The preworkout thread


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
Yesterday I had 1 scoop of PumpJuice and an espresso pre workout. Then post workout I was in starbucks buying a large latte :eek::D Although that was all the caffeine for the day. Have you ever tried a nespresso machine? A good coffee is all you need pre workout but I still love my pre workout powders.

:eek:...El,I feel sorry for your heart! LOL!! It's EXTREMELY rare that I use any of the liquid crack products out there anymore. Once in a great while I'll have half a Redline. I've become more sensitive to its effects as I've gotten older. I used to train and 4:30am...I would down a Redline and hit the ground running. Not anymore.


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
:eek:...El,I feel sorry for your heart! LOL!! It's EXTREMELY rare that I use any of the liquid crack products out there anymore. Once in a great while I'll have half a Redline. I've become more sensitive to its effects as I've gotten older. I used to train and 4:30am...I would down a Redline and hit the ground running. Not anymore.

Those redlines were great but these pre workouts are much stronger now


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
:eek:...El,I feel sorry for your heart! LOL!! It's EXTREMELY rare that I use any of the liquid crack products out there anymore. Once in a great while I'll have half a Redline. I've become more sensitive to its effects as I've gotten older. I used to train and 4:30am...I would down a Redline and hit the ground running. Not anymore.

My heart is not in a good place right now. It's fine with the caffeine but I dropped my last vial of deca and it cracked and all the oil went over the kitcheN floor :eek: On the plus side my kitchen floor has never looked so good :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been using Pump Juice Extreme before every workout and it's still giving me the full effects. Yesterday for leg day I thought I would up the stimulants so added 1/4 scoop of Cannibal Ferox Amped. That was a great day and they worked well together.

Today I had a heaped scoop of pump juice extreme before training chest, shoulders and tri-ceps. Everything went great and more of the usual. Although I was tired beforehand and I hadn't ate much so my energy started to drop about 90 mins into my workout. That's to be expected for obvious reasons plus my body is definitely missing intra carbs and aminos.

Any guys trying out Pump Juice I recommend starting and maybe sticking to the 1 scoop serving as that seems perfect to me. The day I tried 2 scoops I actually got tired during my workout and the pumps weren't any better.


Registered User
Mar 28, 2016
I liked muscle marinade a lot back in the day. Finally used it all up, but that stuff really gave me an extra push during competitions. Of course, it would raise BP high enough that erections weren't great, but who the hell has energy to get down after a comp. Oh right, thats all I want to do after...


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
The other day I stayed up all night and was struggling by 8am. I had the bright idea of going the gym so took 1 heaped scoop of Pump Juice Extreme and headed to the gym. I took half a scoop of Cannibal Ferox Amped with me just because I knew I would need the extra energy later on. I trained calves and back for 2 1/2 hours and felt great. The pump was amazing but I was struggling for energy. The 2 combined felt good and kept me going. Obviously it's stupid training after no sleep but just a one off :eek::D I struggled for the rest of the day and ended up falling a sleep in my clothes :D 2moro will be shoulders and arms and I plan to take 1 scoop of Pump Juice which seems to be the best dose for me.


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
The other day I stayed up all night and was struggling by 8am. I had the bright idea of going the gym so took 1 heaped scoop of Pump Juice Extreme and headed to the gym. I took half a scoop of Cannibal Ferox Amped with me just because I knew I would need the extra energy later on. I trained calves and back for 2 1/2 hours and felt great. The pump was amazing but I was struggling for energy. The 2 combined felt good and kept me going. Obviously it's stupid training after no sleep but just a one off :eek::D I struggled for the rest of the day and ended up falling a sleep in my clothes :D 2moro will be shoulders and arms and I plan to take 1 scoop of Pump Juice which seems to be the best dose for me.

I hate that when you can't get to sleep. Happens to me from time to time! Ugh


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
I would love to see Bio take 1 scoop of Cannibal Ferox Amped for entertainment purposes :D

I just looked it up...sounds exhilarating! LOL!! Funny thing is, I was reading some reviews and people were saying that it didn't give them the jitters which is good.

