Hawk off season log 2016

Jan 26, 2015
You know, I have never given masteron a fair shot. I have always just thrown it in because. So, what kind of numbers did you run? I was thinking I would have to be around 800mg EW.


I was always in between 700 and 800. I, like magnus, always felt stronger at a lighter weight. At 220 lbs I was pushing almost 500 on the bench. When I got up to 268 lbs I was closer to 600, but I felt I should have been much stronger. I always had the bb physique, not the buldgy powerlifting physique. Now I'm just old. Lol!


Feb 2, 2013
I would guess the halo was responsible for the bulk of his strength increase. I've always found mast to be most effective in the 600-700 range. I think it will also do more for you at a lower body weight/bf. Just out of curiosity, as you cut, do you feel your strength is proportionality more, equal, or less than at a heavier body weight. When I bulk I know I get proportionally weaker and would be much more competitive at 200 than at 260

Ok, I am going to give this combo a try. I have always run mast with tren so this will be a learning experience. Thank you both for the experience.

Regarding weight, if I think of it as extra fat then I am stronger when lighter. I did a meet at 275 and then 3 months later lifted more at 242. I suspect I will do just as well 30 lbs lighter, my DL should improve from better positioning for sure. I am actually hoping for the same numbers when all is said and done.

The other thing I would add is that when it comes to competing a water cut kills most of us. I would do better just staying under weight and not trying to lose 10lbs the night before weigh ins.



Feb 2, 2013
I was always in between 700 and 800. I, like magnus, always felt stronger at a lighter weight. At 220 lbs I was pushing almost 500 on the bench. When I got up to 268 lbs I was closer to 600, but I felt I should have been much stronger. I always had the bb physique, not the buldgy powerlifting physique. Now I'm just old. Lol!

Yeah, I have never tried to gain a lot of weight, it just happens when you train, juice and eat a shit ton. Basically, I didn't care too much till now. Now that the possibility of getting lean in sight I am excited to see if 242 class is a reality. I will do it if I can stay lean, but I don't want to cut 15lbs every meet though.



Feb 2, 2013
Let's it Saturday 1/9 and after spending four days at 268 point something i finally dropped to 267. A small victory I know, but i suspect the long esters are playing with my water levels. I have seen some small visual changes...a few veins here and there during training and the outside of my abs when i flex. I wish i could fast forward 4 weeks, but that ain't how it works so i will muddle through and keep my eyes on the prize.

Monday, begins the second phase of the Neanderthal No More routine. It will last for 3 weeks as i continue to focus on stability and flexabilty as well as muscle balance. This final phase incorporates variations of compound movements emphasizing proper motor patterns and so on.



Feb 2, 2013
Ok, so my weight hasn't moved, but i suspect the test has caught up with me. I also am trying mk 677 again, this time at 12.5 mgs eod. I don't think it's going to work as i was up 3 lbs just overnight. How did the people survive the trials with this stuff. I will give it one more dose before i pull the plu permanantly on this shit.

The tren and t-3 are making a change, but still have a ways to go but will have to rely on the mirror. Cutting sucks, but another month should do it.

I have some GH on the way from tp. It has tested pretty good so that should help putting on some new muscle. I am excited to try anyway.

I am getting sleepy so i will be more coherent next post, sorry guys.



Feb 2, 2013
Alright, I am of sound mind and body at the moment so I will give a proper update and plan. So today the scale read 270 up 3 lbs thanks to mk 677. That stuff blows big time. However, I do look better than last week. I am at that stage that if I flex and turn in the light just right I look pretty good but, the rest of the time not so much. That means my combo of low T, Tren and high T-3 is working. I can't be objective about strength as I am doing a mobility routine and performing girly exercises for the first time. Unfortunately, I forgot to order t-3 so I am running a more conservative dose for a week or so till I restock.

The next phase is to incorporate some black top GH. Probably start at 2 iu in the AM and then 2iu before bed working up to 4 iu at both times. The once I have reached my ideal leaness I will add fast slin in the AM and PRW. I am trying to get my shit (diet and otc supps) together before that point.

