My Gift to ALL AnaSCI Members!


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
speeder said:
please come back, Concreteguy and let's continue this slin discussion!!

he has nothing left to say....besides the secret he wont tell anyone...

because it doesn't exsist....:cool:

The reason I left the thread was Tenny was doing a good job fielding questions and this way there was zero drama. I don't agree with much of it completely but life is about maintaining your sanity and staying happy. I have nothing to sell any of the members.
The reason I'm posting this. Which will turn out to be the single most valuable information anyone wanting to build muscle could ever have is I truly care.

I want to be perfectly clear. CG never said there was a secrete. There is no post that can be copied to show I had said this related to an insulin thread.
This being said I.M.O there is a HUGE secrete hiding in plain site. It's been mentioned countless times and ALWAYS discarded by trainers and know it all's that seem to over power threads with there vary will. I just can be apart to that any longer. My time is too short.

Please don't get the wrong idea here. This isn't about Tenny. It's just difficult to make a point when another member questions and jumps all over facts with such persistence. I know and understand MANY of you respect and consider Tenny to be an expert in this subject. I do also. But when I'm trying to drive a point home that I know from life experience to be absolute fact, I just rest my head in my hands and wonder why I try.

I'm about to tell you the single reason the HUGE guys are HUGE and how they got there. This will pertain to about 80% of the really big guys. This can be toned down for you all to use and apply and I'll instruct you all and answer any questions you may have.

Again guys, I can only hand you a map and directions to get where you want to go. Even though I give you an absolute map to get there, your going to encounter guys telling you things that will just muddy up the map and totally confuse the perfectly clear directions I WILL GIVE YOU. By my telling you this I'm branding myself as an industry RAT that dumped the bucket on "How to really get there". Ever see a guy that's pretty big get ther pro card and in one year put 20 more quality lbs on? This is how.

Again I only point this out because Tenny has already clearly just put in print he doesn't like to use this because of the release windows? So if he decides to jump all over this please remain open minded and clear of thought. Tenny, I hope you take value from this as it's intended to share with everyone incuding you my friend. I believe in your service and respect you as a person.

The answer to growth is LANTUS insulin. It's a 24hour release that goes on all day long. Imagine for a moment being 5X's more anabolic than you have ever been all day AND night every day and every night. The beauty of this is unlike the big numbers the pro's use to do this you and everyone else can just run enough to get your feet wet and NEVER RUN A CHANCE OF GOING HYPO. NEVER!!!

Lets dig into this a little bit so you can see what no one else see's here. Lets say you inject 48iu's of Lantus.

48iu's divided by 24 hours in a day is 2iu's an hour.

Are you seeing it yet? Your not going hypo shooting 2iu an hour every hour and just enjoying a normal diet. If you optimize your diet to one that's very high in Glutamine and BCAA as well as real food sources of protein and nominal carbs and fats you will truly grow like you have NEVER grown before.

When compared to using novalog or R........well there just can't be a comparison. Ask your self do you want to be extremely anabolic for a small window a couple times a day or would you want to be extremely anabolic for each and every single moment of the day.
Lantus even promotes the release of IGF from your own body as it works. Because it's in your body working for 24hours it sinks much deeper into your fibers as well. It's just a better mouse trap in each and every way. Crazy as it is its almost "perfect made" for BBing.

Lantus is engineered to release over the duration of 24hours. There is never a threat of an "all at once" going hypo event.

Now when your using Lantus in the numbers the pros are using there is a chance of going hypo. But not all at once. It would be because there not eating the food during the day that it takes to offset the amount of hourly insulin release there getting.
Guys, it's the very idea that there staying so anabolic for every moment of every day that is doing this.

Can you get fat? Yes if your pounding Lantus in big numbers and not eating clean you will pile it on and then need all of the HGH and other things like T3 and Clen to offset this from happening.
But in the small but still VERY effective range of 30 to 48 iu per day nothing more than a practical diet is required.

Can I still go hypo? Yes. if your on a keto diet with nothing in the form Glutamine and amino acids or anything else to offset it you will go hypo. Don't forget to do the math. What is the equivalent hourly does your doing?

Will this work for me? YES I recommend getting with Tenny and letting him know that your going to be doing this and make sure he is aware of how the math brakes down per hour. I perfect diet and training regimen will allow growth of a scale you literally can believe.
If your established and already doing well in your program by yourself or with another trainer that great too. All this does is make you a super anabolic machine. It isn't going to change your DNA. If you have problems with shoulders, you probably still will unless you change your training accordingly.

Do I have to eat every hour. lol of course not. ! PB+J will cover way more than 1 hour which is no more than a couple iu's. The extra carbs are being used to fuel your body threw the day and whats left gets carried over into the next hour and so on. That's why a normal diet will work just fine. The more on point you are the more and even faster results you will see.

Do I have to run special gear? NO. If there's a favorite mix of shit you like go for it.
Do some things work better than others? YES. Water based Test and Winny are great. Anadro and B-bol and MK677 are GREAT loading tools to synergize the effects.

Whats going on over sea's at oxygen gym? These guys are going over there and taking so much 24hour insulin that they need to be monitored by a Dr and a nationalist to keep from going hypo. They're having there BS and BP checked every hour on the hour.
They load Anodrol out the ass and any other gear that's a loading chem. As painful as it is *water based test and winny is the Gold standard cocktail*. Don't forget all the hgh they take to off set the fat gains as well.

If there was ever a secrete it has always been flying in your faces my friends. Lantus came out in BBing a long time ago. But it's arrival also suspiciously coincides with many BIG events

How would I do it? If your a guy like me, I would do it with 500mgs of Metformin a day while on and when I'm off I would do 2000mgs of Metfomin a day. I would be on for 4 to 6 weeks at a time and off for three. When you see the gains you make in six weeks you will realize how necessary it is to just come off and let some set points start to fall into place.

That's it guys. So simple it's stupid but believe it or not, that's the answer to all these cycles of the pro's and all the rest of the moon shot threads you read and roll your eyes at. Facts are when these pros hammer everything and the Lantus it pure fire works.

My advice is you all copy and past this post in your safe spot. Things like this have a way of just slipping away and when you want it it just isn't there to be had any more. Truth be known, if CG planned on ever getting back on a stage he would have NEVER let the cat out of the bag.

When it comes to doing insulin there is only *One best way* Now a common sense diet and real world training can yield results you have never seen.

For you older Cats like myself or MassiveG, every cycle can be like the very first time you did gear. LOL.....Who can ever forget that ride............ :)

LIke TENNY said, "there are no secretes". there all hiding in plain view.



Sep 17, 2003
"MY GIFT TO YOU........tenny":action-smiley-030:

I fixed CG's quote so it shows correctly now. It does show a little odd prior but, no attacks, everyone is good:)

If there is someone interested it looks like CG 'may have' put together an idea for a joint venture between your training/diet and his protocol?
Last edited:


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Apr 20, 2007
this will make for a great discussion! a lot to take in. thanks for getting this started CG!!!


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
the thought of having my blood sugar chemically altered
24 hours a day is not something I would EVER recommend.....
(unless that's your thing).....if it is......unless you are
making 6 figures a year doing so

further more....

what you are essentially doing is keeping your body in a DIABETIC

no thanks



Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
You are definitely going to get the questions and disputes on this one CG...Be ready because people want to learn and also be ready for those that do not agree with this approach...

BUT everyone will conduct themselves respectfully and professionally throughout this discussion!!!

If someone doesn't agree like tenny, it gets handled like he just did and be done with it. There are going to be plenty that want to hear what you have to say about this CG but there are going to be those that are going to put in their two-cents, from their own experiences and that is ok too (do not direct your point at one single person like we all found ourselves in with the last discussion)...Just state your points and move on...If the person doesn't agree they can state why and be done with the discussion...Just make sure everyone keeps a level head because this is a topic that is going to draw both sides of the coin in guys who believe in this approach and guys that are dead set against it!!

A lot of us are overly uninformed about insulin use to begin with...And most of us have always been told/heard/directed the same as tenny states, that it is very unpredictable with the spike timings.


Mar 27, 2014
What would you eat before bed time to keep enough carbs in you to be safe.
Sorry for my ignorance. I just don't know much about insulin.
Would you have an unsafe spike while sleeping?
Could some one use this protocol if they did heavy manual labor out in the weather?
You know how keeping up with food and water is playing with concrete.


Mar 27, 2014
Forgot - cool thred
I am going to give it a try I the fall - also want to get a few things figured out.
Gong to have to change my cycle a bit


Aug 11, 2004
the thought of having my blood sugar chemically altered
24 hours a day is not something I would EVER recommend.....
(unless that's your thing).....if it is......unless you are
making 6 figures a year doing so

further more....

what you are essentially doing is keeping your body in a DIABETIC

no thanks

^^^^^totally agree with tenny

But no one ever said this is a healthy sport at the top of the field, I agree with CG that you can put on an enormous amount of size with this protocol along with some serious pharma gh and pounding EAAS and glutamine with a good diet. Not going to dispute that. But with great rewards comes great risk. Just be safe everyone and I highly suggest buying a blood glucose monitor if you are going to try this.

Happy growing


Aug 11, 2004
Something is happening over seas


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Massive G

Apr 3, 2016

The reason I left the thread was Tenny was doing a good job fielding questions and this way there was zero drama. I don't agree with much of it completely but life is about maintaining your sanity and staying happy. I have nothing to sell any of the members.
The reason I'm posting this. Which will turn out to be the single most valuable information anyone wanting to build muscle could ever have is I truly care.

I want to be perfectly clear. CG never said there was a secrete. There is no post that can be copied to show I had said this related to an insulin thread.
This being said I.M.O there is a HUGE secrete hiding in plain site. It's been mentioned countless times and ALWAYS discarded by trainers and know it all's that seem to over power threads with there vary will. I just can be apart to that any longer. My time is too short.

Please don't get the wrong idea here. This isn't about Tenny. It's just difficult to make a point when another member questions and jumps all over facts with such persistence. I know and understand MANY of you respect and consider Tenny to be an expert in this subject. I do also. But when I'm trying to drive a point home that I know from life experience to be absolute fact, I just rest my head in my hands and wonder why I try.

I'm about to tell you the single reason the HUGE guys are HUGE and how they got there. This will pertain to about 80% of the really big guys. This can be toned down for you all to use and apply and I'll instruct you all and answer any questions you may have.

Again guys, I can only hand you a map and directions to get where you want to go. Even though I give you an absolute map to get there, your going to encounter guys telling you things that will just muddy up the map and totally confuse the perfectly clear directions I WILL GIVE YOU. By my telling you this I'm branding myself as an industry RAT that dumped the bucket on "How to really get there". Ever see a guy that's pretty big get ther pro card and in one year put 20 more quality lbs on? This is how.

Again I only point this out because Tenny has already clearly just put in print he doesn't like to use this because of the release windows? So if he decides to jump all over this please remain open minded and clear of thought. Tenny, I hope you take value from this as it's intended to share with everyone incuding you my friend. I believe in your service and respect you as a person.

The answer to growth is LANTUS insulin. It's a 24hour release that goes on all day long. Imagine for a moment being 5X's more anabolic than you have ever been all day AND night every day and every night. The beauty of this is unlike the big numbers the pro's use to do this you and everyone else can just run enough to get your feet wet and NEVER RUN A CHANCE OF GOING HYPO. NEVER!!!

Lets dig into this a little bit so you can see what no one else see's here. Lets say you inject 48iu's of Lantus.

48iu's divided by 24 hours in a day is 2iu's an hour.

Are you seeing it yet? Your not going hypo shooting 2iu an hour every hour and just enjoying a normal diet. If you optimize your diet to one that's very high in Glutamine and BCAA as well as real food sources of protein and nominal carbs and fats you will truly grow like you have NEVER grown before.

When compared to using novalog or R........well there just can't be a comparison. Ask your self do you want to be extremely anabolic for a small window a couple times a day or would you want to be extremely anabolic for each and every single moment of the day.
Lantus even promotes the release of IGF from your own body as it works. Because it's in your body working for 24hours it sinks much deeper into your fibers as well. It's just a better mouse trap in each and every way. Crazy as it is its almost "perfect made" for BBing.

Lantus is engineered to release over the duration of 24hours. There is never a threat of an "all at once" going hypo event.

Now when your using Lantus in the numbers the pros are using there is a chance of going hypo. But not all at once. It would be because there not eating the food during the day that it takes to offset the amount of hourly insulin release there getting.
Guys, it's the very idea that there staying so anabolic for every moment of every day that is doing this.

Can you get fat? Yes if your pounding Lantus in big numbers and not eating clean you will pile it on and then need all of the HGH and other things like T3 and Clen to offset this from happening.
But in the small but still VERY effective range of 30 to 48 iu per day nothing more than a practical diet is required.

Can I still go hypo? Yes. if your on a keto diet with nothing in the form Glutamine and amino acids or anything else to offset it you will go hypo. Don't forget to do the math. What is the equivalent hourly does your doing?

Will this work for me? YES I recommend getting with Tenny and letting him know that your going to be doing this and make sure he is aware of how the math brakes down per hour. I perfect diet and training regimen will allow growth of a scale you literally can believe.
If your established and already doing well in your program by yourself or with another trainer that great too. All this does is make you a super anabolic machine. It isn't going to change your DNA. If you have problems with shoulders, you probably still will unless you change your training accordingly.

Do I have to eat every hour. lol of course not. ! PB+J will cover way more than 1 hour which is no more than a couple iu's. The extra carbs are being used to fuel your body threw the day and whats left gets carried over into the next hour and so on. That's why a normal diet will work just fine. The more on point you are the more and even faster results you will see.

Do I have to run special gear? NO. If there's a favorite mix of shit you like go for it.
Do some things work better than others? YES. Water based Test and Winny are great. Anadro and B-bol and MK677 are GREAT loading tools to synergize the effects.

Whats going on over sea's at oxygen gym? These guys are going over there and taking so much 24hour insulin that they need to be monitored by a Dr and a nationalist to keep from going hypo. They're having there BS and BP checked every hour on the hour.
They load Anodrol out the ass and any other gear that's a loading chem. As painful as it is *water based test and winny is the Gold standard cocktail*. Don't forget all the hgh they take to off set the fat gains as well.

If there was ever a secrete it has always been flying in your faces my friends. Lantus came out in BBing a long time ago. But it's arrival also suspiciously coincides with many BIG events

How would I do it? If your a guy like me, I would do it with 500mgs of Metformin a day while on and when I'm off I would do 2000mgs of Metfomin a day. I would be on for 4 to 6 weeks at a time and off for three. When you see the gains you make in six weeks you will realize how necessary it is to just come off and let some set points start to fall into place.

That's it guys. So simple it's stupid but believe it or not, that's the answer to all these cycles of the pro's and all the rest of the moon shot threads you read and roll your eyes at. Facts are when these pros hammer everything and the Lantus it pure fire works.

My advice is you all copy and past this post in your safe spot. Things like this have a way of just slipping away and when you want it it just isn't there to be had any more. Truth be known, if CG planned on ever getting back on a stage he would have NEVER let the cat out of the bag.

When it comes to doing insulin there is only *One best way* Now a common sense diet and real world training can yield results you have never seen.

For you older Cats like myself or MassiveG, every cycle can be like the very first time you did gear. LOL.....Who can ever forget that ride............ :)

LIke TENNY said, "there are no secretes". there all hiding in plain view.


Lantus is something I heard about in private circles a few years ago as a secret, with many of the guys making outstanding gains on it, true they were taking the usual stuff but the insulin seemed to be the game changer in the cycles.
I never got around to trying it because it is scripted.
For the record I have been playing around with R since CG brought up the discussion and quite pleased with the gains, 7-10 iu's of R centered round the workout.
Made my best gains back in the day by taking log with every meal in small doses, I combo with more supraphysiological AAS cycles and GH.


Donating Member
Jun 16, 2015
Would you change your diet when on or off insulin? Question aimed at anyone with experience*

I cannot take metformin due to some stomach issues. And would use DNP low dose for a couple weeks between runs.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
What would you eat before bed time to keep enough carbs in you to be safe.
Sorry for my ignorance. I just don't know much about insulin.
Would you have an unsafe spike while sleeping?
Could some one use this protocol if they did heavy manual labor out in the weather?
You know how keeping up with food and water is playing with concrete.

You would eat enough carbs to candle the hours you plan to sleep. Remember the math and how many iu's per hour your at. I would mix some fat into the meal to slow the carb delivery as well.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
^^^^^totally agree with tenny

But no one ever said this is a healthy sport at the top of the field, I agree with CG that you can put on an enormous amount of size with this protocol along with some serious pharma gh and pounding EAAS and glutamine with a good diet. Not going to dispute that. But with great rewards comes great risk. Just be safe everyone and I highly suggest buying a blood glucose monitor if you are going to try this.

Happy growing

Can't argue with a thing you said Brad. But what I would like to point out is by using such small amounts your really stepping the risk levels way down as well.
But again, There is nothing healthy about this sport.

But once and for all, it's out there in clear to read print on whats going on. The way your talking Brad this may not be a surprise for you.;)


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Would you change your diet when on or off insulin? Question aimed at anyone with experience*

I cannot take metformin due to some stomach issues. And would use DNP low dose for a couple weeks between runs.

There are a host of sups that will provide receptor up take. Just Google them. Don't do this without doing that. It's a must or you will flat line your receptors in a couple weeks. Yes they would come back after stopping for a while, but that's just not how to do it friend. There is a tax to pay for everything. Maybe your stomach issues are your tax for extreme growth?


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Something is happening over seas

Brad, it would be as fucked up as it gets to give up my source. If ever there was a time to believe me it would be now. Think about any post I have ever made. Do I bullshit? <----Tenny, don't answer this.lol
Think about it. When I was told it made so much sense. It's really all that's available that could do this. Kind of a forehead slapper.


Donating Member
Jun 16, 2015
There are a host of sups that will provide receptor up take. Just Google them. Don't do this without doing that. It's a must or you will flat line your receptors in a couple weeks. Yes they would come back after stopping for a while, but that's just not how to do it friend. There is a tax to pay for everything. Maybe your stomach issues are your tax for extreme growth?

By receptor uptake you mean insulin sensitivity? Or?


Aug 11, 2004
Brad, it would be as fucked up as it gets to give up my source. If ever there was a time to believe me it would be now. Think about any post I have ever made. Do I bullshit? <----Tenny, don't answer this.lol
Think about it. When I was told it made so much sense. It's really all that's available that could do this. Kind of a forehead slapper.
Me and big army have one thng and ONE thing only in common, his name is George Farah ;-) :lightbulb: