The Ultimate GH Secretion Log


Feb 17, 2014
***at this point in time this log contains the use of pramipexole, huperzine A, cjcDAC, GHRP2, and ipamorelin***


This morning at 5:30am I took 200mcg of huperzine A on an empty stomach. Huperzine A is a somatostatin inhibitor. It's important to inhibit the release of somatostatin in order maximize HGH levels. Somatostatin is part of the bodies set of checks and balances system that regulates the amount of active HGH in the body. When HGH levels are too high the body secretes somatostatin to bind to HGH so that the HGH doesn't fit into the HGH receptor which renders the HGH useless.

cjcDAC and GHRP2

One hour after I took the huperzine A, I took 150mcg GHRP2 and 100mcg cjcDAC. CjcDAC only needs to be administered weekly as it remains active for up to 16 days but I plan to take it with each GHRP2 or ipamorelin injection. Thanks to huperzine A blocking the somatostatin, it allowed the GHRP2 to work to full capacity so the GHRP2 hit real hard causing me to sweat profusely. The appetite increase from GHRP2 is just what I'm looking for as I'm in bulk up mode.

CjcDAC causes constant HGH bleed which really burns fat and keeps the muscles full all the time. Yesterday afternoon I took my first dose of cjcDAC at a fat dose of 500mcg along with GHRP2 at 150mcg and .1mg pramipexole. I ate triple the normal amount of food I eat per meal. I then tried to nap and ended up going to the gym and trained delts, traps, and calves.


This is my first run with pramipexole. After the gym I decided to take a big dose of pramipexole at .5mg. I did this because I read prami releases approximately 4ius of HGH at this dose and inhibits somatostatin for 4 hours. Huperzine A inhibits somatostatin for 5.5 hours but it is a neurological stimulant and I only want to use it in the morning and afternoon. I learned from dosing prami so high that it knocks you out so in the future I'll only use it before bed. After taking prami I ate and went to bed at 6:30pm and didn't get up to eat until this morning.


This morning I woke up looking quite different than usual. My muscle had a better look to them. The muscle bellies were round and full, plus I had less subcutaneous water, most likely due to not eating for 12 hours and the fact that I got up to urinate a good 8 times in that 12 hour period. I keep water mixed with crystal lite lemonade on my bed and drink it all night so I get up to urinate a lot. The look I had this morning really impressed me. This is a real nice stack!


Feb 17, 2014
Just got home from work. Took 200mcg huperzine A at noon to block somatostatin. Took 100mcg cjcDAC and 150mcg GHRP2 at 1am. My appetite is through the roof! Normally GHRP2 doesn't affect my appetite to this extent. Good thing I'm bulking. I had 10 oz extra lean ground turkey breast, 2 cups of steamed brown rice, and 3 oz mixed nuts with salsa verde and spices. Drank a grip of lemonade flavored crystal lite. Time for a nap if possible as the huperzine A really gets my mind going fast. It works well in Alzheimer's patients for that reason.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Great log and I will be following CJC-DAC is my fav pep and I have been using it myself recently. Your layout looks great and as you say it really is the ultimate GH secretion log. Prami is a very complex and misunderstood drug and I learn new things about it everyday. It's something to cycle imo but when on it's capable of helping transform your physique and improve your mental attitude etc. Prami and tren go hand in hand for me as it enables me to use tren with no issues.

Good luck with everything. Prami may take some getting used to especially it's pre bed timing but you will find your best way. I recommend trying it at different times in the final few hours before bed. Although recently I have been taking it just before going to bed and I have had no issues and wake up feeling great.


Feb 17, 2014
I'm on 800mg of nandrolone, 600mg deca and 200mg npp so the prami has a nice duel purpose for me.

Okay, before the gym I took my 3rd dose of GHRP2 and cjcDAC at the same doses. Prior to that I took my 3rd huperzine A capsule and I've been wired ever since . No wonder they give it to Alzheimer's patients. I was even able to remember the name of the sexy Persian girl at the gym who has an odd name I can never remember no matter what pneumonic device I use.

My pump was much improved. I trained arms. My inner elbow joints still ache but not as bad as last week.

I gained 3Lbs since last night. I weigh 239Lbs. I'm hungry all the time now. I eat very clean but my calories are growing with each GHRP2 injection. Hahaha.

I'm going to make 10oz of London broil steak with 2 cups of steamed brown rice and 3oz mixed nuts. I had a syntha6 shake with oats at the gym. Before bed I'll take 1/2 mg pramipexole, 5mg melatonin, 500mcg ipamorelin and 100mcg cjcDAC.

