What would be your cycle now to get ripped?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2018
500mg Tren A , Test P , Mast P every week Split into every day injections.

50mg Var
50mg Winny

I'll never touch T3 again until I get back close to stage ready. Just don't need it really.

Clen maybe 20-50mcg for an extended run.


Feb 2, 2007
Test tren and mast at 50mg each everyday. Clen at 60mcg 2 weeks on/off. Avar at 50mg for the final 4 weeks.


Donating Member
Jul 31, 2007
Test - 200mg
Primo - 300mg
Mast -100mg
Hgh - 2-3iu's
Igf1-Lr3 - 50mcg

Test, Primo, Mast.... all done divided into ed pins....Hgh daily, Igf1-Lr3 for 20 days straight.....take two weeks off, and then another 20 days repeating this pattern.

Also I wouldn't probably add the mast in until I was around 9-10%.

I'm probably sitting somewhere between 12-15% right now....and this is what I'm currently doing.....except I haven't added the gh in yet.

I'm taking things slowly as I've put on 30+ lbs in the last 6-7 months. So I want to hold onto as much of this muscle as possible.

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Registered User
Nov 11, 2011
Test - 200mg
Primo - 300mg
Mast -100mg
Hgh - 2-3iu's
Igf1-Lr3 - 50mcg

Test, Primo, Mast.... all done divided into ed pins....Hgh daily, Igf1-Lr3 for 20 days straight.....take two weeks off, and then another 20 days repeating this pattern.

Also I wouldn't probably add the mast in until I was around 9-10%.

I'm probably sitting somewhere between 12-15% right now....and this is what I'm currently doing.....except I haven't added the gh in yet.

I'm taking things slowly as I've put on 30+ lbs in the last 6-7 months. So I want to hold onto as much of this muscle as possible.

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Divided so those are weekly doses? Cycle looks good. I do similar but double the doses :)


Donating Member
Jul 31, 2007
Your doing the :

In those amounts every day?
Weekly doses....I just pin everyday as I like to keep my levels as even as possible.

Right now...just using the test and primo. After I get bloodwork on March 7th......I will add in the Mast.

I've actually kept my calorie intake the same....just swapped some of the carbs out for healthy fats.

So far just that small change has resulted in my body tightening up some. Dropped a little water.....and will stay the course until I feel it's time for a change.

Whether it be dropping calories a little across the board...or keeping them the same and adding in a little gh or peptides....I haven't decided yet.

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Donating Member
Jul 31, 2007
Divided so those are weekly doses? Cycle looks good. I do similar but double the doses :)
Hahaha....yeah. I'm probably considered one of the more conservative guys on ProM in regards to dosage. While on TRT....I don't need any AI's.

Primo has been shown to lower estrogen somewhat....so I'm going to see if it offsets the small bump in test so I can continue to avoid AI's.

I think low dose test and gh is pretty beneficial and safe year round...of course verified with bloodwork. Also adding something like mast in at small doses I think is fine.

Something like this:
Test - 10mg daily
Mast - 10mg daily
Gh - 2-3iu's daily.

With a good diet, I can actually make small progress without having to worry about estrogen, insulin resistance, etc.

Usually if I blast....I'm using something fast acting so I can get in and out within 8 weeks...and total dose will not exceed 500-600mg weekly combined.

Last blast was 200mg TPP and 200mg NPP for 8 weeks, and I put on around 12 solid lbs.

Not sure if I will use NPP again in the near future after reading some of the reports about its damage to the vascular system.......but studies change all the time...so we will see.

I will admit that I actually liked NPP more than tren. More size, almost as much strength, and the joint relief was amazing!

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Looking back at this old thread and my thinking is exactly the same even now. I am getting very lean now and I wanted to run test, tren and avar but I had to give up on the tren. I dosed 20mg 2 days running and woke up having a panic attack on the 3rd day :eek: I am off my SSRI (was on it for approx 7 years) so I have nothing to take the edge off so I figured there is no point playing with fire. Off tren I have no issues at all but 2 injs in and waking up in the middle of a panic attack was horrible. Although the idiot inside me is tempted to throw in 10mg tren a everyday and see how I am :eek::D I am dosing everything in slin pins so it's easy for me to do.

My current stack is 50mg test p ed, 40mg avar ed and 100mg mast e every 3 days combined with 4ml synthetine and 1.5ml syntheselen (preworkout) and the fat is melting off me. Everything (training and diet) is obviously in place but this stack is helping massively. I am going to add in 50mg winny preworkout to finish things off. I am hoping to shrink my waist over the next few weeks and get extremely dry.