Shortly I will begin my hypertrophy routine and that will start phase two.



Feb 2, 2013
Ok, it is Thursday and I will give you a sample of the second half of Neanderthal No More. Before that though, an update on weight and appearance makes. Well, the scale hasn't budged for 4 dam days and I was actually up a pound and back to 270. This led to frustration and led me to pop half an aromasin and start my taper of gh. So 2iu of gh and the after noon later I was a pound lighter post gym, pre dinner. I know you have to rely on the mirror, but at some point the freggin scale needs to validate what you see or it ain't real and a four day plateau pissed me off. So, 270.2 in the AM and 269.2 in the PM. What does all that mean, a few visable but not protruding veins in upper arms and chest and the beginning of muscle seperation. Fudge ! I have a long way to go.

Alright, on to training. Thursday is more conventional than other days and phase two is considerably more tradional than phase one.

High bar squats to low box 4 x10 225 struggling with my wind. Out of shape and rest periods are just 3 minutes, not the 3 reps and 7 minutes I am used to. These aren't to failure rather I'm just easing up each week.

Seated good mornings 3x10,10,8 185# hip stretchers for sure.

Bulgarian smith squats 3x8,8,6 50# clearly I am a pussy.

Reverse hypers 3x10,10,10

Uneven BB side bend 3x10,10,8 bar +20#

Skipped cardio in in order to pick up a pack, but got a note to come back instead of a box key and left pissed off. No cardio and no pack...stupid Post Office.



Feb 2, 2013
Friday, well hit the scale right after my bm and it read 266.4 which lead to a better attitude. But, looking back I think the true cause of my weight gain was mk 677. I tried it several months ago for a week at the 25mg dose and it lead to so much bloat I couldn't bend over to tie my shoes. I think 8 lbs in total and it was plum uncomfortable. So, I decided I would try 12.5mgs eod and well after 2 doses I was still carrying the weight 5 days later. I have no dam idea how people tolerate this stuff. But, truth be told water gain is the biggest side Insuffer from all rx. Sure, I get other issues, but not the acne or gyno that many deal with.

Anyway, that lead into Friday's session.
D handle row 5x12 195# pause 1 second.
Dips 5x8
Inverted 1 1/4 pull ups 3x5
L lateral raise 3x10 20's
Band pull apart 3x10
Reverse shrugs on dip machine 3x8 6 plates.

These workouts are all about building the stabilizers and you feel those little bastards, rhomboids, serratus, infraspranatus and so on. I also do the recommended stretching and some calves in there so my heart rate stays up. So, that's helps with work capacity as well since I have no cardio conditioning at all.

Well thats it till Monday,


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Honestly I think they watered the mk677 down from a few months ago cause it is nothing like it was before. Or it was just really really strong before.


Feb 2, 2013
Honestly I think they watered the mk677 down from a few months ago cause it is nothing like it was before. Or it was just really really strong before.

Maybe, but I still have two bottles from 6 months ago and you read it's effects on me a second time. I could mess with peps again, but they are so much work and you need to time them and all kinds of crap. Too much work for my lazy ass anymore so I grabbed some black top generics from TP. They are testing well and nearly fool proof...just what I need.



Feb 2, 2013
So Friday I completed the Neanderthal No More program so I thought I would give a summary of the results and my experience. Now, it is hard to quantify with a program designed for mobility and stability but, on a individual level I can assess ROM and so forth. The program works the shit out of your scapula retracting muscles while simultaneously stretching all the pushing muscles. In regards to this I can say that before a great deal of my shoulder pain was caused from low bar squatting. My lack of mobility twisted my shoulders beyond their ROM and this lead to pain in all other pushing movements. Now, while I have not done a low bar squat recently I have got under the bar to test it and I fit under much better. Before I could only wrap 3 fingers around and now I can get all 4. I'll probably stick with three to minimize the torque but, a noticeable improvement. So, that is one benefit from the program.

