My Thoughts on HGH...


VIP / Donating Member
Jun 20, 2008
How much T4 is recommended to run while taking GH?

That would depend on blood work and how much GH you are taking. At 2 IUs, I say you probably wouldn't need it. At 5 IUs I take 100 MCG per day. Seems to keep my blood work in check at that.


Jan 5, 2013
Here is my guess, and I have no studies to back it up. Then again, you can probably find a study to back up any opinion if you look hard enough.

My guess is that your bodies own pulse of HGH is miniscule compared to the increase of HGH Serum Levels induced by either rHGH or MK-677. Here is the question - Is the HGH produced by your pituitary glands somehow more effective in binding to your receptors than rHGH? In other words, when people say that they do not want to inject HGH before bed (raising their HGH Serum Levels to 30ng/ml), because it would interfere with their body's natural HGH pulse (raising their HGH serum to 0.5ng/ml). That makes me think! :confused:


Aug 11, 2004
Here is my guess, and I have no studies to back it up. Then again, you can probably find a study to back up any opinion if you look hard enough.

My guess is that your bodies own pulse of HGH is miniscule compared to the increase of HGH Serum Levels induced by either rHGH or MK-677. Here is the question - Is the HGH produced by your pituitary glands somehow more effective in binding to your receptors than rHGH? In other words, when people say that they do not want to inject HGH before bed (raising their HGH Serum Levels to 30ng/ml), because it would interfere with their body's natural HGH pulse (raising their HGH serum to 0.5ng/ml). That makes me think! :confused:
I understand exactly what your saying, and one reason I said I like peptides that give a fast hard pulse like your body's own natural GH. when you sleep your gh is NOT a long drawn out rise and pulse like exogenous and Mk-677 create, I think the long pulse cause more somastatin and down regulation than short hard pulses of GH. :confused:


VIP / Donating Member
Jun 20, 2008
I understand exactly what your saying, and one reason I said I like peptides that give a fast hard pulse like your body's own natural GH. when you sleep your gh is NOT a long drawn out rise and pulse like exogenous and Mk-677 create, I think the long pulse cause more somastatin and down regulation than short hard pulses of GH. :confused:

I know you shared it before on PM somewhere, but maybe you can share you peptide protocol here. Be interesting and I do know it works, due to you on less AAS doses.


Jan 5, 2013
I understand exactly what your saying, and one reason I said I like peptides that give a fast hard pulse like your body's own natural GH. when you sleep your gh is NOT a long drawn out rise and pulse like exogenous and Mk-677 create, I think the long pulse cause more somastatin and down regulation than short hard pulses of GH. :confused:

Oh...I see what your saying now. I still wonder though, is that short pulse more effective (I'm guessing it would be) at producing the perfect IGF-1 level that the body can efficiently utilize? Maybe that is why people raising their IGF-1 level to 600ng/ml may not see the results they may see with 250ng/ml. At the end of the day, I wonder if we are just wasting HGH on chasing these crazy high IGF-1 levels.


Registered User
Jan 2, 2016
It is possible, but most likely they will be simply additive. I know injecting HGH directly raises your GH level - I mean, duh, right! :)
MK677 causes your body to create a dozen or more GH pulses during the day and thereby raises your GH level.

I suspect they would just be additive, but please give it a shot and let us know! :)

Stacking the two 25 mgs of MK ED at night and 5iu ED of Quyality chn generics Caused HUGE GH SCORES!!! like some over 65!!! From the few tests i saw it was amazing! GH serum scores double what they usually r sometimes in cases they were trippled! like i seen one which was 78... almost 80!

How do we explain this?


Registered User
Jan 2, 2016
It is possible, but most likely they will be simply additive. I know injecting HGH directly raises your GH level - I mean, duh, right! :)
MK677 causes your body to create a dozen or more GH pulses during the day and thereby raises your GH level.

I suspect they would just be additive, but please give it a shot and let us know! :)

Stacking the two 25 mgs of MK ED at night and 5iu ED of Quality chn generics Caused HUGE GH SCORES!!! like some over 65!!! From the few tests i saw it was amazing! GH serum scores double what they usually r sometimes in cases they were trippled! like i seen one which was 78... almost 80!

How do we explain this?


Jan 5, 2013
Stacking the two 25 mgs of MK ED at night and 5iu ED of Quality chn generics Caused HUGE GH SCORES!!! like some over 65!!! From the few tests i saw it was amazing! GH serum scores double what they usually r sometimes in cases they were trippled! like i seen one which was 78... almost 80!

How do we explain this?

Let me understand. What is actually being measured? HGH Serum Scores? Injecting HGH IM will have a half life of somewhere around 5.9 hours, which explains why the peak time is somewhere around 2:45. So the question is, how do you measure Serum scores using oral MK and Intramuscular HGH? What's the timing to accurately measure an oral and an injectable and come up with an HGH Serum? Not directed at gh0st, but a question for anyone who may have more knowledge than I do!!