AnaSCI Major Sponsor
Jul 3, 2013
Looking back at this old thread and my thinking is exactly the same even now. I am getting very lean now and I wanted to run test, tren and avar but I had to give up on the tren. I dosed 20mg 2 days running and woke up having a panic attack on the 3rd day :eek: I am off my SSRI (was on it for approx 7 years) so I have nothing to take the edge off so I figured there is no point playing with fire. Off tren I have no issues at all but 2 injs in and waking up in the middle of a panic attack was horrible. Although the idiot inside me is tempted to throw in 10mg tren a everyday and see how I am :eek::D I am dosing everything in slin pins so it's easy for me to do.

My current stack is 50mg test p ed, 40mg avar ed and 100mg mast e every 3 days combined with 4ml synthetine and 1.5ml syntheselen (preworkout) and the fat is melting off me. Everything (training and diet) is obviously in place but this stack is helping massively. I am going to add in 50mg winny preworkout to finish things off. I am hoping to shrink my waist over the next few weeks and get extremely dry.

I had issues with panic attacks and anxiety on Tren until started running low Test/high Tren. Adding in an AI like Aromasin is key as well, even if it’s low dose. Just something to consider.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had issues with panic attacks and anxiety on Tren until started running low Test/high Tren. Adding in an AI like Aromasin is key as well, even if it’s low dose. Just something to consider.

For me it's just the tren. I have had issues with it on high, med, low and no test. I am usually fine if I start at 10mg and move up very gradually to 40-50mg but this time I am having issues even at very low doses. I think it's more of an issue now just because of recent stress and the fact I am off my SSRI now. The SSRI was probably keeping me above that line in the past so now I am more sensitive to it's effects.


New member
Jul 6, 2017
I had most success runnng 1000mgs test a week for the early stages of fat loss as it keeps me strong and training hard with few side effects then adding in primo winstrol and tren as a comp gets ever closer


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My cycle is pretty minimal for me right now and I am getting ripped. As I posted I had to drop tren and mast. The tren was only 20mg and a few days which was frustrating as even a lwo dose of that makes a MASSIVE difference. Afterwards I was literally thinking what I can just add to bump up my overall dose as anything will help especially when calories are lower and doses are low. I was on 50mg test p and 40mg avar daily but I just added in 50mg proviron daily and have been great so far.


Mar 22, 2017
Next summer, gonna run:

Test cyp 350mg pw
Equipoise 1,400mg pw
Mast E. 600mg pw
Tren Ace. 175mg pw

All divided into daily pokes.


Registered User
Jul 30, 2020
DFW, Texas
Next summer, gonna run:

Test cyp 350mg pw
Equipoise 1,400mg pw
Mast E. 600mg pw
Tren Ace. 175mg pw

All divided into daily pokes.

How do you like that much EQ with that modest amount of test? I like the way that cycle looks. Ive never really used Masteron but I should.

Mine now would be
Test 500 max
EQ 500-600mg
Tren Ace 50mg EOD
And use HGH for the first time ever at 3-4 IUs daily.

EQ is a no brainer... Increased cardio. Im curious about that high of a dose bc aside from Test its prob my favorite compound to run


Mar 22, 2017
How do you like that much EQ with that modest amount of test? I like the way that cycle looks. Ive never really used Masteron but I should.

Mine now would be
Test 500 max
EQ 500-600mg
Tren Ace 50mg EOD
And use HGH for the first time ever at 3-4 IUs daily.

EQ is a no brainer... Increased cardio. Im curious about that high of a dose bc aside from Test its prob my favorite compound to run

I haven't run this much eq before. I just started the1400mg of eq about 3 weeks ago along with 700 test for my bulk. I front loaded 3 grams of eq the first week, but im sure I will not see the full effect for about 2 or 3 months. Right now im already noticing more vascularity and especially fullness in the delts and traps. But since I tend to hold a lot of water from test, for summer I usually drop it to a moderate amount and run tren and see good results, more definition, hardness, etc. My hope is that with the eq high, ill maintain more fullness in place of the test without too much water, and the vascularity will pop better with less test, especially with the addition of mast and tren. So far, the pumps are pretty awesome with the eq. Once its kicked in fully, ill drop the test to 350 and transition into my cut. I love the size test gives, but its just too soft of a look when the shirt comes off. But we will see, its an experiment for me and its always a mind fuck when I drop the test and look smaller in clothes.lol. Low to moderate test with tren usually flattens me out after some time, so I'm hoping the eq helps with fullness without the excess water.