Tren E cycle help


Oct 25, 2012
Hey guys, it’s been a minute since I’ve been around. Some may know me some may not. I’ve been gone and out of the gym for to long but due to craziness in my life. Divorce, daughter has brain cancer[shes doing ok as of now] but anyway I’ve been back in the gym a few months and still on my TRT of 100mg a week. I’m about to start a cycle and had some questions. I’m about to run Tren 400mg a week and Test E 200mg a week with Anavar 50mg a day for 6 weeks. Here are my questions. Can I run Tren E for 15 weeks? Will my dosage of both be ok? And I have arimidex 1mg so who much should I run if that with me running test only at 200mg a week. The reason I’m running test so low is that I’ve always read that your test should be lower than your Tren to keep sides down. I’m not new to the game but I am to Tren. Any info that you guys can give is greatly appreciated.


Registered User
Jan 6, 2016
Hey guys, it’s been a minute since I’ve been around. Some may know me some may not. I’ve been gone and out of the gym for to long but due to craziness in my life. Divorce, daughter has brain cancer[shes doing ok as of now] but anyway I’ve been back in the gym a few months and still on my TRT of 100mg a week. I’m about to start a cycle and had some questions. I’m about to run Tren 400mg a week and Test E 200mg a week with Anavar 50mg a day for 6 weeks. Here are my questions. Can I run Tren E for 15 weeks? Will my dosage of both be ok? And I have arimidex 1mg so who much should I run if that with me running test only at 200mg a week. The reason I’m running test so low is that I’ve always read that your test should be lower than your Tren to keep sides down. I’m not new to the game but I am to Tren. Any info that you guys can give is greatly appreciated.
Sorry for the bad news at the beginning.
As for. The tren and test for 15 weeks at those doses are fine.
I have run test higher and lower then tren. I prefer tren higher but either way is good.


Oct 25, 2012
Sorry for the bad news at the beginning.
As for. The tren and test for 15 weeks at those doses are fine.
I have run test higher and lower then tren. I prefer tren higher but either way is good.

Thanks for the help brother. Any experience on the arimidex?

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Registered User
Oct 14, 2018
Wouldn't use any ai tbh but it's personal.

You can run tren for 15 weeks Yes, if that's a smart thing to do is up to you


Registered User
Jul 14, 2018
I love tren but tren e @400mg a week i was so pissy and angry. I use acetate or tren e @200mg a week

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Registered User
Jul 30, 2016
Cycle looks good bro. As far as if you will be ok on tren thst long only you will know once you begin. Tren hits ppl different but it's very harsh imo. Now for an ai that is another thing ppl really can't or shouldn't advise u on. Some say .5 adex eod another member is saying not to run an ai at all. What you will need to do is pull bloods 4 to 6 weeks in and see where you are at with e2 and go from there. You can deffinately start with an ai but a low dose and once you pull bloods you will know how to adjust from there. I didn't see u mention caber or prami?? I suggest you atleast have caber on hand with any 19nor incase u need it

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Feb 2, 2007
I agree with most of the last post. The one big difference is I wouldn't use an ai on that cycle. I would get blood work done 6 weeks in and see how things are and make the necessary changes. 15 weeks of tren e at 400mg is fine but I would keep it to that.


Registered User
Nov 11, 2011
Make sure you monitor blood work on such a long cycle of tren. I would keep track of liver, kidney and cholesterol. I recommned getting blood work after about 10 weeks and from that decide if you want to extend by the 5 weeks.


Registered User
Aug 26, 2010
Make sure you monitor blood work on such a long cycle of tren. I would keep track of liver, kidney and cholesterol. I recommned getting blood work after about 10 weeks and from that decide if you want to extend by the 5 weeks.

Good advice. 15 weeks at 400mg should be ok for most as long as they eat and supplement well.


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
I'm really sorry to hear the bad news. I hope your daughter is getting top notch help!
I can't help with Tren, it's always given me too many sides. Considering how hard it is on the kidneys and the fact that I'll be 50 this year, not something I'm willing to use. Sorry I couldn't be any help. Just wanted to wish you and your daughter well.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Damn man it has been a while. I am very sorry for everything going on. Same here pretty much and i've been MIA for almost a year on here. 2 suggestions based on theories you will see on forums and videos. Test a lot lower like under 100mg ew amd tren 400-600mg ew or a 1:1 ratio ew. For the length of time a 16 week stacked cycle should be good. Shit, I do it. But I agree with other vets here about kidney issues and possible prolactin issues. Airimedex is wonderful but dose is dependent on the person but will not fully protect against 19nor issues as well as other antagonists. Blood work is always the answer but often not financially viable, so you need to keep a daily log to keep track of how you feel and look in the mirror. Likewise, diet, diet and diet will play a key role! Sleep, diet and training will be a big factor in how long and what dose you can handle besides genetics.

Personally I would suggest 200mg Tren ew since you are new. The shit works wonders and more is not always better. Start off with 200 and work up or vice versa to see if you can ha dle the sides. The Test I would try 70-100mg ew just to keep you at the normal operating levels and allow the elevated 19nor to do its work besides the anavar. Anavar some people can get away with 10-20mg ed and others pop 40-100mg ed. I'd start out at 20 and bump up to 40 as well. Just something to consider as nothing is set in stone. Only you can determine at what dose you see optimal resukts before they diminish or you get negative sides. Good luck and keep us posted.

As for your daughter, check the Vet board as i posted something that you may be interested in.


AnaSCI Major Sponsor
Jul 3, 2013
Sorry to hear about your little girl, John. If there’s anything we can do to help, please don’t hesitate to ask.

As for your cycle, there’s been a lot of good advice so far. Blood work will determine whether you should continue the cycle for your intended length. Get bloods done every 4 weeks during so u know where you’re at. It will also help you determine whether or not to run an AI.

Personally, I prefer Aromasin, but Arimidex should work fine. I usually recommend running some Masteron along with Tren to help with controlling estrogen. For some guys that is enough and they can skip the AI. Estrogen sensitive people like myself may still need an AI, though.

Like LV said, diet is the key to a successful cycle, whether you’re running Tren or not. If your diet sucks, so will your cycle, regardless of how much Tren you use.

You might even want to run a slightly lower dose of Test when using Tren. I keep mine under 125 mg/wk when on a Tren cycle. For me personally, less Test causes fewer and less intense sides when on Tren. And controlling estrogen is key as well.

Finally, pick up some Nasacort before starting your cycle. Use it according to the package directions. It will help keep the Tren from killing your cardio while on cycle, and MAY reduce the frequency of Tren cough.

Good luck, and let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.


Registered User
Dec 20, 2018
tren e 400 a week is fine. i did ace at that dose which is higher due to the ester weight but i like to be able to quit it fast if i get emotional problems.
the 200 test, u MAY need .25 adex twice a week. but i'd hold off personally unless u get symptoms.


Oct 25, 2012
I’m loving all the advice from you guys. My little girl is doing good right now. Long story short, some cancer can’t be removed due to its location but thankfully it’s a slow growing type and it’s not effecting her right now.
As for the cycle I think I’m going to lower both down. Tren 200mg and Test 100mg. Do blood work at 4 weeks to determine the AI and then at 10 and I’ll determine then weather to stay on an additional 5 weeks. As of right now only sides I have is a little hateful and a lot of sex drive. Again I really appreciate the feedback and it’s the very reason I’ve always loved this board.

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