Why 10iu gh before testing?


Registered User
Oct 14, 2018
As per titel; a legit 4iu of gh should give values that are supraphysiologic, or Am I missing something?


Registered User
Oct 14, 2018
ive always thought the same ? i usually just test 5iu myself

Glad I'm not the only one. What values are you getting with 5iu?

The downside is that it will be harder to compare since almost everyone is doing 10iu pre test


New member
Jun 2, 2013
10iu is the size of most generic gh vials so using that as a sample size removes the human error of drawing exactly half the vial to get 5iu. I'd bet that if the standard size of generic gh were 8iu everyone would be testing at 8iu.


Donating Member
Nov 29, 2017
My baseline hgh serum is a 0 but natural serum is between 0ng/ml - 5ng/ml. You can do it however you want but standard protocol is 10iu and you can judge better off that cause thats whst everybody does. I've done 4iu sub q and hgh serum was 4. If your going to do it that way I would get some bloodwork more than once so you have something to compare with. I did it that way cause I was curious where levels would be cause I'm not doing 10iu intermuscular injections everday so I know my hgh serums levels aren't constantly at let's say 25.

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Donating Member
Nov 29, 2017
I would get a baseline hgh serum before any testing

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Registered User
Mar 19, 2018
It’s a method we use for serum testing.


..fellas "10iu/IM/DRAW 3.5HRS LATER" is the established standard protocol that we use

there has to be a "standard" ..other wise 1guy is testing with 4iu & the next guy is testing with 5iu
^^^anyone who's even remotely been around already knows what the discrepancies/interpretations can be like :rolleyes:

can 4iu result in "supraphysiologic levels"?? ..sure, absolutely
^^^BUT who do you have to compare it to? ..when everyone else is shootin' 10ius for a serum test bc they'r following the "established standard protocol"??
..is a GH serum score of 9 good for 5ius? ..how bout 4ius?
..does that mean that if that person inj'd 10ius that they would score an 18? ..does it "translate" like that?
^^^see what i mean

the reason that "10iu/IM/DRAW 3.5HRS LATER" is the "established standard protocol" that we use is bc it's already been largely sorted & has been used for years
^^^it's what everybody recognizes
..it's just what everybody thinks of when you spit out a serum GH number/result
^^^it's as simple as that

***ON A SIDE NOTE ..really don't know why guys are still placing such value these serum tests anymore when AnaSci/PM/Janoshik have given you such an amazing resource/tool with their HPLC testing??
..serum GH tests were the best we could do as a community before we had readily available HPLC tests
..serum GH values will vary from individual to individual even when both guys are using the same legit SEROSTIM & the same protocol
^^^case in point; we recently had a guy score a 59 :eek: on our GREYTOPS ..but does that mean that you'll score a 59??

WHEREAS the "BLIND/RANDO.M/NEUTRAL 3RD PARTY/HPLC TESTING" that this board provides gives you the absolute truth about the GH & not someones "individual" response which varies ..or even worse, the results that someone got from a "special sample" that was sent to them for testing

^^^IMO your money would be much much better spent supporting this testing program


Registered User
Mar 19, 2019
I've heard many a vet, and source, and others say that blood tests are not a valid method of testing the quality and purity of HGH because of everyone's different reaction. Which I guess I can understand for one reason. I was part of a 10 person panel that tested a new HGH. All same dose, and timing of test and all had serum levels going from 10.1 to 29.0 and everywhere in between.

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Donating Member
Nov 29, 2017
I've heard many a vet, and source, and others say that blood tests are not a valid method of testing the quality and purity of HGH because of everyone's different reaction. Which I guess I can understand for one reason. I was part of a 10 person panel that tested a new HGH. All same dose, and timing of test and all had serum levels going from 10.1 to 29.0 and everywhere in between.

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Ya I would strongly disagree with that one. Me personally I dont care about hgh testing or for testostorne cauee shows up in my blood tests. I care about other compounds like tren, mast. Primo, var. For a person to go by there bloodwork you need a full panel test to see what exactly is going on and once you have tested a couple times you will get an idea where levels should be. I've tested first 5 vials of a kit then the next 5 vials and numbers dropped dramatically. It was 2 weeks in between test. Each individual vial can be different so the vial that is getting mass spec tested is the same exact results for all the vials that sources has. I'm not saying guys dont react different cause they do but I think it gets taken out of context alot. Example if I'm getting consistent igf numbers of say 500 and my bloodwork is pretty much the same then I score a 200 and your baseline is 150 and that same hgh just got tested 10iu 98% purity I'm going to say well I guess it's how my body is reacting no it means that the kit you had wasnt as pure as the previous ones. This is a debate that will go on for years and guys will have their opinions but you have to consistantly keep getting bloodwork. Another thing you hear is which hgh is better. Serostim is better than genotropin or norditropin lol no hgh is hgh it all has the same exact sequence it's all rhgh there is no super hgh. The only difference is the brand. If you take 2 different brands and they have the same purity and iu your results will be pretty close to the same. Points will not drop 200-300 and if it does then that means one had a higher purity.

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Super Moderator
Mar 5, 2013
I've heard many a vet, and source, and others say that blood tests are not a valid method of testing the quality and purity of HGH because of everyone's different reaction. Which I guess I can understand for one reason. I was part of a 10 person panel that tested a new HGH. All same dose, and timing of test and all had serum levels going from 10.1 to 29.0 and everywhere in between.

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Also in further tests if you try and repeat those result scores it is a crap shoot
Not repeatable OR predictable
The Human body is the wild card there.
all is or can b consistent (same HGH, Same tests, same timeframe,) results will differ.
Person to person and in the SAME person

Remember what we are tryin to do with this test and the chain of events that happen.
We take the HGH injected it, wait a amount of time, in a body that there are infinite variables, day to day, hour to hour, now we take a few drops of blood and and the lab analyzes it. You must eliminate the Human from that chain of events for any kind of accuracy.
Vial to Lab, instead of runnin it 1st through that massive unpredictable organisim.


Registered User
Mar 19, 2019
Also in further tests if you try and repeat those result scores it is a crap shoot

Not repeatable OR predictable

The Human body is the wild card there.

all is or can b consistent (same HGH, Same tests, same timeframe,) results will differ.

Person to person and in the SAME person

Remember what we are tryin to do with this test and the chain of events that happen.

We take the HGH injected it, wait a amount of time, in a body that there are infinite variables, day to day, hour to hour, now we take a few drops of blood and and the lab analyzes it. You must eliminate the Human from that chain of events for any kind of accuracy.

Vial to Lab, instead of runnin it 1st through that massive unpredictable organisim.
This is what I'm saying. Completely agree right here.

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Super Moderator
Mar 5, 2013
before this comes up IGF-1 tests are in the same category and in some aspects can b worse.
can you tell if it is HGH you are injectin? Yes
as far as the dose or strength Not a chance

Know the limitations of these tests before you try and make or xpect them to do something they cannot.