The one year cycle plan I am considering...


Registered User
May 8, 2014
Im on TRT and for the past 2 years I would blast for 5 months and go back to TRT. Im 42.
My goal is to add some more muscle and then do a cut in the spring. So I need to eat more now and follow a a good plan to get me there. Here is the layout. Im running 500mg of Test as my base. I already started in August but just want some feedback if maybe Im not thinking things right. Thanks.

Aug-October- run 500mg of test and eat more,bulk. Im in the middle of this now.

November- Eat a little less to maintain weight and take a break. This is to allow me to get used to any weight I put on. Keep from getting fat. If need be take a few days off from training to heal and recover.

Dec-Feb- Eat bulk and blast Test & Deca at 500mg each and 50mg Tbol

March- Continue Blast but reduce cals to maintain and take a break.

April- Continue maintenance eating and go back to Base of 500mg of test.

May-June Cut- Reduce calories, increase cardio, Run test base at 500mg and add in Tren A. 100mg EOD, T3 50mcg, Clen for 8 weeks and add in Var for last 4 weeks.July- Return to Test Base of 500 mg and eat at maintenance.

(maybe add Masteron Prop into cut as well)

One year done.


Dec 2, 2013
Im on TRT and for the past 2 years I would blast for 5 months and go back to TRT. Im 42.
My goal is to add some more muscle and then do a cut in the spring. So I need to eat more now and follow a a good plan to get me there. Here is the layout. Im running 500mg of Test as my base. I already started in August but just want some feedback if maybe Im not thinking things right. Thanks.
Aug-October- run 500mg of test and eat more,bulk. Im in the middle of this now.

November- Eat a little less to maintain weight and take a break. This is to allow me to get used to any weight I put on. Keep from getting fat. If need be take a few days off from training to heal and recover.

Dec-Feb- Eat bulk and blast Test & Deca at 500mg each and 50mg Tbol

March- Continue Blast but reduce cals to maintain and take a break.

April- Continue maintenance eating and go back to Base of 500mg of test.

May-June Cut- Reduce calories, increase cardio, Run test base at 500mg and add in Tren A. 100mg EOD, T3 50mcg, Clen for 8 weeks and add in Var for last 4 weeks.July- Return to Test Base of 500 mg and eat at maintenance.

(maybe add Masteron Prop into cut as well)

One year done.

Definitely not one of the smarter posts I've read. But it's your body dude. Oh and 500mgs of test a week isn't giving your body a break.


Registered User
May 8, 2014
Definitely not one of the smarter posts I've read. But it's your body dude. Oh and 500mgs of test a week isn't giving your body a break.

I simply meant a break from bulk eating, and intense training. Taking 500mg a week of test is a cycle. Its more than double my TRT dose. Im aware of the risk. This is actually a watered down version of a a year long cycle done by pros which would be a base of Test/deca at 500mg each. Then on bulk add in dbol or adrol. On the cut sequence the test /deca stay put at 500mg ea. and andd in the tren,t3 and clen. Regular blood work dictates if one should continue or not.
I decided to try watering it down a bit.


Registered User
May 1, 2015
Have you done any cycles before? What are your current stats (height, weight, bodyfat %, etc)? Without this info, people cannot really help you.

If this is your first cycle, and your body fat is below 15%, I would recommend doing ONLY a test blast for the bulk. Determine your TDEE and add 500 cals to it, ensuring you get around 300g of protein a day while you do it. The body cannot grow unless you feed it, but you have to feed it clean food or the only growing will be done via fat.

There is so much involved, but the basics are that 85% of your goal is met via diet, 10% of your goal via exercise, and a scant 5% through genetics and gear. Gear only allows you to bypass your genetic limitations. No amount of exercise or gear can outdo a bad diet - the diet must be spot on first.

So give us an example of your diet and the stats I mentioned above. After that, people will be equipped to help you out.


