what can i take to stop being such an asshole?


Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
well since im from new york and moved down south , i know that will never change.

but seriously i really need to do something to stop being such an asshole. my attitude is crazy and i flip out on my girl for the smallest thing. even when ppl are driving the speed limit in front of me i just wanna rip them out of the car and beat them to a bloody pulp. i have the sweetest girl in the world and shes so supportive of everything i do good and bad. things moved very fast and she now lives with me. so its all new and stressful. i really want to be nice and i do hold back alot but i just want to be really nice to her because she deserves it and overall im a very chill person. i know i took this last cycle way too far(5 months) but im cruising now for 8 weeks. its calming down a lil bit, but i know when i start up again im gonna go back to being a dick all the time. i honestly dont mean to be, but i just cant help it. what can i take if anything to help that? not cycling is not an option. and i used to say all the time that ppl who cant handle gear shouldnt be using it if they cant control there tempers. low and behold , thats now me... i was fine untill she moved in but now its bad because im with her all the time. she cant move at right now nor do i want that. i just want to be nice.. pls dont get into relationship advice, i just want to take a happy pill or something.

im 100% serious about this too, pls help bros


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
I work in the psych field so bare with me...this is not relationship advice, i'm talking about you.

1. A move is stressful
2. A fast relationship with the person moving in is very stressful
3. Other factors like moving away from family, new job, new house, new area and surroundings, new culture (NY to the south has to be!)
4. Knowing you're being a dick and trying not to be sure as fuck is stressful

Stress bro...all just stress. You're just reacting how you're wired. FIGHT or FLIGHT and you're in fight mode. That doesn't mean you start swinging on shit when dinner is late. WHICH YOU DIDN'T say you did. it's just an example because when people hear that they think fight as in bare knuckle bash fest. You're just stress so your anxiety is high and you react with aggression. IT'S A NORMAL MALE RESPONSE. You just need time to consolidate and get use to life changes, and you're going about it in a good way, by recognizing it and asking for help.

Just chill, relax, plan next cycle and avoid compounds like tren if it gets you wired up, and train. A happy little pill is the last thing you want cause it doesn't fix underlying problem. It just covers it and psych meds like SSRI's, benzos, anxiolytics aren't things you don't want to fuck with...
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Don't look for the easy way by taking a pill and deal with your issues. See a therapist and seek out anger management therapy. See a relationship counselor. If this relationship is really that important to you, you will make a serious effort to deal with the underlying issues and grow as a person in order to make the relationship work.

And as a side note, you do realize that you actually said that using AAS is more important to you than your relationship? Perhaps take a long look at your priorities and reexamine what is most important in your life.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
I work in the psych field so bare with me...this is not relationship advice, i'm talking about you.

1. A move is stressful
2. A fast relationship with the person moving in is very stressful
3. Other factors like moving away from family, new job, new house, new area and surroundings, new culture (NY to the south has to be!)
4. Knowing you're being a dick and trying not to be sure as fuck is stressful

Stress bro...all just stress. You're just reacting how you're wired. FIGHT or FLIGHT and you're in fight mode. That doesn't mean you start swinging on shit when dinner is late. WHICH YOU DIDN'T say you did. it's just an example because when people hear that they think fight as in bare knuckle bash fest. You're just stress so your anxiety is high and you react with aggression. IT'S A NORMAL MALE RESPONSE. You just need time to consolidate and get use to life changes, and you're going about it in a good way, by recognizing it and asking for help.

Just chill, relax, plan next cycle and avoid compounds like tren if it gets you wired up, and train. A happy little pill is the last thing you want cause it doesn't fix underlying problem. It just covers it and psych meds like SSRI's, benzos, anxiolytics aren't things you don't want to fuck with...

ty bro. and just to make it clear i def do not hit my girl, never hit any gf, it wont come to that i can guarantee that. the only other time i was like this in a relationship is when i was cycling too. i have been on xanax in the past. i am very high stress and high anxiety. i know a happy pill isnt the answer but i was hoping there was something to take for it as a side to the test. i LOVE tren and plan on doing 1gram per week next cycle and trying to lower the test. i know most of it is in my head, and my life has been pretty stressful lately. not working, in alot of pain and need 3 surgeries this year. one being my back and i will be out of commision for 3 months. ive been putting off the surgeries but really need to take care of them. anyway she is def a real sweetheart and i just was hoping to take something to lower that . i didnt know if there was something i was missing that im not taking to help with that side? i know im not the only person who gets like this during a cycle. what other compounds cause this mostly?


Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
Don't look for the easy way by taking a pill and deal with your issues. See a therapist and seek out anger management therapy. See a relationship counselor. If this relationship is really that important to you, you will make a serious effort to deal with the underlying issues and grow as a person in order to make the relationship work.

And as a side note, you do realize that you actually said that using AAS is more important to you than your relationship? Perhaps take a long look at your priorities and reexamine what is most important in your life.

i hear ya bro, im on trt most likely due to lack of knowledge and doing a cycle when i was like 19 and not doing any pct. so either way i will still be on a lil test. not that i dont appreciate the relationship advice, but this is the anabolic forum and didnt want to post in wrong area. i have no problem with therapy what so ever, its very healthy. i am willing to do what ever to make it work, except for not using aas. that was made clear in in the beginning of the relationship. i will stop when im done, i will do shorter, lighter cycles if need be to lower the sides

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I think psych and Lil sully hit it dead on. maybe see a therapist for anger management skills and who knows they might have you see a dr. and get some chill pills lmfao.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
Oxytocin help me brother...but as stated above you might wanna talk to someone to learn some management skills a combination of the 2 would prob fix ya right up.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
smoking a joint would fix ya right up imo...Arnold is número uno!

If not then ya, you need anger management therapy...had a couple co workers be forced into it lol...seems to help
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Nov 20, 2012
I have been on Prozac for almost 20 years now. It helps a lot but my temper can still flare up. Don't jump on any meds like that without doing research. Also, people down south are completely different than from up North. I know. I live in Georgia. Lol. If you can, I'd suggest going and talking to a therapist. Preferably a hot blond one. Lol

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
The answers are within you brother. Google 'mindfulness' and start living in the moment. Be 'here' and aware of the moments you are living right now, not the good ones of days gone by that you wish were still here or the 'better' ones to come. That longing/craving for another existence makes you forget and take the one you're in for granted. Meditate. Learn to ignore those selfish thoughts and give more. Be kinder. This is the change you need. Good luck man.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
ok well if everyone calls you a horse, your prob a horse. i guess im just a dick then, lol. i have no prob with seeing someone. i just thought it was the test making me act like a dick, this only happens when im on gear. i was used to banging mad diff girls all week long and really just wanted a good girl to be in a relationship with for the last year. if you read my early posts from when i joined and my intro you will remember i was having erection problems too. well i almost got a surgery to implant a pump in my cock for it. even when i had the hottest girl in front of me, i couldnt even stay hard for her. i even had to get injections in my dick for it. viagra/cialis/and even m2 all together wouldnt keep me hard. well it was all in my head too. now that im with some1 i love and have feelings for i have no issues at all. i can stay hard with no help at all 100%. dont know if it was the gear or my head but things are great now. i do know i need to see someone anyway because i have gone thru alot in my life, and so has she. i really dont get sleep either. maybe 3hrs a night if im lucky. as soon as i do get deep sleep i have bad nightmares and wake up shaking. plus im a night owl, and shes a morning person. so once i go to bed, shes up and making noise. im not working a.t.m. so i can be up really late, and wired( not on drugs wired, just naturally wide awake) i relly dont like smoking weed anymore. i used to smoke an ounce a day when i was younger, but stopped. the exotics today are off the hook and just get me too high to enjoy it. i have allways wondered about oxytoxin, anybody else have any experience with this?
pls chime in ur exp. if so.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
I've been there too. You are acting on impulse feelings. Recognize it for what it is. When you feel the anger exploding in that second recognize it for what it is and tell yourself, here it comes and the result might be much worse and I'll be mopping up a big mess if I don't control it. Then stop right there and tell yourself, I'll act on this in 60 seconds, but first…. you take a few deep breaths feeling the air slowly leave your lungs and hopefully some of the impulse will go out as well and you will calm down enough to control it. You can do this without meds. And keep at it until you get really good at it. Good luck bro.
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Nov 20, 2012
The answers are within you brother. Google 'mindfulness' and start living in the moment. Be 'here' and aware of the moments you are living right now, not the good ones of days gone by that you wish were still here or the 'better' ones to come. That longing/craving for another existence makes you forget and take the one you're in for granted. Meditate. Learn to ignore those selfish thoughts and give more. Be kinder. This is the change you need. Good luck man.

Well said...


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
I did a log on oxytocin and epithalon shit worked for me brother accomplished everyting it claimed to do. It will prob help you alot with getting a full night of restfull sleep also...but in my opinion it would just be a band aid fix for ya learning to cope with the different issues as they arise will benefit you a great deal more in the long run. As far as the test making you aggressive Im actually more calm and laid back when im on cycle (with the exception of tren) What Ive noticed over the years with different people is if your a dick before a cycle youll be an even bigger dick when your on...if your cool and laid back normally you will be even more so when on. Just my 2 pennies.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
I've been there too. You are acting on impulse feelings. Recognize it for what it is. When you feel the anger exploding in that second recognize it for what it is and tell yourself, here it comes and the result might be much worse and I'll be mopping up a big mess if I don't control it. Then stop right there and tell yourself, I'll act on this in 60 seconds, but first…. you take a few deep breaths feeling the air slowly leave your lungs and hopefully some of the impulse will go out as well and you will calm down enough to control it. You can do this without meds. And keep at it until you get really good at it. Good luck bro.

ok let me say something because i think i made it sound way worse then it really is. im not hitting her, screaming at her, throwing stufff or punching holes in my walls or anything like that at all. as far as driving, yes i always have had road rage and yell at every car i see. but i dont do that to my girl. i do get a lil attitude very easy but im not yelling at her and goin roid rage ape shit on her. im a very affectionate loving person who likes to cuddle all night and hold her. i do get a pissy lil attitude that she calls my period. shes says im really not an asshole. but i dont even want to get my "period". i get quiet because i dont want get mad so im in controll over it mostly. i do hold my breath and wait to talk about something that bothers me. comumication is a huge factor to me and feel every relationship needs to have good comm and discuss things that bother ppl before they turn into fights and resentments. and when i have to say the same thing 10 times a day, yes i get annoyed. and i do get annoyed easy. im not a monster. we both have a lot on our plate, and working it out. she moved in and had to find a job out here, and i have been support the both of us with no job at all. and its stressful. she found a very good job and will start getting paid next week. shes very smart, shes almost a damn dr. but has no common sense at all. so i do get pissed at lil things that are just common sense. i know its just relationship issues and thats not where i wanted to take this. i have no problem talking about my issues , admitting to my wrongs. as u all know by my posts i will talk about anything whether its embarrassing or not. i guess i just need to work it out. i thoguth maybe there was some a.i or something i can take to stop the test from making me annoyed. i know all of ppl that have been on gear and it seems like every1 gets like this when cycling in my eyes. i guess maybe im wrong and its not the test. ty guys for talking to me like bros, and grimm. i appreciate that advice alot. ty all bros.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
I did a log on oxytocin and epithalon shit worked for me brother accomplished everyting it claimed to do. It will prob help you alot with getting a full night of restfull sleep also...but in my opinion it would just be a band aid fix for ya learning to cope with the different issues as they arise will benefit you a great deal more in the long run. As far as the test making you aggressive Im actually more calm and laid back when im on cycle (with the exception of tren) What Ive noticed over the years with different people is if your a dick before a cycle youll be an even bigger dick when your on...if your cool and laid back normally you will be even more so when on. Just my 2 pennies.

i do tren with every cycle. i was planning on runnin a gram a week of tren ace this time. fml...... alot of good advice from every1 so far. but i really am laid back normally. this only happens when in a relationship, and on cycle to me. im def gonna try oxytxin. when i take xanax im not like this either. but i dont want to make it a habbit of taking xanax. its not the answer either


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
No worries. I know for a fact you are a good man, bro. I use my little technique even on the little irritations. Helps my blood pressure :)


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Good advice from these guys. Psych is a personal friend in "real" life and I can tell you he knows his shit.I spent decades with a ah shit i'm going to prison this time type temper. Was really bad.Grim mentioned being in the now. Very good advice as
we only have the moment. I'm guessing you do have a lot of underlying fear and anxiety. That was what had me so f--ed up for so long.I would cut that tren way the fuck down or out.I know that one will make your situation worse.
Try some morning meditation and relinquish your grip on the past.
Resentments as well are what we need to lose . They do us no good whatsoever.I'm gonna pm you. Thanks , T.................