Lantus/Keto Protocol


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
I lived this and did it. I speak from 100% experience doing it! I'm the guy that invented it. "The CG Extreme Body re-composition".

Start by following a strict "high protein (KETO) diet for 1 week. Four normal keto meals adding up to 200 grams protein and 4 Hydrolyzed whey protein shakes between the meals adding up to 200 grams protein. Balance the fats by how many more aditional calories you need to reach maintenance calories.
Start the Lantus at 10iu and titrate up 5iu per day. Once you get to 25iu per day your body will start to look full and have veins. As you continue increasing your Lantus into the low forties your body will be extremely full in appearance and your weight loss "on the scale" is almost at a stop. 50iu not exceeding 65iu and you will start gaining "scale" weight AND at the same time your body is (STILL) losing fat on the KETO diet at an accelerated pace. There for losing fat and building muscle at the same exact time my friend. How can this happen without going hypo? In a state of ketosis your body will convert proteins to the carbs the Lantus needs. The Lantus is so stabile and the onset is so slow it gives your metabolism time to adjust to the needs.
The kicker is because your on no ingested carbs your insulin sensitivity remains at an all time peek the entire duration you do this. Do I have to point out how reactive your cells will be in this condition relative to nutrient delivery? That's the reason only 60iu of Lantus will start a forest fire of growth.

Absolutely anyone that's floating at 10 to 15% BF can stand on stage clean, dry and jacked full in 4 to 6 weeks from entering this protocol.

Things to monitor?
-How fast you titrate up the Lantus
-The quality of you Zero carb hydrolyzed whey
-There can be ZERO missed meals.
-Fluids must stay high
-Before training 20grams EAA's and 20grams Glutamine.(this will offset the added need for carbs)

I recommend doing: For Extreme Growth
-3iu GH 3 x's a day
-Water based test 150mgs a day
-EQ 600mgs a week
-A-drol, 100 mgs a day
-Winny 50 mgs a day

How dangerous is this? If you don't stick to the KETO diet and hit each and every meal and shake, this isn't for you. Extreme change demands extreme discipline.

Now I know what you guys are going to do. Your reading this and just shaking your heads in dismay. lol You just don't have an open mind and can't except something you don't understand. That's fine with me. You can stand on the side of the road and watch the cars go by all day long. But then there are the guys that get behind the wheel and have a purpose. Those are the guys I'm targeting with this.

This is really and truly THE way to lose fat and grow significant muscle at the same exact time. PERIOD!
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2018
Makes sense actually......

I've never used Lantus only faster acting insulin but, is it so slow that only a week in, you could start it?

I dunno if in a week's time I would be keto adapted enough to be converting the amount of protein needed to support that dose


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Good question. After 1 full week of keto dieting, you then start with 10iu of Lantus. This will accelerate your body into a state of ketosis.


Registered User
Feb 12, 2018
I lived this and did it. I speak from 100% experience doing it! I'm the guy that invented it. "The CG Body Transformation".

Start by following a strict "high protein (KETO) diet for 1 week. Four normal keto meals adding up to 200 grams protein and 4 Hydrolyzed whey protein shakes between the meals adding up to 200 grams protein. Balance the fats by how many more aditional calories you need to reach maintenance calories.
Start the Lantus at 10iu and titrate up 5iu per day. Once you get to 25iu per day your body will start to look full and have veins. As you continue increasing your Lantus into the low forties your body will be extremely full in appearance and your weight loss "on the scale" is almost at a stop. 50iu not exceeding 65iu and you will start gaining "scale" weight AND at the same time your body is (STILL) losing fat on the KETO diet at an accelerated pace. There for losing fat and building muscle at the same exact time my friend. How can this happen without going hypo? In a state of ketosis your body will convert proteins to the carbs the Lantus needs. The Lantus is so stabile and the onset is so slow it gives your metabolism time to adjust to the needs.
The kicker is because your on no ingested carbs your insulin sensitivity remains at an all time peek the entire duration you do this. Do I have to point out how reactive your cells will be in this condition relative to nutrient delivery? That's the reason only 60iu of Lantus will start a forest fire of growth.

Absolutely anyone that's floating at 10 to 15% BF can stand on stage clean, dry and jacked full in 4 to 6 weeks from entering this protocol.