Registered User
May 8, 2014
I have run one or two cycles a year for the past 8 years. 3 - 5 months on.
Im 42, 5'11" , 200 lb at about 15% BF.
I have run test,deca,tren,tbol,var,clen.
I do well with training 3 to 4 times a week with moderate cardio thrown in. I like to mountain bike so I burn some decent cals in doing so. Maybe too much but when I do ride I eat more.
Diet. 3200-3400 calories to bulk. 6 meals. 50g of protein per meal. Sweet potato and rice and ezeickiel bread do most of my carbs.
Vitamines: fish oil,ubiquinol,Vit d and c, probiotics, red yeast, NAC
I also take 5mg of cialis for Prostate.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
if you have ran cycles for the last 8 years and you are 5'11" and only 200lbs you plan clearly is not working. less is more bro. your body your choice. im not giving you grief but you asked for feedback if maybe you werent thinking right, i hate to sound like a dick but you are not thinking at all bro. you are on 500mg test almost the entire year adding very random compounds here and there. i just posted my blast and cruise for someone a few weeks ago and am including it below. this is a loose interpretation because i always try to tweak little things but solid info that is tested and works very well.

100mg/wk Test E
200mg/wk Mast E

you can run this year round and add an oral here 2x a year for 4 to 8 weeks and once a year raise you test to 500 and your mast to 1000 for 8 to 12 weeks. this has been a very successful protocol for myself and many others for years. also adding other compounds when you blast is ok. i personally love test mast tren combo. good luck brother!

this above statement was something i posted in another thread. when you are cycling or blasting remember that you are improving your recovery time and should be training not overtraining but training wisely your entire body twice a week and eating clean and often and sleeping like a baby. there is a balance here only you can find as everyone is different but its the work food and rest that dictates your gains not simply more gear. i find the older i get the less gear i use. i try changing compounds every 4 weeks and cycling for no more than 12 weeks works best for me. i feel better and i even feel better once i am cruising again. like magnus eluded to, dont make the mistake of increasing gear before making the right choices in diet training and rest. it is a lazy athlete who just increases doses and expects gains but it is a smart one who tweaks aspects of the game one at a time and listens closely to their body and trains like an animal but a smart one. there is no substitute for hard work! im not saying anyone here is lazy i am just stating the flaw many encounter. i wish you all the best of luck and hope you can find the formula that works for you and becomes your standard.



Registered User
May 8, 2014
if you have ran cycles for the last 8 years and you are 5'11" and only 200lbs you plan clearly is not working. less is more bro. your body your choice. im not giving you grief but you asked for feedback if maybe you werent thinking right, i hate to sound like a dick but you are not thinking at all bro. you are on 500mg test almost the entire year adding very random compounds here and there. i just posted my blast and cruise for someone a few weeks ago and am including it below. this is a loose interpretation because i always try to tweak little things but solid info that is tested and works very well.

100mg/wk Test E
200mg/wk Mast E

you can run this year round and add an oral here 2x a year for 4 to 8 weeks and once a year raise you test to 500 and your mast to 1000 for 8 to 12 weeks. this has been a very successful protocol for myself and many others for years. also adding other compounds when you blast is ok. i personally love test mast tren combo. good luck brother!

this above statement was something i posted in another thread. when you are cycling or blasting remember that you are improving your recovery time and should be training not overtraining but training wisely your entire body twice a week and eating clean and often and sleeping like a baby. there is a balance here only you can find as everyone is different but its the work food and rest that dictates your gains not simply more gear. i find the older i get the less gear i use. i try changing compounds every 4 weeks and cycling for no more than 12 weeks works best for me. i feel better and i even feel better once i am cruising again. like magnus eluded to, dont make the mistake of increasing gear before making the right choices in diet training and rest. it is a lazy athlete who just increases doses and expects gains but it is a smart one who tweaks aspects of the game one at a time and listens closely to their body and trains like an animal but a smart one. there is no substitute for hard work! im not saying anyone here is lazy i am just stating the flaw many encounter. i wish you all the best of luck and hope you can find the formula that works for you and becomes your standard.


I think you misread everything I wrote. I havent been doing this and adding in various compounds thru the year. I am planning to do it.I just started this. Im on 500mg of test. Thats it. I can end it this Oct and call it a 16 week blast. Thats why Im 200 lbs. I would hope to god if I actually implement this plan that I would weigh alot more than that!
As far as the less is more idea. Thats what I tried last year and wasnt very happy. 200mg of test then blast test and deca at 500mg.

My training is going well. I am motivated and I always push myself. I log my workouts and I always try for more weight,reps or sets. If my training starts to grind me down I back off.

My diet is clean and tight . When I bulk I can usually get near 207 lbs , by the end of this current blast if I decide to quit in october I should be around 207. If I continue and then add in deca I am sure 210 and then some.


