My time for muscle gains - opinions?


New member
Feb 15, 2014
I finished my cutting cycle right now. 350mg Test P + 350mg Tren A, ~10 weeks. Right now i want to go straight to bulking time ( lean mass as possible ) :) After 5-6 weeks on Tren all sides go away and i m feel amazing. Only one is sweating :) I think about stay with Tren for better nutrition partioning, strenght, regeneration etc. You know... a lot of benefits from Tren, i can't afford GH. I think about something like that:

Test C 500mg week
Deca 400mg week
Tren A 175mg week

For about ~14-16 weeks.

Training split ( body part every 5 days ):

Mon. Legs
Tue. Chest + Biceps
Wed. OFF ( Cardio )
Thu. Back + Traps
Fri. Shoulder + Triceps
Sat. Repeat training from Monday
Sun. OFF ( Cardio )

Diet will be like a lot of proteins and carbs with few amount of fats.

What do You think?

My pics after cutting time:



Aug 11, 2004
Would rather see you go on a cruise dosage of test only for 6 weeks then start
test C - 500mg/wk
deca - 400mg/wk
ghrp-2 at 200mcg and cjc no dac at 100mcg 3x daily.

take a break from the tren.


Dec 20, 2013
You have way too little muscle to be cutting.
Get on lots of test and gain a lot of muscle. No need for other compounds.

Also - this is obviously totally up to you to take this advice or not:
Right now, you are training muscle groups E6D-E7D. I would change that to E5D-E6D.

1 Example split:
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New member
Feb 15, 2014
Derek7X, my split is body part e5d too :-D On Saturday i repeat Training from Monday and on Monday i start with other body part than in first week.


Feb 2, 2013
Lachu, first a question. After, this cut can you mentally handle being soft from bulking? I mean I know guys who simply can't handle being soft and that's okay, but they will never get big. Because, there is really no way to get big without being soft some of the time.

I would take a break from the tren since 175 is hardly anything anyway and up the deca. Test is always your friend when it comes to bulking since like hgh it raises igf levels. Also, test will up your estrogen as well which is also good for bulking. So, I think your cycles should just have deca and test at levels you feel will work for you. In my research that number is around 600, g EW for each.

I would also skip the cardio, but that's me.I would rather be big than cut.

Good luck,


New member
Feb 15, 2014
Thanks for answer chicken_hawk! :)

Of course i'm ready mentally. Who the fuck need to go shredded as fuck while autumn/winter time? :-D I go that low with my BF for my holidays. Right now is time for muscle gain. I know, water retention is necessary for awesome training sessions, strenght gains etc. I feel awesome when i'm little bloated. I don't need more feel my aching joints, knees and elbow from low body fat and no water.

About Tren... i want to continue it from few reasons i.e only this compound help very well in recovery, i mean... i always get up well-rested even when i sleep only 4-6 hours, my regeneration from training session is awesome too. I see that my food utilization is better too. I can eat more and i feel like that food go when it must go :) Right now i have zero sides from it except night sweet but it doesn't hurt me. I check my Blood Work every 6-8 weeks becouse i have it for free from my work. But do You mean it is impossible to keep Tren more time? :-/

About Test and Deca dosages... I think ~600mg Test will be too much. I think AI is needed with this dosage? I can go higher with Deca of course, to 500-600 week.

And again, thanks for answer!


Dec 20, 2013
No, your training split is not every 5 days. Every 5 days does not mean you train a body part, rest 5 days, then train it again.

It means every 5th day, you retrain the bodypart.

Monday then Friday = E5D
Monday then Saturday = E6D
Monday then Sunday = E7D

I know it is confusing to understand at first.

Anyways, you should probably be training E5D-E6D. Right now, you are doing E6D-E7D.