Things to monitor?
-How fast you titrate up the Lantus
-The quality of you Zero carb hydrolyzed whey
-There can be ZERO missed meals.
-Fluids must stay high
-Before training 20grams EAA's and 20grams Glutamine.(this will offset the added need for carbs)

I recommend doing: For Extreme Growth
-3iu GH 3 x's a day
-Water based test 150mgs a day
-EQ 600mgs a week
-A-drol, 100 mgs a day
-Winny 50 mgs a day

How dangerous is this? If you don't stick to the KETO diet and hit each and every meal and shake, this isn't for you. Extreme change demands extreme discipline.

Now I know what you guys are going to do. Your reading this and just shaking your heads in dismay. lol You just don't have an open mind and can't except something you don't understand. That's fine with me. You can stand on the side of the road and watch the cars go by all day long. But then there are the guys that get behind the wheel and have a purpose. Those are the guys I'm targeting with this.

This is really and truly THE way to lose fat and grow significant muscle at the same exact time. PERIOD!
Very informative thread..thanks for posting, im starting lantus/log protocol next month.

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using Tapatalk


Aug 28, 2005
Great read. That is an intense cycle but I could see easily how it could be so effective. A lot of my guys looking for size gains I put them on something very similar.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Maybe I should film myself driving around town and talk about it? Then it would all be believable.lol
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New member
Aug 20, 2014

Interesting thread. Thanks for sharing.

Would 65iu of lantus per day be the most you would recommend for this purpose? Would you take it all at once in the AM or split between AM and PM?

How long would you follow this protocol?

And protein would be 400g per day between foods and shakes?


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
It's a total of 400grams protein 200/200.

For ((ME)) 65iu per day injected in the morning was the most my body could except while maintaining a state of ketosis. I'm sure you could go higher if there was the regular infusion of added EAA's and Glutamine hourly. I found this to be how to handle it when I was exploring the maxiu's I could do.
This is a tricky thing. The real question here is how much protein can ones body convert to carbs to continue to offset the growing amounts of Lantus added. This number can vary from one individual to another. There is no "correct" answer to this.

How do you reagnize the protein conversion isn't great enough? I consistantly got a queer ass feeling in my head. Nothing like a hypo symptom. It was a lack of consintration and a sense of urgence. Absolutly nothing I have ever felt before. When this happened I would have a whey shake with 20 grams EAA's and 20 grams Glutamine and after about twenty mintues I felt it pass.
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New member
Aug 20, 2014
It's a total of 400grams protein 200/200.

For ((ME)) 65iu per day injected in the morning was the most my body could except while maintaining a state of ketosis. I'm sure you could go higher if there was the regular infusion of added EAA's and Glutamine hourly. I found this to be how to handle it when I was exploring the maxiu's I could do.
This is a tricky thing. The real question here is how much protein can ones body convert to carbs to continue to offset the growing amounts of Lantus added. This number can vary from one individual to another. There is no "correct" answer to this.

How do you reagnize the protein conversion isn't great enough? I consistantly got a queer ass feeling in my head. Nothing like a hypo symptom. It was a lack of consintration and a sense of urgence. Absolutly nothing I have ever felt before. When this happened I would have a whey shake with 20 grams EAA's and 20 grams Glutamine and after about twenty mintues I felt it pass.

Solid info there!

Is there a specific brand of Zero carb hydrolyzed whey you like?


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
The questions I ask myself:

-My body is converting proteins to carbs. But what is the quality of the carb? Is it a *perfect* super carb because my body made it? Or a poor one because it's the byproduct of what was protein?
-The Lantus is running proteins into my cells. Is a higher percent of protein piggy backing into the cells with this *self produced* carb? Does my body work better with a self produced carb?
When the scale weight stops dropping and I keep cleaning up, how is it possible to gain muascle at the same rate I'm losing fat? I would bet everything I have against that being possible. Yet, I'm living it.
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Mar 27, 2014
This is great seeing all you past membered posting here
Marvin Martian - gunsmith - warlock - good to see you guys here - we all would love to see you guys more often -
Akamai - i didn't forget you man- you have a lot of posts behind you- still good to see