Concreteguy Here!

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Registered User
Jul 9, 2017
For Tenny an CG on my normal day to day life I will consume around 5k calories a day for maintenance,now that's how my body works.I train hard 7 days a week.When I want to bulk I increase my calories starting at around. 7K a day and increase by 500 cals a week for growing.But I do eat nutritional and always am hungry.As I posted before to Tenny I force fed un nutritional before and didn't like being that fluffy shit I was lethargic as shit 24/7 had to push through my training.Like K1 noted everyone is different but I strongly agree with CG on this matter but that's my opinion.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
I was lethargic as shit 24/7 had to push through my training.

This is how I felt during the run I posted...Always felt weighed down and really sluggish...In my case it was probably a combination of everything with that run, it was stupid on all levels but did put on the most quality size I ever had.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2017
This is how I felt during the run I posted...Always felt weighed down and really sluggish...In my case it was probably a combination of everything with that run, it was stupid on all levels but did put on the most quality size I ever had.
Yeah I was consuming 13k easy a day,on 15-20iu gh day,High Test and Deca.Put on great sustainable muscle in that run,was very worth it.Before could never break 287#s then I did that bulk now staying around 300#s lean is normal.I was done on weight due to hernia surgery but climbing my weight back up quickly with staying 9-10% bf.Now my bulks are cleaner I don't regret it at all pushed through a big plateau for me but rather would not have to do again lol.Was miserable at that time.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
This has a been a good thread thus far and definitely appreciate some other points for people to consider when trying to make improvements. I always eat every 3-4 hours (when I was younger it was more like 2-3 hours), so, it's interesting to hear the 'eat when hungry' perspective--now, I know I heard that before (Hernon?)...but never implemented it...and candidly, still don't really know what that means.

So, for those conditioned to eat every 3 hours, what does it mean to 'eat when (really) hungry'? I guess that's a pretty elementary question, but, when it comes to learning something new--I'd be interested in actually understanding what physically you would feel (growling/headaches/etc???).

And then, once you understand that, how much are you eating during that (one) sitting? I see the calories can be vastly different depending on the day as well and how much you are 'hungry.'

Fascinating discussion, seriously. But, as I get older, I really want to focus more on 'getting better', but really, staying leaner and obviously, healthier.

Thanks again for the discussion....


I've always struggled with what hungry means, as well. I've been a fat boy the majority of my life. My body has been conditioned to be constantly hungry, to the point that when I just get a little bit bored my brain says "time to eat!", even if I just ate 30 minutes ago. Am I really hungry then, or is it just a lifetime of operant conditioning kicking in? The fact that I can still feel the food in my stomach says I'm not "hungry", but the rumbling in my gut says I am. Is it true hunger, just a change in blood sugar, or is my brain fucking with me?

The structure of eating every few hours simplifies things for me. The few times in my life when I've gotten down to 10% BF or lower were always driven by a strict diet with regimented feedings. I know we're primarily discussing growing or bulking here, but my priority has always been losing the fat. I'm not interested in being a mass monster.

I'm certainly not saying that scheduled eating is the only way for anyone to grow or lean down, though. It's just the only I've ever been able to keep myself from getting fat. But, perhaps I've been handicapping myself? Not really sure.


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
Yeah I was consuming 13k easy a day,on 15-20iu gh day,High Test and Deca.Put on great sustainable muscle in that run,was very worth it.Before could never break 287#s then I did that bulk now staying around 300#s lean is normal.I was done on weight due to hernia surgery but climbing my weight back up quickly with staying 9-10% bf.Now my bulks are cleaner I don't regret it at all pushed through a big plateau for me but rather would not have to do again lol.Was miserable at that time.

NO.....you were not...



Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
NO.....you were not...


The word 'easy' is the last word I would think of to describe eating 10k+ calories every day...Even if it were fast food, ice cream and donuts, putting in that many calories would be the furthest thing from easy:sSig_eeeek::sSic_vomitbuddy:


Registered User
Jul 9, 2017
NO.....you were not...

I was eating fast food everyday everymeal so the cals were a around about guesstimate.Was eating 7-10 times a day.I know a triple meat whopper with everything and fries adds up.That's been years since so I think I was pretty close.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2017
The word 'easy' is the last word I would think of to describe eating 10k+ calories every day...Even if it were fast food, ice cream and donuts, putting in that many calories would be the furthest thing from easy:sSig_eeeek::sSic_vomitbuddy:
Miserable and Hell are 2 good words to describe that one lol.My dietitian is Strongman Brian Shaws dietitian also and I can't fathom that 10-12k cals a day on a normal basis for a guy thats over 400#s could even be easy.


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
I was eating fast food everyday everymeal so the cals were a around about guesstimate.Was eating 7-10 times a day.I know a triple meat whopper with everything and fries adds up.That's been years since so I think I was pretty close.

so thats pretty much 100$ a day in fast food......
not to mention probably about 35 to 40 pounds of food

blood work must have took 3 weeks to get back huh..??
must have felt like a million bucks:D

or wait....let me guess.....blood work was probably perfect right...???

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Registered User
Jul 9, 2017
so thats pretty much 100$ a day in fast food......
not to mention probably about 35 to 40 pounds of food

blood work must have took 3 weeks to get back huh..??
must have felt like a million bucks:D

or wait....let me guess.....blood work was probably perfect right...???

No Yes No in order.Was young dumber and full of cum so didn't get bloods done.I already said felt like shit all the time and around $100 a day in fast food yeah.But no on the 35@ up #s of food I didn't weigh my food but No it wasn't 35#s a day.


New member
May 14, 2014
things I do to get bigger

1. tear the most amount of muscle tissue in the least amount of time when I am in the gym
all these lead to inceased hunger especially through the recovery mode of muscle building and repair

when you are tearing a fuck ton of muscle fibers and the hormonal environment is there for both growth and recovery then you will be fucking hungry as thats the fuel for the process.

I like this focus not just on substrate to fuel the growth, but what TRIGGERS it, training/drugs (yeah I know, no shit)

I notice your focus on tearing down the muscle fibers, but in particular doing the MOST in the LEAST time

Would love to hear your thoughts on What exactly you currently feel is the optimal way to get this done?

Also everyone great thread all round


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
This is how I felt during the run I posted...Always felt weighed down and really sluggish...In my case it was probably a combination of everything with that run, it was stupid on all levels but did put on the most quality size I ever had.

K1, there is a price to be paid for everything in life. Yes you will feel sluggish and weighed down. Your body will fight you tooth and nail trying to maintain it's "SET" point. That's perfectly normal. But for those very same reasons it takes big changes to make a big difference.

CG, never said anything about being healthy or feeling good while growing. I'm only talking about adding muscle as fast as possible. Cluttering up the thread with "blood panels" and "how you feel" is way off the thread direction. Theres plenty of Healthy, feel good threads. The reason this thread is blowing up is EVERYONE is here to fucking GROW!

and for the record, I truly believe with all my heart the best way to fly is to hire Tenny and be happy, healthy, feel good, get regular blood panels and grow at a much slower pace. Almost none of the guys reading this has a player of being a pro. So why do this to your body. Your body is the only life vessel you will ever have. What I did was to blast mass on my OWN body and not fuck around. I'm retired and have all the time in the world to watch the clock and eat or pin anything I want. I don't care how I feel when I know the end game. That's just me.

K1, in your summery you again noted "lots of drugs to keep from getting fat". You didn't mention the (every morning cardio). The drugs I used are all prep drugs these guys would be using to step on stage any way. I wasn't using abusive amounts.

I'm open to other views and receptive to new approaches. But again, after attempting many times to bring this thread back to " list your best mass building diet". Everyone wanted to talk about using slin. Yourself included. Then when we start talking slin, others come in and talk about an entirely different type of diet approach that has nothing to do with either of the two thread topics. Just KICK THE DOOR IN AND DO IT MY WAY BECAUSE I SAY IT'S BEST.

I have said about as much as I have to say here. I'm not going to be pursued from forum to forum defending well known basics in body building. I have nothing to prove, I can go do gardening or take up knitting.......



Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
K1, in your summery you again noted "lots of drugs to keep from getting fat". You didn't mention the (every morning cardio).

45 min cardio post workout...Everything was done after work ( aside from shots, tabs and food all spread out throughout the day). Tried the cardio first thing in the morning...But between the sleep and work schedule it wasn't working.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
45 min cardio post workout...Everything was done after work ( aside from shots, tabs and food all spread out throughout the day). Tried the cardio first thing in the morning...But between the sleep and work schedule it wasn't working.

Morning fasted cardio is very important. You go all night not eating, when you get the cardio going in the morning you get straight into the shit you want to take off. Then after wards you hammer a big meal and slam slin, witch more than undo's any damage you could have possible done training with little amounts of available nutrients to draw upon. I normally open up my recovery from fasted cardio with pinning 20iu Humalog and a large glass of OJ mixed with 20 grams of Glutamine. Then I cook breakfast.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
K1, maybe we should be talking about how to effectively bring slin /accelerated growth into the working mans life? Just sayin.......



Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
K1, maybe we should be talking about how to effectively bring slin /accelerated growth into the working mans life? Just sayin.......


Would definitely make for another good discussion...Depending on your schedule throughout the day a lot of the varying ideas on diet, cardio/training and drugs all become issues for the everyday bodybuilder (of course if they are looking to compete and excel in this sport they will find a way to incorporate everything regardless of scheduling conflicts...But for most of us we are just playing in the game lol).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
K1, there is a price to be paid for everything in life. Yes you will feel sluggish and weighed down. Your body will fight you tooth and nail trying to maintain it's "SET" point. That's perfectly normal. But for those very same reasons it takes big changes to make a big difference.