I have always battled insomnia and always take NyQuil before bed. My doctor said that's a better option than prescription meds. I know one shot of alcohol can inhibit HGH. I think NyQuil is okay but fear any inhibition of HGH. I'll see if all the peptides and prami are enough to knock me out. Atleast I can count on the huperzine A getting me wired in the morning.


Feb 17, 2014
I just read it's important to take your pramipexole two hours before bed if you want to sleep well so I just took my .5mg since it is 8pm.


Feb 17, 2014
Just took 500mcg ipamorelin and 100mcg cjcDAC and 5mg melatonin. Pramipexole is an odd substance. I felt nothing at all tonight until 1 1/2 hours later, then it hit me like a ton of bricks and I had to really concentrate to clean my dinner dishes and it's was very tough to reconstitute the ipamorelin and administer the peptides as I feel wiped the f&@k out!!! Time for bed...


Feb 17, 2014
Pramipexole is one compound my body is going to have to get used to. 1.5 hours after taking it I got extremely tired, then horny. Had to put on porn and wack off. The orgasm was the strongest I've felt in a long time. The odd part about prami is it made me dead tired like a zombie but I couldn't sleep again. I tossed and turned all night. This morning I took my huperzine A which definitely got my mind going but my body could use sleep. I notice I wake up off prami with no appetite, then an hour afterwards I take my GHRP2 and cjcDAC, I eat, and here it is an hour after eating and I'm freaking hungry. I had a syntha6 shake with oats and a banana for breakfast. I'm going to have 2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter now. My muscles look nice and full from all the gh peptides.


Feb 17, 2014
I'm starting to see that my increased hunger isn't just due to GHRP2, but also due to cjcDAC and the constant GH secretion as I'm hungry constantly, not just in the hours after a GHRP2 inject.

At noon I took my huperzine A capsule, got home from work at 3pm and took 100mcg cjcDAC and 150mcg GJRP2, ate, and then had the deepest sleep in days as I passed out hard for a 2 1/2 hour nap. Woke up all sweaty with my pillow soaked. I think that goes to show that much of my persistent insomnia is due to stress being that it's Friday and the work week has ended.

It's 6pm, I just took another 100mcg cjcDAC, actually the dose was around 150mcg this time, and 150mcg GHRP2. I feel the hunger coming on here now. Time for a syntha6 shake with oats and a banana. I don't like the thought of having sugar too close to the injection but one banana won't hurt, right? I've waited 15 minutes to eat. ;)

Tonight I'm hopeful that I will sleep better than the past two nights after I down my pramipexole. :)

No gym today. I've been doing 2 on, 1 off, lately. I still fear my pec workout due to the injury and that is next. Will have to be very careful.


Feb 17, 2014
Took approximately .6mg pramipexole 10 minutes ago. Feel sedated and high. Have a slight smile on my face. Getting tired. Will most like skip ipamorelin and take GHRP2 instead because the pramipexole kills my appetite and I have one more big meal to eat tonight.


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Feb 17, 2014
Last night's dose of prami was my highest yet. A couple hours after taking it my sex drive shot up. I can see why people like prami for sex. The orgasm is real strong!!!!

I found it hard to sleep until the prami wore off in the middle of the night, mostly because it gives me a stuffy Jose and I can't breathe so I keep waking up and tossing and turning. Once it wore off I slept much better.

I just took 400mcg cjcDAC(it was the end of the vial so I finished it off) and 200mcg ghrp2. I'm getting very hungry but am waiting to eating as I want a banana and fear the sugar may mess with HGH secretion.

My plan is to go back to sleep as it's Saturday and I don't want to be up this early so I skipped my huperzine A as it gets me wired and my mind won't shut down and I won't be able to fall back to sleep.

Last night I actually did take ipamorelin instead of GHRP2 and I forced down my last meal.

I'm so hungry right now. The higher dose of GHRP2 is definitely noticeable!!!!


Registered User
Dec 17, 2012
this is a really interesting log. Do you really think you can get away with dosing CJCdac once a week?


Feb 17, 2014
After my big 6am dose of cjcDAC and GHRP2, I slept very well for 2 1/2 hours. At 9am I took another dose of 150mcg GHRP2 by itself and ate again. Going to try to sleep some more. I like catching up on sleep on the weekend. Sleep, eat, and train chest, that's my Saturday.


