So after what we learned from the testing.....what do we do from here?


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
I will say what I have learned...there's a source or 2 that hasn't had one bad test, time and again...stick to a source like that or stick to legit pharm grade

There's also sources that have a handful of consistent products...pick them

I can't speak for everyone here but I prefer pinning the least knowing what I'm pinning is top shelf


Donating Member
Oct 8, 2017
I just started following but actually respect you for saying you didn't mean it and will correct it. As long as one doesnt mind theirs tested, they probably had good intentions or at least here after.

In the future if some one feels bad about failing, they could donate to testing and then secondly pay to have their next three ran***s tested.

I haven't donated but would like to once I figure out how. This is awesome.

well since you're talking about me.. ill be more than happy to address this.... there are tests on isovet products here that did test poorly but there were also tests that posted excellent... every source here has had both good and bad tests....

why is that? is it only because the source is out to cheat the customer as most members here assume? maybe... maybe not... maybe there are other reasons... all of which have been discussed on various test results from different sources...

the results are what they are.... some people take them as concrete evidence... some take them with a grain of salt....

i have lost business over those test results... actually when they first came out i got hammered.... so i found out what the reason for the results were and i fixed it....

but what is a source that has a bad result supposed to do... run and hide under a rock and pray and hope everything will blow over... hope that the willy lump lumps like you forgive us...or stand up and fix the issue...

ill be more than man enough to stand up and fix any mistakes my company puts out... but i sure as hell am not gonna beg for your forgivness or anybody else's... i dont even know who you are nor give 2 fucks about the opinion of some ran*** member on some internet forum...

every business legal or illegal goes through a rough patch...

you know how many times i have seem BigA and the mods at promuscle get roasted on other forums for helping scammers and snitches rip people off.... is it true? of course not.. You know how many times i have seen Big A and the mods called scammers by members ? more times than i can count. in the last 18 years...

yet by your thinking proMuscle should have been closed down years ago and nobody should go there because they have been called un trustworthy....

if a business... say a restaurant gets a bad review... what are they supposed to do?

chipotle has been hit with ecoli posioning at least 4 times i can remember..... they are still open and people still go there... are they supposed to close down?

so what exactly is your point.... ? you mad because my customers trust me to do right by them....

or are you mad because myself and many of the sources here still do well despite the poor test results....? maybe instead of writing a butthurt post... you think about how business works.

when the results on isovet came back i offered to replace all those customers affected...

you know what i replaced everybody who came to me... several people even came here and posted that i exchanged their products out for brand news ones...

is that not good enough.... ? or for you and the lynch mob should isovet and sciroxx, and ip gear, and the growth clinic, and geno tec, and all the others who had one or some bad test results be run off the board and burned at the stake....

nobody posting on promuscle in my thread there is posting blind.... every one of those guys have known me for over 10 years....

i fixed the issue and put the isovet house in order... im sure ipgear, scrioxx, geno tec, the growth clinic and many of the others who had bad results have done the same....

so what else is there?

now i could go into conspiracy theories and spout off innuendo and why alot of these sources test bad... this is an illegal game after all... but i wont... no need... thats just talk anyway... all i can do is say what my company did....

we fixed the issue.... compensated any customer affected... put the house in order and moved on.... case closed...

anything else...?


Donating Member
Oct 8, 2017
posted accidentally before I was done. Im usually on PM sporadically for years. It always also amazes me how people go above and beyond to ride the sponsors jock. Most of the sponsors are good, but the jock riding seems fake. You can't even ask an honest opinion? This behavior is on all the boards to some extent.


AnaSCI Major Sponsor
Jul 3, 2013
you look at other types of drugs sold like coke, x, meth etc... aint no dealers taking venmo for a 8 ball of coke? aint no dealer accepting credit cards for meth...

Your overall point is correct; and while I definitely agree with what you’re saying, this part is incorrect. There have been multiple instances of law enforcement using credit card, Venmo and PayPal transaction data to locate, arrest and prosecute even small time drug dealers. The digital footprint it leaves is too easy to track and the banks and other financial institutions are falling over themselves to give it to law enforcement.