Registered User
May 8, 2014
if you have ran cycles for the last 8 years and you are 5'11" and only 200lbs you plan clearly is not working. less is more bro. your body your choice. im not giving you grief but you asked for feedback if maybe you werent thinking right, i hate to sound like a dick but you are not thinking at all bro. you are on 500mg test almost the entire year adding very random compounds here and there. i just posted my blast and cruise for someone a few weeks ago and am including it below. this is a loose interpretation because i always try to tweak little things but solid info that is tested and works very well.

100mg/wk Test E
200mg/wk Mast E

you can run this year round and add an oral here 2x a year for 4 to 8 weeks and once a year raise you test to 500 and your mast to 1000 for 8 to 12 weeks. this has been a very successful protocol for myself and many others for years. also adding other compounds when you blast is ok. i personally love test mast tren combo. good luck brother!

this above statement was something i posted in another thread. when you are cycling or blasting remember that you are improving your recovery time and should be training not overtraining but training wisely your entire body twice a week and eating clean and often and sleeping like a baby. there is a balance here only you can find as everyone is different but its the work food and rest that dictates your gains not simply more gear. i find the older i get the less gear i use. i try changing compounds every 4 weeks and cycling for no more than 12 weeks works best for me. i feel better and i even feel better once i am cruising again. like magnus eluded to, dont make the mistake of increasing gear before making the right choices in diet training and rest. it is a lazy athlete who just increases doses and expects gains but it is a smart one who tweaks aspects of the game one at a time and listens closely to their body and trains like an animal but a smart one. there is no substitute for hard work! im not saying anyone here is lazy i am just stating the flaw many encounter. i wish you all the best of luck and hope you can find the formula that works for you and becomes your standard.


i try changing compounds every 4 weeks - Is this during your cruise that you are changing compounds??


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
test and mast year round. reason being is that it makes your 100mg of test feel like 400mg of test and mast is a much milder compound which also will not aromatize. this is why the base stays the same. i change the compounds i add for my one cycle every 4 weeks. also you should use NPP instead of deca. you can run 100mg test and 200mg mast and nothing else all year and bulk and cut but its is your knowledge of your body that is going to pay dividends. if you are unhappy with 200mg of test simply raising it to 500mg to gain weight is not the answer. first eat a lot more. get plenty of sleep every day. radically change your training. if people in the gym arent commenting on the size of your quads or the amount of your squat then you arent training legs enough. big legs means big everything else. if you stay on 500 mg all year when you increase it to 1000 for 3 months your body will not react to it the same. less is more its everything else you are doing that makes the difference. go find some real powerlifters and train with them for a year and you will see a difference in the mirror and on the scale.



Registered User
May 8, 2014
you are on 500mg test almost the entire year adding very random compounds here and there. .

100mg/wk Test E
200mg/wk Mast E

you can run this year round and add an oral here 2x a year for 4 to 8 weeks and once a year raise you test to 500 and your mast to 1000 for 8 to 12 weeks. this has been a very successful protocol for myself and many others for years. also adding other compounds when you blast is ok. i personally love test mast tren combo. good luck brother!

Ok so you run 100mg of test and 200mg of Mast that equals 300mg of gear you are on year round aside from your blasts of 2 orals a year and your 500/1000 test,mast run. This versus what I am thinking of doing which is to run 500mg of test. Yes its 200mg more than you but thats not really that much more.
You are saying I am adding very random compounds? Well not really. Lets compare. You say you will blast test at 500 and mast at 1000. So I want to blast test at 500 and deca at 500 for 12-16 weeks. Then you go on to say that you love tren mast ok well In the spring I will cut using tren and var. I would be using tbol for a bulk and var for a cut and you mentioned you can run orals 2x a year.
Whats random with mine thats not with yours??
The only bone of contention here is the 500 mg of test I would be on year round. And as I said , thats only 200mg more than what you do.

This cycle is a watered down version that the writer of Elite fitness laid out. where you run test,deca as a base of 500mg and then add in orals. His cut using tren,t3,clen on top of this base is one that is often ran by alot of people. I felt that using deca as part of the base wasnt good for my situation so I moved the deca into a winter bulk. This isnt random this is a common bulk. Test,deca and tbol. I chose tbol cause dbol isnt for me.

I started blasting at 34 when I weighed in at 174 lbs. When Im on 200mg of TRT I can hold a very lean , under 15% BF , 194-196 lbs. When I blast at 500-700 mg of test I can get up to 200-207.

