New PR on Decline Leg Press


Registered User
Jun 9, 2005
At Home
Woooohoooo......I had an Awesome leg day today.

I'm actually on week 13 of 16 week cycle...Test/EQ with Superdrol to finish off.

Well anyway...I was doing leg presses today and I was stacking the weights. My previous PR was 1100 for 6 reps. Well I got up to 1100 and was able to bust out 8 reps and it seemed somewhat easy....So I said screw it. I packed on an extra 50lbs on each side making it 1200. I lowered the first rep to gauge the weight, and whoo it felt like a stack of bricks. My legs were shaking like crazy, but I was able to push the weight up. I was able to get three more reps. On the last reps when pushing out, my legs almost buckled on me....Oh man...I started laughing hysterically...and stopped....I was so pumped...So I was able to get at least 4 reps out....I was too scared to do a fifth rep...I thought I was going to crush myself.

I might have been able to get 1250 for 1 rep, but I stopped...Why spoil a good day when your on top.

Just had to share with my bros here!!!...Good times!!!

Ok...Time to feed my muscles :)

Peace out,


Registered User
Jun 9, 2005
At Home
Thanks guys...My legs have been killing me for the last two days....I actually dropped to my knees Tuesday at work...I was laughing my ass off..


Registered User
Oct 3, 2005
Ontario Canada
Awesome I love leg workouts that you have trouble walking out of the gym! Nothing better to stimulate growth. Thanks for sharing!


Registered User
Dec 7, 2005
Well done SM! Nothing like setting a new PR to kick your motivation into top gear. Keep up the good work...


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
Great job, bro! Nothing feels better than hitting a PR!

Strongman, I'm using test+eq right now. I have a butt-load of superdrol stashed from my prohormone days, was thinking about incorporating it. Superdrol put a bunch of weight on me and increased my strength very well in the 3 weeks I used it, and kicked right in after 2 or 3 days.

What are your doses like if I may ask? Also, how are you running the SD and how much do you think its helped? Lastly, can you share your stats and/or squat 1rm so I can have something to compare?

I'm 6' at 233lbs as of this morning and am on wk 9 of 750mg test and 600mg EQ/wk. My raw 1rm squat is in the mid-high 600's. It was low 600's when I began my current cycle, I'm looking for something that will give me a big strength push. How has the superdrol affected your strength compared to the test/eq?

Thank you.

BTW, you can PM me if you don't want this to clutter your thread.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2005
At Home
OK....well here is what I did for my last cycle.

Test - 500mg/week 10 weeks
EQ - 500mg/week 8 weeks - bumped it up to 700mg/week 9-12

Superdrol - Weeks 12-15 20mg/day

The EQ/Superdrol should leave my system pretty much around the same time...Therefore I will start PCT at the end of week 15.

As far as squats....My high isn't really that high...I have lower back problems which hinders my squat routine. The most I have gotten in squats was 340lbs.

But with decline leg press I'm pretty strong....My buddy squats about 500lbs and on decline leg press he can push up about 1000lbs.

I love the Superdrol though....It compliments my strength well.

Last September I did a 5 week cycle at,

10/20/30/30/40....I had about 15lb gain and kept about 11lbs. No sides whatsoever...

The EQ seems to give me more endurance/energy while the Superdrol helps me with packing on some mass and strength gains.

So at the end of my cycle I have gone from 186 to about 197 (5'9) with 2 more weeks of Superdrol to go. I'm hoping to get at least 203 to finish off my cycle....At the beginning of this cycle I kept my diet pretty clean.

For my next cycle I will definitely up the Test dosage to about 600-750.


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
Strongman said:
OK....well here is what I did for my last cycle.

Test - 500mg/week 10 weeks
EQ - 500mg/week 8 weeks - bumped it up to 700mg/week 9-12

Superdrol - Weeks 12-15 20mg/day

The EQ/Superdrol should leave my system pretty much around the same time...Therefore I will start PCT at the end of week 15.

As far as squats....My high isn't really that high...I have lower back problems which hinders my squat routine. The most I have gotten in squats was 340lbs.

But with decline leg press I'm pretty strong....My buddy squats about 500lbs and on decline leg press he can push up about 1000lbs.

I love the Superdrol though....It compliments my strength well.

Last September I did a 5 week cycle at,

10/20/30/30/40....I had about 15lb gain and kept about 11lbs. No sides whatsoever...

The EQ seems to give me more endurance/energy while the Superdrol helps me with packing on some mass and strength gains.

So at the end of my cycle I have gone from 186 to about 197 (5'9) with 2 more weeks of Superdrol to go. I'm hoping to get at least 203 to finish off my cycle....At the beginning of this cycle I kept my diet pretty clean.

For my next cycle I will definitely up the Test dosage to about 600-750.

That is a good cycle, you're using a LOT of EQ, especially compared to the test. Do you feel that 700mg is much better than 500 or 600? I've read most guys don't get much above 600 and not much below 400/wk. I've also found that the Equipoise really helps my endurance, which helps on DE days when I rest only 45 sec between box squat sets. I'm taking quite a bit more test, though--for awhile I was at 1g per week and was up to 246 but since cleaning up my diet and switching to 750mg I'm back down to mid 230s, looking mainly for strength vs. size right now. Started out around mid-220.
I've never taken more than 20mg superdrol per day and at that dose had painful pumps/cramps. If the tren I'm taking keeps causing tons of inj site pain then I'll switch over to SD and plan on using taurine +potassium to alleviate the cramps and I'll really have to watch the diet. Thanks for the good info, Strongman--its appreciated.

About your back-- it sounds like you have the leg strength to go 500+on the squats but probably lack the core strength. Just judging from the fact your training partner squats 500 and isn't as strong as you on the leg press. What kind of back problems do you have, if I may ask? I suffered two torn discs (s1-l5/l5-l4) on a squat attempt in September 1998. I had trouble walking and couldn't squat at all for 2 years, just jogging was painful. I was near surgery when I discovered the reverse hyper machine. I used that in conjunction with stretching for 6 months and by then was completely pain-free. Once I was healed I worked on my squatting form and started doing good mornings+pull throughs and I haven't had a problem since. If your back condition is not muscle or disc related then that info probably won't help. But if it is, doing pullthroughs, good mornings (with light weights of course) and stretching the hip flexors and hams a lot would probably get you back to squatting or close to it (a rev hyper would be best but isn't neccessary). I've seen a lot of guys recover from low back injuries w/o surgery when they thought all was lost. Anyway, I've hijacked this thread enough already and will let you guys get back on topic.