Next Round of Testing!


Donating Member
Feb 3, 2013
The list of sources up there, their turn has come around...And the shit thing is when you go into any one of those sponsor threads you see they're getting business...And I even posted in a couple of those threads asking for sample donations!

Seems the same sample offers for the same sources keeps coming up with every round...Which obviously becomes pointless testing the same ones over and over again.

As this testing has gone on I've started noticing some things...And we've all even seen it in some threads with guys just discrediting the testing outright:

1) Some of the sources that have tested bad (even unusable), the customers/members of those sources that are always bumping those sponsor threads refuse to even come over and look at the results...They don't want to see the truth because as humans, what we don't know can't hurt us and the truth usually hurts!

2) Guys are getting more reluctant to donate samples because IMO they really don't want to know how their source's shit tests out...Why do you want to end up feeling like a fool for praising some dude's Tren that eventually tests out as who the fuck knows?!!

Humans in general would always rather be satisfied by their own lies then know the truth...

Shit thing is we get more offers from the reps then we do the customers...And the reps probably do have legit samples because most of them are getting paid in the same product that is being sold...With trying to keep everything unbiased we obviously can't accept those, but getting customers to donate is becoming tiresome for buck and race I'm sure!

I agree with you. Funny how we humans operate. most of these peeps are in denial. I see sponsors test bad and they still have business... and I’m over here wondering wtf is going through their head.

Finally, I think it’s time for reps donation to be accepted. It will make testings easier since they get products for free

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Aug 28, 2017
The list of sources up there, their turn has come around...And the shit thing is when you go into any one of those sponsor threads you see they're getting business...And I even posted in a couple of those threads asking for sample donations!

Seems the same sample offers for the same sources keeps coming up with every round...Which obviously becomes pointless testing the same ones over and over again.

As this testing has gone on I've started noticing some things...And we've all even seen it in some threads with guys just discrediting the testing outright:

1) Some of the sources that have tested bad (even unusable), the customers/members of those sources that are always bumping those sponsor threads refuse to even come over and look at the results...They don't want to see the truth because as humans, what we don't know can't hurt us and the truth usually hurts!

2) Guys are getting more reluctant to donate samples because IMO they really don't want to know how their source's shit tests out...Why do you want to end up feeling like a fool for praising some dude's Tren that eventually tests out as who the fuck knows?!!

Humans in general would always rather be satisfied by their own lies then know the truth...

Shit thing is we get more offers from the reps then we do the customers...And the reps probably do have legit samples because most of them are getting paid in the same product that is being sold...With trying to keep everything unbiased we obviously can't accept those, but getting customers to donate is becoming tiresome for buck and race I'm sure!

I am happy to donate any product i am taking. I want to know my gear is good to go. Hopefully next round of testing you guys want some Flash products. I have some Equipose 300 from them i have yet to take and would gladly donate it.


Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
Finally, I think it’s time for reps donation to be accepted. It will make testings easier since they get products for free

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NO it's not IMO
once that happens this testing reputation will take a dive

I can't believe people are so fucking cheap they can't donate a vial of gear

Every one of us is a gear whore and has many cycles on hand, pretend you dropped it on the ground and it broke, then you won't feel bad giving up a vail !

I would donate more gear but I haven't been a customer of those on the list


Donating Member
Aug 14, 2017
I have some Omni and TGC I'd be happy to donate for testing. Let me check my "stash"...there might be a couple more of interest in there as well. Who should I PM...Buck or Race?


Donating Member
Feb 3, 2013
I have some Omni and TGC I'd be happy to donate for testing. Let me check my "stash"...there might be a couple more of interest in there as well. Who should I PM...Buck or Race?

Either one. I pmd buck

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Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
I believe we have Bruce and Purepowders taken care of for raws...Natty is taking care of DirectVIP also...LATS has Viking covered and maybe something else?!

Buck and Race will probably pop in and update things soon...Should make for an interesting round!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Finally, I think it’s time for reps donation to be accepted. It will make testings easier since they get products for free

Worst idea, ever. If guys are too cheap to part with a single vial of product to ensure that their gear is good to go, then they deserve to get screwed. This testing is being done as a service to the AAS community at large. A lot of guys are giving substantial amounts of their own time and money, as well as taking substantial safety risks to their own person and family, to make this happen. And, they are the ones that will see the least benefit from it. If guys can’t be bothered to donate their gear or money to ensure their own safety when so many others are already giving much more, then the ignorance they choose to live in is their own fault.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
I've been using the same lab for years and so far their testings good. I'd love to see how vikings stuff tests out because I tried some DHB. All I've got is IP now. But I'll donate again just to help out.
Everyone wants the truth. Then when you tell them your an asshole.

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Sep 17, 2003
I'd love to see how vikings stuff tests out because I tried some DHB.

Yes received quite a few messages about DBH being tested.
Happy to see Lats as willing to donate some to the testing!


Donating Member
Dec 27, 2016
Hey guys, been out of he loop for a while, I will send some money for testing again beginning of the month. I have no Rawls but I do have tons of Viking stuff, especially EQ, it didn’t sit well with me so I have 3 bottles unopened, along with some other stuff and I have a few things from Omni as well. I have liquid cialis, winny and a bottle of Test from Omni and EQ, and NPP from Viking that I know of, please let me know if you could use them

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Donating Member
Aug 14, 2017
I sent a few things to Buck this week that he was interested in having tested. I'm VERY curious how the results come back!! I really do hope they turn out to be within the accepted variances but I'm not super optimistic. Actually 1 out of the 3 I sent in should test pretty good but we'll see!! The other 2 are a crapshoot.


New member
Jul 21, 2018
Im trying to find out if anyone tested oxavar 50mg from biotech im getting mixed reviews alot of my friends are happy with the results but i keep hearing its winstrol and not anavar n i cant take winstrol cuz it makes my hair fallout.So if anybody can tell me or show me the results im new member here n i cant find testing results for biotech oxavar..thnx


Donating Member
Nov 29, 2017
I have a bottle of Solberg "test e" that looks like tren from vicking I wouldn't mind sending it in and finding out what it is for sure. Let me know and I can send it out. Thanks

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Donating Member
Feb 3, 2013
Guys pm me buck and ask if he would like your samples at this time. that’s your best bet to help out

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Aug 28, 2017
I have a bottle of Solberg "test e" that looks like tren from vicking I wouldn't mind sending it in and finding out what it is for sure. Let me know and I can send it out. Thanks

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That's funny. I have a bottle of Flash Equipose that is same color as their trenbolone. Ive been wanting to get it tested.