My Thoughts on Anabolic Steroids...


Registered User
Mar 5, 2016
I wonder! If you have an injury that keeps you away from doing upper body training. I would imagine you would be better served by continuing lower body training (squats especially), while consuming the same amount of calories as you did before the injury. Conventional wisdom would dictate that you cut back on calories to prevent gaining fat. Along the lines of this "Muscle Memory" debate, I would think by not using muscle cells as fuel, you would aid the process of retaining muscle, which would make people believe in the concept of "Muscle Memory".

Well dammit I typed a frakkin essay and my browser crashed. I'll retype and edit it back in here later.
Great thread.


Jan 5, 2013

This reminds me of a story...

Back home in Rhode Island, I began working out at a Gym on Branch Ave. in Providence RI. called Rhode Island Bodybuilding Club. Make no mistake, this was no YouFit! Place was a dump, but I loved it! I wish there were still gyms like that......but I digress!

The owner of the gym was a local competitive bodybuilder. After a while we became best friends, we still are. It wasn't practical for us to be training partners, we would spend too much time stripping his plates to get to my weights.

Here's my point: One day I missed a workout day. The next day he asked me what happened. I told him I wasn't feeling good. His reply stays with me til this day!

"You get more gain from working out than you do sitting at home. Even if you can train at 50%, that is still gains!". Of course, he went on to say, "if you're too sick to get out of bed, that means missing that workout is unavoidable". But....how many times do you just not feel too good, nothing serious, just not much energy.

GO TO THE GYM AND SQUAT. After you complete your workout, you will be surprised how good you feel.

Good Post Montego:headbang:


Jan 5, 2013
I was just thinking, while I was posting over on the "My Thoughts on HGH" thread. http://www.anasci.org/vB/peptides-human-growth-factors/41447-my-thoughts-hgh-11.html#post330914

Most people are using a ton of different anabolics, HGH, Peptides, Insulin, etc. These people will say, I added 200mg. of Trenbolone and the results were amazing!.....but how do they know? Was it because two weeks after starting the Tren, they looked in the mirror and were bigger? Leaner? Vascular? But wait, was it the 10 iu's of HGH?, was it the 600mg. of Equipoise? Was it the 8iu's of Insulin? My point is this, how do you know? What was the compound that was responsible?

Big Dave Smith

Donating Member
May 30, 2014
I was just thinking, while I was posting over on the "My Thoughts on HGH" thread. http://www.anasci.org/vB/peptides-human-growth-factors/41447-my-thoughts-hgh-11.html#post330914

Most people are using a ton of different anabolics, HGH, Peptides, Insulin, etc. These people will say, I added 200mg. of Trenbolone and the results were amazing!.....but how do they know? Was it because two weeks after starting the Tren, they looked in the mirror and were bigger? Leaner? Vascular? But wait, was it the 10 iu's of HGH?, was it the 600mg. of Equipoise? Was it the 8iu's of Insulin? My point is this, how do you know? What was the compound that was responsible?

These things are difficult to determine, especially if you're beginning everything at once. You have to have some sort of previous history and understanding of what you're doing, long with a baseline pattern of what you've BEEN doing.

I tend to start cycles on the more basic end, adding things as I go, then abruptly ending with TRT.

Month 1- Test/Primo
Month 2- Test/Primo/Mast Prop/Tren Ace
Month 3- Test/Primo/Mast Prop/Tren Ace/Anavar
Month 4- Test/Primo/Mast Prop/Tren Ace/Anavar
Month 5- TRT

I would begin by seeing how the test/primo feels. Any water retention? Is my primo real'ish (LOL!). Month 2 would be the accessment of how much the tren is impacting in terms of side effects. I look for increased hardness and strength. If the dose is too high or too low, I adjust based on ability to sleep, mood, etc. Once that baseline has been developed, I finish with anavar.

