My First Tren


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Cycle History
1st-Andropen 10 weeks (500mgs per week)
2nd-Supertest/D-bol (900mgs total per week/40 mgs per day)
3rd-Test-E/Dbol (500mgs per week/ 50mg per day)
4rth- Sust/Dbol (750mgs per week/30mg per day for 5 weeks)
5th- Test-E/Deca/Dbol (Test n Deca mixed at two shots week Test-700mgs Deca 400mgs per week/Dbol at 30mgs per day for 4 weeks)
6th- Test-C/EQ/Anadrol (Test C 750mgs per week/EQ 400mgs per week/Anadrol 50mgs per day at 25days)
7th- Sust @ 500mgs for 14 weeks/ 75 Mg.Dbol per day 4 weeks(catch up cycle after injury)
8th- Test C 750mgs for 14 weeks/Deca 400mgs for 12 weeks/Anadrol 100mgs ed for first 4 weeks
9th-Test C 750 mg 15 weeks/Deca 400mg 12 Wks / Dbol 75 mg ed
10th- Test E 750 mg 15 weeks/Deca 600wk 12 Wks/ Dbol 50mgs 6 wks

Nxt up Tren. Done research, just want to cover all basics with my A team.

Tren Acetate 250 mg wk @Eod pins=8 wks
Test Prop 125 mg wk @ Eod pins =8 wks

Standard PCT Day after last injection:
Week 1-3= Clomid at 250mg day 1, days 2-11 at 100mg. days 12-21 at 50mg per day.
Week 1-3= Nolvadex at 20mg per day at days 1-16, days 17-21 at 10mg per da

1) though doses low, should I take in high dosage B6 for safety on prolactin?

Anything missing or personal opinions based on my stack.
13% BF (with months left to cut before further cycling.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
P.s this is stealth gear so I may get extra 2 cc of each Tren and Test Prop out of order to divide and up dosages a bit, or extend to 10 weeks, but most say 8 weeks first time is plenty.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I would go a little higher on the Tren, and maybe even a little lower on the Test. 300-400 mg/wk of Tren is the sweet spot for many. 100 mg/eod put you at an average of 350 mg/wk.

Have Prami, Caber, or a Bromo on hand before you start in case of gyno.

I always run an AI with Tren, even when I run my Test super low. Controlling estrogen helps to prevent Tren sides for me.

Start using Nasacort, daily, about a week before you start pinning the Tren. It'll help prevent cardio problems and might reduce Tren cough slightly.

Be prepared for the Trensomnia. Keep some OTC sleep meds on hand. Benadryl works well for most. I like to go to the Doc and get a script for Ambien. Guarantees I get a solid 8 hours no matter how much Tren I'm on.

Good luck. Keep us updated.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
I would go a little higher on the Tren, and maybe even a little lower on the Test. 300-400 mg/wk of Tren is the sweet spot for many. 100 mg/eod put you at an average of 350 mg/wk.

Have Prami, Caber, or a Bromo on hand before you start in case of gyno.

I always run an AI with Tren, even when I run my Test super low. Controlling estrogen helps to prevent Tren sides for me.

Start using Nasacort, daily, about a week before you start pinning the Tren. It'll help prevent cardio problems and might reduce Tren cough slightly.

Be prepared for the Trensomnia. Keep some OTC sleep meds on hand. Benadryl works well for most. I like to go to the Doc and get a script for Ambien. Guarantees I get a solid 8 hours no matter how much Tren I'm on.

Good luck. Keep us updated.

I never pinned EOD , but is consensus just a "sun,Tues, Thurs, sat" every wk ok?

If so, some for 75mg Eod )seems to e most popular starter) for 300mg per week?

How much lower on Test, I thought 125 mg per week was kind of base trt, but enough to let tren be main coupound?

Never taken Arimidex for AI, and didn't include just from research not showing lot of guys using on first Tren cycle..I'll research dosages and throw that in.

For research Nasacort too, not familiar.

So no b6 high dosages needed?

Thanks, seems I've got time to throw lot more in, most first Tren cycles didn't list need for much but that's why I come to the board.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
For me, EOD means every other day. One week will be 4 pins, the next will be 3 pins. It averages out just fine.

I've never heard of needing B6 while running Tren. Not sure where that comes from or what it's supposed to do. Some guys do need to run T3/T4 with Tren or it causes lethargy from suppressing thyroid function. That's very individualized, though.

I like keeping my Test as low as possible with Tren. Sometimes I'll run it at 75 mg/so or less. I find that the lower I keep my Test, the better I feel on Tren. Play around with your Test dosage while you're on cycle and see if it makes a difference for you. Remember, the Test is only there to keep things functioning, not as an anabolic.

I feel like if someone has a history of using high doses of other compounds while on cycle, they may be slightly disappointed with such a small dose of Tren. Granted, it's still very strong, but when it's the main compound and. I others are being run alongside, I feel like you'll get more out of it and be happier with it at a little higher amount.

As a first Tren cycle, most guys are adding it in to a larger cycle, not using it solo as the main AAS. I would hate to see you run an 8 week cycle and be disappointed by the results just because you used too little when you could have increased the dose with almost no repercussions. At the very least, order an extra stealth sachet or 2, and consider extending your cycle a few extra weeks at a higher dose I case you don't feel like you're getting what you want out of it. Just a thought.

Just search Nasacort, there's a thread here on it. It helps tremendously.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
EOD- sounds good. I just was dividing gear up per week so wasn't sure. But makes sense.

B6- seems people were using high dosages for prolactin.

Def just want Test to keep from getting lethargic. Seemed 100mg was popular on the dosage so I'll play with it as I go.

Tren Dosoage: I agree and seems the same, usually I'm seeing 75mg EOD ran for beginners or low as 50mg EOD as the lowest.

I want to truly experience the Tren, just like a first timer runs a base test is all..to be able to weigh and control sides before ever incorporating into a bigger cycle.

Thanks LS


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Ps. Never ran an AI. Didn't see Anything but Bromo on AlinShop?

Recommended dosages or total mg to keep on hand?

Hcg needed on cycle this low first Tren Run?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I've never run Bromo, can't comment on it. I buy my Caber from Clearsky. They're an approved source here, check them out. HCG is optional. Personal preference, really. I've never used it with Tren and never had a problem, but plenty of other guys like to use it. If you got the money for it, go for it, but I wouldn't consider it a "must have."


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
I've never run Bromo, can't comment on it. I buy my Caber from Clearsky. They're an approved source here, check them out. HCG is optional. Personal preference, really. I've never used it with Tren and never had a problem, but plenty of other guys like to use it. If you got the money for it, go for it, but I wouldn't consider it a "must have."

No, I don't have the $$ lol..unless something is mandatory than I wait until I do.

As for AI..that's all Alin had and that's who I've got the big order with so I'll research it some. Def seems CABER and PRAMI are most popular but didn't see that on Ashop.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Just so we're clear on terminology; Bromo, Caber and Prami are not AI's. They are are dopamine agonists, or DA's. Aromasin, Arimidex and Letro are AI's. Even though they can both be used to prevent gyno, they work for different drugs and in different ways.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Just so we're clear on terminology; Bromo, Caber and Prami are not AI's. They are are dopamine agonists, or DA's. Aromasin, Arimidex and Letro are AI's. Even though they can both be used to prevent gyno, they work for different drugs and in different ways.

Ahhh..got you sir!

I was lost and didn't even know it...:lightbulb::action-smiley-060::action-smiley-060:


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Alin had the Bromo and Caber but no Prami. Seems to be lots sides talked about across boards for Bromo...and Caber named #1 but costly too. If I'm just keeping it in hand..ill get Caber, but if I decide to run it throughout cycle might have to reconsider.

Now I've ran Deca tons, as seen above. And running at 600mgs now, never with Ai, Hcg, DA...and never had prolactin issue so I might be ok just keeping on hand.

Keep reading about B6 3x a day @200mgs per dose to help too. Seems
Way out of prolactin issue for those guys who aren't very sensitive to it in the need of a DA. However, sex drive of a Caber is attractive.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Prolactin sides are broscience boogeyman bullshit. Caber and Prami are legit Parkinson's meds not to be fucked with. Just control your estrogen and don't BLAST hgh when you take it.


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
Prolactin sides are broscience boogeyman bullshit. Caber and Prami are legit Parkinson's meds not to be fucked with. Just control your estrogen and don't BLAST hgh when you take it.

Psych is spot on. Here is a great watch on that exact topic by a Dr in the HRT field and his take on prolactin gyno.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Prolactin sides are broscience boogeyman bullshit. Caber and Prami are legit Parkinson's meds not to be fucked with. Just control your estrogen and don't BLAST hgh when you take it.

I'm starting to believe this is true. So long as I keep my Test low and use an AI while using Tren I have no issues. Soon as I add a little Test and estro goes up, the problems start.

But, I'm not aware of the relationship between HGH and nors. What's the issue there Psych?


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Burn the heretic!!!! He says no to prolactin! LMAO Thats how most people act on forums when I say that. BUT NOT HERE ON ANASCI!!!:D


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WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
I'm starting to believe this is true. So long as I keep my Test low and use an AI while using Tren I have no issues. Soon as I add a little Test and estro goes up, the problems start.

But, I'm not aware of the relationship between HGH and nors. What's the issue there Psych?[/Q
Nothing really just people take hgh bloat and think it's prolactin, or get really lower cortisol levels and think it's prolactin, or hold water and it's prolactin, or get really really lethargic and think it's prolactin. Read some newbie posts...you'll see what i'm talkin about.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I'm starting to believe this is true. So long as I keep my Test low and use an AI while using Tren I have no issues. Soon as I add a little Test and estro goes up, the problems start.

But, I'm not aware of the relationship between HGH and nors. What's the issue there Psych?[/Q
Nothing really just people take hgh bloat and think it's prolactin, or get really lower cortisol levels and think it's prolactin, or hold water and it's prolactin, or get really really lethargic and think it's prolactin. Read some newbie posts...you'll see what i'm talkin about.

Gotcha. Makes sense.