First Cycle, Have a look!


Registered User
May 15, 2007
This will be my first cycle, so i decided to go with something extremely mild jsut to see how i do with it and body reacts. i am 6'2 260, not sure what my body fat percentage is right now but its 18+ or so. I want a cycle that will gain strength. I am not looking to get huge this time around, just to shed some fat and gain strength. I will not be running tren as this is my first cycle so here is what i came up with.

14 week cycle
week 2-13 40mg/day Anavar (oral)
week 1-14 80mcg/day(post work out) igf-lr3 (IM)
week 1-14 b12/lipotropic (need dosage)

no clue what pct is needed for this please help.

I know this is an itty bitty cycle, but id much rather start simple and practice with dieting etc, before i load up.


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
Anavar looks good, if it's your only AAS, you probably will want to go higher on the dosage, but start where you're at and increase if needed. Give it about 2 weeks to really notice it.

Can't really say much about the Igf1 Lr3.

The B12 is not lipotropic as far as I know (Lipotropic compounds are those which help catalyse the break down of fat during metabolism in the body.) I assume you mean water-based injectable cyanocobalamin (b12) which has a very short active life. I would inject 1/4 ml (usually 1000mcg/ml) every other day or even better would be to find some cyanacobalamin and hydroxycobalamin like in Synthelamin and shoot once a week at 1ml or even twice a week at .5ml. I know the average citizen does these once a month, but we aren't average, and are after the best results. The B12 will help counter the appetite suppression from Anavar as well as give a little more energy - take the appetite stimulating into account, as I do not really think you need or even want the effects from it. I'd leave it out completely myself.

As far as PCT, I would get some nolvadex and run it at 20mg a day, starting the day after your last Anavar dose, and run it for 3-4 weeks - once you feel recovered completely continue on for another 1 week and taper off like 20mg,20mg, 10mg, 10mg, 10mg, 5mg, 5mg.

I totally respect your thoughts on starting small and getting everything down first, I wish everyone would take this stance.


Registered User
May 15, 2007
what does feel recovered completely mean?
and the b12/lipotropic i was referring to was a premixed solution with 3 amino acids +b12, actually it may not be mixed, but from what i have read they go great together.


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
Feeling completely recovered is something you will notice yourself when you go through the whole experience, more than likely you will just go from Anavar to Nolvadex and never notice anything and in that case just run the nolvadex for 3 weeks. The Anavar is going to cause some suppression and if you run high enough doses it might/will kill your sex drive, but that is an individual thing both on the dosage and whether or not it will have that effect on you
- you will feel recovered when energy levels return (IF they dropped), when your sex drive returns (IF it dropped), when your sexual ability returns (IF it dropped), etc. It really isn't something I can tell you or at least know how to tell someone exactly.

If you have a link or some information on that B12 mix you're talking about, I'd love for you to PM me or post the information on it. But again, I really don't think it's something that is going to complement your goals, but I don't know.


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
bigdawg said:
This will be my first cycle, so i decided to go with something extremely mild jsut to see how i do with it and body reacts. i am 6'2 260, not sure what my body fat percentage is right now but its 18+ or so. I want a cycle that will gain strength. I am not looking to get huge this time around, just to shed some fat and gain strength. I will not be running tren as this is my first cycle so here is what i came up with.

14 week cycle
week 2-13 40mg/day Anavar (oral)
week 1-14 80mcg/day(post work out) igf-lr3 (IM)
week 1-14 b12/lipotropic (need dosage)

no clue what pct is needed for this please help.

I know this is an itty bitty cycle, but id much rather start simple and practice with dieting etc, before i load up.
No test?? The var will most likely shut you down anyway so why no test?? You said you wanted to keep this mild then why do you want to run an oral? You need test in the cycle. I think you need to do a bit more research.


Registered User
May 15, 2007
by mild i really mean i want a small impact cycle to see how i feel with it, also the info i have on the b12 was a bit off its 2 separate substances, one is a b12 shot the other is a blend of lipotropic amino acids. I do need to do more research thats another reason why i am posting for feedback. Ideally i want to run something to increase strength, not too much bulk, and want to go simple. I dont really have a way to explain simple other than i was to go easy the first time and get used to the diet, the pct, like a beginner course. I also need to avoid getting huge fast, as my job would notice this, so anavar seemed like a decent choice. I am not set on anavar, it was just what reading i had done.


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
bigdawg said:
by mild i really mean i want a small impact cycle to see how i feel with it, also the info i have on the b12 was a bit off its 2 separate substances, one is a b12 shot the other is a blend of lipotropic amino acids. I do need to do more research thats another reason why i am posting for feedback. Ideally i want to run something to increase strength, not too much bulk, and want to go simple. I dont really have a way to explain simple other than i was to go easy the first time and get used to the diet, the pct, like a beginner course. I also need to avoid getting huge fast, as my job would notice this, so anavar seemed like a decent choice. I am not set on anavar, it was just what reading i had done.
You can run a test only cycle that will give you exactly what you want. Bulk as many refer to is usually water retention. The way you aviod this is two fold. Drink large amounts of water all day long and watch your diet and sodium intake. You could probably run test cyp @400mg/wk and get slow steady gains. both strength and muscle. keep your diet clean and you will not blow up. Use the b-12 (highly recommend synthalamine from synthetek) as this is generally a good idea anyway. This is simple and mild. Get some nolva to keep on hand in case you need it (gyno) and follow a pct at the end of your cycle. I wasn't busting your balls BTW I just wanted to fin d out why you didn't want test in a cycle. As I see it test belongs in any basic cycle. Most AAS, oral or inj will affect your natural androgen output. So test is just a common sense approach to a cycle that is likely to shut you down anyway.


