IGF 1- and other Supps


Registered User
Jan 30, 2005
When taking IGF-1 should I not take the shit load of
other supplements I've been taking?
Such As MHP's NO w/Creatine, Glutamine, and T-BOMB.
as well as drinking Myoplex and or ISO pure. I eat like crazy
small meals like every 2 hours and my meatabolism burns like wildfire.
I just don't want to mess up the IGF considering its so expensive.
I'm doing a 5 week cycle of IGF_1 guess I should post some
before and after pics. by the way Muscle Research is a great company
to do business with, they deliver on time and cold!
Thanx Bro's, you guys rock


Registered User
Sep 9, 2005
how would you ad IGFR#3 to end of cycle?

Nver used igfr3,was thinking about adding it to end of next cycle 5months
how would you go about it? :rolleyes:


Registered User
Jan 30, 2005
I'm doing it during PCT... But I keep hearing alot
of mixed up suggestions...its my second day using and I def feel it.


Registered User
May 4, 2005
Nver used igfr3,was thinking about adding it to end of next cycle 5months
how would you go about it? :rolleyes:
you shouldn't use IGF longer than 4 weeks or so, it downregulates the IGF receptors.


New member
Dec 3, 2004
You're fine taking the other supps that you have listed. Here is a short list of things to keep in mind while you are running your LR3 IGF-1 that I put together on a couple of other boards where a similar question was asked. These are things I have picked up on over the last two years or so of running it.

• Eat LOTS of protein (double bodyweight or better). You will need some carbs, but not necessarily an over-abundance, and I would suggest they be from more complex carbs (steel cut oatmeal, lower glycemic index pastas and grains, etc. The quick hitting carbs will cause a spike in your insulin level, which in turn will just complicate LR3's potential for lowering your BG level.

• Evaluate your dosage of LR3 IGF-1 after about 2 weeks. It will have begun its work for you by then. If you are getting nothing from it, time to bump the dose.

• The effective range for the majority is between 60-120mcgs. Where you fall in that range is going to be a pretty individual thing. That is why the above step of listening to your body's feedback and finding your own "sweet spot" with the dose is going to be critical.

• Run it either all PWO or split the dose into half - 1/2 in the morning, 1/2 PWO. If your required dosage is on the upper end of the range mentioned above, I would certainly consider splitting the dose.

• Run your LR3 cycle for somewhere between 30-50 days. For the majority 30 days will accomplish good results, followed by approximately equal time off before another cycle. I have personally ran LR3 for a couple of 7 week cycles with good result. That would be the upper-end of what I would attempt at this point.

If you follow these basic ideas, you should have a great run with LR3. In my book, it is one of the great new tools we have at our disposal. I really like it. Best of luck to you.


Registered User
May 18, 2005
RedBaron said:
You're fine taking the other supps that you have listed. Here is a short list of things to keep in mind while you are running your LR3 IGF-1 that I put together on a couple of other boards where a similar question was asked. These are things I have picked up on over the last two years or so of running it.

• Eat LOTS of protein (double bodyweight or better). You will need some carbs, but not necessarily an over-abundance, and I would suggest they be from more complex carbs (steel cut oatmeal, lower glycemic index pastas and grains, etc. The quick hitting carbs will cause a spike in your insulin level, which in turn will just complicate LR3's potential for lowering your BG level.

• Evaluate your dosage of LR3 IGF-1 after about 2 weeks. It will have begun its work for you by then. If you are getting nothing from it, time to bump the dose.

• The effective range for the majority is between 60-120mcgs. Where you fall in that range is going to be a pretty individual thing. That is why the above step of listening to your body's feedback and finding your own "sweet spot" with the dose is going to be critical.

• Run it either all PWO or split the dose into half - 1/2 in the morning, 1/2 PWO. If your required dosage is on the upper end of the range mentioned above, I would certainly consider splitting the dose.

• Run your LR3 cycle for somewhere between 30-50 days. For the majority 30 days will accomplish good results, followed by approximately equal time off before another cycle. I have personally ran LR3 for a couple of 7 week cycles with good result. That would be the upper-end of what I would attempt at this point.

If you follow these basic ideas, you should have a great run with LR3. In my book, it is one of the great new tools we have at our disposal. I really like it. Best of luck to you.
its not one of the great new tools.......it IS the great new tool...!!!! :D