Lycan Venom's log

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Well didnt get to work out. Took the kids to the park to practice softball and came home tona wife in labor. Worst thing, i left my phone at home! Sitting here in the hospital waiting now.

I have cut out the soda, fast food and bleached grain products. Red robin was the first restaurant food ibe had for a while now. I did slip and get a soda and not a diet soda.

I was trying to find a gullible person that i could persuade into snipe hunting. Forgot about the fish thing until today and was like wtf, no one called me out. I was thinking you meat heads dont fish until you said something.

Have a paramedic buddy that charters his private boat as a side gig here in SD and I got a free day trip for being a deck hand. Dragging that 20lb fish up about 150 yards from the rocks sure felt like it was a monster though because it had 3 decent sized sculpins on the line.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Keep us posted on the new arrival my man. The less pressure you put on yourself with this cycle sometimes is for the better. Take rest days when you need to, throw a workout out the window and switch it up at the gym just keep it fun. You'll likely gain much better!

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Alright guys, baby was born yesterday at 11:20pm just 40 mins shy of sharing my 1st daughters b-day. He came out 7lbs 9.3oz 18.5" and healthy. The wife did great and no complications this time.

Looked in the mirror and noticed My upper body looks more defined and wider. My quads have started to build. Guess taking a few days off working out and eating good really does a body good lol.

Wont get home until tomorrow and start to hit the weights again. For now, im missing my other son as we have grown very close since his diagnosis of an unknown learning disability/developementally delayed but holding my newborn is joyous.


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
Congratulations brother! Glad to hear everything went well for you guys. Sounds like lifting is going good as well. Be sure to makemake time for momma and the little one. Pretty special times ahead

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
thank all of you guys for the warm regards.

tonight was a leg session. I felt much stronger compared to the last leg day. I seriously hated leg session and it was my weakest body part. after today they are my new favorite muscle group. My wife and I can already notice more mass on my quads as they were weak and small. cant wait for chest tomorrow.

took my 2nd set of injections a day late but still keeping to the planed schedule. finishing up the 3rd week and can say everything is just about kicking in full effect and the days off really helped me.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I am finally back. Had to take some time away to sort out work, school and family stuff. Appologies for not logging.

Will get into the groove sunday.

Today is ny 30th B day so i am doing not at all lol. Hitting the weights, eating and thanking GOD for my family and the stuff/life I have.

Hope everyone is doing good.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Alright well, i spent 2.5hrs hitting the weights. It never felt so good.

Disappointed I could not keep up with my injections and orals and training plan. Diet was a little lax too. Maybe it was a good thing, as I started to get bloated and felt some nodule buikd up behind my left areola. Laid off the gear, took my anti e and let the half lives lowered until today. I actually lost the bloat and had more deffinition. Actually came back stronger too.

Today was chest day but mixed in some back and shoulder exercises. Got very good rock hard pumps.

Changed my routine from 10x10 to 3x6 adding weight each set as I currently just dont have the stamina. Besides, I get bigger with 3x6 compared to getting more definition with the 10x10 which is strange because 10x10 was meant for extreme mass gains.

Well anyways, im back and more determined than ever. Think im having my 30 year old mid life crisis and expending this energy helps to calm down.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Yesterday and today i am sore as shit and stiff. Since missing the past 3-4 weeks i was left with extra gear, so i decided to double the dbol and adrol dosages. 2nd day and I see more fullness in the muscles i hit (yeah i know water bloat) and my damn stomach is bloated. Going to continue the dosage until im out in 2-3 weeks. I usually run the orals in the 100mg ed dosage anyways with my prior cycles.

Any suggestions welcomed as i can always learn something new.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Yep. Feeling like a balloon.

So i focused on my arms yesterday. Woke up at 4am from a dead sleep swinging a 4 hit combo and yelling as loud as i could. All i remember is opening my eyes and seeing a giant deamon devil lmfao. I have no clue wtf i was dreaming... tren terror? No night sweats.

Hitting legs today.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Forgot to say that yeah, i hate the bloat for the few weeks but love the extra mass and definition after it subsides. Thankfully I do not look horrible with the bloat as the past few days i have been running errands with kids and without the wife, and i keep getting womem flirting with me... i mean dude.. i have kids with me! And no, its not the fat ugky desperate chicks either. Were talking married trophy soccer moms and young dumb college girls that all think i could be their fantasy man based on the fact i seem like #1 dad in the world hahahah.

Back on track... ill start to get more detailed with diet and excercise routines. Ill try to stop making you all laugh too.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
So yesterday was back work out and today was legs. Been killing with 2hr sessions just really focusing on contractions and proper form. Since doubling the dbol and adrol strength really increased. Just noticed that one bottle (adrol only had half the specified amount of tablets in it) so i decided to drop the amount back to 50mg ed to get 2 weeks worth. Can't complain as it was free and its doing its job.

Been walking 2mi after working out to help increase cardio burn. Gotta get back into the tabata style bulgarian sand bag routine too. So will be incorporating that tomorrow morning.

As for diet, ill admit and say ive slipped and relapsed on soda binging again. So im tapering off. Been eating lots of clean carbs, veggies and beef/chicken. Trying to meal plan but with a famiky of 6, it's to hard to just think of myself when cooking. My kids love eating good, so i tend to just cook as much as i can and eat as much as i can through out the day. Not counting calories or total amount of fats, but watching carbs and protien.

Most likely will do a better controlled cutting cycle and a lot stricter calories restrictive diet. Shooting to be in the best shape of my life as I am chasing after a few career goals that require me to be as fit as 20 year old college jocks.

Plan to get more detailed as i continue to update. I woukd love to post pics but i dont see myself in the mirror as everyone else and i dont take criticism well. I know i got some fat spots and i also sound like a bitch right now lmfao... im a fat cow, i cant zip up these jeans ahahah.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Feeling and seeing the bloat. Hate it, but love the pumps and strength increase. Sticking it out for another week or two max.

Friday was leg day, saturday i did a quick pump up session of my upper body and then hit the beach and played volleyball all day for cardio. Sunday intook off as my legs were fucking sore as shit. Today still sore but going to focus on my arms only.

Most likely will pyramid 20, 15, 10, 6 x 3, 10, 15, 20 from 20lbs to 60lbs. Yeah im a weak guy. not trying to fuck up my shoulder area again.

Been trying to eat but the Adrol has me all fucked up. Feeling like shit and trying to push through it. I feel better after I eat but it's just getting past the urge to throw up and the dizzyness. The only bad thing about adrol.