Registered User
May 15, 2007
awesome reply, do you recomend running igf post cycle at all? i would like to shred some fat during this process with the assistance of the aas, i know where you stand on fat loss, but i would like it as an added effect if possible. My buddy who builds jsut sent me this cycle to run

Week 1-12…500mg EQ/wk (it will actually be 510mg and last something like 11.46 weeks)

Week 10-15…50mg Winstrol/day (The reason for this is the half-life of EQ—which is about 3 weeks. It will still be in your system, so you take the winny until the EQ is closer to being ut of your system so that PCT for both coincide. PCT for winny will be the next day or two after your last. For EQ, it’s ~3weeks after your last injection)

Week 3-9 and 16-20 (could go to 22)…IGF-1 40-80mcg/day (you could go everyday or 5on, 2off)

PCT Nolvadex 4 weeks 60, 40, 20, 20

You could also look at running the Var instead of winny (might be a little easier on the kidneys and liver) at 40-60mg/day.

I would look at picking up some OTC products to go with it as well, but you don’t have to worry about that now.


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
bigdawg said:
awesome reply, do you recomend running igf post cycle at all? i would like to shred some fat during this process with the assistance of the aas, i know where you stand on fat loss, but i would like it as an added effect if possible. My buddy who builds jsut sent me this cycle to run

Week 1-12…500mg EQ/wk (it will actually be 510mg and last something like 11.46 weeks)

Week 10-15…50mg Winstrol/day (The reason for this is the half-life of EQ—which is about 3 weeks. It will still be in your system, so you take the winny until the EQ is closer to being ut of your system so that PCT for both coincide. PCT for winny will be the next day or two after your last. For EQ, it’s ~3weeks after your last injection)

Week 3-9 and 16-20 (could go to 22)…IGF-1 40-80mcg/day (you could go everyday or 5on, 2off)

PCT Nolvadex 4 weeks 60, 40, 20, 20

You could also look at running the Var instead of winny (might be a little easier on the kidneys and liver) at 40-60mg/day.

I would look at picking up some OTC products to go with it as well, but you don’t have to worry about that now.
I do not have any experience with IGF so I really can't give you any advice/info on it. I have heard good things about it but have never tried it. And i would look at swapping the winny for the var. Always consider the health risks associated with some of these compounds and the long term effect. Not just the short term. Most orals are a little or a lot hard on your liver. I do not use orals unless leading into a contest. I don't feel they are needed in the average cycle. For the guys like yourself I recommend keeping cycle simple and doses low. If you are not going to compete then no need to stress your system. Even when going into shows I try to minimize the stress by choosing my poisons wisely:D .


Registered User
May 15, 2007
thats my thoughts, i do not want to compete or even technically body build for the matter. what dose do i use for var?

and does this seem like a newbie friendly cycle?

i will add in b12, do you know what doses and frequency for b12 or synthalamine from synthetek rather.


Registered User
Apr 15, 2007
bigdawg said:
This will be my first cycle, so i decided to go with something extremely mild jsut to see how i do with it and body reacts. i am 6'2 260, not sure what my body fat percentage is right now but its 18+ or so. I want a cycle that will gain strength. I am not looking to get huge this time around, just to shed some fat and gain strength. I will not be running tren as this is my first cycle so here is what i came up with.

14 week cycle
week 2-13 40mg/day Anavar (oral)
week 1-14 80mcg/day(post work out) igf-lr3 (IM)
week 1-14 b12/lipotropic (need dosage)

no clue what pct is needed for this please help.

I know this is an itty bitty cycle, but id much rather start simple and practice with dieting etc, before i load up.

Orals are great...with a base of injectables.

IGF-1 LR3 for the first cycle and at this dose is too much, you are burning steps too fast.

Go simple:

Simple newbie cycle:

12 weeks of Test E 500 mg EW

week 14- 17 Simple PCT Nolva and clomid

Plain and simple.

Train hard, eat a lot AND clean, REST....GROWTH!


You don't need more to have good results NOW.

I suggest you to don't start your cycle untill you are UNDER 15% BF(better 10-12%)...If not too much aromatase will produce too much...estrogen.

And yes...You can cut with 500 mgs of test per week.:rolleyes:


Registered User
May 15, 2007
more good advice thank you guys, I am still doing a ton of research on this, and reading old threads here, i will keep posting on this topic with some more questions and such. Have a good weekend guys.