As time goes on, I tend to increase GH as well. If it's pharma, it'll start at around 3.5iu ED, increasing to 5-6'ish. If it's generic, I'll start at 4-5iu, and wind up around 8-10iu. This dose will be dictated by hand numbness, lethargy, etc.

Certain gear types have certain sides.
EQ- Anxiety, increased vascularity, and my skin gets a bit red (from higher RBC)
Tren- Issues sleeping, grumpiness, acne
Masteron- Very oil skin, water loss/dryness
Winstrol- Joints
Deca- fluid retention

The younger you are, the more difficult it is to tell. The older you are, the easier it is to identify. At the end of the day, you're mostly going on a gut feeling, but you can guess the problem more times than not.

Big Dave Smith

Donating Member
May 30, 2014
OK, so I was going to add this on to the "Thoughts on HGH" thread, but I have a feeling this thread may be a keeper, I thought I would start a new thread. Way more people use Anabolics than HGH so, let us use this thread to explore the multitude of issues with Steroid use, and bounce some of these questions off my friend Jano. I will preface the discussion by saying I am far from an expert, but like you all, I have my opinions. I'm sure that Jano will say that he is not an "expert" either but, I'm curious what his thoughts are on the subject.

Let me start by asking the first question, while forming the question with my personal beliefs.

I was listening to the RX Muscle series called, Ask Dave. He was saying that he believed the "Sweet Spot" for weekly Testosterone injections was 1000ml. I was surprised by that. It seems to me that the popular answer is, 500-750ml/week.

My question for Jano is:

What dosage do you think is the level where, above that, a person may be putting their health in jeopardy?

I believe the level is proportionate to a persons genetic ability to stay healthy. What I mean is, some people have a propensity for poor health. For this person, maybe abstaining from Steroid use is the answer. Other people are never sick a day in their life, maybe they can handle the higher dosages.

Your thoughts?

By the way, this question is directed to everyone.

The sweet spot will relative to how much the dosage impacts your blood work.
How quickly and how high does your RBC go up?
How badly does it drop your HDL?
How much does it increase your blood pressure?
How quickly does it increase your estrogen (which would then require the need for anti-aromatase inhibitors which would drop HDL)?

I personally don't like going above 525mg. It's a nice round number, doing 1/2cc of test 300 EOD. When I hit the 700mg range, I start to bloat a bit. At the 1000mg range, regardless of using Rx AI's, I get moon face.

AI's do not prevent all water retention, even if estrogen is low. The water retention and increase RBC, for me, leads to high blood pressure. I also get a puffy face. Around the 500mg mark, I can maintain a more normal appearance facially, yet still get the gains needed. Am I losing out by not slamming a gram? Maybe, but I don't want to feel and look like shit in exchange for the added gains.

If your priority is mass, regardless of the sides, then 1000mg is great. If your priority is aesthetics, use as little as possible while still gaining. Take a few years (or more) to build up to higher doses. Old guys at my gym could walk around at 260lbs on 2 omnadrens a week. Today's generation can't break 100lbs on 3cc of test cyp.


Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
Certain gear types have certain sides.
EQ- Anxiety, increased vascularity, and my skin gets a bit red (from higher RBC)
Tren- Issues sleeping, grumpiness, acne
Masteron- Very oil skin, water loss/dryness
Winstrol- Joints
Deca- fluid retention

I could have written the same list. I would add prostate issues with masteron.

The main thing that causes acne for me is test. It's mainly when I start a blast or come down to trt.


Jan 5, 2013
I have been a member of ProMuscle for over 8 years. One of the guys that I have learned from is Big Dave Smith! Glad to see you posting over here, my Man!


Registered User
Aug 14, 2015
Certain gear types have certain sides.
EQ- Anxiety, increased vascularity, and my skin gets a bit red (from higher RBC)
Tren- Issues sleeping, grumpiness, acne
Masteron- Very oil skin, water loss/dryness
Winstrol- Joints
Deca- fluid retention

I know EQ really messes with GABA in the brain, so probably where that anxiety comes from.

