NPP Out of System


Registered User
Mar 8, 2013
Boston MA
Populus, would I be correct in saying that if one used an AI through the cycle essentially there is no need for a SERM post-cycle because there is not going to be any aromatase enzyme floating around or excess estrogen because it would already be eliminated by the AI?

"Clomid also opposes the negative feedback loop that the body relies on in terms of estrogen related inhibition of the HPTA (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis). [1] It likely does this by acting as an estrogen antagonist in certain tissues. This effect in turn stimulates both LH (Leutenizing Hormone) and FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone), which then stimulates the release of testosterone. For this reason, we typically see Clomid used in Post Cycle Therapy routines"

Clomid-Clomiphene Citrate - iSteroids.com

this why clomid is used for pct the fact it ia a serm in this regard is is irrelevant. and as for nolva. minus the use fur gyno durung cycle. we have better drugs for that.

Nolvadex also has some highly important and practical roles for a steroid using athlete who is coming off a cycle. Hypogonadic and infertile men given Nolvadex, saw significant increases in the serum levels of LH, FSH, as well as testosterone levels [3][4]. In fact, 20mgs of Nolvadex can possibly raise your testosterone levels approximately 150% [5]. SO clearly this is something we should consider using not only during a cycle to prevent gyno, but especially afterwards, to restore our natural hormonal function.

Nolvadex-Tamoxifen Citrate - iSteroids.com

there certainly will be the potential for gyno after the cycle is complete and nolva will be your defense for that. estrogen will be a problem until your body can return to it's natural hormone levels. aromasin can be used as well during a pct cycle too. i happen to believe it's a better choice than nolva but that goes against conventional wisdom so i usually never mention it.


Oct 27, 2012
"Clomid also opposes the negative feedback loop that the body relies on in terms of estrogen related inhibition of the HPTA (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis). [1] It likely does this by acting as an estrogen antagonist in certain tissues. This effect in turn stimulates both LH (Leutenizing Hormone) and FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone), which then stimulates the release of testosterone. For this reason, we typically see Clomid used in Post Cycle Therapy routines"

Clomid-Clomiphene Citrate - iSteroids.com

this why clomid is used for pct the fact it ia a serm in this regard is is irrelevant. and as for nolva. minus the use fur gyno durung cycle. we have better drugs for that.

Nolvadex also has some highly important and practical roles for a steroid using athlete who is coming off a cycle. Hypogonadic and infertile men given Nolvadex, saw significant increases in the serum levels of LH, FSH, as well as testosterone levels [3][4]. In fact, 20mgs of Nolvadex can possibly raise your testosterone levels approximately 150% [5]. SO clearly this is something we should consider using not only during a cycle to prevent gyno, but especially afterwards, to restore our natural hormonal function.

Nolvadex-Tamoxifen Citrate - iSteroids.com

there certainly will be the potential for gyno after the cycle is complete and nolva will be your defense for that. estrogen will be a problem until your body can return to it's natural hormone levels. aromasin can be used as well during a pct cycle too. i happen to believe it's a better choice than nolva but that goes against conventional wisdom so i usually never mention it.

Yes, I was saying keep the clomid to restore the HPTA and use an AI post cycle rather than nolva. It seems you think the same thing as well based on the above. Sometime "conventional" wisdom isn't always the best.

Thanks for that

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Registered User
Mar 8, 2013
Boston MA
Yes, I was saying keep the clomid to restore the HPTA and use an AI post cycle rather than nolva. It seems you think the same thing as well based on the above. Sometime "conventional" wisdom isn't always the best.

Thanks for that

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

I don't like nolva and I've said it before. It's effects on IGF levels makes me weary of it. Where as aromasin increases IGF. We all know what IGF does and it's importance in muscle growth and maintenance. Of course I don't do PCT anymore but when I did I would often opt for aromasin instead of nolva.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2013
Dont use fina ever unless you have issues with your prostate. It's basically chemical castration. I would recommend you run the test prop for another 2 weeks then start nolva 3 days later for four weeks. Continue AI for 2 weeks into the nolva.

Prami should be tapered down.


Nov 1, 2012
I would not use novla unless your getting gyno. Just use the clomid it restores hpta much better. Slowly ramp up the aromastin over a weeks time so you don't tank your estrogen. You're going to feel bad enough.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2013
Like others have said nolva can be a harsh drug. I can run 1500mg test-e no problems but 20mgs of nolva and I break out really bad and have other estrogen type sides. I don't think using a SERM post cycle is as essential as people make it seem on other boards. That herbal "Novadex XT" stuff is garbage though.

You're young so you'll probably bounce back to regular levels no matter what you do. An AI like aromasin can help since estrogen shuts down the HPTA and estrogen is high post cycle. Just running an AI post cycle might be enough to give you smooth recovery. You could also look into the taper method. Basically drop down to 50-100mg testosterone per week then decrease by 10-30mg per week.

If you have an issues post cycle get blood work done. Have your total T, free T, LH, and e2 checked. I think lots of guys confuse low free T with high e2. You can have blood work done without an Rx for <$100.


Nov 1, 2012
^^^ I almost agree. 50mg clomid a day for 2 weeks (25mg third week if you think you need it) than ride the rest out with an AI. it would take most guess work and hoping out of the way.