Basically I put on 25 lbs in 8 years. I was 174! Think I was very under weight??
Im basically stuck at this point and looking to break out. Im still not dead set On doing this , right now I appreciate the debate for what it is and I will see as it progresses.


Registered User
May 8, 2014
test and mast year round. reason being is that it makes your 100mg of test feel like 400mg of test and mast is a much milder compound which also will not aromatize. this is why the base stays the same. i change the compounds i add for my one cycle every 4 weeks. also you should use NPP instead of deca. you can run 100mg test and 200mg mast and nothing else all year and bulk and cut but its is your knowledge of your body that is going to pay dividends. if you are unhappy with 200mg of test simply raising it to 500mg to gain weight is not the answer. first eat a lot more. get plenty of sleep every day. radically change your training. if people in the gym arent commenting on the size of your quads or the amount of your squat then you arent training legs enough. big legs means big everything else. if you stay on 500 mg all year when you increase it to 1000 for 3 months your body will not react to it the same. less is more its everything else you are doing that makes the difference. go find some real powerlifters and train with them for a year and you will see a difference in the mirror and on the scale.


I am sorry if I am not writing clearly enough to understand but I have no intention of upping my test from 500 to 1000. I never said that.
Test stays the same at 500. Which Im on right now. Then in december I add in deca and continue to bulk. I will also add in tbol.
Then in the spring I will be on test 500 and no longer use the deca but add in tren


Registered User
May 8, 2014
test and mast year round. reason being is that it makes your 100mg of test feel like 400mg of test and mast is a much milder compound which also will not aromatize. this is why the base stays the same. i change the compounds i add for my one cycle every 4 weeks. also you should use NPP instead of deca. you can run 100mg test and 200mg mast and nothing else all year and bulk and cut but its is your knowledge of your body that is going to pay dividends. if you are unhappy with 200mg of test simply raising it to 500mg to gain weight is not the answer. first eat a lot more. get plenty of sleep every day. radically change your training. if people in the gym arent commenting on the size of your quads or the amount of your squat then you arent training legs enough. big legs means big everything else. if you stay on 500 mg all year when you increase it to 1000 for 3 months your body will not react to it the same. less is more its everything else you are doing that makes the difference. go find some real powerlifters and train with them for a year and you will see a difference in the mirror and on the scale.


I actually did that at 34. Exactly as you said. I was 174 and hired a personal trainer who was an ameture powerlifter. In 9 months I was up to 185 with minimal fat. But powerlifting beat me up and I couldnt handle the heavy squats. I guess Im a pussy.....
I then hired another personal trainer who had me training as a BB. I actually felt better, no tendonitis. My endurance was up.

Look I appreciate the debate but I think you have me read all wrong here.
A little more bout me.

Age 19 I weighed 170. Started working out. Got up to 185. Age 25-29 I was killing it. The internet didnt even take off yet, I dont know if it was even around yet. I had a manual. Perillo Performance. Best thing in the world! It had me eating like a man ! I got up to 200 lb and everyone accused me of juicing. But I was in my 20's I could eat eat eat and didnt really put on fat. At 29 I fell off the program and lets just say, I landed on dark times. To get beack into the game at age 31 I started road riding (and mountain biking). I became addicted to road riding and road like a madman till I was 34. Needless to say I lost lots of weight. But I didnt know I was also Low test. At 34 I was at 174. 4 lb more than when I was 19! So I got back into weights and hung the bike up. 10 years older and now low test getting back to 200 was a challenge and after blasting for 5 years only to yo yo due to low test (Yes I PCT after every cycle) I decided to go on TRT.

So here I am. Maybe running a perpetual cycle at 500mg of test is a bit high. I can always scale it down to 400 or 300. Or I can follow your protocol. I just have to research masteron because this is the first I have heard of anyone using it the way you stated. I have heard of people running test at 100-250mg along with deca at 200-250mg to gain benefit from joint relief.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
i have much respect for you brother! you are here educating yourself and trying to figure out how to reach a new level and i can appreciate that for sure. thats why im taking my time to give my opinion and tell you what works for me. i know ppl are different and the same doesnt work for everyone but everyone i have turned on to this protocol loves it and loves the money they save. food = muscle = weight and you cant get there without some body fat but thats just how it is. body fat also makes those squats a little easier on the joints especially at our age. research masteron and NPP and if you dont mind list everything you eat and drink in a day.