Why do you think 600 test is too much?I can't tell if you're kidding right now. You are willing to take Tren and 600 Deca, but won't use 600 test? It's the healthiest and most diverse compound for what you want to do; especially looking at the kind of size you are sporting right now. I tend to agree with Chickenhawk - I would go for a test or test/deca combination at the maximum. Honestly, I really think 750 test alone will be fine for now. Then, based on your findings, next time you can either run 750 test again or 750 test/300-400 nandrolone. See how each of these compounds affect you when you increase the dosage or introduce them in or out of your system. I am very biased, and think for YOUR goals and how your body looks right now, you should stick with testosterone and nothing else. I bet you can reach every single one of your goals using nothing but testosterone. 600 one cycle,750 another,1000 when more experienced, then capping out at a maximum of 1200ish (if you don't meet your goals on 750-1000...which you should?). I personally have IRL friends that are literally 6'0 242 pounds with abs that have never used anything but 750 test (with 50mg of an oral added only 1-2x a year). Please just try to stay very minimal, and healthy when reaching your goals. Don't take stuff you don't need to take - be good to your body.

In terms of an AI, Aromasin @ 12.5 3X a week would be more than enough. Even 6.25 3X/week could do it most likely.
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New member
Feb 15, 2014
"1 Example split:
Day1 - Monday
*Repeat - SATURDAY"

Mon. Legs - MONDAY
Tue. Chest + Biceps
Wed. OFF ( Cardio )
Thu. Back + Traps
Fri. Shoulder + Triceps
Sat. Repeat training from Monday - SATURDAY
Sun. OFF ( Cardio )

So :D

About test... long ester is essenital or can i stay with Test Prop ( start with 150mg eod for example ). I have bought few vials of Test Prop so it will be good to use it for me :)

I red a lot that High Dose Test without HGH cause only a lot of bloat and moon face without benefits which You can get from add other anabolics/androgenics.


Dec 20, 2013

So :D

About test... long ester is essenital or can i stay with Test Prop ( start with 150mg eod for example ). I have bought few vials of Test Prop so it will be good to use it for me :)

I red a lot that High Dose Test without HGH cause only a lot of bloat and moon face without benefits which You can get from add other anabolics/androgenics.

Can you kindly please stop with the whole " So :D " stuff acting like you are right. You are wrong.

I am saying E5D-E6D. You are currently on E6D-E7D.

Yes, you occasionally hit a bodypart Monday then Saturday, for example. This is the *6th day*.
Now, please direct your attention to how you have Sunday's off.

Guess what's going to happen? On Monday, you are now hitting that bodypart on the 7th day. Yes, you sometimes do E6D which is within guidelines of what I was trying to tell you (E5D-E6D). But you sometimes hit it on E7D. That is not E5D-E6D is it? It's E7D. Anyways...just do what you want.

As for testosterone, it's up to you which ester you like. If you took Test E/C, you would obviously use less oil, create less scar tissue, and inject less frequently. If you desire to use Test P, that's fine. As long as you recognize that if you used T400(for example), you could use less than 2cc per week for 750, while on TPROP it would most likely be 7.5cc unless you have a slightly higher mg/ml. The difference is still significant, regardless of the circumstance. This is your decision. Everybody that I know IRL, including the guy I told you is 240+ pounds with abs on 750test, literally just takes 750 in 1 shot at the beginning of the week... and that's it. It would be ideal for them to do 2x a week, but my group of friends find there is no difference in muscle mass increase/fat loss between 1-2-3x a week. If you are prone to side effects though, then you would most likely do better on 3x/week or 2x/week even with a long ester. IMO, 3X per week long ester just seems the healthiest/most convenient. This is only my opinion though.

I don't know who told you that test/gh bloats you and makes you wet. I'm looking at crews of people that are 240-270 pounds extremely lean, or even shredded using nothing BUT test and and gh. Those two compounds can honestly make you look absolutely ridiculous. Yes, of course...adding tren/masteron/oxandrolone and other compounds will enhance looking a certain way, if that is what you are after. But looking at you and your goals, I'm pretty much positive you will get there on testosterone alone. Perhaps an oral like oxandrolone eventually added here and there(I'm talking about real oxan, not the fake dbol+winstrol blends, or dbol+anavar blends, or anavar+winstrol blends that are distributed all over the internet, even by the absolute best and most credible sources).

