UN to Call for Decriminalizing ALL Drugs


Mar 27, 2014
You do have a great point - you usually do Lil' Sully
I am very prejudice against many and most drugs
I have little ones. I don't want them to be able to have easy access to any thing bad.
I don't even let them touch soda
Guess I have seen way to much and lost way to many great close freinds and people to hard drugs.
Guess I'm not one to talk up at 2:47 am wired for sound.
Look at me - I am and have been hooked on juice, for the past 30 + years
Been down many bad roads from it. Had many great times also.
Many times I wish I had never used steriods to begin with but how the fuck do I stop now. I am hooked.

I know people should be able to think for them selves with out asses like me judge them.
Mabie if it were decriminalization it would be easer for people to get help and many more hopefully would
You have a great point
Would it help people out decriminalization drugs?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I understand where you're coming from. I've had my share of losses due to friends and family struggling with addiction. A lot of us probably have. The reality is, there is no easy answer to any of it. Sometimes, we have to choose the lesser of 2 evils. I don't support or condone drug use, but I still believe in an adults fundamental right to make decisions for themselves. Some of those decisions will have a negative outcome. That's should be the reality of life. We should be allowed to make our own decisions, and be forced to live with the consequences of our decisions.

As far as kids are concerned, I agree with you. Kids shouldn't have easy access to drugs, alcohol or tobacco. Decriminalizing doesn't make it easier for kids to get access to it, in my mind. It only decriminalizes personal possession and use. Dealing, trafficking or manufacturing drugs is still illegal, and results in jail time.

Without realizing it squatster, you embody part of the reason to support decriminalization. You say you're addicted to AAS. Have you ever tried to get help for your addiction? I'm betting not, and probably for some of the same reasons that many addicts don't try to get help. Drug abuse and addiction comes with a huge stigma and sense of shame in this country. Those that struggle with addiction are looked down on and and made to feel like their lives no longer matter. Part of the stigma attached to drug abusers and addiction comes from the perception that all drug users are criminals. The same way hat all AAS users are lumped together as "cheaters", even if they don't engage in any form of competition.

We as a society need to let go of the stigma and preconception that drug addiction is a shameful, criminal thing. IMHO, it's just part of the human condition. The research shows that about 15% of the population, any population anywhere in the world, will become addicted to some sort of foreign substance. For smaller subsets of the population those numbers may change slightly, but overall it stays a pretty consistent rate. This tells me that it's one of those things that is going to happen to some people no matter what. Some of us most likely have a predilection to addiction of any kind, regardless of the substance. We shouldn't be punished, stigmatized or made into criminals for something that is, in some regards, inevitable.