Nov 20, 2012
One thought...I would cycle the clen on and off more frequently or your body will build a resistance. After a couple of weeks I have to really jack up the dose or I stop feeling it completely. I have seen protocols for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Just a thought.


Registered User
May 8, 2014
Thanks friend, I appreciate that! Ok. Im on it! It sounds like an interesting protocol. Maybe you can help me with the research by directing me to the research/medical study that proves that running 200mg of Mast with 100mg of test makes it feel like you are on 400mg of test.?? please. I am googling and unable to dig that one up, its a good place to start I think.

Wake up and drink container of egg whites and half a bannana or other fruit. Have some coffee and read anasci or other forums. (I get up early to actually have some alone time to myself and get my head on straight for the day.)

breakfast- 1 cup oats or 3 slices ezeickiel bread 6 egg white & 3 whole eggs

Breaklunch- same as 1st meal or chicken,fish,beef and rice or potato and veggies and 1 tbl spoon MCT oil

Lunch- Same as previous

Lunch part 2- Same as previous

Dinner - Same as previous

Dinner/snack- Either same as previous or a cup of greek yogurt or cotty cheese and maybe some almond butter.

Basically every meal is the same... protein,veggies, rice or potato. I will occasionally do pasta but it tends to bloat me so I avoid.
Protein servings are high... 2-3 chicken breast, 4 flounder filiets, 1/2 lb of ground organic beef. so on and so forth. I also eat nuts through the day and drink egg whites before workouts and after.
Other foods I eat from time to time are avocado,PB,cocnut oil.

Im always shooting for 300 protein,300 carbs and 100 fat but honestly those numbers vary depending on the day Im having.

I shoot for 6 meals a day for 500-600 calories
Fluids- tons of water, almond milk, detox tea,green tea, coffee...mostly water tho.


Registered User
May 8, 2014
One thought...I would cycle the clen on and off more frequently or your body will build a resistance. After a couple of weeks I have to really jack up the dose or I stop feeling it completely. I have seen protocols for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Just a thought.
ASbsolutly, 2 on 2off


Registered User
May 1, 2015
One thought...I would cycle the clen on and off more frequently or your body will build a resistance. After a couple of weeks I have to really jack up the dose or I stop feeling it completely. I have seen protocols for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Just a thought.

You can also run ketotifen, starting when you start your clen use. Keto prevents the down regulation of the receptors that clen uses, so you do not become desensitized to it.


Registered User
May 1, 2015
Thanks friend, I appreciate that! Ok. Im on it! It sounds like an interesting protocol. Maybe you can help me with the research by directing me to the research/medical study that proves that running 200mg of Mast with 100mg of test makes it feel like you are on 400mg of test.?? please. I am googling and unable to dig that one up, its a good place to start I think.

I doubt there are any studies about this since the primary use of Masteron is for breast cancer...

I know there are a lot of mixed views on protein powders, but one this everyone agrees on is that they are rapidly absorbed by the body. I personally use 25g of protein worth of protein powder when I first wake up to give the body some protein very quickly after its fast. I also do the same post work out to ensure there is plenty of protein for the body to use to build muscle. I eat some rice post work out to give come carbs so the body will quickly shuttle nutrients around.


Registered User
May 8, 2014
I doubt there are any studies about this since the primary use of Masteron is for breast cancer...

I know there are a lot of mixed views on protein powders, but one this everyone agrees on is that they are rapidly absorbed by the body. I personally use 25g of protein worth of protein powder when I first wake up to give the body some protein very quickly after its fast. I also do the same post work out to ensure there is plenty of protein for the body to use to build muscle. I eat some rice post work out to give come carbs so the body will quickly shuttle nutrients around.

As far as whey protein goes I cant drink it regularly. There is one brand that I can tolerate but its expensive. Whey just bloats me and gives me incredible gas. I can drink milk, eat yogurt and cheese but if I do a whey shake lookout! Lol!
So I switched to egg white protein powder and then realized that a carton of egg whites gulped down is cheaper and it is filling too.


Registered User
May 8, 2014
I doubt there are any studies about this since the primary use of Masteron is for breast cancer...

Well Im just wondering where those figures came from then.... 100mg of test plus 200mg of Mast feels like 400mg of test.....

Sounds like he must have read some kind of trial,study,experiment, research,clinical study or whatever to come up with exact numbers. I mean what does 400mg of test vs 500 mg of test vs 600 mg of test feel like that one can discern the different doses from each other, especially when we are talking anything within 100mg of each other?