Jan 5, 2013
Back to HGH...

^^^^^totally agree with tenny

But no one ever said this is a healthy sport at the top of the field, I agree with CG that you can put on an enormous amount of size with this protocol along with some serious pharma gh and pounding EAAS and glutamine with a good diet. Not going to dispute that. But with great rewards comes great risk. Just be safe everyone and I highly suggest buying a blood glucose monitor if you are going to try this.

Happy growing

BANG....So, b-boy. You're saying that Pharma HGH is essential? You cannot get this type of result from Generic HGH? I'm not disputing, just asking your opinion!

With generics you are shooting in the dark with what your getting. pharma your a sniper sure shot.

Every pro I have talked (top guys) tell me to leave that Chinese trash alone and use pharma. My wife just won't let me throw that much cash into my HOBBY!

OK, so I don't want to hijack CG's "Gift" thread, so I took the liberty of moving b-boy's and my conversation over here on my "My Thoughts" thread.

Where do I start...

First of all, I don't disagree with anything b-boy posted. If I had the money, I would only use Pharma HGH. Why take the chance using Chinese generic?

But for the rest of us....

We have been testing HGH using both Pharma and generic HGH. Our testing has found that the potency of some generic HGH brands far exceed the strength of Pharma, In addition, the quality of some generic HGH is just as pure as Pharma, Most of the others are inferior by only ,03%.

What does this mean?

Most of the respected people in the sport are adamant in the opinion that Pharma is head and shoulders above generic HGH. That has been their opinion for years, but I believe times have changed. Unfortunately their opinions are out of date. That opinion is that of the knowledgeable Trainers, Coaches and Athletes. The rest are just people who have no idea, but just repeat the party line because they are afraid of getting flamed.

Let me say one more thing, and I have stated this on many occasions, there may be other factors involved that make Pharma more effective, other than content and quality. Maybe there are some things (I have mentioned Scott Stevenson's questions about incomplete amino chains that may be instrumental in receptor binding), there could be a million more!

Finally, my objective of this thread is not to portray myself as an expert, because I am far from that. My goal is to generate debate and learn, just like y'all!

I hope I get some responses.:cool:


Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
I'm going to say that the reason you aren't getting any responses is because nobody is knowledgeable enough to debate against your point. Here is a question, What are the dangers involved in using large doses of HGH?

Reno 911

Donating Member
Nov 28, 2014
I know some guys "swear" by pharmgrade GH but for me I can't really see much difference. I have used Omnitrope, Genotropin Mini Quicks, and Tev Tropin at up to 6iu/day. I cannot see a noticeable difference between the physical results and/or the IGF levels on the bloodwork between generic and pharm (as long as it's a good generic- TP's blacks, grey, Kefeis, etc.

The only thing I can say is there is about 15-20% less hand/finger numbness and tingling at comparable dosages.

OK, so I don't want to hijack CG's "Gift" thread, so I took the liberty of moving b-boy's and my conversation over here on my "My Thoughts" thread.

Where do I start...

First of all, I don't disagree with anything b-boy posted. If I had the money, I would only use Pharma HGH. Why take the chance using Chinese generic?

But for the rest of us....

We have been testing HGH using both Pharma and generic HGH. Our testing has found that the potency of some generic HGH brands far exceed the strength of Pharma, In addition, the quality of some generic HGH is just as pure as Pharma, Most of the others are inferior by only ,03%.

What does this mean?

Most of the respected people in the sport are adamant in the opinion that Pharma is head and shoulders above generic HGH. That has been their opinion for years, but I believe times have changed. Unfortunately their opinions are out of date. That opinion is that of the knowledgeable Trainers, Coaches and Athletes. The rest are just people who have no idea, but just repeat the party line because they are afraid of getting flamed.

Let me say one more thing, and I have stated this on many occasions, there may be other factors involved that make Pharma more effective, other than content and quality. Maybe there are some things (I have mentioned Scott Stevenson's questions about incomplete amino chains that may be instrumental in receptor binding), there could be a million more!

Finally, my objective of this thread is not to portray myself as an expert, because I am far from that. My goal is to generate debate and learn, just like y'all!

I hope I get some responses.:cool:


Jan 5, 2013
I'm going to say that the reason you aren't getting any responses is because nobody is knowledgeable enough to debate against your point. Here is a question, What are the dangers involved in using large doses of HGH?

Obviously, when you hear about people injecting 15-20iu's or more per day, I would be very concerned about Acromegaly. When you are talking about smaller doses, Diabetes would scare me a little. I believe, to mitigate the inherent dangers of raising your IGF-1 levels, I would stay at the 2 to 4iu's range. Again, this is just me stating my opinion.

