

New member
Jan 4, 2005
hey guys, i know this really doesnt pertain to juice, but im in a rut here, i need some help, and this forum is where the most traffic is. Its about my motivation level, my stance right now is i would love more that anything to get huge, im considering juice down the line, but as of right now i just cannot for the life of me stay motivated enough to go 3 or 4 times a week to the gym. I work a busy schedule and I am taking classes at College, but going to the gym by myself sucks, i do best when i have a partner with me (yet i can find no one who wants to go with). Maybe if i got an MP3 player i could keep my mind off of other things and stay focused, and also my energy level is lower than it should be. I make excuses like (i wanna go but im too tired) or "i gotta go to work in 4 hours and i dont feel like being exhausted" I know if i stick to it my energy will go up, but as of right now, im just really frustrated. If anyone can offer some advice to get me motivated again and get me out of this rut, i would appreciate it. I want to build myself up to a stronger level with a much higher stamina level (cause as of right now i can do about 1 1/2 maybe 2 sets of maxing out on a 10-12 rep on chest and arms before i start failing at my sets, which is BAAAAD endurance). Once i get myself to a point where i have a good base I'd like to start juicing, so that should be motivation. I know im ranting, but please, your input is helpful guys, thanks again

Little Man

Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
somewhere, US
how may times a day do you eat? get more sleep. getup early go to the gym beforeyour day starts but sleep early. i never party aymore. its eat work sleep and workout.


Registered User
May 5, 2005
I wish I could offer some advice, but I can't relate. I have been working out 5 days a week for 3 years and seldom miss a day. I accually feel guilty when I miss a day.

I don't think an mp3 player will help you. what you need is the willpower to stick it out no mater how much it sucks.I hate working out, but I want to get huge. you just got to want it so bad that its all you think about. steroids arn't magic, you have to work at it.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2005
watch arnolds movie "PUmping Iron" that movie can motivate anyone. every time I see it I want to lift and get huge.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
How old are you? How much sleep do you get?
A busy schedule can be a drain on energy. Combining everthing you have said, working out can actually tax your nervous system and cause overtraining which in turn raises cortisol levels triggering your muscles to burn more protein and get smaller.
An ECA stack may help you. You also need to eat enough protein to prevent muscle wasting.

I've been working out for 30 years without a training partner. How bad do you really want it?
Seriously, consider that. Maybe you should complete school first, then hit the weights.


Registered User
Aug 19, 2005
a hot girl with low cut shorts doing stiff legs in front of me gives me motivation at the gym lol.

another thing is to set small goals you can reach .i seen to many bodybuilders set huge goals that they can not reach .like they look at a flex mag and see ron coleman and set a goal to look like him in 6 months .ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN . after six months they lose there motivationand say the hell with it im just never going to get big .I wonder why.like i said set small goals ,like i want to put on 1 inch on my arms in 6 months or I bench 225 for 1 rep but in 6 months I will do 250.make real not a fantasy. Another thing that help me when I was young was i go into the gym look at the biggest guy in the gym . And say to my self this guy could kick my ass and take my girl friend that would always motivate me and say in my mind f**k you are .
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Registered User
Jun 11, 2005
How I stay motivated

healthfreak said:
watch arnolds movie "PUmping Iron" that movie can motivate anyone. every time I see it I want to lift and get huge.

I've gotta see Pumping Iron! :whipping:

But I always have to work on the motivation. Sometimes I read books, or articles on the Internet, or Anasci discussion. I try to change my workouts and eating habits for variety. If it feels new and fresh it helps me stay excited about it. The longest thing I have been doing in diet is eating a lot of hard boiled egg whites every day--Im getting pretty sick of that! Even buying some new workout t-shirts can help motivate. I totally agree with you that a workout partner helps and I am currently without one. That sucks doesnt it?


May 13, 2004
definately get a permanant workout partner.

if you're in love with music DEFINATELY get a mp3 player its a great investment and helps me tune everything out during workouts.

also sometimes it helps to eat a small meal or intake a carb drink to help keep you going strong through the workout.

just say to yourself 'NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!'

also another thing to do is to find a picture of who you see yourself looking like, then hang it and a picture of yourself up on the fridge.


Registered User
Sep 24, 2005
dugie82 said:
also another thing to do is to find a picture of who you see yourself looking like, then hang it and a picture of yourself up on the fridge.

lol that’s a good Idea I should put my photo up on the fridge for my son to look at all the time. Dam that guy is so lazy and just watches TV all the time.
Dam I tell him time after time to go out do something.

What a waist! It pisses me off.


New member
Jan 4, 2005
This has all helped motivate me guys, and to answer your question Dragon, im 20, i go to college full time, and i work about 25 hours a week as a waiter. So i do have time to fit it in. I just typed up the final draft of my Workout plan and i plan to start fresh, diet, lifting, and mindset on monday. I have to give myself no excuses, no leaving the gym early, no backing down, cause i want this bad enough to work my ass off for it, to sweat for it, and too fucking vomit for it if i have too. After i get to a good level, then ill consider the juice (i wanna stack 500mg of test enth, and a daily dose of Dianabol), but not for awhile, but dammit ill get there and dammit it will be bitter sweet. I still want an MP3 player, cause im huge into music (in a band and all that) and my heavy ass metal will get me going quick, so it all works out. Thanks for the tips guys, you havent let me down yet, this is the best fucking site on the net ;) dont ever forget that guys.