog that looked like Todo from the Wizard of Oz on it. I cant remember exactly which compound but one had a fuzzy liottle dog lol


Registered User
Jul 30, 2020
DFW, Texas
Another brain fart...I had equipoise from pfizer I think from a Mexican vet shop...50 mg/ml...the adequan was for animal arthritis..this was many years ago...at 61 my memory is slipping...I got the laurabolin at the same shop...

We can thank the internet and UGLabs for the demise of the 50mg/ml compounds I think.


Registered User
Feb 26, 2017
That reminds me of good ole Reforvit-B... That was underrated dianabol imo. One of the better dianabols from Mexico.

We have come a long way from the old 50mg/ml 50ml vials of EQ.

I will keep my 300mg/ml and sometimes go 250mg/ml. I try to not even mess with 200mg/ml EQ anymore. It doesnt come close to crashing at 300. Now 500mg/ml I see on lists now? Id imagine pain might be a factor but who knows... EQ has never been a painful compound, but it reminds me of Denkall T-400 and the softball sized lump it left a young Beefcake way back in the day.

Those newer to the game.... aka in their early 20s, we have it really good now. All these cut mixes. Lab testing is easy to come by. Competition and an open market pretty much phased out all the shit Mexican AAS companies that were hit or miss.

But at one time I was a QV (Real QV, not the UGL athat followed their demise) advocate bc I always had great results with their products. I think the prop or one of their tests had a dog that looked like Todo from the Wizard of Oz on it. I cant remember exactly which compound but one had a fuzzy liottle dog lol

Denkall T-400 was rough...I once purchased 300 amps of testoprim D 250 from a mexican Rx...they were $2 an amp and made in a legit lab...200 mg of enanthate and 50 mg of propionate...it was the the most painful shit I ever experienced...after a few weeks I had to go to urgent care...I ended up tossing about 275 amps...the infection was just not worth it...


Registered User
Jul 30, 2020
DFW, Texas
Denkall T-400 was rough...I once purchased 300 amps of testoprim D 250 from a mexican Rx...they were $2 an amp and made in a legit lab...200 mg of enanthate and 50 mg of propionate...it was the the most painful shit I ever experienced...after a few weeks I had to go to urgent care...I ended up tossing about 275 amps...the infection was just not worth it...

Lump city and softball glutes... sleeping on one side foiir 2-3 days.

UGLabs get a lot of flack on these new documentaries, but they saved us from the mexi vet gear that hurt and caused serious scar tissue.

QV was the only one that didnt cause too much pain, but it was still there.