Now, along with ROM in my shoulder I have a problem stabilizing my right shoulder. Now, since there is no tradtional benching I can't truly say, but I am still having a hard time setting it in daily life. I still naturally drop my right side. What I can say is that I do not have as many knots in my rhomboids or teres as I did before. I was rolling on my wooden ball three times a week and now one a week just to loosen things up. Now, is this due to the program or not benching I can not say for sure. However, it has been nice to have less pain.

As far as lower body issues I have tight hips and weak hamstrings. This program assumes this and the exercise selection works to improve these. I realize only so much progress can be made in a few months but, I believe I have more range of motion and I have increased the load and reps on the exercises so that would be a improvement. Now, my anterior tilt did not go away so I still have a pot belly but, losing weight has helped in that regard as well.

It's funny as I have never been so critical of myself before and I find myself envious of those with good posture. Nonetheless one would be hard pressed to find a weight lifter in their forties and beyond who did not have some sort of issue they were dealing with. So, when I think of it that way I am blessed just to be able to train.

From here I will keep some the exercises from NNM routine to add to a more hypertrophy based routine. It will target my weaknesses as well as trying to build muscle. Now, I won't be able to put on much until I am done cutting, but I have put a three week cap on that. I am sick of the whole thing, but I suspect I will be where I need to be as I can start to see the definition just under a thin lair of blubber.

BTW my weight hasn't budged from 269 but, the HGH is causing me to hold a ton of water also contributing the soft look I have. I usually hold an extra 7 to 8 lbs when on a GH run, but this time it's more noticeable as I am leaning up. Oh, well it is helping with the fat burning so it is worth the trade off.

Time to lay out the next few months. I will report back with the plan.



Feb 2, 2013

Alright, It was refreshing to get back to a more normal routine. I was able to do it in much less time (under 1 1/2) than the NNM routine which was near 2 hrs with all the stretching. Some of that was the fact I could not keep a fast pace, some was the volume and some was all the stretching. That being said, I am still doing stretching between sets but, have less volume and fewer exercises.

I have finally made it to the point that I am seeing or atleast believe I am seeing progress everyday. Got a ways to go, but I am more motivated now that I can see some definition coming in.

Monday: Chest, back, bi's, calves

Pull ups 20 reps total...took me 6 sets LOL

Decline bench 3x10 (these really force the serratus to hold the shoulder in place)

D handle cb row 3x10

DB Bench 3x10 First time doing any flat bench type thing in two months and boy I could tell.

DB curls 3x10

45` donkey calf 3x15



Mar 27, 2014
This is a great log man - you have me hanging day to day - week to week.
Thanks for doing it


Feb 2, 2013
Well, if I haven't stated it already this phase is about hypertrophy and weak spots. So, the exercise selection has been chosen to make life more difficult for me. My goal is to strngthen weak spots. So, instead of Bench press I will do db bench and so on. I will be training everything 2x week to start, but may flirt with more.

Regarding cutting, I am anything but lean. However, I can see the edge of my abs even if i still have love handles. That being said, 2 more weeks and I will call it quits. That will male 10 weeks and hopefully 20 or so lbs. To that end I will be swithcing to short esters for the last two weeks of this cycle. Then 2 weeks of cruise before I jump on another blast.



Feb 2, 2013
So, I am intrigued by Big Beyond Belief see my post and may experiment with some of it's principles. That being said, I can't wait to get off the tren as the side are getting to me. I have switched to shorter esters for the next two weeks so that should cut down some sides. The gh has me bloated like a hippo however, but that is the price one must pay.



Feb 2, 2013
Is the weight coming off hawk? When is the next competition your wanting to do?

Well, I am probably 10 to 15 lbs from looking pretty good. I can't tell you what I have lost as starting the GH has me water logged. That being said i am still at 270 although there are visable changes. Truth be told I haven't been super disciplined. But, I am doing pretty good.

In two weeks I am going to stop trying and just let the spring weather and hgh do the work. I will continue in the 275's and am looking at a meet in June, but I am no hurry. Truthfuly I don't enjoy competing too much. I just get too nervous to do my best. I wish I could harness it to my advantage but, so far no dice.

I'll keep you posted.
