Some thoughts on recent post about carbs pre and intra-workout


IFBB Pro / Certified Personal Trainer
Jan 3, 2008
I don't get into arguments or bash other coaches, not my style, but I did want to post a response to things said today about not having carbs pre or intra workout from a coach on facebook. His statement was pretty "absolute". It's not optimal. I wouldn't say my solution is optimal for everybody, but I would say the large majority of us who train hard would/do benefit from some carbs pre or intra or both.

Here is his thoughts, and I added mine afterwards..again I'm not bashing him, not my style, just rarely do I disagree this much with something as this..and this is just my opinion

Carbs during training inhibit GH release, and important fat burning hormone, that also has the function of rebuilding connective tissue.

JOHN: I think it is silly to worry about impacting GH release during training...worry about muscle growth and leave fat loss to other parts of the day and a big GH pulse to sleeping at night. You also won't see the IGF-1 benefit as fully as you would if carbs were present.

Carbs stimulates the production of insulin, however it also stimulates serotonin production, which tends to mellow out your training drive. Hence, you don’t put those extra kilos on the bars, or do those extra reps, which are the ones that really stimulate growth.

JOHN: I advise 25-35 grams of carbs in pre meal. If that makes you sleepy, you are REALLY sensitive to carbs...and if you add a tad bit of fat, as I suggest, glucose entry into bloodstream will be controlled, and you will not have a big insulin dump that makes you sleepy.

Carbs function by raising insulin lower cortisol. Most people immediately think. "Yahoo! I am more anabolic!" NOT. Research now points that cortisol is your friend during training. It is now believed to be the primary signal to induce hypertrophy response.

JOHN: Eating some carbs isn't going to kill all cortisol and the inflammatory effect....again this is pure silliness and extreme. I believe it is wise to limit muscle protein breakdown in the big picture (enabling easier muscle protein synthesis if right nutrients are present), this happens with insulin from carbs.

When you train for strength and/or power, you want maximum focus and drive. That depends on the neurotransmitters dopamine and acetyl-choline. Taking carbs before and during lowers those neurotransmitter levels, taking the wind out of your sales.

JOHN: See how you do 45 minutes into a brutal workout with no carbs in you for the day..good luck with that...

Who can handle the most quality work wins. Multiple sources of carnitines, BCAA’s, beta-alanine, citrulline malate will increase work capacity -

JOHN: beta alanine looks great on paper, but I have never seen it do anything substantial except make your face tingle...I get it for free, and don't bother with it. Same with carnitines...I'll stick with casein hydrolysate and HBCD thank you.