Back in the day I used to use the original Ultimate Orange and Razor Ripped...both ephedrine based. I used to drink one Turbo Tea and one Razor Ripped and then train...good times!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I just looked it up...sounds exhilarating! LOL!! Funny thing is, I was reading some reviews and people were saying that it didn't give them the jitters which is good.

Back in the day I used to use the original Ultimate Orange and Razor Ripped...both ephedrine based. I used to drink one Turbo Tea and one Razor Ripped and then train...good times!

Considering how strong it looks on paper they are right. I never get the post workout jitters or anything negative. It doesn't feel as strong as the label looks but maybe that's just my increasing tolerance to stimulants. Although some pre workouts don't feel as strong but you get home and start shaking and just feel off. It's not me dosing too soon either because it's happened even after some of my marathon workouts.

A good prewrokout that can hit me post workout is Gaspari SP250. That really feels strong to me especially if you dose 1.5 scoops. I recommend that for guys who want a big mental boost. But sometimes I would be walking home from the gym and it would hit me hard and I would start sweating and my hands shaking etc.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Today I had a large latte from Starbucks and 1 scoop of Pump Juice Extreme and had an amazing workout. It was legs so I needed the extra energy and I pushed it hard. I am really sore now so I can tell when I wake up I will be bad :eek::D

I may have a short break from the pre workouts just to give my body a rest from all the caffeine. I am thinking about 2 weeks. I will bring back DMAA tabs next time I visit the UK at the end of the month. So I can resume my Pump Juice with 1 tab of DMAA and see how that feels :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have a 2 serving sample called Warrior Rage. I just looked it up and it has 250mg caffeine per serving. Good job I did look it up as I was going to have the whole thing pre workout today. Usually that would be fine but I haven't used a pre workout for about a week so it will hit me hard. I will try 1 serving and take the other serving intra training.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I opened the Warrior Rage sachet and it had hardened up so it was pain getting it all in my shaker. I started drinking it with the thought I would drink the last part during training. But as I dropped some I just drank it all pre workout. It was crap... barely noticed anything. I did sweat a lot and my heart rate shot up but that was about it. I wouldn't bother with it. I noticed on the website they call it the strongest pre workout ever :eek::D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am gonna try my DMAA for the first time now. I used to be sensitive to stimulants so I stayed away from all the old strong pre workouts (Jack3d etc). So this should be fun :D I will report back later. I will mix 2 scoops of My Proteins aminos (contains 300mg caffeine) for intra training if I need it. I will be using 50mg DMAA (1 tab) from the start.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had a great training session but a little disappointed. I took the tab with some of my amino drink. About 15 mins later I walked to the gym and on the way it hit me hard. I felt really focused, stimulated and well great and thought I was onto a winner. But the feeling was very short lived... maybe 20 mins tops. Combined with a good pre workout these could be great but not as strong as I expected it to be. I will experiment with them more over the next few weeks.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Yesterday I trained chest and back and about 15mins pre workout I tried 1 tab of DMAA and 1 scoop of GAT's PMP and that was a great combo. I wish I had more time in the gym as I got there with an hour to go but ended up having a great workout.

Today is calves, rear delts, arms and cardio and I am gonna try 1 tab of DMAA with 1 scoop of Pump Juice Extreme :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I think I have found a winner with 75mg DMAA pre workout. I get great focus and energy at this dose. No bad side effects either. I may even stop the caffeine pre workouts for the next month. For the last few days I have been using 2 scoops of aminos intra workout (contains 300mg caffeine) but I may just swop over to my regular aminos from today.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
It's weird as I have been getting a great response to Lee Lebrada's Super Charge Xtreme recently. It must be due to my restricted diet and my body being more in need of the boost pre workouts bring. I am also having minimal caffeine through most days just my pre workout. I sometimes have 1 nespresso in the evening but probably only 3 in the last week. So my pre workout is always the first stimulant I have every day now. In the past I would have a nespresso in the morning but Ihave purposely stopped. I also plan to have a 3 week break from all pre workouts in the near future too.

Nothing is spectacular about the product but overall it perfoms well in every area so I have used it 2 days running now. I also plan to use it 2moro before hams and back too. As I mentioned in the past on paper it looked good but never really performed like I expected but at least it wasn't a waste like I originally thought.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Soley for this thread and experimental purposes I have many new preworkout powders on their way to me :D