Please Critique


Registered User
Apr 11, 2005
I posted this yesterday in a different forum. I got some great feedback, but would like some more input if you have any. I need some qualified people to critique my workout. I've recently gotten back into the gym. I've been at it now for 4 months steady. I saw great results at first...improvments in looks and strength. On every set I pushing up a lot of weight. My last set is 80-90% of my max and I do this on every exercise. I'm not however, getting stronger. It's as if I've hit a brick wall. Please take a look at my workout and tell me where I might be able to do some things different:

Flat Bench
Incline Bench
Decline Bench

DB Curls
BB Curls
Preacher Curls
Hammer Curls
Concentration Curls

Military Press
Front DD Raises
Front Plate Raises
Side DD Raises
Upright Rows

Close-Grip Bench
Lying French Press
Tricep Cable Push downs
Reverse Tricep cable Puch downs
Standing French Press

Friday/Back & Legs
Cable Pull Downs
Close Grip Pull Downs
Cable Rows
Side Lateral Raises
Leg Extensions
Leg Curls
Calve raises

Saturday & Sunday/Off

NOTE: I use max lift on all exercises. In other words, my last set is maximum lift. All sets are reps of 10, 8, 6, 4.

Please offer some advise, but keep in mind that this workout has worked great for 4 months, but has me stumped at the moment. My bench has increased 70 lbs. Should I be using max lift on bi's and tri's? Should I be lifting less weight on small muscles such as these and concentrating on more reps. My goal is strength and bulk for the next two years. At that conclusion of these two years I'll be shooting for muscle tone.

My diet is very consistant:
6 Raw Egg Whites
Bowl of whole wheat cereal
8 oz of skim milk

10:00 Drink
Isopure Protein Drink (50g)

3 or 4 chicken breast
cottage cheese or rice

3:00 Drink
Isopure Protein Drink (50g)

2-3 Chicken Breast or some lean meat (steak, turkey, etc)
A Carb of somekind (usually green veggies and noodles)

6 raw egg whites
8 oz of skim milk

Please help where you can and thanks in advance.



1 flaw i see is working out 5 days straight......2 on 1 off would be better......now more......

way too many exercises for bi's a tris.......do your bi's on your back day, as you're already working bi's on back......after my back, i only do like 3-4 sets of dumbell curls and i'm done.....especially with tri's......you're actually working tri's on chest and shoulder day so there is 3 days a week you're working tris..........do tri's on shoulder day.....

dont do back and legs on the same day.........those body parts need their own day pretty much (with the exception of having bi's on back day) I also dont see any deadlifts or barbell rows for back.....very crucial.....for legs, i would just do squats, leg press, and some calf raises......thats about it......

keep your reps fairly low, 8 at the most.......powerlifters use very low reps, like 3 per set, if you want to try that once a month or so.......i personally do the 4-6 rep scheme.......

try this...

Day 1: Chest
Day 2: Legs
Day 3: OFF
Day 4: shoulders/tris
Day 5: back/bis
Day 6: OFF
Day 7: OFF or REPEAT

i would add 2 more meals in there as well.......get some EFA's in your diet...such as fish or flax oil......

fishcommiss said:
I posted this yesterday in a different forum. I got some great feedback, but would like some more input if you have any. I need some qualified people to critique my workout. I've recently gotten back into the gym. I've been at it now for 4 months steady. I saw great results at first...improvments in looks and strength. On every set I pushing up a lot of weight. My last set is 80-90% of my max and I do this on every exercise. I'm not however, getting stronger. It's as if I've hit a brick wall. Please take a look at my workout and tell me where I might be able to do some things different:

Flat Bench
Incline Bench
Decline Bench

DB Curls
BB Curls
Preacher Curls
Hammer Curls
Concentration Curls

Military Press
Front DD Raises
Front Plate Raises
Side DD Raises
Upright Rows

Close-Grip Bench
Lying French Press
Tricep Cable Push downs
Reverse Tricep cable Puch downs
Standing French Press

Friday/Back & Legs
Cable Pull Downs
Close Grip Pull Downs
Cable Rows
Side Lateral Raises
Leg Extensions
Leg Curls
Calve raises

Saturday & Sunday/Off

NOTE: I use max lift on all exercises. In other words, my last set is maximum lift. All sets are reps of 10, 8, 6, 4.

Please offer some advise, but keep in mind that this workout has worked great for 4 months, but has me stumped at the moment. My bench has increased 70 lbs. Should I be using max lift on bi's and tri's? Should I be lifting less weight on small muscles such as these and concentrating on more reps. My goal is strength and bulk for the next two years. At that conclusion of these two years I'll be shooting for muscle tone.

My diet is very consistant:
6 Raw Egg Whites
Bowl of whole wheat cereal
8 oz of skim milk

10:00 Drink
Isopure Protein Drink (50g)

3 or 4 chicken breast
cottage cheese or rice

3:00 Drink
Isopure Protein Drink (50g)

2-3 Chicken Breast or some lean meat (steak, turkey, etc)
A Carb of somekind (usually green veggies and noodles)

6 raw egg whites
8 oz of skim milk

Please help where you can and thanks in advance.



Registered User
Apr 11, 2005
So you only do I exercise (db curls) for your bi's? I've heard of only one other person doing that, but he saw great results. This exercise schedule you propose...is this the one you follow? I am definitely willing to give it a try and see if it gets me over the hump. Since I've been lifting, I have yet to take a week off. Do you recommend that?


fishcommiss said:
I meant to say "so you only do 1 exercise for your bi's" rather than "I exercise."

1...maybe 2, thats really all i feel i need.......my bi's already get a good workout from my back exercises.........my back routine is just heavy rows, lat pulldown (or chins) and finish with some deads......sometimes deads at the beginning..........4 sets each exercise with 2 warmup sets for the beginning. concentrate more on heavy compound movements than the isolating exercises like preacher curls and such. Like I have said before, muscles mainly grow from signals that get sent because other bodyparts (the larger ones) are getting bigger......a solid back routine will make your bis and forearms grow, even if you dont concentrate much on them. This is one of the reasons why squats, deads, rows, and bench are all crucial excersices for putting on some mass


and yes, i would recommend a week off........usually after 8 or 10 weeks of lifting, take 1 week off.......


Registered User
Apr 11, 2005
I'll start tomorrow and let you know how it goes over the next couple of months. Thanks for the help bro!


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
your slamming your delts and triceps also when your doing your back on cable machines,rows,pulldowns etc.
yeh, Agreed skip a day EOD. I meant to say that the last post.
1 day arms/chest. upright military and outside dumbell lift for in,antereior delts
1 day lower body.that would be legs
1 day back/that'll hit your posterior delts,tris,lats, and obliques all on cable rows and pulldowns,pullups etc.,
and rotate the order you work these groups every few weeks or shorter even. But devoting equal time to each.