normal for your heart to race on gear?


Registered User
Sep 9, 2006
hey guys, does anyone else ever experience tachycardia when on juice, my friggin heart is like on rapid fire, does anyone ever experience palpations?, its like im concious of every heart beat , i can feel everytime my heart beats, and when i work out i feel like my heart is gonna jump right out of my chest, just thought i'd put it out there and see what ya guys thought,

on another note, how long is Hcg good for once opened and stored in the fridge?

thanx guys
rock and roll aint noise pollution


Registered User
Aug 8, 2006
hetfield said:
hey guys, does anyone else ever experience tachycardia when on juice, my friggin heart is like on rapid fire, does anyone ever experience palpations?, its like im concious of every heart beat , i can feel everytime my heart beats, and when i work out i feel like my heart is gonna jump right out of my chest, just thought i'd put it out there and see what ya guys thought,

on another note, how long is Hcg good for once opened and stored in the fridge?

thanx guys
rock and roll aint noise pollution
wat are you on


Registered User
Aug 8, 2006
hetfield said:
syrus labs t400 (decanate 200 mg, enthanate 100 mg, cyponate 100 mg)

Im not a dr. , But from wat ive read, Enanthate is a 3 week wear down time, & Cypronate is about a 1 week wear down & shouldnt really be shhot @ same time........

you might want to ask RaJJIN .........Hes the resident pro

i also have tons of literature on the subject if your interested

cheers lad


Registered User
Sep 9, 2006
ya man hook me up

send me any literature that ya have, i'm a cardiac surgery nurse, i asked one of the docs that i work with about steroids he told me not to touch them cuz he had a young guy die of cardiomyopathy induced by steroids, (so that scared the friggin shit out of me), i got one of my friends to hook me up to an ekg and everything looked fine, am i just paniced or what, could it just be a pump that ive never felt before , cuz its my 1st cycle, any ideas would help man, thanx for the info,


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Ive never experienced that.....
Maybe if anything in the very beginning when I was Just scared to death
of that needle! Id break out in a sweat and get a bit nervous But only for the time during and a few minutes after.

Hcg will stay good for appx 30 days after mixing it in the fridge.


Registered User
Feb 16, 2006
As sort of a differential.

It could also be pericardial muscle spams... pectorial spasms.. or some of the other muscles spasming..

Does this occur during/after working out.. before.. or all of the time?


Registered User
Sep 9, 2006
occurs mostly during and after work out, hasn't been as bad today though, so who knows, i was deff gettin some major palpatations though, it was freakin me out, maybe my body just gettin used to the test , i don't know, but thanx for all the feed back guys

rock and roll aint noise pollution


Registered User
Aug 8, 2006
i typed this out 4 you..........i thought it best suited you.....

keep in mind ALL these cases were from misuse..........so i suggest re thinking your intake...........but thats only my opinion

cheers bud

Anabolic steroids cause enlargement of the heart in humans and
test animals.(1,2) These are the same changes in heart
muscle that occur in chronic heart failure.(3) For these
reasons, when a young athlete experiences sudden death the body is
often evaluated for steroid abuse.(3) In one case report,
a 21-year-old steroid abuser collapsed and died during a
workout.(4) The autopsy revealed an enlarged heart with
areas of dead heart-muscle tissue. Medical authorities speculated
that steroid abuse caused his heart muscle cells to grow faster
than the blood vessel supply. This created an area of heart tissue
with poor blood flow and palpatations, leading to death of the new cells and a fatal heart attack.

REFERENCES 1. Creagh TM, Rubin A, Evans DJ. Hepatic tumours induced by anabolic steroids in an athlete. J Clin Pathol 1988;41:441-3. 2. Yesalis CE, Wright JE, Bahrke MS. Epidemiological and policy issues in the measurement of the long term health effects of anabolic-androgenic steroids. Sports Medicine 1989 Sep;8(3):129-38. 3. Ferenchick GS. Association of steroid abuse with cardiomyopathy in athletes. American Journal Of Medicine 1991 Nov;91(5):562. 4. Luke JL, Farb A, Virmani R, Sample RHB. Sudden cardiac death during exercise in a weight lifter using anabolic androgenic steroids - pathological and toxicological findings. Journal Of Forensic Sciences 1990 Nov;35(6):1441-7. by Trent Tschirgi, R. Ph. (c) 1992 University of Maryland Office of Substance Abuse Studies


what i want to know is what other supplements are you taking while on steroids? i know that certain steroids, none of which you are on, can cause a fairly good sized increase in red blood cell counts which can cause high bloodpressure but nothing that you are on will do that provided what is in the vials is what is advertised on the label.
i will also add that your doctor probably doesnt know shit about steroids because the sad truth is very few do. i am curious how he deducted that the steroids caused the patients problems since there are no definitive studies that prove his deductions about his other patient he commented to you about. a perfect example of how doctors dont know anything about steroids is the case of taylor hooten. his suicide was blamed on deca durabolin and yet his doctor had him get off his steroid cycle cold turkey with not planned PCT therapy to bring back his natural test levels. on top of that he was prescribed a drug for his depression which is known through medical facts to cause suicidal tendancies with teenage children and yet the doctor blamed his suicide on steroids?


