Test only vs more than 1 compound


New member
Dec 29, 2012
Pros and cons?

The only time I ever went over 1g of Test was just for a short time (1 month). I doubled up to 2g and noticed my strength increased remarkably. It was a long time ago and for whatever reason just always used something else with it and stayed moderate on Test since then.

Maybe it's not a bad thing though, instead of always trying to mix in Deca, EQ, Masteron, Dbol or Tren with it.

Thoughts, opinions and experiences? :)

This is an interesting topic!


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Lots of food for thought here. This is a great example of how this board works .
Lots of great input and the respect of individuals views. I'm probably gonna go a low test route on a tren run in late spring. I think one thing to remember for less experienced tren users is ease in slow. Powerful stuff. I totally understand Jellos preference for high test . We all know pretty much how we respond to test and how to keep sides in check. Good gains will be there.
Tren for me is somewhat of a wild card. Fantasic physique changer but potent enough to really warrant some caution . Hope i'm making sense I just woke up and my old brain takes a while to warm up. Thanks, T


New member
Dec 30, 2012
I always go really low on test (125-150mg/wk) and on the very odd occaision I'll up it to 250mg/week. My body responds much better when keeping test at low/trt levels and relying on other compounds (tren, npp, drol, var etc) to do the work.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
I wish I would've followed up on that with some experimentation. Not really sure why I didn't, but I moved forward basically using moderate test and adding some compounds here and there.

T brought up a good point about the collagen issues. It's a concern of mine at this point in my life. My joints and tendons ache consistently. I'm hesitant that while high Test only would probably produce the strength and physique gains that I want, the sides and injury potential might not be worth it.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
I'm a firm believer that if HGH is in the cycle then test only at high doses is good(results, sides, etc.)

If HGH isn't an option the lower test and stacking anabolics is a better choice


Oct 13, 2012
No disrespect to anyone....

But when it comes to tren...Dudcki27 knows his shit. He has given many ppl advice on tren n theyve come back with nothing but great results n comments. He can n will help if anyone needs suggestions. Hes a good guy!!

Aaaaand if u use the discount code DUDCKIREP10 @ ergopep ....u will get 10% off your order!!! (Youre welcome Dudcki)

But back to thread.....
I like test only for bridging cycles. But during..i like multiple compounds. I feel each has its own pros to bring to the table. Kind of like this forum. If u have 1 person posting...u mite not get aaaall the goodies. But with many ppl posting.....u actually might get all or most of the answers. Hope yal get what im sayin lol


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
One thing I wanted to mention. A few post back some one is talking about deca eq test. Tren is the only Nor 19 that I feel is worth the prolactin management task for me. I liked deca back oh say 20 years ago or so.
The gains / results from deca make me feel i'm probably not gonna run anymore of that. Tren is a fucking body recomp hammer every time I use it.
Worth the sides management for me. Course I have not run npp in a cycle yet.
Durabolin was I believe only in 50 mgs 30 yrs ago so I passed most of the time on that nan compound.Anyway getting side tracked. Thanks for the great input
and exp guys. T


Registered User
Dec 20, 2012
Nomans land
I like this thread...makes you think

I'm just staying open minded at this point but am curious. So my current cycle is 825mg test-c 625mg EQ a week but I also run some gh just 5 ius pwo or prebed on non training day also run peps in the morning and afternoon training days only...I feel strong as hell and body is leaner and bigger (same weight but getting lean) everyone keeps saying I'm looking swole so that's good but as we all know always headed to the next level....

So an open question is what would you up or change for the next level?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I like this thread...makes you think

I'm just staying open minded at this point but am curious. So my current cycle is 825mg test-c 625mg EQ a week but I also run some gh just 5 ius pwo or prebed on non training day also run peps in the morning and afternoon training days only...I feel strong as hell and body is leaner and bigger (same weight but getting lean) everyone keeps saying I'm looking swole so that's good but as we all know always headed to the next level....

So an open question is what would you up or change for the next level?

If your currently progressing then there is no need to change things up. When you start to plateau change your diet and/or training. Keep progressing on the dose your on. If you want to get to the next level then sure you will have to up your dose eventually. But exhaust other possibilities before you do. If all you do is up your dose well there is only so much you can up to before your blasting away.

I recommend breaks. If you blast and cruise then do your trt then back on you old dose and you will continue to gain if everything else is spot on. By taking breaks you can progress more in the long run imo. But sure a few long ones going gradually upping your dose would be great. You are only as big as your dose in away so it's a key factor.

It's upto you what to do. But I see you ask what we would do to up to the next level in your scenario. If I were on that and wanted to up I would probably add in dbol/adrol for 3 weeks. Or maybe abit of deca (400mg). Or simply more test. Either of the three would definately spicen things up... I have put them in order of effectiveness too :D


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
I agree with this!

The guys I know that have MUTATED(40-100lb gains)...You guys knwo what I mean the guy You don't see for a yr or 2 and go WTF next time You see him all used HIGH TEST(2grams+) and as much GH as they can afford


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Apr 20, 2007
The guys I know that have MUTATED(40-100lb gains)...You guys knwo what I mean the guy You don't see for a yr or 2 and go WTF next time You see him all used HIGH TEST(2grams+) and as much GH as they can afford



AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
I have gone 3 grams a week and really enjoyed the results! I was also running Tren Enan and some Stanz with it at the time though.

How were the sides? Did the Tren E make it rough?


Feb 2, 2007
How were the sides? Did the Tren E make it rough?

They weren't too, too bad. Skin broke out a little more then usual, it was also a little greasier (was taking 3 showers a day). I was running 800mg/wk of Tren E which made my skin start to smell a little funny and urine started getting darker? The Stanz I added in at the end at 100mg/ed. All in all it was a good experience. It did take me a while before the greasy skin smell went away after I came off.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
I like this thread...makes you think

I'm just staying open minded at this point but am curious. So my current cycle is 825mg test-c 625mg EQ a week but I also run some gh just 5 ius pwo or prebed on non training day also run peps in the morning and afternoon training days only...I feel strong as hell and body is leaner and bigger (same weight but getting lean) everyone keeps saying I'm looking swole so that's good but as we all know always headed to the next level....

So an open question is what would you up or change for the next level?

This is pretty damn close to what I ran when I was in the best shape of my life. I'd toss some dbol on and off with it too.


New member
Jan 22, 2013
I think most would agree that to make the most lean gains Low Test, Higher Tren, and maybe Masteron thrown in for libido would be the very best combo out there when we are strictly speaking AAS. Obviously going to "freak" mode would require HGH and probably Slin as well, BUT there are a few things you guys are forgetting.

First of all it's not always about the biggest gains for people, it can't be.

Moderate to High Test will make just about everyone feel incredible. Test is really the only steroid (besides MAYBE Dbol) that increases your well-being so much it could be an anti-depressant.

I think the best way to go would be 150-250mg Test/week and 300-600mg Tren/week (then add 200-300mg of Mast/week if you need it), BUT I don't feel great when I take that combo. You can make incredible sick gains, but if it comes at the expense of your well-being or health IMO it's not worth it.

With that said I sacrifice a few months here and there and run Tren Ace., but nothing makes me feel as good as Test only.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
They weren't too, too bad. Skin broke out a little more then usual, it was also a little greasier (was taking 3 showers a day). I was running 800mg/wk of Tren E which made my skin start to smell a little funny and urine started getting darker? The Stanz I added in at the end at 100mg/ed. All in all it was a good experience. It did take me a while before the greasy skin smell went away after I came off.

Thanks...how were the results? Weight gain/bf loss etc.?


Registered User
Dec 20, 2012
Nomans land
This is pretty damn close to what I ran when I was in the best shape of my life. I'd toss some dbol on and off with it too.

Thanks bro yeah I agree this is the best cycle yet....I had started some adrol at 25mg twice a day but got a nasty head cold so I pulled it until its gone.....cough with the headache that I think the adrol gave me was too much....

In your opinion would dbol be better than adrol?


Registered User
Dec 20, 2012
Nomans land
If your currently progressing then there is no need to change things up. When you start to plateau change your diet and/or training. Keep progressing on the dose your on. If you want to get to the next level then sure you will have to up your dose eventually. But exhaust other possibilities before you do. If all you do is up your dose well there is only so much you can up to before your blasting away.

I recommend breaks. If you blast and cruise then do your trt then back on you old dose and you will continue to gain if everything else is spot on. By taking breaks you can progress more in the long run imo. But sure a few long ones going gradually upping your dose would be great. You are only as big as your dose in away so it's a key factor.

It's upto you what to do. But I see you ask what we would do to up to the next level in your scenario. If I were on that and wanted to up I would probably add in dbol/adrol for 3 weeks. Or maybe abit of deca (400mg). Or simply more test. Either of the three would definately spicen things up... I have put them in order of effectiveness too :D

Yeah I agree too as long as I make gains I keep my cycle the same as soon as they stop I might bump it a bit but normally I'll come off or down to a trt dose for a month and then go back at it...

I had stated adrol but got a lame head cold and the cough with the headache was too much so now it's gone and I'm gonna add it back in at 25mg twice a day probably 4 weeks or so....

Haven't tried deca but could in a cycle some where maybe some NPP not sure like you said though as long as its going well I'm not gonna mess with it too much