Yes.....another newbie with questions.


Registered User
Aug 26, 2004
Hello all. I have done my homework but I figured it wouldnt hurt to ask a couple questions.
My stats are as follows:

180 lbs.
22 years old
15% bf

3.5 years ago I weighed 120 lbs
I have trained really hard to put that weight on, (with help from supplements including 2 cycles of prohormones) but I have hit a plateu and would like to try a cycle.

Everyone seems to insist on test. So that is a given, but what are your thoughts on equipoise? I like the idea of it making me hungry. Also what do you think about dbol? I am more interested in equipoise though.

Let me know what your opinions are. Thanks guys! :rockon:

(I do also understand the importance of pct)


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
HigherStandard said:
Everyone seems to insist on test. So that is a given, but what are your thoughts on equipoise? I like the idea of it making me hungry. Also what do you think about dbol? I am more interested in equipoise though.

Welcome to anasci higherstandard :welcome: . Hmm...leave the equipoise (boldenone) for another cycle. Testosterone Enanthate or even Testosteron Cypionate would be a good way for you to begin. The reason why i say this is because you want to get a feel for what your body can handle and how it reacts and of course testosterone is the base for any cycle. Take 500mgs Weekly split into 2 injects. I do mine on Mondays and Thursdays. Run this for at the minimum of 10 weeks.

If you decide you still want to go with the Equipoise than go with 300-400 mgs every week for 10 weeks along with the Testosterone. This would make a nice stack considering that the equipoise will make you hungry and really pack on some nice size for a bulking cycle.

If you do the above then don't do the Dbol. Remember less is more especially on a first cycle. But if you decide to leave the equipoise out then go with the dbol but at 30mgs ed for the first 6 weeks. Split throughout your day to help maintain even blood levels. This will help kick off the cycle until the testosterone kicks in about weeks 4-5.
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May 13, 2004
I agree with my bro oracle, as always :)

Test will still make you hungry as hell, almost to the point of hunger pains.. You just have to make sure to keep the diet clean to get the results you want. EQ is not as big of a mass drug as test also. Dbol will help jump start your system, although the water retention is a downside.

Give us a little bit more info on what you hope to accomplish for the cycle as far as gains go.

also just out of curiosity, what PH did you take in the past years?


Jan 2, 2004
I agree with everyone except on the dbol this is your first cycle just do test only 500mg/week 10weeks


Registered User
Aug 26, 2004
dugie82 said:
I agree with my bro oracle, as always :)

Test will still make you hungry as hell, almost to the point of hunger pains.. You just have to make sure to keep the diet clean to get the results you want. EQ is not as big of a mass drug as test also. Dbol will help jump start your system, although the water retention is a downside.

Give us a little bit more info on what you hope to accomplish for the cycle as far as gains go.

also just out of curiosity, what PH did you take in the past years?

My goals with this cycle are to put on some mass and keep side effects low. I understand that its bulk or cut not really both at the same time. So for now I want to bulk after that I will cut and try to keep as much muscle as possible.

As far as prohormones go, ive used methyl-1 test and 4-androstene 17-diol.


May 13, 2004
Also, if you were very prone to gyno on PH, it will be the same on a magnified scale with AS.
How much you will keep will depend upon your training outside of AS and your PCT.


Registered User
Aug 26, 2004
Im not trying to be rude jason but my question was can you get rid of gyno without surgery. For example with medication or drugs or acupuncture or whatever.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
HigherStandard said:
Is it possible to get rid of gyno without surgery? Or are you fucked once you get it.
No. If you catch it early you can prevent it's development, but once you have it, surgery is your only option. Don't take the risk, have anti-e's on hand in case you need them.


6'1" and 180??? i doubt you have hit a plateau. and you have 15% body fat at those stats???? You hardly have any muscle then. I personally would adjust my diet and training and try and get another 15 lbs of muscle naturally, but you'll do as you wish I am sure

MR. Smith

New member
Dec 14, 2004
Please post your Diet, Training regiment and sleeping habits so you can receive more accurate information on what you want to gain. I will be more then happy to share advice with you.


