

Registered User
Jul 27, 2017
I recently just added a low dose of MENT to my gaining protocol at only 150mgs per week and I have to say, I've seen it work amazingly for the majority of people BUT DAMN I must be hyper metabolizing this compound as I'm responding extremely well!

Anyone else utilizing MENT?


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Porter has a log he's running it over at PM. He seams to be very happy also. By the numbers, nothing can't beat the stuff as a stand alone drug. But as we all know some drugs don't perform up to they're anabolic/androgenic ratings. I'm very interested to hear all about this.


Registered User
Jul 27, 2017
Porter has a log he's running it over at PM. He seams to be very happy also. By the numbers, nothing can't beat the stuff as a stand alone drug. But as we all know some drugs don't perform up to they're anabolic/androgenic ratings. I'm very interested to hear all about this.

In this case, I would say its one of the FEW that live up to its anabolic/androgenic ratings which is quite surprising!

Dyers Eve

Registered User
Oct 3, 2011
I recently just added a low dose of MENT to my gaining protocol at only 150mgs per week and I have to say, I've seen it work amazingly for the majority of people BUT DAMN I must be hyper metabolizing this compound as I'm responding extremely well!

Anyone else utilizing MENT?

What have you noticed so far?


Registered User
Jul 27, 2017
What have you noticed so far?

Strength and size increases probably faster than anything. As long as you control estrogen water retention wont be bad.

What else are you running with it, if anything?

Tried to keep it simple to assess. I was previously running
-500mgs Test E
-4IU GH with lantus/humalog on different training days (generally only 2x per week usage of lantus and other training days using humalog)

Then just introduced MENT. Going to up it to 225mgs per week because 150 is ridiculous! Had to add in aromasin at 25mgs ED and nolvadex at 20mgs ED but I tend to aromatize easily.

Dyers Eve

Registered User
Oct 3, 2011
Strength and size increases probably faster than anything. As long as you control estrogen water retention wont be bad.

Tried to keep it simple to assess. I was previously running
-500mgs Test E
-4IU GH with lantus/humalog on different training days (generally only 2x per week usage of lantus and other training days using humalog)

Then just introduced MENT. Going to up it to 225mgs per week because 150 is ridiculous! Had to add in aromasin at 25mgs ED and nolvadex at 20mgs ED but I tend to aromatize easily.
Sounds very tempting. I never seem to have estrogen problems with any hormone that I take.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2018
I ran ment during a "cruise" and loved it.

150mg test p
300mg trest ace

Per week for 7 weeks.

Was Full, round and vascular.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2008
I saw Matt didn't get much from it but will be getting it tested to see if his was real. What are you running with it now? Will you up the MENT much higher?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
This caught my eye. You wrote you were "previously" running so don't take this the wrong way as you are obviously going on about the past. But I don't get how you can write you tried to keep it simple to assess MENT. You wrote you just started it but you wrote on Geno's thread on pro muscle you have been using 1500mg of his test e for 5 weeks. So I don't get how jumping up 1000mg of test then adding in MENT could be a fair gauge of things. Especially things like how you add in AI's etc. How do you know that is solely from the MENT when you just increased your test dose to 1500mg. When asked I would have figured you would mention you have been on 1500mg test for 5 weeks as it's a big detail in all of this.

Please don't think this is to do with the post in Geno's thread. That's a different matter and I am going to reply to you there about that. This just caught my eye as you make it sound like you added MENT onto a stable stack. I am not questioning anything you posted about MENT though as I hear it's great. I haven't used it myself but plan to this year.

Strength and size increases probably faster than anything. As long as you control estrogen water retention wont be bad.

Tried to keep it simple to assess. I was previously running
-500mgs Test E
-4IU GH with lantus/humalog on different training days (generally only 2x per week usage of lantus and other training days using humalog)

Then just introduced MENT. Going to up it to 225mgs per week because 150 is ridiculous! Had to add in aromasin at 25mgs ED and nolvadex at 20mgs ED but I tend to aromatize easily.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2018
I don't know why anyone would run test high with trest..... You would need a boat load of AI if the trest was real.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I don't know why anyone would run test high with trest..... You would need a boat load of AI if the trest was real.

That's part of the reason I posted. I am not trying to cause trouble. I just thought the time line doesn't make much sense and it's a massive detail to leave out when asked what he is running with it. From his wording MENT has just been started and test e at 1500mg was started 4-5 weeks ago. 500mg test was done before running 1500mg so it makes no sense to write what he was previously on as he has just started the MENT.


Registered User
Jul 27, 2017
This caught my eye. You wrote you were "previously" running so don't take this the wrong way as you are obviously going on about the past. But I don't get how you can write you tried to keep it simple to assess MENT. You wrote you just started it but you wrote on Geno's thread on pro muscle you have been using 1500mg of his test e for 5 weeks. So I don't get how jumping up 1000mg of test then adding in MENT could be a fair gauge of things. Especially things like how you add in AI's etc. How do you know that is solely from the MENT when you just increased your test dose to 1500mg. When asked I would have figured you would mention you have been on 1500mg test for 5 weeks as it's a big detail in all of this.

Please don't think this is to do with the post in Geno's thread. That's a different matter and I am going to reply to you there about that. This just caught my eye as you make it sound like you added MENT onto a stable stack. I am not questioning anything you posted about MENT though as I hear it's great. I haven't used it myself but plan to this year.

Its all good brother thanks for catching that!

It was a simple mistype on this board of the 1 in front of the 500. Since test was so high and the results weren't matching up, thats exactly why I added in a low dose of MENT before getting bloodwork done. The bloods took so long to come in but once I got them in those test results did not reflect what my numbers should have been as I have bloodwork from years and even 250mgs puts me around 1100-1200. So 1.5g (which is much higher than I've ever attempted) should have blown my numbers out of the water. Geno took it personally when I asked a simple question of a possible bad batch or whatever.