Jamesc said:
i typed this out 4 you..........i thought it best suited you.....

keep in mind ALL these cases were from misuse..........so i suggest re thinking your intake...........but thats only my opinion

cheers bud

Anabolic steroids cause enlargement of the heart in humans and
test animals.(1,2) These are the same changes in heart
muscle that occur in chronic heart failure.(3) For these
reasons, when a young athlete experiences sudden death the body is
often evaluated for steroid abuse.(3) In one case report,
a 21-year-old steroid abuser collapsed and died during a
workout.(4) The autopsy revealed an enlarged heart with
areas of dead heart-muscle tissue. Medical authorities speculated
that steroid abuse caused his heart muscle cells to grow faster
than the blood vessel supply. This created an area of heart tissue
with poor blood flow and palpatations, leading to death of the new cells and a fatal heart attack.

REFERENCES 1. Creagh TM, Rubin A, Evans DJ. Hepatic tumours induced by anabolic steroids in an athlete. J Clin Pathol 1988;41:441-3. 2. Yesalis CE, Wright JE, Bahrke MS. Epidemiological and policy issues in the measurement of the long term health effects of anabolic-androgenic steroids. Sports Medicine 1989 Sep;8(3):129-38. 3. Ferenchick GS. Association of steroid abuse with cardiomyopathy in athletes. American Journal Of Medicine 1991 Nov;91(5):562. 4. Luke JL, Farb A, Virmani R, Sample RHB. Sudden cardiac death during exercise in a weight lifter using anabolic androgenic steroids - pathological and toxicological findings. Journal Of Forensic Sciences 1990 Nov;35(6):1441-7. by Trent Tschirgi, R. Ph. (c) 1992 University of Maryland Office of Substance Abuse Studies
this study is great at trying to blame steroids on this youths death but what it doesnt say is if the youth had prior problems with his heart. just because the person was using steroids and had an enlarged heart does not mean the steroids caused it. there very well could have been heart issues prior to the steroid usage.


Registered User
Aug 8, 2006
pincrusher said:
this study is great at trying to blame steroids on this youths death but what it doesnt say is if the youth had prior problems with his heart. just because the person was using steroids and had an enlarged heart does not mean the steroids caused it. there very well could have been heart issues prior to the steroid usage.
VERY VERY true Pincrusher...........I was only trying to shed some light on the subject....



Jamesc said:
VERY VERY true Pincrusher...........I was only trying to shed some light on the subject....

no problem james, i know that was all you were trying to do but i felt a different opinion could be used other than the report you retyped.
sad truth is these kinds of reports from coroners or doctors are all to common without any basis for their findings other than the fact that steroids have been reported to possibly cause these kinds of side affects.
this is no different then when they tried to blame ephedra on those atheletes deaths when it was really from an abundant of health issues and not just the ephedra.


New member
Jun 3, 2006
When I used to hit the Test Enath at 300mg I had the same heart racing problem. I also gave a few of my bottles to a buddy of mine and wham, same thing. What I did was back down the mg to a lower dosage and all was fine. The 300mg I will never hit again. (side note it was not syrus stuff, it was someone elses)


Registered User
Sep 9, 2006
also taking some m1t's

i forgot to mention that im also taking m1t's , (ive used them in the past and i had great results, 8 lbs lean muscle, no joke!!) , but i did have some palpations with those in the past, but its worse now with gear, and its usually while working out, and late at night before bed time,

thanx for the replys

rock and roll aint noise pollution


Registered User
Sep 9, 2006
in regards to the doctor i work with telling me that he had a young patient die of cardiomyopathy from steroid use, i think it was his way of sayin don't do them, so i went home and jabed a 22 gauge needle in my quad, lol

thanx guys , this site rocks along with all it's members

rock and roll aint noise pollution


Registered User
Well to start, I had a close friend experience rapid heartbeat while on cycle, so I have heard of it happening in others before. I think that a lot of what people think is going on is just that...them thinking and not knowing what is really happening...Its kinda like the roid rage thing...its mostly in your head. While it could be a real problem, it probably stems from a pre-existing condition if anything at all. I would just be careful and try to eat healthy and if you are really that worried about it, lower your doses....good luck bro....


Registered User
Nov 7, 2004
I'm experienceing the same thing right now, and have on other cycles. But I also take ephedrine. Even when I haven't taken eph...I'll lay on the couch and can feel that my heart is going pretty fast for laying down. I'm on 3 cc's (825 mgs) of Andropen 275 a week. Also it might be because I eat so much...the blood rushes to the veins.. etc in your stomach to aid in digestion and makes your heart work harder, plus I'll put a big ol pinch of skoal in and that raises blood pressure. I have been having palpitations in the last week more than I can remember...like 3 a day...but I drink a lot of caffiene

long story short = it's probably nothing serious, but don't ignore it if it gets really bad.

P.S. Lyle Alzado died from steroids!!! lol


Registered User
Mar 3, 2006
i agree with Rajjin, when i first strted using gear, all of a sudden i noticed all kinds of stuff happnin in my body that i never noticed before and I'd go into panic attacks thinkin my hearts gonna explode..LOL and I used ton have to sit on the couch for 20mins in terror that I thought I het a vein LOL

Anyway heres my 2 cents, it only happens when you are training?? Maybee you are training harder with more intensity since you started your cycle so your hearts pumpin harder, cause it needs to :eek:

pbly in yer head, but if you decide that its not.. then get off the gear and see if it goes away.. if it goes away it was the gear, or fear :p
but dont put your life in jepardy if yer havin issues dont take chances wityh yer life


Registered User
Sep 9, 2006
wise words crypt, good to tell you all that it has subsided, as to what it was , i'm not sure, but it was scary and all the feedback on here helped greatly , as always many thanx

ps, i found since ive started on gear that i am a bottomless pit for knoweldge, wanting more and more, The most positive side effect from using steroids is that it has forced me to research about everything from training to dieting, and left me with a good knowledge base, that is the best resulf of all

rock and roll ain't noise pollution