I hope you recognize diet and estrogen control are far more important than the compounds used.
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New member
Feb 15, 2014
Derek7X, very thanks for Your opinion :) I red few posts on Anasci from You and i think, You are very experienced Guy with a lot of knowledge.

I said about bloat from Test WITHOUT HGH, not WITH HGH. You know, Guys say that You need to use Growth Hormone when You want stay without fking bloating on high Test dose and not all react very well to Test, a lot of people like stay with low dose of them and higher anabolics/androgenics. '60-'90 years a lot of BBrs prefered Deca and Dbol for example than Test.


Feb 7, 2013
I didn't really everyone's post here but this is what I'd do

Tren- 200
Slin- 10-20ius
IGF- 150mcg
Bromo- 12.5mg ed


Feb 7, 2013
Low test?

Yup- to me unless you're running a test only cycle, there is not point in running high amounts of Test. This is just my experience and I know a few guys who feel the same and a few others who have better results running it the other way around.

Personally my beat cycle ever has been

Test- 250
Deca- 2.1g
Drol- 100mg
Bromo 12.5mg
Slin 20ius


Dec 20, 2013
Derek7X, very thanks for Your opinion :) I red few posts on Anasci from You and i think, You are very experienced Guy with a lot of knowledge.

I said about bloat from Test WITHOUT HGH, not WITH HGH. You know, Guys say that You need to use Growth Hormone when You want stay without fking bloating on high Test dose and not all react very well to Test, a lot of people like stay with low dose of them and higher anabolics/androgenics. '60-'90 years a lot of BBrs prefered Deca and Dbol for example than Test.

Oh my bad, I misunderstood what you meant =o

Um, it's up to you what you want to do, there's a lot of ways to reach one goal. You can get some effects similar to tren-like effects on testosterone alone just by controlling your diet and estrogen. I know because I've seen it many many times. People just running 750-1,000 test and having a good diet...they look really amazing. Diet is very difficult, and people don't realize this. Even I think diet is very hard IMO....it is harder than anything else multipltied by 10x.

You can try enigmatic's suggestions of high anabolics/low test... or try what I said...test only. Or you can try your own thing, but I really would not run tren IMO, even though others would disagree. Everybody will give you different opinion imo. Just follow what seems most logical and satisfactory to you.



New member
Feb 15, 2014
Oh my bad, I misunderstood what you meant =o

Um, it's up to you what you want to do, there's a lot of ways to reach one goal. You can get some effects similar to tren-like effects on testosterone alone just by controlling your diet and estrogen. I know because I've seen it many many times. People just running 750-1,000 test and having a good diet...they look really amazing. Diet is very difficult, and people don't realize this. Even I think diet is very hard IMO....it is harder than anything else multipltied by 10x.

You can try enigmatic's suggestions of high anabolics/low test... or try what I said...test only. Or you can try your own thing, but I really would not run tren IMO, even though others would disagree. Everybody will give you different opinion imo. Just follow what seems most logical and satisfactory to you.


From what reason or reasons do you not recommend Tren? Of course it's not nasty question, i'm curious about it only :)


Dec 20, 2013
To make things very simple: out of all the main compounds,it's by far the worst compound for your health imo (with the exception of oral abuse).

Don't use it if you don't need to.


Mar 27, 2014
Yup- to me unless you're running a test only cycle, there is not point in running high amounts of Test. This is just my experience and I know a few guys who feel the same and a few others who have better results running it the other way around.

Personally my beat cycle ever has been

Test- 250
Deca- 2.1g
Drol- 100mg
Bromo 12.5mg
Slin 20ius

wow - with me after 600 mg of deca I have no wood at all - 2.1g-guess you could get big from having no sex drive