Been hearing a lot about Deca only being dry, no water retention until it is combined with Test or something else.

Big Dave Smith

Donating Member
May 30, 2014
I know EQ really messes with GABA in the brain, so probably where that anxiety comes from.

Been hearing a lot about Deca only being dry, no water retention until it is combined with Test or something else.

I’d be curious to see how Kava Kava (dosing 2-3x/day) would help with EQ.

“The pharmacological properties of kava are postulated to include blockade of voltage-gated sodium ion channels, enhanced ligand binding to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) type A receptors, diminished excitatory neurotransmitter release due to calcium ion channel blockade, reduced neuronal reuptake of noradrenaline (norepinephrine), reversible inhibition of monoamine oxidase B and suppression of the synthesis of the eicosanoid thromboxane A(2), which antagonises GABA(A) receptor function. Clinical studies have shown that kava and kavalactones are effective in the treatment of anxiety at subclinical and clinical levels, anxiety associated with menopause and anxiety due to various medical conditions.”



Jan 5, 2013
Big Dave and Jano

What Peptides do you think would be effective in place of AAS. If your answer is what I think, what would be synergetic with AAS to give you the maximum benefit.

Anyone else who has an opinion would be welcome!

Big Dave Smith

Donating Member
May 30, 2014
Big Dave and Jano

What Peptides do you think would be effective in place of AAS. If your answer is what I think, what would be synergetic with AAS to give you the maximum benefit.

Anyone else who has an opinion would be welcome!

Considering they don’t operate in the same way, they wouldn’t act as a replacement, but more in terms of synergy.

I shake my head at those who say peptides don’t work. (Specifically GH peptides)

The combination of no DAC + GHRP2 was outrageous when I used it in 2011-2012. The same can be said for DAC + MK.

The only issues I had with either were extreme water retention, grogginess, and hunger. I’d never be able to prep on them, but if you can’t grow with them... your peptides are either fake, or you aren’t trying.

Best used in place of GH, obviously. I wouldn’t run GH with it. My hands were so numb on some days, I couldn’t grip the steering wheel of my car. Body weight reached all time highs when I aggressively used them.

I don’t use them anymore, mostly because my goals are different, and I just hate-hate-hate the way I look with the water retention. If you’re looking to add mass during an off-season to be more competitive, it’d be foolish not to use it.

A badass stack would be...
Arbitrary Anabolic
Mass amounts of food

If you can’t get enormous using that for an off-season, just quit.


Jan 5, 2013
My Thoughts on Anabolic Steroids....It is amazing the lack of knowledge most people possess on this subject. I don't mean those of us who use AAS, I mean the average person who rely on (fake) News Media.

I just watched an NBC Nightly News story about Cesar Sayoc, who was arrested for mailing pipe bombs to various liberals through out the country.

One neighbor commented, "I heard he was using Steroids". WHAT?????

Bro!!! People just have no idea! Does Steroid use make people want to send pipe bombs to other people? I am not even convinced that "Roid Rage" exists. In fact, I will unequivocally call out "Roid Rage" as BULLSHIT! Stop confusing schizophrenia with steroid use! Try to convince me that I'm wrong!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2018
My Thoughts on Anabolic Steroids....It is amazing the lack of knowledge most people possess on this subject. I don't mean those of us who use AAS, I mean the average person who rely on (fake) News Media.

I just watched an NBC Nightly News story about Cesar Sayoc, who was arrested for mailing pipe bombs to various liberals through out the country.

One neighbor commented, "I heard he was using Steroids". WHAT?????

Bro!!! People just have no idea! Does Steroid use make people want to send pipe bombs to other people? I am not even convinced that "Roid Rage" exists. In fact, I will unequivocally call out "Roid Rage" as BULLSHIT! Stop confusing schizophrenia with steroid use! Try to convince me that I'm wrong!
I agree but, the general public is ignorant with almost any topic that isn't taboo and many that aren't. Just like nutrition..... Fat makes you fat. My wife thinks fat free is healthy despite those fats being substituted for large amounts of sugar.