I think I even saw a NatGeo documentary on street dealers and they were bragging about using Square card readers to accept payment from junkies. It’s incredibly stupid, no doubt. But, that won’t stop them. Never underestimate the allure of quick money.

Once again, I’m not disputing your overall point in any way, shape form, or fashion. Just trying to offer a small correction. Cheers.


Registered User
Apr 28, 2019
I will say what I have learned...there's a source or 2 that hasn't had one bad test, time and again...stick to a source like that or stick to legit pharm grade

There's also sources that have a handful of consistent products...pick them

I can't speak for everyone here but I prefer pinning the least knowing what I'm pinning is top shelf

Agreed. I see some sponsors that tested bad in the past testing perfectly now. Doesn't make me feel any better. They knew a testing round was coming up and their products would most likely be tested. Sponsors i go with have their products tested REGULARLY without having to go through testing rounds. They've tested perfectly here and on other boards every time. I like consistency.


Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
Whats keeping the raw sources from testing?
Are raws not allowed to be tested much?


Donating Member
Oct 26, 2019
Hello, I couldn't find an intro section on this board- not a pro or high level amateur, but i have been on these boards (PM, OLM, HCU) for a good decade now. I am Xxplosive on all except for PM where my handle is Showstopper83.

I would love to be able to donate to the testing and be as informed as you guys.

36 y/o, ex athlete (football), lifting on and off since hs.

Thank you for allowing me to join your board.


Donating Member
Oct 26, 2019
posted accidentally before I was done. Im usually on PM sporadically for years. It always also amazes me how people go above and beyond to ride the sponsors jock. Most of the sponsors are good, but the jock riding seems fake. You can't even ask an honest opinion? This behavior is on all the boards to some extent.

I am not equipped to comment much on quality since i don't know test results at the moment... But one thing that pissed me off over the years is members blowing a sponsor JUST bc they received their pack.

If you've set the standard for excellence and as just getting ANYTHING in a timely manner, you've fucked a lot of people.

I would rather wait a week or two for what I know is good gead instead of having urine cut with GSO overnighted to me.


Super Moderator
Mar 5, 2013
Whats keeping the raw sources from testing?
Are raws not allowed to be tested much?

we have tested some Raws
we test finish products that members would b buyin, the makers should b testin the raws they are using as we dont feel we should b doin that for them.
If they are not it would b there stupidity


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
Whats keeping the raw sources from testing?
Are raws not allowed to be tested much?

Like buck said we've tested some raws and those and all tests done by the sponsors on raws have come back good.

Also what most don't realize is there are only a few offering raws, the rest of the raw suppliers are just subbing out through them...So the powders are coming from the same few places regardless of who the sponsor is using.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
You know what makes me laugh...You see guys jumping all over sponsors, praising them when they're posting their own results in their threads...As if they'd post bad results if they came back?!

And always those results are either dead on or overdosed...Like those samples sent in to jano weren't made specifically for those tests:rolleyes:

And their flock just eats it right up...Telling them what a great product they have:p


Donating Member
Oct 26, 2019
Here's my thoughts, being able to have seen it from both sides of the game...It's been mentioned before and again above by IV, most every source has tested bad at one point or another during the testing, either with jano, SRCS or Amrit, aside from a few like Alin, Gearpro, United Anabolics and Pharmacom.

Having been on that side of the game, I know there is little you can control in this business unless you are physically brewing the products yourself and have made sure that a sample of each batch of raws you receive are tested...Other then that are at the mercy of everyone from the supplier, to the receiver, down the line to a member discrediting to help their preferred choice!

But attitude is a major thing...So gauging how a source handles the results good OR bad tells their customers everything (example being: praising the testing when results are good but discrediting it when results are bad).

That leaves the source and customer with a few choices when it comes to tests:

For the Source...
1) The source takes the hit and reevaluates things
2) The source finds a place to point the finger. Usually, the way the source handles it can help a customer decide if they're worth bothering with again.