I know some guys "swear" by pharmgrade GH but for me I can't really see much difference. I have used Omnitrope, Genotropin Mini Quicks, and Tev Tropin at up to 6iu/day. I cannot see a noticeable difference between the physical results and/or the IGF levels on the bloodwork between generic and pharm (as long as it's a good generic- TP's blacks, grey, Kefeis, etc.

The only thing I can say is there is about 15-20% less hand/finger numbness and tingling at comparable dosages.

My concern with Pharma HGH from International sources is, Is It Real or Fake. I had this conversation with The Provider, who believes these products could very well be 100% real. Because these products are available in Europe over the counter, it is very possible they are not fake. I still have my doubts.


Registered User
May 11, 2013
Obviously, when you hear about people injecting 15-20iu's or more per day, I would be very concerned about Acromegaly. When you are talking about smaller doses, Diabetes would scare me a little. I believe, to mitigate the inherent dangers of raising your IGF-1 levels, I would stay at the 2 to 4iu's range. Again, this is just me stating my opinion.

My concern with Pharma HGH from International sources is, Is It Real or Fake. I had this conversation with The Provider, who believes these products could very well be 100% real. Because these products are available in Europe over the counter, it is very possible they are not fake. I still have my doubts.
Yes thats the issue id see, if they look like genos etc....but ur getting them real cheap? How? Doesnt make sense to me, but they could be reall, who really knows? I guess we take a chance every time we use it, but yeah makes me wonder if anyone has seen how a pharm grade gh is made beginning to the end? And compared to generics? Chemicals used etc

I did read someone where someone had a geno gh made for the clicker and it stated not to add back water as ut had its own solution to mix with, i mean hell it could be a peptide ur mixing something with and u have no idea....

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Jan 5, 2013
OK, so here's a thought!

Maybe we have been looking at this all wrong! With our penchant for believing that "If a little is good, more is better", what makes us believe that using 10iu's of HGH is better than using 4iu's? I mean, what if by injecting 10iu's we are raising our IGF-1 levels to a point that our receptors shut down completely, meaning no results....period? Maybe HGH is only effective for kids who have not fully developed. Once you get past puberty, maybe it is a total waste of time and money? Again, I have no studies to back any of these points up. I'm just attempting to get this discussion progressing to make people think.


Feb 2, 2007
I don't know, Man You may be stretching it a bit. Thousands of people have said HGH is a wonder drug, the fountain of youth. Now your saying it is not.


Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
I don't know, Man You may be stretching it a bit. Thousands of people have said HGH is a wonder drug, the fountain of youth. Now your saying it is not.

LOL That is the point odin. I think he doesn't know either. Racepiks is just saying to think different then the 1000 people. Try using your own mind instead of letting other people tell you what to think,


Jan 5, 2013
Exactly....I'm not saying that HGH is not a powerful tool. I just wonder where the benefit is. Is it Hyperplasia? Man, I want to believe it is! But I'm just not sure. Is It how it aids in recovery? More than likely it benefits recovery after workouts, as well as rehabbing after injuries, but are we sure? Do we need U.S. Pharma HGH for any benefit? I doubt it, but do we really know? I have said it in the past and maybe I can articulate it better today.

I did not create this thread to promote myself as an expert. Nor do I think I am more knowledgeable than anyone else on the forum. I am only looking for other opinions. I have been lucky enough to test for the community and I thank you all for the opportunity. Ask any question, there is no such thing as a stupid question. Nobody will get flamed!

Reno 911

Donating Member
Nov 28, 2014
Good point. I often ponder if it's "worth" it. I can afford it so I use it. Even with pharm grade it's never been a game changer for me. I've also gone up to 10iu with he old (good) Riptropins and also the Blacks (meditrope). Nothing magical there either except hands get swollen, numb, and hurt at night.

I prefer to use 2iu on a cruise and 5-6 while blasting. At 5-6iu I really don't get any insulin resistance or any sides. For me, I think the biggest benefit is skin- I look younger than I am and I'm hoping it helps prevent any skin elasticity issues as I get into my 50 and 60's although I know a lot of that is genetic.

I will say that I do know guys that take large doses (8-10iu) and have got excellent results. Not so much as far as muscle building but the fat melts right off them. I don't know anyone personally who has used more than 10iu+.

Exactly....I'm not saying that HGH is not a powerful tool. I just wonder where the benefit is. Is it Hyperplasia? Man, I want to believe it is! But I'm just not sure. Is It how it aids in recovery? More than likely it benefits recovery after workouts, as well as rehabbing after injuries, but are we sure? Do we need U.S. Pharma HGH for any benefit? I doubt it, but do we really know? I have said it in the past and maybe I can articulate it better today.

I did not create this thread to promote myself as an expert. Nor do I think I am more knowledgeable than anyone else on the forum. I am only looking for other opinions. I have been lucky enough to test for the community and I thank you all for the opportunity. Ask any question, there is no such thing as a stupid question. Nobody will get flamed!