To the Roid Rage topic, I liken it to dogs.

There's no such thing as a bad dog, just bad owners.

There's no such thing as Roid Rage just assholes.

To say that it doesn't exists though would be a lie. Certain hormones can definitely put you in a much more aggressive and confrontational mind set. Tren and halo come to mind. Generally though, it boils down to the individual and their "natural" state of mind [emoji23]

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
I know EQ really messes with GABA in the brain, so probably where that anxiety comes from.

Been hearing a lot about Deca only being dry, no water retention until it is combined with Test or something else.

I've been a big proponent of GABA administration for years to improve sleep and recovery as well as its mood effects.

As far as the original dosage discussion, long before I touched an anabolic, I was asked/accused, etc. of using them which was largely a byproduct of my genetics and training effect combined with diet and consistency. I believe one's propensity for results is genetic and somewhat just as important is their ability to deal with the side effects or tolerance to certain compounds and dosage amounts.
My philosophy was do 'milk' every bit of progress out of the least amount you can use. Once you 'raise the bar' on your hormonal environment, you can do the same with your training, sleep, diet and all of the other VERY important pieces of the muscle building puzzle to further enhance your results.


Jan 5, 2013
There's no such thing as Roid Rage just assholes.

To say that it doesn't exists though would be a lie.

I think we agree on this subject. If you're an asshole, some of these androgens could make you a bigger asshole. What I'm still not convinced of is this, does AAS use effect a person to a point where they will become a Schizophrenic when they were not to begin with? The big assholes I remember were pretty much assholes even before they began using AAS. I'm not sure is they became worse after, or was it the added mass that gave them much more confidence to become a bully? I'm just not sure if this is just another thing that has just perpetuated itself over the many years.

If a person dies of cancer and he used steroids, the steroids were responsible.

If a person goes on a killing rampage and he used steroids, the steroids were responsible.

I'm just not convinced.;)


Mar 27, 2014
I've been a big proponent of GABA administration for years to improve sleep and recovery as well as its mood effects.

As far as the original dosage discussion, long before I touched an anabolic, I was asked/accused, etc. of using them which was largely a byproduct of my genetics and training effect combined with diet and consistency. I believe one's propensity for results is genetic and somewhat just as important is their ability to deal with the side effects or tolerance to certain compounds and dosage amounts.
My philosophy was do 'milk' every bit of progress out of the least amount you can use. Once you 'raise the bar' on your hormonal environment, you can do the same with your training, sleep, diet and all of the other VERY important pieces of the muscle building puzzle to further enhance your results.

Miss you're stuff brotha
Hope we see a lot more from you.


Jan 5, 2013
As far as the original dosage discussion, long before I touched an anabolic, I was asked/accused, etc. of using them which was largely a byproduct of my genetics and training effect combined with diet and consistency. I believe one's propensity for results is genetic and somewhat just as important is their ability to deal with the side effects or tolerance to certain compounds and dosage amounts.
My philosophy was do 'milk' every bit of progress out of the least amount you can use. Once you 'raise the bar' on your hormonal environment, you can do the same with your training, sleep, diet and all of the other VERY important pieces of the muscle building puzzle to further enhance your results.

I wish I could express what I have witnessed in the 30+ years of training. Don't get me wrong, I have been guilty of the same things. Going to the gym with no plan, no goal. You've all seen it! Throwing the same weight on the bar, doing the same reps. Doing a set, walking around, talking to the guys! NO INTENSITY WHATSOEVER! So what is the solution? Up The Doses, what else can you do?

When you do not see easy gains while training natural, are you training intensely? Even natural weightlifters will see great progress without AAS. Even further, if you possess the genetics, a natural weightlifter will make an enhanced lifter look sick! Up to a point! If you have decent genetics, and utilize steroids, it will only take you a few weeks to catch up. If you do not have the genetics, your only chance is to workout like a madman. And enhance!