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Fight Club

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
"The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club"
The same holds true for AAS. While I think it's careless etc., for guys to discuss it in the gym - (you know the type, "yeah bro, I'm on 500 test, 300 deca, some dbol, yeah... Ok, you're fucking cool man. We get it.

Then there's the other side of the coin. People asking you (ie ME) if I'm on anything. From family members, coworkers, to people that do my tissue work, dental hygienists (why, do my jaw muscles look pumped?!), WHOMEVER. I know, I carry a good amount of muscle, but have some fucking decorum and stop asking me about the 'great unspoken'.

My ortho is a former team doc for an MLB team, he worked on Clemens, he said to me once '...well, you're developed pretty well, so the treatment options can change based upon that...blah, blah' He knows what's up. Others should seriously respect my privacy. Even if I tell you I'm not, you'll still have your opinions, so why ask in the first place. Years ago, people accused me long before I ever used anything other than creatine and vanadyl sulfate from EAS (google that ancient history). End rant, just been asked it too often lately. Then again, a news interviewer flat out asked Kai Greene on LIVE tv if he 'juiced...juicing, does that still go on?' to which Kai answered 'Only orange juice!' LMAO! I guess I should take it as a compliment in that my work for over two decades is something I wear in the form of hard earned muscle but sometimes, I just want to be the 800 lb gorilla in the room* ;) .


* Or 'elephant in the room' but gorilla sounded more hardcore. LOL
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Registered User
If they ask, they already have it in their mind that you do. And nothing is going to change it. They want to validate their failures by thinking that it's not our hard work and dedication that is paying off. It's AAS doing all the heavy lifting.

I've been getting asked for over 15 years and the funny thing is, I've only been on gear for a year now.

A guy that is married to a friend of mine's cousin has been talking shit behind my back for a couple of years now. Telling everyone he and I know that I'm on gear, when in fact I've only had 1 or 2 five minute conversations with him. All in which it had nothing to do with AAS or even lifting for that matter. People tell me what he's saying, then ask, "are you?".

I just tell them, "no, but thanks for the compliment".


New member
I cant stabd it eother the guy i started training with and soon to be cut from it haha all he does is look on insta and wants to know whats he on whats he on or what am i running and talks pretty loudly about it it drives me fucking insane like ill be getting rdy for a set and he trys to get my attention to ask something.


I don't openly tell anybody but most people already know. But that's a great point no I'm not on roids but thanks for asking.



I definitely talk too openly about steroid use and I finally have learned to keep my mouth shut. However, I dont do it to be cool. I do it because I find it so interesting from a scientific stand point. Before I juiced I ate fast food, cake, ice cream, no vegetables and no fruit….after juicing that all changed. Too bad others dont see it the way i do. :(


I talk with my other gym rate buddies who are on about it, but they are on as well. As for other, I just assume they think I am using something as I am no freak, but like the rest of us in this thread lean 250lb guys with 20" arms don't grow on trees...they grow on Test and swing on trees ;)



Registered User
I talk with my other gym rate buddies who are on about it, but they are on as well. As for other, I just assume they think I am using something as I am no freak, but like the rest of us in this thread lean 250lb guys with 20" arms don't grow on trees...they grow on Test and swing on trees ;)


This is f*kin awesome! :headbang: