Pinterest is ruining my life


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
My g/f found a website called Pinterest about 8 months ago, and it's been slowly ruining my relationship. For those of you not familiar, it's a website where women put links up to little projects they do around the house, cooking recipes, and arts and crafts type bullshit. And since she found it, she's decided that everything in our house needs to be redone the way these other women do their houses. Everything in the house now needs to be put in a basket, a cleverly repurposed container, or put in a small bucket that is hung from a wire cooling rack that is hung on the wall. And I'm losing my fucking mind.

At first I didn't realize what was happening. I just thought when she said "I'm thinking about doing a project this weekend", that she meant SHE was going to do some stupid project that I don't understand. After a few months I found out that when she has a project she wants to do, that really means she has a project that she wants ME to do this weekend. Our relationship took a steep downturn while I was figuring this out.

And now that I've figured it out, our relationship is still going downhill. I'm sick of her stupid projects and that we suddenly need to spend hundreds of dollars on stuff for these "organizational projects" that are supposed to make our lives "so much easier". Especially since they're all supposed to be "cheap, easy fixes". Sure, if you already have $300 in 3M command hooks and antique wire metal baskets laying around the house. Or if you know where to get an antique decorative ladder on the cheap. Now we suddenly NEED a nightlight in the fucking living room that's made from repurposed stained glass, because "it's cute." Apparently the 3 lamps that she leaves on all night in the living room aren't bright enough.

I had a legitimate impulse to punch her tonight while we at Lowe's, getting parts for yet another project that serves no fucking purpose, but that we suddenly cannot function without. I would never actually do it, but it's honestly the first time I've ever felt that impulse toward her, and it upsets me that she's driving me to feel like that.

Anyway, I'm just venting. But, has anyone else been dealing with the same thing? Just curious.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
ever seen this before? Funny little 5 minute video

Last edited:


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
OMG, sorry Sully Im laughing too. think about the money spent on our "pintrest" with bodybuilding. I get in arguments with my wife about the god dam cell phone glued to her face. She complains when Im off work "we dont do anything together". I tell her I do want to do stuff, but I dont like to talk to her and her cell phone. Put the god dam thing down, the day she looks at it when Im "hitting it" I am leaving her ass. OR maybe I will put it in her ass, she'll put the phone down then.
Jan 26, 2015
I'm with squatster. I feel for ya brother, but I'm in my office laughing my ass off while everyone is watching me. Hang in there!



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
Funny. That shit has been going on forever. Social media has just made it 1000 times worse.


Sep 17, 2003
I have no comment other then to laugh at your post :D

Is she a girlfriend or wife? How long have you two been together?


Registered User
Aug 19, 2015
Hey sully, my wife too loves pintrest a few years ago she decided to start a business selling the things she was making, wasted a lot of money, but it made her happy.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
LOL. Occasionally? No sweat. But when it gets to that hire a handy man and bill her for the charges. I hate those kind of projects and its really annoying when someone puts an agenda on your schedule all the time.

101st Ranger

Registered User
Aug 29, 2013
Oh man, I'm with the crew here and laughing my balls off as well.

...and my wife has her similar interests like Pinterest hacks and the 50000000000 random Netflix shows she's watching at any given time.

Ya gotta find an outlet so you don't blow brother.


Registered User
Dec 6, 2014
Lol i'm in the same boat! Yaaa, she seen a whole bunch of things she wants to work on. The best thing about Pinterest is the meals she makes��. We do some remodeling, We have started in the bathroom shower. started putting up slate. I've done many of tile work in the past so not so difficult. She knows I used to do granite counter tops, tile, electrical and plumbing, so she now has a list of things she wants to work on.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I have no comment other then to laugh at your post :D

Is she a girlfriend or wife? How long have you two been together?

Girlfriend. We've been together 8 or 9 years.

It's not that I don't want to help her, it's just that most of the shut that she thinks is "Sooooo cuuuuuute!" is just fucking stupid. Last weekend I hung wire baking racks on the wall in her bathroom. Yeah, those cheap ugly looking black racks that u put cookies on to cool after they come out of the oven. Because she needed somewhere new to hang her jewelry. You know, somewhere other than the 3 jewelry cases in her "getting ready" room. It's the cheapest, trashiest looking thing ever.

And now putting a roll of garbage bags in the cabinet under the sink isn't good enough. Now, they have to be hung on a curtain rod under the counter so that I have to get on my hands and knees and reach up under the counter to put a new bag in the garbage can.

And putting towels and wash cloths in the hallway closet is "too boring". So tomorrow I have to build a ladder out of copper tubing to set against the wall in the bathroom to hang towels on.

I'm all for upgrading and renovating and whatever else, I just want the things we do to actually make things better. When it makes things look worse or less convenient just for the sake of being "cute" I start to get pissed. Everything that looks good in some other persons house in a picture on the Internet isn't going to look good in my house. Especially when it's just mismatched, hodge-podge bullshit with no sense of continuity.

I'm sure Pinterest is a cool website with lots of good ideas, but since she found it I haven't had a minute of peace.


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
Sounds to me you don't like your girlfriend, not Pinterest. :D

Girlfriend. We've been together 8 or 9 years.

It's not that I don't want to help her, it's just that most of the shut that she thinks is "Sooooo cuuuuuute!" is just fucking stupid. Last weekend I hung wire baking racks on the wall in her bathroom. Yeah, those cheap ugly looking black racks that u put cookies on to cool after they come out of the oven. Because she needed somewhere new to hang her jewelry. You know, somewhere other than the 3 jewelry cases in her "getting ready" room. It's the cheapest, trashiest looking thing ever.

And now putting a roll of garbage bags in the cabinet under the sink isn't good enough. Now, they have to be hung on a curtain rod under the counter so that I have to get on my hands and knees and reach up under the counter to put a new bag in the garbage can.

And putting towels and wash cloths in the hallway closet is "too boring". So tomorrow I have to build a ladder out of copper tubing to set against the wall in the bathroom to hang towels on.

I'm all for upgrading and renovating and whatever else, I just want the things we do to actually make things better. When it makes things look worse or less convenient just for the sake of being "cute" I start to get pissed. Everything that looks good in some other persons house in a picture on the Internet isn't going to look good in my house. Especially when it's just mismatched, hodge-podge bullshit with no sense of continuity.

I'm sure Pinterest is a cool website with lots of good ideas, but since she found it I haven't had a minute of peace.


Mar 27, 2014
Wow - I just like plain walls and nothing out we have to clean and dust every day- all that clutter shit is way to much to maintain


Registered User
Aug 19, 2015
Girlfriend. We've been together 8 or 9 years.

It's not that I don't want to help her, it's just that most of the shut that she thinks is "Sooooo cuuuuuute!" is just fucking stupid. Last weekend I hung wire baking racks on the wall in her bathroom. Yeah, those cheap ugly looking black racks that u put cookies on to cool after they come out of the oven. Because she needed somewhere new to hang her jewelry. You know, somewhere other than the 3 jewelry cases in her "getting ready" room. It's the cheapest, trashiest looking thing ever.

And now putting a roll of garbage bags in the cabinet under the sink isn't good enough. Now, they have to be hung on a curtain rod under the counter so that I have to get on my hands and knees and reach up under the counter to put a new bag in the garbage can.

And putting towels and wash cloths in the hallway closet is "too boring". So tomorrow I have to build a ladder out of copper tubing to set against the wall in the bathroom to hang towels on.

I'm all for upgrading and renovating and whatever else, I just want the things we do to actually make things better. When it makes things look worse or less convenient just for the sake of being "cute" I start to get pissed. Everything that looks good in some other persons house in a picture on the Internet isn't going to look good in my house. Especially when it's just mismatched, hodge-podge bullshit with no sense of continuity.

I'm sure Pinterest is a cool website with lots of good ideas, but since she found it I haven't had a minute of peace.

Sounds like you've got it bad, time to shut off the internet