Registered User
Aug 26, 2004
I might have guessed a little high on the body fat, (it was 12 last time i checked about 6 months ago) but iassure you that i have put on a lot of muscle for my frame. As I stated earlier i weighed 120 lbs, 3 years ago. What I didnt mention was that i was 6 feet tall at the time.

It is hard to eat right because of my line of work, but for a while now ive been eating eggs for breakfast sometimes a protein shake. On the way to my first job I eat a sandwich with lots of meat. lunch theres another sandwich and fruit and veggies. For dinner I eat whatever my girlfriend makes, but there is always meat veggies etc. (usually chicken). I drink a lot of water, I dont drink soda ever. I usually workout at about 4pm almost everyday. (I drink a protein shake before I workout also.

monday: chest and triceps
tuesday: legs
thursday:back and biceps
When I lift, I lift as heavy as I can while still completing 8-12 reps for 3-5 sets in any given exercise, then I usually drop the weight and do more sets.
I hit the abs after almost every workout.
My job is also very physically demanding if that matters at all.
I wake up at 530 am everyday and go to sleep at 10pm.

If you guys need any more info let me know. Also thanks for all the info so far.
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get into a habit of drinking a protein shake immediately after your workout also. it should be high in carbs, around 80 grams, include 5 grams of creatine and 5 grams of glutamine in the shake. this will aide in recovery and then eat your meal about 1 hour after your workout.
you will need to eat more than you are if you hit a plateau. if you have a physically demanding job, it will be robbing you of much needed calories that you would want to be using to build muscle. if you have a hard time adding more meals to your schedule then add more protein shakes and also try to find a protein bar that you like to eat throughout the day.
what i believe that is happening is you hit a plateau partly because as you grow your body needs more nurishment then when you were at the lower weights and if you dont keep increasing the amount you eat then you will eventually hit a plateau.
you can also have a premixed shake in the fridge for if you wake in the middle of the night, you can slam it down while you are up.


pincrusher said:
get into a habit of drinking a protein shake immediately after your workout also. it should be high in carbs, around 80 grams, include 5 grams of creatine and 5 grams of glutamine in the shake. this will aide in recovery and then eat your meal about 1 hour after your workout.
you will need to eat more than you are if you hit a plateau. if you have a physically demanding job, it will be robbing you of much needed calories that you would want to be using to build muscle. if you have a hard time adding more meals to your schedule then add more protein shakes and also try to find a protein bar that you like to eat throughout the day.
what i believe that is happening is you hit a plateau partly because as you grow your body needs more nurishment then when you were at the lower weights and if you dont keep increasing the amount you eat then you will eventually hit a plateau.
you can also have a premixed shake in the fridge for if you wake in the middle of the night, you can slam it down while you are up.

good advice....post workout meal is the most important meal of the day...getting some dextrose would be ideal for that. I personally don't care for glutamine, but if you're going to take them, take one pre workout, the other post. There have been a lot of articles on creatine and glutamine competing w/ each other if taken at the same time. Protein/carb shake immediately after workout, then another meal about 1 and a half hours after that. Eat some cottage cheese before bed as well or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich w/ a glass of milk. With your stats, you can use all these extra carbs, especially if your line of work is very strenuous.


pincrushers favorite shake:
2 packets of flavored oatmeal
3 scoops of protein powder
3 cups of whole milk or skim milk
2-3 scoops of icecream
is only good as a postworkout shake if you live very close to home or premix it and kep it very cold in a ice chest while you are workoing out.
alternate post workout plan:
3 cups of grape juice with the creatine or glutamine or both in it. drink it down them make a normal protein shake and drink that also then do like wolfy states and go home and eat a meal about 1-1.5 hours later. with the grapejuice, you could try mixing the protein in it but it tends to not taste very good and is only good for the truly hardcore guys with no taste buds ;)


HigherStandard said:
Thanks guys, I really appreciate the info.
as always, we are here to help so feel free to ask any other questions you may have. ;)