Tren-It or Test-It


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Cycle History
1st-Andropen 10 weeks (500mgs per week)
2nd-Supertest/D-bol (900mgs total per week/40 mgs per day)
3rd-Test-E/Dbol (500mgs per week/ 50mg per day)
4rth- Sust/Dbol (750mgs per week/30mg per day for 5 weeks)
5th- Test-E/Deca/Dbol (Test n Deca mixed at two shots week Test-700mgs Deca 400mgs per week/Dbol at 30mgs per day for 4 weeks)
6th- Test-C/EQ/Anadrol (Test C 750mgs per week/EQ 400mgs per week/Anadrol 50mgs per day at 25days)
7th- Sust @ 500mgs for 14 weeks/ 75 Mg.Dbol per day 4 weeks(catch up cycle after injury)
8th- Test C 750mgs for 14 weeks/Deca 400mgs for 12 weeks/Anadrol 100mgs ed for first 4 weeks
9th-Test C 750 mg 15 weeks/Deca 400mg 12 Wks / Dbol 75 mg ed
10th-Test E 750 mg 15 weeks/Deca 600wk 12 Wks/Dbol 50mg 6wks
11th- Tren A @ 75mg EOD (8wks) / Test P 100mgs per wk (8 wks) / Turanabol 60mg per day (8wks) / caber .50mg 2x p wk

The Tren brought amazing strength on super fast, which produced the acclaimed hardness and tighter look. However, it wasn't nearly as drastic as I thought. Now I started at 75mg EOD to be safe, and I know many might have recommended more due to past cycle dosages, so I'll take that into consideration. GOOD NEWS- none of the sides were horrible, I had the aggressive times with sharper "mood changes" but nothing that worst then the high dosages of test I've ran.

Winter time here now, debating to run another Tren, eat big and heavy for solid gains, and/or hit back the Test/Deca cycle. Maybe even run a Test P / Npp cycle with dbol for first time. Any details on if the Test P Dosagea with NPP can be run just as if doing Test C / Deca or is there difference since pining EOD with them and short ester?


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Any general ideas.

Up the tren and five it another whirl during winter?

Try Test P/BOO cycle for first time, take the larger look, mass up during winter and save tren spring?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
You have to decide whether to bulk or cut, first. Then, we can give you a better idea of how to lay out the cycle. Where are you at; height, weight, bodyfat percentage, visible abs, etc? How long since your last cycle? How did it go? What did you keep after PCT? What did you like about your last cycle? What did you not like about it? What's been your best cycle, so far?

Without more info, any advice that anyone gives you is just guessing, at best.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Winter time..so bulk and mass!

Tren was nice..BF lowered and strength zoomed but physical appearance and shape didn't alter much at all..could be due to other factors. Sickness and diet, body functioning off pattern..etc

6 ft
Down 228lbs from 240s after getting really sick.
BF around 13% Id guess

Test @1000mgs per week *for first time*.
Deca @600mgs per week
Anadrol at 50-100mgs per day for 6 weeks

As for past cycles..do these dosages seem correct for next step up?

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I would think you could lower the test dosage and go with npp rather than deca as it will kick it quicker and possibly control bloat faster too. Run Anadrol at 50 and 100 up to you but do break up into 2 or 3 dosages over 24 hours to keep the hormone level stable instead of spiking and maybe think about 2 days on 1 day off as it can help with controlling the thicker blood, high blood pressure issue.

Just some thoughts. Been researching more and over analyzing my past experiences and what worked. We are close in size and that is what my next cycle most likely will be.

I came across some info stating you should run test ed or eod and lower than a 19-nor. Idea is 19-nor is so anabolic and you use the test to keep libido normal.... i would say look it up and see if it is something you might want to try.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Looks kinda like your 8th, 9th, and 10th cycles IMO bud with a few little tweeks. I like LV's choice of trying NPP instead of DECA. I think its good for bulk or cutting depending on what other compounds you use with it. I don't agree with the 2 days on 1 off though with the Drol. Seems to me you'd be causing the spike you were trying to avoid LV with the split up doses, which I also like. Anyway IMO kinda depends on how much time you've had since your last cycle? I'd make sure my receptors weren't still soaked. If they are those compounds are what you have to work with I'd use them all. You can bulk with all the mentioned compounds and grow like a mad man. I just hate to see guys over use DECA. Im still wearing the scars from it from my younger dumber days. I wouldn't use it more than once a year but I run long cycles. You seem like you do as well so instead of running the same compounds for 15 weeks why not change things up throughout the cycle to get the most out of each compound....AR....
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Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
I do like long cycles...12-15 weeks (3-4 months)

I have enough test and deca and Adrol on hand.to run the above cycle 2x at 15 weeks per cycle.

It's been about 13 weeks since my 8 week Tren cycle listed above.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
I've never had bad sides to Deca and estrogen but thought about throwing in an AI this time around to be safer and see if there's less bloat too , what do you all think?

Also..below is my pct always ran..any changes need to be made as im increasing to such high dosages and running long cycles..12-15 weeks?

3 Weeks after last injection**
Week 1-3= Clomid at 250mg day 1, days 2-11 at 100mg. days 12-21 at 50mg per day.
Week 1-3= Nolvadex at 20mg per day at days 1-16, days 17-21 at 10mg per day


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
I do like long cycles...12-15 weeks (3-4 months)

I have enough test and deca and Adrol on hand.to run the above cycle 2x at 15 weeks per cycle.

It's been about 13 weeks since my 8 week Tren cycle listed above.

I took .25 caber 2x per week on last Tren. Though sex drive stays great on Test/Deca with Test high..I may take caber to help with prolactin. Would be my first time taking on Deca..and always have lactation squeezing nips on Deca but sex drive always normal...not sure when to know to kick in caber?

Also..does my PCT look adequate for longer cycles like 15 weeks Test/12 weeks Deca.