CG, never said anything about being healthy or feeling good while growing. I'm only talking about adding muscle as fast as possible. Cluttering up the thread with "blood panels" and "how you feel" is way off the thread direction. Theres plenty of Healthy, feel good threads. The reason this thread is blowing up is EVERYONE is here to fucking GROW!

and for the record, I truly believe with all my heart the best way to fly is to hire Tenny and be happy, healthy, feel good, get regular blood panels and grow at a much slower pace. Almost none of the guys reading this has a player of being a pro. So why do this to your body. Your body is the only life vessel you will ever have. What I did was to blast mass on my OWN body and not fuck around. I'm retired and have all the time in the world to watch the clock and eat or pin anything I want. I don't care how I feel when I know the end game. That's just me.

K1, in your summery you again noted "lots of drugs to keep from getting fat". You didn't mention the (every morning cardio). The drugs I used are all prep drugs these guys would be using to step on stage any way. I wasn't using abusive amounts.

I'm open to other views and receptive to new approaches. But again, after attempting many times to bring this thread back to " list your best mass building diet". Everyone wanted to talk about using slin. Yourself included. Then when we start talking slin, others come in and talk about an entirely different type of diet approach that has nothing to do with either of the two thread topics. Just KICK THE DOOR IN AND DO IT MY WAY BECAUSE I SAY IT'S BEST.

I have said about as much as I have to say here. I'm not going to be pursued from forum to forum defending well known basics in body building. I have nothing to prove, I can go do gardening or take up knitting.......


Personally I'd like.to see some.of those mass bulking diets that worked also so I can compare to what I'm doing and.maybe find where mine can improve. Im stuck at a little under 260lbs right now and I know it's food but I just don't seem to get it dialed in even though I keep.adjusting , it will happen at some point but as you were talking I want as much size as quick as possible before I start cutting. I'm not going to be close to stage worthy if you will this run ,well unless I wanted to give up some muscle and really shread down to a way lower weight but that's not my goal, but at some point I will hit a worthy 245lbs one way or another and I'd really like.it.to be as soon as possible before I'm to old lol so if there is some good diets that worked out there I'd still like to see them .....


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
K1, there is a price to be paid for everything in life. Yes you will feel sluggish and weighed down. Your body will fight you tooth and nail trying to maintain it's "SET" point. That's perfectly normal. But for those very same reasons it takes big changes to make a big difference.

CG, never said anything about being healthy or feeling good while growing. I'm only talking about adding muscle as fast as possible. Cluttering up the thread with "blood panels" and "how you feel" is way off the thread direction. Theres plenty of Healthy, feel good threads. The reason this thread is blowing up is EVERYONE is here to fucking GROW!

and for the record, I truly believe with all my heart the best way to fly is to hire Tenny and be happy, healthy, feel good, get regular blood panels and grow at a much slower pace. Almost none of the guys reading this has a player of being a pro. So why do this to your body. Your body is the only life vessel you will ever have. What I did was to blast mass on my OWN body and not fuck around. I'm retired and have all the time in the world to watch the clock and eat or pin anything I want. I don't care how I feel when I know the end game. That's just me.

K1, in your summery you again noted "lots of drugs to keep from getting fat". You didn't mention the (every morning cardio). The drugs I used are all prep drugs these guys would be using to step on stage any way. I wasn't using abusive amounts.

I'm open to other views and receptive to new approaches. But again, after attempting many times to bring this thread back to " list your best mass building diet". Everyone wanted to talk about using slin. Yourself included. Then when we start talking slin, others come in and talk about an entirely different type of diet approach that has nothing to do with either of the two thread topics. Just KICK THE DOOR IN AND DO IT MY WAY BECAUSE I SAY IT'S BEST.

I have said about as much as I have to say here. I'm not going to be pursued from forum to forum defending well known basics in body building. I have nothing to prove, I can go do gardening or take up knitting.......


well I know one thing.....it certainly is NOT a race......its not
see who can get the biggest the fastest.....if that's how YOU like
to play the game....then that's how you play....

but those people tend to fizzle out....

you can be the hare.....or the tortoise....

we all know who wins.



Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Hey that all rolls off the tongue well but after reading the first page of the opening post BIGA made in "The Truth" thread it flies in the face of your entire post. R U now saying BIGA is wrong also? To get that big there is no "eat when your hungry". It's slin all the time. If there is slin all the time there is food with it all the time. Is it the correct way to go with none pro clients? Of course not. You keep flip flopping this around. I'm talking about the "pull the trigger and get it done" nothing else. You keep turning this into a whats best for the members thing. These guys can all make up their own minds on whats best for them. File the parental guidance.

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