Feb 17, 2014
Just woke up from my nap. My left hand was numb while sleeping. HGH levels are increasing. Time to take my huperzine A, shower, gh peptides, eat, and go train. I'm falling asleep very well on cjcDAC and GHRP2 followed by a big meal. :)


Feb 17, 2014
Just got to the gym. My body weight is up to 241Lbs. I'm growing very fast on this protocol.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Pramipexole is one compound my body is going to have to get used to. 1.5 hours after taking it I got extremely tired, then horny. Had to put on porn and wack off. The orgasm was the strongest I've felt in a long time. The odd part about prami is it made me dead tired like a zombie but I couldn't sleep again. I tossed and turned all night. This morning I took my huperzine A which definitely got my mind going but my body could use sleep. I notice I wake up off prami with no appetite, then an hour afterwards I take my GHRP2 and cjcDAC, I eat, and here it is an hour after eating and I'm freaking hungry. I had a syntha6 shake with oats and a banana for breakfast. I'm going to have 2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter now. My muscles look nice and full from all the gh peptides.

Prami takes a lot of getting used to for most people. Yeah the orgasms when it is active can be ridiculously strong. Dopamine is released by pleasurable sensations but also by stress or pain etc. It makes you very tired but it's a weird one as the reason most depressed people don't have any energy (feel like doing anything) is usually low dopamine levels. Dopamine makes you act... it can make you seek pleasure or reward. So just be careful especially at the higher doses. I know you can be quite OCD and that could make you even more so in many ways. If there are any guys with a gambling problem using prami you have to be extra careful too.

I would stick with the same dose for awhile now. I think you moved up too fast. But you are there now so you might as well stick with it :D Once your body gets used to it and you find your best timing you will start to receive it's sleeping benefits too. It's a weird one as I woke up in the morning and no numb hands and not much sweat then I went back to sleep for about an hour or 2 and woke up and my hands were completely numb and my bed was soaked :eek:

Keep us posted. Good to see you are still getting great results minus the sleeping.


Feb 17, 2014
I was able to do a full chest workout even with my injury. The BPC 157 really works which is a shocker to me as I'm skeptical of most things in life.
After the gym I decided to BOOM dose ipamorelin at 1,000mcg with 200mcg cjcDAC. I'm real relaxed now but I need to cook food soon. After the gym I had two scoops of syntha6 protein powder, 2 scoops of oats, and a tablespoon of natural peanut butter. I'm getting hungry again here less than an hour later.


Feb 17, 2014
Last night I found the same inability to sleep so I took a cup of NyQuil two hours after the prami, cjcDAC, and GHRP2, as I knew by waiting that long there would be no negative interaction among the compounds . I did a pubmed med search and found nothing in the NyQuil ingredients that could hinder the release of HGH other than the alcohol but it would require a full shot of alcohol to affect the liver to that extent.,

Within 5 minutes after taking NyQuil I was out like a light...slept like a baby.

This morning I took cjcDAC and GHRP2 at 6am and 11am with 2 BPC 157 injects at 9am, one inject in each pec insertion. My injured pec feels much recovered. I noticed during my chest workout yesterday that my non injured pec felt on the verge of tearing in the insertion so I decided to inject it as well.

The cjcDAC /GHRP2 shot I just took has me very hungry. I'm giving it a half hour before eating.

I look very full this morning with good definition. I really like this protocol.
Today is leg day!


Feb 17, 2014
I ended up holding off on legs til tomorrow. I took my 3rd GHRP2 and cjcDAC shot at 2:30pm. It's close to 8pm now so I'm going to take my .5mg pramipexole now and another dose of GHRP2 with cjcDAC at 9pm before my dinner consisting of 10oz extra lean ground turkey breast, 2 cups of steamed brown rice, and 3oz mixed nuts. I just are top Ramen so I'm going to need the GHRP2 to make me hungry by 9:30 pm. I'll hit up ipamorelin in a BOOM dose tomorrow.

I really like the way I'm filling out on these peptides. It's only been 5 days but my shoulders are looking dense and broader. I feel like I'm growing daily.


Feb 17, 2014
I play by ear. My initial plan was to only use ipamorelin before bed and GHRP2 throughout the morning and afternoon but I stick with GHRP2 when I need the appetite boost as I'm bulking now. In theory, ipamorelin is the better choice before bed as it only releases HGH. GHRP2 may release a little cortisol and prolactin which could negatively impact sleep. I have been taking GHRP2 before naps and having great sleep so it's not an issue with me. My sleep issues come at night due to OCD. My mind won't relax.