For the Customer...
1) If the customer is loyal and trusts the source to go through his operation and attempt to make some fixes where and if he can, then he should continue to trust him...Because we have seen too many times where sources burn the shit out of customers and then close shop and change names...So if a source sticks around, owns the shit and tries to handle his business, then that says a lot in my book. Again as long as they're not trying to point the finger in other directions!
2) the customer goes with one of the sources that have not tested badly (one of the above for example), which in many cases is directly overseas or higher priced remailed...You take your chances there or you pay more reasonable prices.
3) the customer goes out and tries some of the newer sources and see how their products test out and maybe those guys get some movement up the ranks?


If I were all sources whether they have failed every test or passed every test...I would be upping my prices, without question!

No one gives theses guys the respect they deserve, including themselves...I have seen what happens when you fall, and it is not fucking fun! Members now playing the Amazon game, and the sources fall for it, undercutting each other to make a few bucks, when they should be making way more for the risks they take...Especially those crazy fuckers importing raws!!! If I were still in the game, I would be emailing every other major sponsor privately and do a mass up-charge across the board...Members wouldn't have that trumping card anymore of "We'll just use the cheaper source!" because that attitude wouldn't be available anymore.

Then the testing results become more important...Then the steps taken post results are more important (meaning those that continue to test poorly can be cut off by customer and they can move to the other solid sources because pricing is on point across the board)...Also, then the source is making a profit worth the risks they're taking and making more money to be able to have every batch of their products tested by themselves to assure that everything is all set prior to be offered to the customer.

Shit, some of these guys are lucky they can afford the raws to keep up with their customers their profit margin is so fucking low once you factor in the supplies instead of just looking at the price of the physical raw material! I regularly talk with a few of the old sources and laugh at them every time considering what prices were when I was in (and that was before all the homebrewers), versus what they are now with these fools taking major manufacturing risks, fuck me!!

We get spoiled by how cheap some of this shit comes our way, outside of test, the profit margins for common things like tren, masteron or deca/EQ (usually needing 2-3g of raw per vial) arent all that great.

Considering they are taking the risk to import raws, then cook it, hold on to mass quantities and distribute... To me, i cant imagine how it's worth the risk to some of these cats. Great for us, but fuck... Unless you're a fuckin loser like Dynasty or whoever it was the just cooked Test Ace and labeled it whatever, i don't think most of these guys are intentionally fucking people.

Unless you have easy access to local raw testing labs, it's not practical for the avg source to lab test everything before mass producing and moving it.


Donating Member
Oct 26, 2019
You know what makes me laugh...You see guys jumping all over sponsors, praising them when they're posting their own results in their threads...As if they'd post bad results if they came back?!

And always those results are either dead on or overdosed...Like those samples sent in to jano weren't made specifically for those tests:rolleyes:

And their flock just eats it right up...Telling them what a great product they have:p

What's worse is the people who blow a sponsor just because they received a pack in the mail.

Simply rec your pack only tells you that the sponsor isn't the absolute lowest level of scammer scum alive.

I care waaaaay more about wtf is in my product than i do about how fast i get it. Honestly, if you are needing gear in THAT much of a hurry, you did a horrible job of planning your cycle to begin with.

I always have my gear and ancillaries all lined up and stocked up far ahead of time and never wait til I'm running out or ran out to order more.


Registered User
Jul 30, 2020
DFW, Texas
Remember that 999.999999% of the raws, ok myabe not that much, sat in an eastern warehouse together in big blue tubs. waiting to be scooped and measured and hopefully not cut after test results are given but it has happened.

Ive been literally deeo in this game and its a monopoly., You try to join up and make some money you may get threatebneed and banned yourself bc some sources are good dudes, buyt also manmy are criminal orgs with nicew guy reps.

I stay away from the ones I know have a background in other forms of hte darker underworld. The mafias or whatever name you wanna call them are many and plenty.

Here not too much, but older boards that went bye bye for that very reason

Also dont ask what I know